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Sending POST messages using endpoint "me/messages" : code: -1, error_code: 2018012

We are requesting the pages_messaging permission, we have submitted request multiple time and it's goes rejected by saying Bot is not responding. During testing with a test user the functionality ...
Tirth Jain's user avatar
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Review process for the Messenger App without setting up a test user account

I am in the process of developing an app that necessitates certain permissions from users, specifically: whatsapp_business_messaging, pages_manage_metadata, and pages_messaging. For my app to function ...
Vishal Mehla's user avatar
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How to successfully claim App, now that Facebook/Meta has deprecated Admin role

Meta has made a change such that the admin of an App can no longer do most functions. You now must create a Business Account, and then "claim" the app there, so that you can assign ...
CDichter's user avatar
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What does Facebook need to accept an app review for just a script?

we have a Facebook page of our company. We are also verified as company at Facebook. Now we want to extract all the comments below posts on our page. For that I wrote a simple Python script to connect ...
naheliegend's user avatar
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Why downloading Facebook images with requests.get() gives corrupted files?

I am a very new to Python and Facebook Graph API and hope you can help me out with this: I have writted (in Python) a peace of code that uploads images tu a page on facebook (in a post, so it contains ...
bog's user avatar
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How Can I update the value of these nested dict object?

I was trying to update the value of all_friends_paginating_after_cursor in the dict values, I tried deferent ways but didn't work how can I update the value? a= {"doc_id": "1", &...
hanan's user avatar
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Facebook App Review instagram_basic not being tested properly

Currently I am trying to get my app approved by Facebook. My app allows users to connect their instagram account. I use data like instagram_profile_picture and followed_by_count to complete their ...
Jiggo's user avatar
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How to Store Facebook App Access Token in Mobile App Client?

To request the FB app events API, I would need to use an app access token. It says in the doc "The Facebook SDK automatically logs app installs, app sessions, and in-app purchases." And &...
user2895478's user avatar
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Facebook Developer App Review - Your submission must include pages_read_engagement to use instagram_basic

Hello Facebook Developers Community, I am trying to go through the 'Request for App Review' process for which I have completed all the steps besides one which is very confusing and literally has no ...
ShereKhan's user avatar
3 votes
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Instagram Basic Display, exchange token error on live

instagram_graph_user_profile and instagram_graph_user_media are approved but the check mark under Products -> Instagram is not green. Business is verified. Instagram test users work fine! We don't ...
hugo's user avatar
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2 answers

Rejected from Facebook app reviewer "Please refer to the permission decision"

I got this message from app reviewer "Please refer to the permission decision." and i couldn't understand what it is. This is our screencast , we're using ads_management permission to reach ad posts ...
newbieeeeee's user avatar
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My app failed app review because Facebook tested the wrong version. How can I direct them to the right one?

I submitted my app for permissions review and provided all the required info, but somehow the reviewers reviewed the wrong version of the app (they should have reviewed the one in open Beta, which is ...
FractalBob's user avatar
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Create a Simulator Build for facebook app review. (No bundle URL present)

I'm preparing for submitting build file for facebook app review. I created simulator build file. but when I verify build with this command, ios-sim launch /path/to/ It said No bundle ...
GWANHUI KIM's user avatar
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How to solve facebook login plugin configurator error?

I am using Facebook Login Pluginator( On click of that button it will open popup itself(As pop up is opening ...
hardik gol's user avatar
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Facebook app review process to access feeds from public page

As a company we are developing apps for multiple clients, one of the apps common feature is access to their public page facebook feeds. We have created separate Apps on our facebook account for each ...
prasad's user avatar
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submit post via python and scraping via bs4

Im trying to make a tool that scrapes the resulting page of facebooks password reset link and have the script print out the email, but my problem is its not submitting the payload not sure what im ...
ci5c0's user avatar
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Facebook : How to prove publish_pages right when Webhook only runs in Pushlish mode?

Permissions required are publish_pages. I need to get "Webhook Event" from facebook to get the "comment_id" of the guest when commenting on the page, then reply back by comment_id (equivalent to ...
Anh NC's user avatar
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publish_pages not working for development app

I'm trying to make an app that will allow blog posts from my website to be published to a Facebook page which I am the admin of. Obviously I need the publish_pages and manage_pages permission to do ...
DigM's user avatar
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Facebook Android SDK, graph api >3.2 and 4.0 sending app request issue

I am trying to send app request to my facebook friend after authentication by using the following code snippet. public void sendApplicationRequest(final List<String> userIdList, final String ...
Fuat Coşkun's user avatar
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How to deal with Facebook's Verification requests on flask app

Im setting up a flask app on Heroku to set up web hooks for phishing certificates pulling from Facebook's certificate transparency api. I am trying to get pass facebook's verification requests (...
user avatar
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Can't get through Facebook app review - what can I do?

I'm trying to get the read_insights permission on Facebook. I need it just to be able to display like counter in widget on my website. I sent them screencast showing the like counter widget on my ...
kacper3355's user avatar
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Facebook: How to request for instagram_basic permission during app review?

How to request permission for instagram_basic during app review? I searched for the permission in the app review > current request dashboard but it seems not available Are there any other steps that ...
ccredo's user avatar
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Is FB App Review necessary for read only website?

I'm creating a website which show a single Facebook page content in the homepage (events basic informations, photos and the five latest instagram photos). Do I have to submit an App Review? If yes, ...
Wakko's user avatar
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Getting Facebook App Approval for Registration, Signing In and Sharing

1) Do we need to get Facebook app approval to implement registration and signing in via Facebook in the project? The website needs to fetch user data to fill in the registration form, and to sign in ...
Дмитрий Акулов's user avatar
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Facebook resubmitting app for review not working

I'm trying to resubmit my live Facebook app for review but when I add permissions/features to resubmit, it just takes me to the app review page with no content inside it except for the header which is ...
M.R.M's user avatar
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Facebook business verification required for my bot

I know that Facebook changed their Policies but as I saw in the answer of the question: Business verification required as part of my app review I don't demand any information that requires Facebook ...
Abdeslem SMAHI's user avatar
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Facebook App Tester - do they have to be a developer?

I just added a couple of friends as "testers" for my app. I can assign administrators, developers, testers and analyticers and according to only ...
Chris's user avatar
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Do I need to make an app to access public Facebook information for personal use using the API?

I'm trying to use the facebook graph api to get public information from business pages, but I'm confused by the app review system. I don't intend to make an app that interfaces with anyone; I just ...
James's user avatar
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Facebook chatbot doesn't reply reviewer in app-review

We have made a chatbot for Facebook Messenger and submitted it for app review 2 times requesting pages_messaging. Both times the same error occurs: The app reviewer presses "Get Started" and ...
Erlend Berger's user avatar
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can I use two facebook app ids for one website?

I have two websites and which have two independent Facebook app ids, but I want to merge B into A and make my business approachable by more users (B will have urls like'...
Yao Li's user avatar
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FB.AppRequest does not work

I am trying to send App Requests with Facebook SDK on Unity. Everything is alright until I press 'send'. It also returns a success but nothing happens in my friends' facebook :S FB.AppRequest(...
Eray Tuncer's user avatar
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Facebook PHP SDK Graph API

I am working on facebook graph API to collect all feed and videos from one group and upload in another group, all feed and photo working fine, But when i am going to upload video and its showing error ...
Vivek Sharma's user avatar
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My Facebook Messenger Bot is completed, but isn't visible to be approved

We built a Facebook Messenger bot that works perfectly. The bot is only available to developers and testers and can't be made public until it's approved. We submitted it for approval but the approval ...
Feature's user avatar
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Facebook app requests and invites taking too much time to load

I have a mobile gaming application.I have developed it in cocos2d.I noticed recently that sometimes when i am trying to send the non-app requests the facebook web page is taking time to load. This ...
sagar kumar's user avatar
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I can't send a Facebook game request using Graph API v2.8

I've spent a lot of time trying to send a game request from the (latest) JS API, using the Graph API v2.8, but nothing seems to work. I've used only common OG, since custom OG are deprecated. When I ...
Mickael H.'s user avatar
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Facebook app invite notification received but not showing message

I successfully implemented Facebook app invites and tested it with 2 different test users. The only problem is that another test user receives an app invite notification but when I click on the ...
Rishab Jaiswal's user avatar
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How to fix Facebook App Login Error

I am new to Facebook App Developing. I am trying to use facebook login. But this error is popping up. 1 This is my code. <?php session_start(); require_once 'Facebook/autoload.php'; $fb =...
Waruna Samaranayake's user avatar
4 votes
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How to send fb app invites like Kiwi App

I got a app invite on fb from a friend via Kiwi app. When I clicked this notification it redirected me to their Google Play Store app page. I downloaded it and signed up with facebook giving basic ...
Timmy Simons's user avatar
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Requires extended permission: publish_actions for users even after approved publish_actions

Hi I have a 'publish_actions' approved Facebook live App. It perfectly works for developer accounts and can upload image. But when any normal user accessing this app, it shows a: fatal (#200) ...
MaRKR's user avatar
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Content not found error after clicking on game request notification on facebook

I have created a game in android and iOS. I have created an app on facebook with category as GAME. I am able to send requests to facebook friends by using FBSDKGameRequestDialog. But when i click on ...
Prajyot's user avatar
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FB.Apprequest popup not showing in unity5

I am using facebook sdk package 7.5 for unity 5. Whenever I am sending app invite request without selecting friends it is working fine and popup is shown but whenever I am selecting friends and then ...
Priya's user avatar
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Login to my app using facebook : error when using Facebook App

Here is the Screenshot Logging into my App using Facebook credentials is not working correctly through browsers. But it gives an error when logging in through the Facebook App. It is not automatically ...
ArjunKasi's user avatar
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unable to login with Facebook in my app, page turn white no action further

My app have rejected being of this problem two times. Some times (very rarely), Testers are unable to login with Facebook. Please see the attached screenshot/s for more information. The steps to ...
Avnish Yadav's user avatar
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Facebook gifting send plural form of object type in Unity3d

I am sending apprequest to send "Gift" to friends. Code which i am using to send gift is as below : FB.AppRequest (Send_Gift_Message, OGActionType.SEND, GIFT_10_COINS, toFriends, null, "...
Riddhi Shah's user avatar
3 votes
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How to simulate the Facebook Swipe to dismiss effect in images with Android?

I'm using the Fresco library, com.facebook.fresco:fresco:0.10.0. I'm trying to combine two effects that use the Facebook Application. Zoom To Point Swipe To Close I created ...
Johanna A.'s user avatar
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4 answers

Can't Get from facebook API v2.5 even email is green in App Reviews

Can't Get from facebook API v2.5 even email is green in App Reviews. I used this basic FB.api(), even with SCOPE it doesn't return EMAIL FB.api('/me', function(response) { console....
Nikko Joson's user avatar
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Facebook API unable to detect "user_location"

I am requesting for read permission for . But when user clicks on log in with facebook, i am unable to see "your current city" in While running graph api, i am able to receive name, locale and ...
Smit's user avatar
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how to get facebook game request url?

we are using facebook unity sdk game requests on android. when someone clicks a game request in their facebook notifications they switch to the game or the app store page (if it's not installed) when ...
Ninja Dev's user avatar
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Facebook app evaluate the 'Stream post URL security' flag from another facebook app

I have two facebook apps 'A' and 'B' associated with domain_A and domain_B respectively; 'A' has activated the 'Stream post URL security' flag. I need to post content to fanpage X using "facebook ...
vladiastudillo's user avatar
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Facebook iOS App invite not receieving push notification

I have implemented Facebook latest sdk for App invite feature in my iOS app. I am able to send the invites to my facebook friends, but my friends does not getting push notifications for it. Although ...
Parth Pandya's user avatar
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