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C# ! (null-forgiving) not working as expected [duplicate]

I was looking over some code and suggested a fix for verifying something isn't null that can be null and suggested the following: // Path: Employee.cs public class Employee(string name, DateTime? ...
Bastian Asmussen's user avatar
-2 votes
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One RegEx to find the substrings in a string and omitt unnecessary characters [closed]

For the EnhanceAnyLexer Notepad++ plugin, I needed to write a RegEx in one line that would look for substrings in a string. I found a solution, but it is poorly optimized. Task: find a quoted string ...
Raf's user avatar
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-5 votes
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Why I have syntax error in comment on Python? [duplicate]

I have a problem I don't understand. I have a syntax error in the first line, which is a comment. I use Spyder to run my code, and the syntax error says "Pyflakes E". It's a really weird ...
charl_256's user avatar
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unexpected token ':', expected one of token or <phrase> sequence: ] <typ_args>? or <typ> . <id> -> <typ_nobin> and <typ>Motoko(M0001)

I'm new to Motoko and I tried this but the syntax seems to fail With this line of Code " private var users : [Principal : Types.User] = []; " Here is where all the problem occurs, I can't ...
Tishok's user avatar
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Dlookup syntax with multiple criteria including "Like"

I need to create a unique ID based on 4 fields in a table - all are strings, despite 2 that look like numbers. Two of those fields are determined by user input on a form. A 3rd is based on the 2 ...
user28661063's user avatar
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PostgreSQL Syntax Error 42601 in WITH Clause Query [closed]

I am new to SQL and practicing on the northwind dataset. When I run the code shown here in pgAdmin4, I get: 'ERROR: syntax error at end of input LINE 21: )' SQL state: 42601 Now, at this point I ...
Ádám Szalóczi's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is the correct syntax for a bash conditional like this? [closed]

I'm in the process of learning bash right now and am having trouble with the syntax for this conditional. It's supposed to check is there is at least one arg passed when run but throws this error: ...
ezogg's user avatar
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How can I define a vararg with three types in Java?

Since I need a Java method to receive any number of objects of three specific classes I decided to use a vararg ... to implement it. However, I have the restriction that these three classes are: java....
Joe DiNottra's user avatar
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Device tree overlay syntax to add to the root node

Adding to the root node in a device tree overlay is easy enough: /dts-v1/; /plugin/; / { fragment@0 { target-path = "/"; __overlay__ { // ... }; ...
apriori's user avatar
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Where can I find a guid on CSON (Coffee Script Object Notation)?

I am familiar with JSON, and I can see some readability benefits of using CSON. However, while I can find all sorts of parsers for CSON, I can’t find a detailed description of the syntax itself. I ...
Manngo's user avatar
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Why can't you define a variable in a print statement? [duplicate]

I'm teaching Python to beginners, and got a question that initially stumped me. One of my students asked me why you can't define a variable in a print statement: y = [1, 2, 3] print(x=sum(y)) My ...
deee's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Resolving Unexpected Identifier 'assert' SyntaxError in Node.jswhile Importing JSON with ES Modules

I am encountering a SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier 'assert' when attempting to import a JSON file using the assert { type: "json" } syntax in a Node.js project. The issue occurs with the ...
Thakshana Vishvajith's user avatar
2 votes
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Correct syntax for whole array initializaition

Why is the following an error and what is the correct syntax? struct a { int b[4]; }; int c[4]; struct a a = {.b = &c}; Shouldn't a.b be of type int * or int[], why is it of type int? (Note, ...
Caulder's user avatar
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Cannot import .sql file created on a PC into PostgreSQL on my Mac. Converted to LF on VSC but I keep getting syntax error on the COPY query line

Never really worked with PostgreSQL before and I but cannot find anything online and chatGPT is now going in circles. Other team members work on PSc, I work on Mac. Set up psql, set up the db, ...
Erika's user avatar
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Is there a way to call for an anonymous interface with a parameter, as a method parameter itself?

Currently, I have this code working public void method1(String a, Interf b) {; } public interface Interf { void run(String z); } And I call this by using lambda expression ...
Tyrone Annor's user avatar
15 votes
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Why constrain the unit type by a generic trait bound in a where clause (as in `where () : Trait<…>`)?

Today I've encountered a somewhat weird syntax - where (): fn hex_primary<Stream, Context>(stream: Stream) -> Parsed<u8, Stream, Context> where (): IntRadixParse<Stream, Context, ...
cher-nov's user avatar
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Haskell requiring semicolon to be on a new line

I am new to haskell and had an university homework task that only compiled having a line consisting only of a single semicolon. I am curious, whether this is intended behaviour and if yes, why? (I ...
Bence's user avatar
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SQL for multiple AND conditions (bad syntax)

Having issues and it's certainly my SQL ability. Using an access database and I'd like to transition to using R for my queries (I use it to do the statistical analysis). I set up the tables in Access, ...
user2299029's user avatar
-2 votes
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C Syntax "Semicolon"

int i; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { printf(" %d \n", i); } output: 0 1 2 3 4 int i; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++); { printf(" %d \n", i); ...
Brando Lui's user avatar
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Resolving Several Errors for a Line of Code in GAMS software

I have several errors in the following line: e3_d(b).. sum( (t)$(ord(t) >= 1) and (ord(t) <= t-N_chp_on_max+N_chp_on_max), alpha(b, t) ) =l= N_chp_on_max; Two errors (',' expected) and (Unknown ...
its Nima's user avatar
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I keep getting Syntax error messages using SQL on BigQuery

I am a student taking an online course in data analytics. I'm learning SQL and it is my first time doing any type of coding. Recently, I've been encountering a problem where after following the ...
Motlalepula Mmesi's user avatar
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When should we use sc-macro-transformer instead of syntax-rules in MIT/GNU Scheme?

Recently I read one blog implementing amb with macro transformer. It has 2 implementations. syntax-rules, i.e. Pattern Language (define-syntax amb (syntax-rules () ((_) (fail)) ((_ a) a) ...
An5Drama's user avatar
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Do dictionaries have the same implicit line continuation as parentheses?

I was surprised that this seems to work without parentheses: dict = { "a": 1 if True else 2, "b": 2 } I know that dictionaries have implicit line continuation, but ...
Akiva's user avatar
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Special characters used in Snowflake syntax: => and @

I am fairly experienced with SQL but I am new to Snowflake. Learning about functions I came across with => like this, for example: CREATE function functions.public.area_of_circle (radius float) ...
Dev_Reka's user avatar
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"Variable reference to a syntactic keyword" when using syntax-rules

minimal working code demo: (define (demo-tree) (custom-cons 0 1)) (define-syntax custom-cons (syntax-rules () ( ; (_ x y) (custom-cons x y) (cons-stream x y) ))) (custom-...
An5Drama's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How can i center my navbar , cant seem to find where the prob is on my css and html?

I'm struggling to get the nav bar to go to the right of my header, it sits right below my logo. .primary-header{ /*Main top header with navbar*/ display: flex; } .primary-header img { /*...
Gerard Santoyo's user avatar
1 vote
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Cannot change the syntax color of punctuation in a theme

in the scope inspector you can see I'm setting the color of the brackets to #666 but they always show up as a blue color. Is there like a cheat sheet somewhere where we can figure this stuff out? ...
user2980746's user avatar
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Syntax vs Semantics in Ontology Mappings

I’m working with two ontologies, A and B, which share the same semantics but are expressed using different syntaxes. Does the difference in syntax mean that it’s impossible to find correspondence/...
Costas's user avatar
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How to implement one anonymous loop form like do in the evaluator as a derived expression using Scheme?

This is from SICP exercise 4.9. Exercise 4.9. Many languages support a variety of iteration constructs, such as do, for, while, and until. In Scheme, iterative processes can be expressed in terms of ...
An5Drama's user avatar
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2 votes
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What does ''' mean in Python?

Have been told that in Python ''' is used to indicate the start of a multi-line string. However I have also been taught that this code also allows for the documentation of functions and modules. ...
Kojrey's user avatar
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Question about JSON schema and syntax for... nested array?

I am struggling with a JSON schema used for API function calls (similar to the following but for a small scale project:
Victor's user avatar
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Syntax restriction on constructors of template classes

When I define a templace class, I can write this (as less <T> as possible): template <typename T> class Foo { public: Foo(){} Foo(Foo const&){} ~Foo(){} }; Or this (as ...
Caduchon's user avatar
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How to use the github API with OR queries within a repo? What is the right syntax/library?

I'm trying to use the github API to do a OR query within a repo. Trying to do a programmatic replication of this query from the UI : repo:open-telemetry/opentelemetry-demo AND (client OR import) https:...
abcd efg's user avatar
1 vote
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Direct import fails but "from ... import ..." succeeds

I have a Python module called in a folder ~/my_module. I want to call this module from a Python interpreter and I don't know its directory. I run: import os os.chdir(os.path.expanduser(&...
emonigma's user avatar
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yq wont recognize single quotation marks around the field when trying to split large YAML file into smaller ones

I have a large YAML file containing info about video games. --- - Name: Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Console: PS3 Genre: Stealth Progression: Unplayed Maintenance: Perfect! - ...
Rivenswild's user avatar
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Not sure about my Jira Smart Value Conditional Logic Syntax

Here is what I'm currently using that only works when the first through third "if" is true, but fails to output the value when the fourth "if" is true. Device Name: {{#if(not(...
Gyndius's user avatar
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I am confused with the way execution is supposed to take place. I do not understand why the code is not executed. I am using shelve [duplicate]

This is a code segment that begins line 261 in my file. if __name__ == '__main__': # main() print('Checkpoint 0') createShelve() print('Checkpoint 1') data = loadShelve() print('Checkpoint ...
Alphonsus's user avatar
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Troubleshooting Dynamic Distribution Group Filters: Excluding Disabled Objects

I’m currently working on creating a RecipientFilter for my test dynamic distribution group (on-premise), which I plan to replicate for a new group in my production environment. However, I’ve ...
bbi's user avatar
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Syntax problems with EXTRACT and DATE

Bigquery suggest me 'EXTRACT' funtion syntax: extract(datetime_part FROM timestamp_expr [AT TIME ZONE tz_spec]) However, Bigquery notice "Unexpected keyword AT". Moreover, it's syntax in ...
Minh's user avatar
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Vue JS change to-be-edited variable depending on parameter passed into function

Hi JS (and general) newbie here, I'm currently trying to make simple webpage with Vue JS which has clickable content which results in that section expanding to reveal more content. I did this with a ...
Michael Rosenke's user avatar
3 votes
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Why are type annotations needed in Python dataclasses?

In opposition to standard classes in Python dataclasses fields must have a type annotation. But I don't understand what the purpose of these type annotations really is. One can create a dataclass like ...
asmaier's user avatar
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Passing a javascript method as an argument

I've been around javascript for a long time, but am pretty rusty with javascript Classes. For a particular project I'm working on, things are starting to get unwieldy and I'd like to start cutting up ...
iPadDeveloper2011's user avatar
1 vote
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Why do I get a syntax error using the ternary operator with function calls?

I'm writing a code in SystemVerilog, and I'm trying to use the ternary operator to decide between two function calls. Here's my code: module tb; int a = 1, b = 4; initial begin b > a ? $...
Taher Anaya's user avatar
-1 votes
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Using sed to read a file. Why do I get `sed: -e expression #1, char 11: missing filename in r/R/w/W commands`?

I have a file with a line starting with Version:. I was trying to detect such line content from the shell and finally I used grep 'Version:' filename But before, I was trying to use sed without ...
iago's user avatar
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How to run an SPSS 29 Syntax file from command mode?

I want to run an SPSS Syntax in command mode using IBM SPSS 29. First I 'm using this commandline: "path to SPSS executable" "path to syntax". this works, but it only opens the ...
paulusg62's user avatar
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After hibernate update SQL syntax error is raised in SQL request in Spring Data

I have a query @Query(value = """ SELECT cast(( EXTRACT(HOUR FROM AVG(j.finished - j.started)) * 3600 * 1000 + EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM AVG(j.finished - j.started)) * 60 * 1000 + ...
Александр Тарасюк's user avatar
4 votes
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Defining bareword operators in Raku

I have some questions regarding defining bareword operators in Raku. As it stands in the language, there are a variety of bareword operators, such as div, mod, gcd, & lcm. As I'm curious about the ...
Atlas Sullivan's user avatar
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Is it possible to use a C like array in C#?

I want to create a class that is basically just a fixed size array with some functions to it. This would be done like this: private class SomeClass : SomeSuperClass { private readonly SomeType[] ...
Tenobaal's user avatar
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Adding one careless dot in Scheme code works with one weird result without throwing syntax errors [duplicate]

Recently when I am coding my homework using Scheme language, I carelessly added one dot. Here is one minimal demo: (define (test value) (vector-map (lambda (elem) (cond ((number?...
An5Drama's user avatar
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Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only console error

I am getting a console error - The Content-Security-Policy directive name 'Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:' contains one or more invalid characters. Only ASCII alphanumeric characters or dashes '-...
jfc's user avatar
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