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Unable to Retrieve Page Access Token with System User Access Token in Facebook App: Only Page ID Returned

I have a Facebook app running in production, and I've created a system user within Facebook Business Manager. After generating a system user access token, I have also generated a user access token for ...
Umesh's user avatar
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Meta Graph API Explorer - Generate token fails

I'm working on an app using the Threads API from meta. I have created the application successfully on the developer console, and am trying to test access using the Graph API Explorer. I've selected &...
mccarthyj's user avatar
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Facebook Long-Lived Pages Access Token

I have created the app. I used the short-lived user access token to get a long-lived user access token. Then I tried to exchange the long-lived user access token for a long-lived page access token. ...
ternary's user avatar
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request for creating page-access-token for facebook graph API returns blank data object

Making get request for creating page-access-token for facebook graph API returns blank data object. The request is like below according to the official doc:
sataoma's user avatar
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Why is Facebook graph API not returning an access token for Facebook Page added to Meta Business Suite/Business Portfolio

I have created a page named Test 1. When I go to Business Suite, my Business Portfolio and add the page Test 1 to Account -> Pages. After adding the page successfully I see page access section ...
Aashish Kadu's user avatar
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Meta Marketing API - Keep User's session active

We have a Facebook App created with a dummy User to manage Ads and Audience to which it has access to. Unfortunately it's complicated at the moment to create it under a proper company's User, because ...
Barbi's user avatar
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I am having trouble understanding the docs for Facebook Login SDK

I have been trying to build an app (react for front end with typescript) that requires social media integration from various platforms, one of which is Facebook. So, I tried to follow the Meta docs ...
tdk463's user avatar
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Failure to get Facebook access token for Facebook API management

I want to have access to FB API not necessary through Facebook app. I've still registered as a developer in Facebook and I made a simple Facebook app. Yet I still can't get token (access marker). Why?
Igor Savinkin's user avatar
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Facebook page access token gets invalidated for no reason

When the access token stops working for an unknown reason or we are close to the expiration date, we can successfully exchange our Page access token via the API endpoint for a new one, but it will ...
TLeo's user avatar
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Error: Unable to access the Facebook post

I am stuck in this problem.In the below I gave my whole code.Here all the information is correct.But I still get this error import requests from urllib.parse import quote access_token = '...
Moinul Hossain's user avatar
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missing permissions when using parent_id to get orignal post data Facebook graph api

When sending request using parent_id of a shared post to get original post i am getting status code 400 if the post shared are from other pages but works fine with self shares. Is the problem with my ...
lala's user avatar
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Facebook Graph API - Access token from code - Service temporarily unavailable

I'm trying to fetch a user access token by code with the FB Graph API. This is the API request that im sending:{APP_ID}&client_secret=...
Luka Zavrl's user avatar
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Meta App Access Token unable to retrieve leads

I am doing some development for my app and am trying to retrieve leads created using the leads testing tool. I have tested with page access token and its working fine. However, when I try to fetch ...
tattertron's user avatar
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How do I grant a Facebook App permission to manage a Page, and get a permanent access token for it?

I have done this before multiple times, but I don't know how, and I'm unable to figure it out for the N-th time. I have a facebook app that I created, in the form of several nodejs scripts, which ...
matteo's user avatar
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Getting "Invalid access token code 43" with iOS Firebase Facebook SDK after my app was disabled

I'm experiencing an issue with the Firebase Facebook SDK in my iOS app. After my app was disabled, I'm unable to connect with test users and keep receiving the Invalid access token code 43 error. I ...
TEMIMI's user avatar
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Keep Facebook Page Access Token valid while changing server

I've made a simple website for my personal usage using flask where I can post something to my facebook page. There is a textarea where I write text and then submit it. Then the server process the text ...
Shahriar's user avatar
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How can I refresh user access token without requiring the user to log in again?

The long-lived-access-token expires in 60 days. We need to renew this token before it will be expired. We tried to follow the documentation:
Luke's user avatar
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Getting Facebook page access token only for app admin

I have a livestreaming (consumer) app with an associated Facebook page, and my goal is to broadcast streams from my app onto my Facebook page (live). I have understood that part of the process to do ...
Anderillo's user avatar
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Facebook Conversion API: "System users can not have duplicate names. Use another name."

I'm trying to create access tokens for a few of my pixels, but I'm unable to do so due to the error message "System users can not have duplicate names. Use another name.". This is the error ...
Simon Mortensen's user avatar
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NET MAUI auth token in SecureStorage

I have created a net MAUI Blazor app I am able to login to facebook/google and return a auth token. What I'm trying to do is to save the token using SecureStorage in my app so that the user doesn't ...
Etienne Van Heerden's user avatar
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How can I get long lived access token when I connect Facebook page

I have a Facebook page and I want the long-lived access token when I connect to the page. How can I get long lived access token.
iamkanaramyadav's user avatar
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Generate non-expiring token for Facebook Graph API to publish on Instagram Business Account via Google Apps Script

To post photos on instagram using Google Apps Script, I follow these steps! To generate a short-lived token I access the Graph API Explorer, add these scopes: pages_show_list instagram_basic ...
Digital Farmer's user avatar
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how to hide an api key with php and js together

Im making API request from facebook graph api. i would like to hide the id and access token from client side. so i stored the access token on php then i got the data with js. but then i realized that ...
Vinicius Chinen's user avatar
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How to generate permanent access token for WhatsApp Cloud API integration

I'm using WhatsApp Cloud API Integration for our company use case and all functionality will be server-to-server API call and I have to generate a Permanent token to call the WhatsApp API to send the ...
Pritam Kumar's user avatar
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Is it safe to use Facebook Client Access Tokens in client in React app to embed instagram

I am using react-instagram-embed to embed instagram post in my React app. To be able to use instagram I need the Client Access Token: Client Access Tokens If your app must access the oEmbed endpoint ...
meez's user avatar
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Facebook js api - "unsupported get request" error

I'm trying to get some (I think allowed) information in my app. I have an access token that has the following info: App ID: <my app id> : iHOUSEListingPoster - Test 001 Type: User App-Scoped ...
Andy Wallace's user avatar
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"Trying to access array offset on value of type null" when using laravel Socialite with function "userFromToken($token)"

I'm using laravel 8. I'm trying to implement sign in with google option for a mobile application and developing API using laravel Socialite. I don't know how to do this proper way. But I followed this ...
Tharindu Marapana's user avatar
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Instragram redirect URL issue error_message "Invalid scope: []"

I am assuming that the problem with '#' in redirect url so encode does encode hash so I have used encodeURIComponent("#") now '#' become '%23' and url looking like this https://www.instagram....
Tapas Banik's user avatar
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facebook api, get access toling without login having user id

I'm trying to understand what is the best way to work with facebook user login. In my app in profile section it's possible for user to sync with facebook, and store it (I'm storing facebook user id in ...
Bogdan  Dubyk's user avatar
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React Native Expo Cli Facebook Authentication - unable to exchange Response type code for access token on server API

I am creating React Native app using Expo and used its inbuilt Facebook.useAuthRequest to generate a response when a user logs in. When I create a response type of Token I am able to take this token ...
David Metcalfe's user avatar
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Getting a page token from an app token in Facebook is not working

I'm trying to use a Facebook app token instead of a user token to get a page token. But I can only get a page token with user token and not with app token. Here's what I'm doing. First I get the app ...
user1883212's user avatar
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Facebook Permanent USER access token

I am calling Facebook Ads APIs. I need permanent Facebook USER access token. I have generated a Long lived User Access token already, but it expires after 60 days. I tried the other articles from ...
Priyanshu Tiwari's user avatar
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i have integrated both google and Facebook in android studio using kotlin profile picture not showing

I have integrated Gmail and facebook signin in my app, when I logged in with gmail everything is working fine but with facebook profile picture is not showing this is the code for the signin_activity ...
invincible1510's user avatar
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How to authenticate users with Social Login (Facebook, Google) in a REST API backend with Spring Boot (separate React Frontend)

I am currently working on a Spring Boot REST API. I have successfully added login using client credentials with Spring Oauth and Spring Security (I can successfully get access token and refresh token ...
section117's user avatar
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Facebook Graph API - permanent user access token for app (not page)

I have a user access token for our App that expires in 60 days, but we have about 30 pages under this App. I know there is a way to create a permanent token for each Page, but is there a way to create ...
KristiLuna's user avatar
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Instagram Business Discovery API Invalid OAuth access token

I am trying to use Instagram Business Discovery API to get followers count of my page. Here is my code. https://graph....
Mohan's user avatar
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Stateless Resource Sever effiently validating Facebook tokens

I am writing a Resource Server backend for a mobile app front end. The app is responsible for getting a token from Facebook and passing it to the backend for authz, but as they do not use JWT bearer ...
Dennis Crissman II's user avatar
3 votes
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How to renew Long Lived User Access Token (before its 60 days expiry period)

I am using the following API to get Long Lived User Access Token This long lived token expires after 60 days but we can renew it before 60 days (...
NKJ's user avatar
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Is safe to use?

I am unfamiliar with the python package. I am wondering if there are any security issues with this package like possibly getting information leaked. I am wondering how does the API work if ...
John Chen's user avatar
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How to get FBSDKAccessToken from FBSDKAuthenticationToken

In case of LAT FB login, we are just getting FBSDKAuthenticationToken and FBSDKAccessToken is nil. FBSDK Login is now using the ...
Tanvi Jain's user avatar
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How use Oauth2 to connect and use facebook marketing api

I'm trying to use facebook Marketing API. The problem is I don't know how to perform the request import ( "context" "fmt" "log" "net/http" &...
Kevin SUON's user avatar
5 votes
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Is refreshing long lived access token endpoint working in 2021?

Trying to refresh my long lived access token via this endpoint: Keep getting ...
Akash Kundu's user avatar
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Exchange Facebook Access Token with A JWT from my Backend

I'm developing an Android mobile app. I have successfully implemented Facebook Login as instructed here. After the user successfully logs in using Facebook, I'd like to send the Facebook access token ...
Milad's user avatar
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How to get Facebook access token

According this documentation i tried to send get request to graph api curl -X GET " ?client_id={your-app-id} &client_secret={your-app-secret} ...
Čamo's user avatar
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Facebook Graph API: Account access token vs Page access token data access expiration

I obtain an access token for Facebook account and pages associated with this account. I get tokens for both an account and pages. After 90 days the token data access expires, it is mentioned in the ...
lopushen's user avatar
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Facebook Graph API: How can I prolong data access for a 90-day access token?

We get the access token by performing Facebook Oauth flow in our application. API issues a token that lasts 90 days, after that is stays valid, however, the data access expires. When making a call for ...
lopushen's user avatar
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no module named 'social' when I'm trying to get a new facebook access_token in the postman using my new heroku domain name instead of localhost:8000

There Are The Steps I Followed To get an access_token after pushed my project into heroku I Changed My Site Url Of My App On Facebook from localhost:8000 to https://whispering-hamlet-67095.herokuapp....
Abdallah Salah's user avatar
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facebook token verification Go

I am able to verify a facebook access token from users by querying this endpoint This means that I have to either request an app ...
jkerone's user avatar
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How to Get Instagram Graph API User Access Token From Server Side

I'm trying to develop a web application to display Instagram media along with the metrics like comments count, likes count, etc, of a user registered in my application. Users need to signup using ...
Buddhika Nelum's user avatar
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OAuth exception error from Facebook access token

I am trying to build a REST API that will login to Facebook using socialite with lumen, a micro-service of Laravel. I have set up my Facebook app and configured the client_id, secret and access url ...
Saahil823's user avatar

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