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VSCode Clang file no found in header in C++ project

I'm a noob please don't hate me. I'm using cmake and vscode for a cpp project. Compiling is fine but clang says it can't find my headers and underline them although it also show me the path so it ...
PA le chat's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

compiler can't find vulkan's H264 codec header file

I get 'vulkan/vulkan.h' file not found due to a different error on vulkan_core.h: vk_video/vulkan_video_codec_h264std.h' file not found after running a script using vulkan.h header file. The thing is ...
PartyPie's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Why I'm getting "The specified path does not exist" when trying to execute a shortcut from external apps of cmd and file explorer - C++ / Windows [duplicate]

I'm not a master of opretive systems and kind of not understanding this. I saved web shortcut to YouTube from Chrome, and I have installed RocketDock, so I tried to add it as an element but it marked &...
Benevos's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Can't compile a Crow sample - boost/optional.hpp: No such file or directory

I'd like to compile and test Crow C++ microframework in Debian Linux 11: Download the latest crow.deb, currently crow-v1.0+1.deb. Install it: $ sudo dpkg -i crow-v1.0+1.deb Selecting previously ...
haba713's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

JsonCpp can't find file when I use get_current_dir_name()

I am trying to parse a json file within my program: #include <jsoncpp/json/value.h> #include <jsoncpp/json/json.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(){ std::...
NotALolicon's user avatar
0 votes
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VScode :The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process At line:1 char:1

I am trying to set up C++ environment in VSCode , and I'm getting this error when I try to run my helloworld file. Program 'helloworld.exe' failed to run: The process cannot access the file because ...
Preethi's user avatar
0 votes
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How do you add external libraries to 'self-made' libraries using CMake?

I'm not able to link external libraries with the libraries I wrote using CMake. I'm wondering if there's something that is needed to be added to my CMakeLists.txt? Or if I need to add another ...
Arjun Datta's user avatar
2 votes
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The problem with using #include <experimental/propagate_const> and MSVC 2017

I have run into a problem with including into my project, in spite of the fact that I have set the language of the project to "ISO C++ Latest Draft Standard (/std:c++latest)" in "MSVS 2017". Any help ...
Milad Sikaroudi's user avatar
1 vote
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Embed Resource Files into C++ Executable

I'm running into a strange issue when I compile a release package for a C++ application I am writing for work. Inside the IDE(Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition), when I compile and run the ...
Amad Ali's user avatar
7 votes
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Eclipse can't find header file, even though include paths are set

This was an issue we've been dealing with for a while now - we're building a C++ project using the Cygwin toolchain, and no matter what we add in the C++ compiler include paths under project settings, ...
Vee's user avatar
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2 answers

Why can't my C# application load my C++ dll?

I want to use C++ code in a C# application, so I wrote a DLL in C++. Because it's the first time that I create a C++ DLL, I started by creating a 'test' dll. Here's the code extern "C" { ...
Mine_Stone's user avatar
0 votes
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CMake - Attachment.h: No such file or directory

./dir/ ├── bot_example │   ├── CMakeLists.txt │   └── example0.cpp ├── CMakeLists.txt ├── └── sleepy_discord ├── attachment.cpp ├── attachment.h ├── channel.cpp ├── etc... I ...
BleuGamer's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

"<FlexLexer.h> not found", only happens in C++ mode

I am testing and playing a bit with flex before I start using it for a real project, but I am facing sone issues. I am working on Android using a Linux emulator named Termux. I've installed flex and ...
user6245072's user avatar
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2 votes
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VSCode "fileName" file not found

I finally set up the VSCode environment, just 1 remaining problem with #include as on the following image: I checked many google results with similar, but not the same problem. The thing is that it ...
Lukas Salich's user avatar
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Cannot compile Cpp project in Eclipse

-------------EDIT---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So after some playing around here's what I'm getting when trying to ...
doria90's user avatar
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CoreAudio, AudioToolbox, AudioUnit etc. headers not found

I'm trying to build Ardour on OS X. I ran ./waf configure successfully, but trying to compile using ./waf results in numerous file-not-found when trying to #include files: ../libs/appleutility/...
Emil Laine's user avatar
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2 votes
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cmath not found for Xcode

I am creating an iPhone app using OpenGL ES 2, and it uses both objective-c and c++. In it there is a header file for defining some vector properties, and this file includes cmath which then causes ...
James's user avatar
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githash.h: No such file or directory

I am installing Nxtrim ( However, after typing "make", I am getting following error: make g++ -O3 -I/galaxy/home/biomonika/boost_1_56_0/include mergeReads.cpp ...
Perlnika's user avatar
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Makefile issues: g++: fatal error: no input files

What I've already done: I've looked through other StackOverflow threads with similar issues, but none of them seem to apply to my specific case. I've also double checked to makes sure that the ...
NewGradDev's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Visual Studio 2013 (vs120) asks for wrong boost libraries

I'm trying to compile one of my projects on Windows 7, using Visual Studio 2013. I've installed Boost 1.53 and setup the solution using cmake. What happens is that now the compiled libraries of boost ...
Svalorzen's user avatar
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Error of file not found while running a program in Visual Studio 2010

*while running a program in Visual Studio 2010 I got an error Written "Unable to start program c:\users......... system cannot find specific file." Please tell me solution of it*
MrStrange's user avatar
0 votes
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Visual Studio 2012 app could not load file or assembly

The infamous Could not Load file or Assembly "filename.dll" or one of its dependencies. I get this error when a client tries to run my mixed c/c++/c# app developed in VS2012. I used Process Monitor ...
Danimal's user avatar
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-5 votes
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C++ Compiles fine but cannot debug [closed]

Ok, let me be very clear so I don't have to repeat myself later on. Please read carefully, I'll try to be as concise as possible. I will put parts I want to stress in bold. I am pretty good with C++, ...
user2537827's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Ubuntu - issue with opening a .txt file from terminal

I have built a .cpp program in order to write some content to a .txt file created within the .cpp file. I manage to write the desired content, however, when I am trying to open the created file from ...
Simon's user avatar
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Can't read file from a C++ program on a Mac

First of all, this is part of my code: .... string input; getline(cin, input); ifstream openFile;, ios::in); if(openFile.is_open()){ cout << "File opened" <&...
LustSeeker's user avatar