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nginx forward wildcard urls

Can someone help me with how to set up an nginx forward that does the following: This is what I have so far. I was going to adapt it but to be honest I can't get off the ground location ~* ^/pdf/(.*)$ ...
Mr Heelis's user avatar
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Circular definition with struct and function in C [duplicate]

I have these two simplified files: lexer.h #ifndef LEXER_H #define LEXER_H #include "expand_array.h" // Union to store token value typedef union { //Problem is here bcs of circular ...
demon's user avatar
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Not able get email threads for CC and BCC addresses using Microsoft graph api: forward api

I am using microsoft graph api's foward api to fowrad mail with CC and BCC, as I can't add CC and BCC address directly when we use fowrad api, I have created MIME format and added it over headers. Now ...
Monisha Pattada's user avatar
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Mapbox forward api returns incorrect UK postcode suggestions

I am trying to geocode a UK postcode into latitude, longitude values. The autocomplete suggestions returned underneath are not an exact match, even though an exact match exists. I have reproduced this ...
F F's user avatar
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Can we response to to the browser by a servlet before forwarding request to another servlet through forward method of RequestDispatcher class?

public class ForwardServlet extends HttpServlet { @Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { ...
Muzaffar Hussain's user avatar
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How to prevent mockserver forward from adding extra headers?

I am redirecting requests to real services with HiveContextTest(ClientAndServer mockServer) { this.mockServer = mockServer; } ... my test { mockServer.when( HttpRequest.request() ...
Dims's user avatar
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How can I redirect on google site?

How can I redirect those who enter the site with a mobile phone to another page or send am message them on google site? I used of this code but nothing special happens. if (window.innerWidth <= 500)...
Arman Hr's user avatar
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libtorch forward result unexpected

I use a small net. The net converges and the accuracy is 1.0 after 400 iterations. So far, so good. conv1(torch::nn::Conv2dOptions(1, 15, /*kernel_size=*/3)), conv2(torch::nn::Conv2dOptions(15, 30,...
Dirk10000's user avatar
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Incorrect forwarding of response to Telegram Bot

I'm writing a telegram bot as a tool for technical support people. The main task is for the user to write his question to the bot, the bot forwards the question to the technical support chat, the ...
PePeGor's user avatar
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c#: how to use "=>" in method with multi line body?

How do I write a method with "=>" that is multi lined? public int SimpleAddition(int firstInt, int secondInt) => firstInt + secondInt; If I am not mistaken, the above method is ...
d1du's user avatar
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NotImplementedError: Module [ModuleList] is missing the required "forward" function

i get NotImplementedError when try to use Self-Attention on YOLO. class BertSelfAttention(nn.Module): def init(self, config): super().init() assert config["hidden_size"] % config["...
BlackShard's user avatar
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HAProxy return 502 Bad Gateway

I want to forward the traffic vom: to the internal address But I get an 502 Bad Gateway error: global log /dev/log local0 ...
fohnbit's user avatar
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how to access tomcat server from outside network

My local servers IP is 19.xxxxx. My application runs on TOMCAT using local IP 19.xx.xx.xx.:8090 I want outside users reach this IP by typing DNS and firewall settings has done by IT. ...
Yken's user avatar
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Domain forwarding - Namecheap's https problem

I own a domain, let's call it, which is registered through Namecheap. I intend to use this domain primarily for sharing educational videos via the Thinkific platform. To better structure my ...
niginis's user avatar
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Problems with Forward References in FParsec

I'm trying to write a Parser with FParsec to parse nested boolean expressions, for instance: false true and(false,true,true,true,true) or(true,true) and(or(false,true),and(true,true,true,true)) ...
bookofproofs's user avatar
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3 answers

How to implement a make_rv function in c++

I want to write a template which can turn lvalue/rvalue to rvalue using universal reference like std::forward For rvalue, just forward it. For lvalue, copy it. it is used as below template<typename ...
hczstev's user avatar
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Is it a possibility to run a sequence of commands forward and backward in pure JavaScript?

I'm learning JavaScript with the There are several tasks, where a sequences of commands is duplicated in backward order. For example: function visitCulDeSac(n){ robot.turnRight(); ...
TRos's user avatar
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Understanding DeepAr plot_prediction in pytorch forecasting

I have tried the example of the pytorch forecasting DeepAR implementation as described in the doc. There are two ways to create and plot predictions with the model, which give very different results. ...
DMC's user avatar
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Forwarding channel message by incoming webhook to a specific chat in microsoft teams

I've configured an incoming webhook and pushes messages into it this way: using (var httpClient = new HttpClient()) { using (var request = new HttpRequestMessage(new HttpMethod("POST"), ...
A. Drews's user avatar
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Direction based on the forward facing camera

I'm trying to get if the 3d shoulder camera is facing the front of the player so I could stop the head from moving around. I tried to do Vector3 Direction = targetConstraint.position - sourceObject....
Turnrp's user avatar
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How do I forward email from Outlook with powershell

I need to forward the unread email from outlook using PowerShell. I understand how to filter unread messages and create a new message. But how do I forward? $Outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook....
user3919982's user avatar
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If I pass an rvalue into a function with T&&, in some cases I can change the value, in other cases I can't, why? [duplicate]

#include <iostream> void g(int&) { std::cout << "int&" << std::endl; } void g(int&&) { std::cout << "int&&" << std::...
OHtuzh's user avatar
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Forward unanswered calls in Twilio using python

Has anybody been able to capture the Twilio DialCallStatus? It's referred in many Twilio online documents but I never see one while debugging python scripts. I only see CallStatus such as in the ...
young2020's user avatar
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std::forward description, which one is correct?

I was looking for std::forward and found two links whose description could be interpreted differently. Returns an rvalue reference to arg if arg is not an lvalue reference. cppreference....
user20976661's user avatar
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Python list forward fill elements according to thresholds

I have a list a = ["Today, 30 Dec", "01:10", "02:30", "Tomorrow, 31 Dec", "00:00", "04:30", "05:30",...
Michael's user avatar
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I don't understand the following error in my website relaying code that forwards the message from the website to the desired discord channel

I'm having trouble to understand the error with this code. It's all good and no errors whatsoever but when I run it says this: ` token = discord.utils.oauth_token(client_id, client_secret) ...
sombody.eth's user avatar
6 votes
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How to forward FastAPI requests to another server?

I have a FastAPI application for testing/development purposes. What I want is that any request that arrives to my app to automatically be sent, as is, to another app on another server, with exactly ...
amit's user avatar
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Invalid Header Signature Error on sending logs to Cribl using a Splunk Universal Forwarder

I am new to Cribl Stream and I am exploring the Cribl Stream use cases. I tried to forward some logs directly to Cribl Stream using a Universal Forwarder. I used a Splunk TCP source with the default ...
Akshaya's user avatar
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"Invalid use of incomplete type" with forward declaration to avoid recursion by headers

I have a class Fahrzeug (= Vehicle) and Weg (= Road). Weg has a vector storing all elements of Fahrzeug that are driving on it. Because both classes store stuff about the other class in this case, ...
insertRandomName's user avatar
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field 'obj' has incomplete type note: forward declaration of 'class B'

I have seen before in stack overflow classes can friend each other. Here I am doing class A and class B friend each other. But when I create an object in A class for B its throws an error which is &...
coderzaman's user avatar
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SQL Implementing Forward Fill logic

I have a dataset within a date range which has three columns, Product_type, date and metric. For a given product_type, data is not available for all days. For the missing rows, we would like to do a ...
user3591675's user avatar
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Redirect Socket Inputstream to Outputstream from another socket

im trying to listen on HTTP requests for an website in my application. My application is used to extract some data from the inputstream of Socket1 and forward it to the output stream of another ...
Jones's user avatar
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NGINX as forward proxy for https to another proxyserver

We have an application server on intranet that needs to access different 3th party API's (https). In between there is a proxy server (which we don't support) to access this 3th party. This works fine ...
Jos's user avatar
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How do I forward a mail message as an attachment in MS Graph?

I'm retrieving all the messages from a given mailbox, and if one of them contains problematic attachments, I want to send an email to the sender of that message, explaining the problem, and including ...
Lisa's user avatar
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Proxy pass / Forward request to specific server according to the Host header on Nginx

so I have an Nginx server. And I'm trying to make it so if the host header is, it will proxy pass / forward the request to the specific IP. How could I do that? I've searched ...
user avatar
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4 answers

Flutter showDialog on top of a widget

I'm developing a chat application which allows users to reply to others' messages. I want to make it so that when user long pressed a chat bubble, a dialog will appear directly on top of the bubble ...
treble18's user avatar
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Moving forward in a panda dataframe looking for the first occurrence of multi-conditions with reset

I am having trouble with multi-conditions moving forward in a dataframe. Here's a simplification of my model: import pandas as pd import numpy as np df = pd.DataFrame({ 'date':pd.date_range(start=...
Michael Xxob's user avatar
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Sass @forward prefix with variables is not work

Hi i have a problem about Sass @forward. Problem is when i try @forward prefix with variables it is not work. example: @forward 'color.scss' as red-*; $black:#000; @use 'forward' as f; body{ ...
Nabi's user avatar
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How do I can fix this problem of indented block?

This code does not work - I need help. I want to re-send a specific message. @events.register(events.NewMessage(chats='AAAAA')) async def me_handler(event): client = event.client if 'AAAAAAAA' in ...
Guillermo Marquez Fuentes's user avatar
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Google domain is forwarded to an IP address on AWS(apparently) but I can't find it under instances?

Developer is MIA & I'm trying to figure out where the domain is hosted.. He said all domains are hosted is AWS, but I can't find the IP under instances (Public IP). Hence wondering if he mis-...
PlanetUnknown's user avatar
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HCL @Command([MailForward]) Command issue

Since last Friday I was not able to forward a document as email on a database using HCL Notes formula @command. The email is forward, but no content is available, but in the document the content exist....
Dav SS's user avatar
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PyTorch C++ Frontend: Registering New Modules and using them during Forward

I am creating a model that is empty like so: struct TestNet : torch::nn::Module { TestNet() { } torch::Tensor Forward(torch::Tensor x) { return x; } }; I then register ...
Brandon's user avatar
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fluentd out_forward delay to send the log events

I setup one fluentd-daemonset in k8s to read pod logs running with root user, then forward logs to another fluentd pod. The log can be sent to fluentd pod, but it always delay about 64 seconds. I ...
Jack Chen's user avatar
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Routing between ovpn-tun0[] and hw-interface[] issue

I have a problem that I cannot figure out alone. I was able to find very similar issues but none seems to focus on my particular endingsituation. What do we have? 3 machines with their own networks, ...
Marco Bonfieni's user avatar
5 votes
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Why should I explicitly pass typename to std::forward? [duplicate]

Why is it necessary to explicitly indicate the type of template argument in std::forward? template <class T> void foo (T&& x) { goo (x); // always an lvalue goo ...
Max Popov's user avatar
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Forward message using SendMessageAsync

I'm not able to use the SendMessageAsync method to forward a message. Is there any way to do it?
Gabriel's user avatar
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Manipulating history of child window

I'm trying to implement following functionality: Page index.htm opens a new browser's window (e.g. using, where the content of the new window is just pure image, let say page_067.jpg I'd ...
Gajowy's user avatar
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Typeerror: 1 positional argument but 2 were given, torch.nn.linear takes

I am using EfficientNet to extract features and trying to add a fully connected layer to pre-trained model to reduce the dimension of the out-features from efficientnet to 512. I encountered the ...
ChengguiS.'s user avatar
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Twilio SMS to Function and Webhook

I was using Sendgrid to forward my SMSs to email. At a later time, I synced Twilio with a CRM that we use and the CRM took ownership adding their own webhook when the message comes in. Is there a way ...
Francisco Guzman's user avatar
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apache mod_rewrite change base-url in deeplinks

The whole URL of my system is changing, as it is moved to a different location. I'd like to use my old Apache to forward 301 all calls to the new system for some time. I have deeplinks like this: ...
Patrick's user avatar
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