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Facebook live comments link has already not available?

I have used the link of "" to get live comments ,but the responce backs me 404 code and ...
yinguang ye's user avatar
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How to Track React Native App Installations Using Facebook Conversion API?

I’m working on a React Native app and want to track app installations using Facebook’s Conversion API. I’ve set up Facebook’s SDK in my app, but I’m having trouble integrating the Conversion API. Here’...
tharwi's user avatar
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Upgrade sdk version from 33 to 35 for android in react native project

When trying to upgrade the android sdk version from 33 to 35 within a react native project. The project fails to build. Here is the Error: node_modules\react-native-gradle-plugin\src\main\kotlin\com\...
Gareth's user avatar
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1 answer

Facebook events parameters not visible in events manager for android app

We are adding meta app events natively inside a flutter app and I am currently working on the android integration, I'm using standard events any they show up in events manager on meta but non of the ...
Toka Ali's user avatar
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2 answers

Will adding tools:node="false" in AD_ID permission (from Firebase SDK) stops detecting/asking AD_ID in Google play console's App Content section?

Will Google play console stop detecting permission OR asking for Advertising ID in App content Section if i will add tools:node="remove" on permission ...
Priyank Painter's user avatar
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Is the Facebook SDK using App Events API or Conversion API?

I read that the App Events API is no longer supported in the future and I am curious whether the Facebook SDK is actually using this API under the hood or it's using Conversion API which is the latest ...
Gabsys's user avatar
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Facebook ads for mobile iOS and Android application conversion tracking

I have a mobile app and I want to add facebook conversion tracking. I already installed the facebook sdk for both iOS and Android. I do not understand from the documentation, do I need to add pixel? ...
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Disable fb_sdk_settings_changed event from facebook-android-sdk

I recently enabled AutoLogAppEventsEnabled=trueand then I noticed I received a violation warning in Facebook Events Manager. It seems my app sends a fb_sdk_settings_changed event with a parameter ...
NewestUser's user avatar
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Facebook login not working when app in not installed on device but works perfect with Facebook app installed Android

I am trying to use facebook login in my app when the facebook app is installed i get onSuccess callback and works perfectly. When facebook app is not installed onCancelled is called and the method ...
Shivam's user avatar
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Facebook Android SDK issue with targeting api level 33

I'm currently getting the error from Facebook SDK when attempting to sign in with Facebook on Android, with a device running Android 13. The error shows: Login Error: There is an error in logging you ...
Mark's user avatar
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Facebook Android SDK Missing Currency Parameter for auto-logged events

I have implemented the Facebook SDK for android as stated by the Facebook Documentation and enabled auto logging for my events. FacebookSdk.setAdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled(true); FacebookSdk....
user14678216's user avatar
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Android Facebook SDK: what does "implementation '[8,9)'" mean?

It is written here that I should use the following version of the Android Facebook SDK: implementation '[8,9)' But I see here that the last version of the ...
toto_tata's user avatar
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Where can I see the third-party app scheduled post status on Facebook?

Facebook wants to see scheduled posts by third-party apps like Buffer, Hootsuite, etc. On Facebook, there are 3 types of post availability. Profile, Page & Group. Used API for scheduling posts ...
axita.savani's user avatar
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Error When Logging on Facebook/Firebase on Android

I am making an application that uses Facebook login, the App is on development and i am trying it on my personal smartphone (a Xiaomi). Im using a test user provided by Facebook to log in, but nothing ...
angelo canales's user avatar
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One or more plugins require a higher Android SDK version - Facebook-auth

Good work, I decided to write facebook login for my app. I used this package flutter_facebook_auth: ^5.0.6 enter image description here enter image description here I changed the sdk version to 33 but ...
LOODAN's user avatar
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flutter facebook_app_events cannot load dependency for Android

I am working on a Flutter App that contains the dependency facebook_app_events. It's been working completely fine so far, but now, out of NOTHING, stopped working for android. When I build the app I ...
Apri's user avatar
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I have issue with facebook-android-sdk

* What went wrong: Could not determine the dependencies of task ':app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'. > Could not resolve all task dependencies for configuration ':app:debugCompileClasspath'. > ...
Developer Software's user avatar
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Not able to generate response_type code for android sdk for facebook

Please help! I am trying to genereate response_type=code from the android sdk, but i am not able to see any option to do that. I can do the same for the web browser using redirect urls, but not for ...
rahul sandhu's user avatar
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openssl library for Windows for Generating a Development Key Hash for Facebook login for Android app

To ensure the authenticity of the interactions between my app and Facebook, I need to supply Facebook with the Android key hash for your development environment. I am trying to generate a Development ...
Jaime Montoya's user avatar
2 votes
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Facebook SDK (Android): events can be seen in 'test events' debug view but are not reported in campaign manager

When I test my app (either by launching it from Android Studio or the app in production on Google Play), I see the events in in 'test events' debug of the Facebook console, as can be seen here: ...
toto_tata's user avatar
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15 votes
6 answers

Facebook SDK : 'Apps that target Android API 30+ (Android 11+) cannot call Facebook native apps unless the package visibility needs are declared'

I use the Android Facebook SDK. I get the following message in Logcat: com.facebook.internal.NativeProtocol: Apps that target Android API 30+ (Android 11+) cannot call Facebook native apps unless the ...
toto_tata's user avatar
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How do I run older Flutter Project that has Gradle build errors?

I am trying to running a pretty old Flutter project within these version: Flutter 1.22.6 Dart 2.10.5 Java 1.8.0_321 Android Studio 2021.2.1 And for whatever reason, after I update my Android Studio (...
Richie Permana's user avatar
3 votes
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How to use Facebook's new LoginManager.createLogInActivityResultContract properly?

Facebook added a new API (LoginManager.createLogInActivityResultContract) for handling login using the ActivityResultContract APIs in SDK version 13.2.0 (
Zach's user avatar
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Standard events appear in event manager but can't find them in ads manager

In my Android App I am sending 3 standard facebook events: FindLocation CustomizeProduct CompleteRegistration All those events appear in Events Manager so I know they are being sent correctly: But ...
matip's user avatar
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Android CallbackManager call back stopped working after upgrading to Facebook SDK 12.0.0 (Or 13)

I have an Android app that does login via Facebook. Everything was working when I was on Facebook SDK implementation '' However, recently I noticed in ...
Zhang Zhan's user avatar
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Facebook Android SDK does not recognize installs

Facebook Android SDK receives data about the activation of the mobile app, but not about the installs. We rolled back the SDK version, checked the code 10 times - but we didnt get any result. enter ...
Nursultan Tagoev's user avatar
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show a list of the pages you manage toggle is off by default

My app has been approved for pages_show_list and permissions listed below. Everything was working fine till yesterday, but suddenly when user tries to login, show a list of the pages you manage toggle ...
Aromal S's user avatar
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Facebook Graph API Request for only todays photos

I want to get all the uploaded photos of the logged in user that was uploaded today. I could fetch all the photos and filter it with the created_time field. But I would like to make the request to ...
Md. Eftakharul Islam's user avatar
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React Native Facebook Login Android - Embedded Browser is disabled

I'm developing a facebook login feature for react native using react-native-fbsdk-next. However when testing on android I get this error when trying to login with facebook: "For your account ...
Chris Yoon's user avatar
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Facebook login was disabled and now it throws errors

We have Android and iOS apps with integrated Facebook login. Recently Facebook disabled our app because "During Login, your app is crashing or hanging excessively". The problem however is ...
hmitkov's user avatar
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error: cannot find symbol AppLinks.getTargetUrlFromInboundIntent in

While upgrading the facebook SDK from a lowest version(7.1.0) to latest version (11.3.0) got symbol: method getTargetUrlFromInboundIntent(ItemViewActivity,Intent) location: class AppLinks I have got ...
sejn's user avatar
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Package name & Class Name of facebook app in flutter

I want to add the Facebook app event in my Android and IOS application develop using flutter. Android: It's asking for the name of the activity which will be going to use for the deep- link with the ...
Ankur Shinde's user avatar
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Facebook share api for android opens web-based dialog instead of native app

I implement facebook share in my android app and as I read the docs it says : "The Share dialog switches to the native Facebook for Android app, then returns control to your app after a post is ...
Yarin Shitrit's user avatar
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Facebook share link with metadatas from android app

I implement sharing on facebook in my android app and according to facebook share sdk for android there is no option to share a link that will look like this : As I dived into the docs - https://...
Yarin Shitrit's user avatar
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Android facebook share opens web page instead of native app

I am using Facebook share SDK and I read the docs which says that if the native Facebook app is installed then it will be used as a share dialog otherwise a web page will be used for sharing. I do ...
Yarin Shitrit's user avatar
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how to make facebook android app deep links

I am trying to create a deep link that will redirect from a url I post on facebook into my android app and I noticed there is something in facebook api called App Links in this link : https://...
Yarin Shitrit's user avatar
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Android: How to get raw image data from camera

Currently, I am planning on doing an app utilizing RAW data provided by the camera in Android devices (pixel 2). And I use ARCore to get frame data as following: final Frame frame = session.update(); ...
WinJia Cheng's user avatar
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Unexpected call to LoginManager.onActivityResult - Facebook SDK Android

My Dependency dependencies { implementation '' } I've been using a LoginButton for moths without any problem but since today after call to login if the ...
Darwin Morocho's user avatar
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Facebook Official Android SDK - How do I open a page?

I would like to open the Facebook app and go directly to a Facebook page when the user presses a button in my app. How do I do that using the official Facebook SDK? So far, all the solutions I've seen ...
Aloha's user avatar
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How to know the version of facebook android sdk in node_modules/react-native-fbsdk?

For iOS we can look at the FBSDKCoreKit.h it states the SDK version there. Is there something similar for Android? How do I know which facebook SDK version it's on? Would be better if there's a ...
hackerl33t's user avatar
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In Facebook Android SDK, How to fetch is_verified flag using GraphRequest?

We are trying to fetch is_verified like below: GraphRequest.newMeRequest(loginResult.accessToken) { `object`, response -> Log.v("LoginActivity", ...
Ashok's user avatar
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Facebook App Install Ads: Is it mandetory to have the SDK installed?

We have developed a mobile app for both Android and iOS. We are planning to promote it through Facebook via Facebook App Install Ads. We don't want to track the number of installs or anything, because ...
PeakGen's user avatar
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Facebook Login :Can't Load URL The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domains when using login with facebook-android-sdk in android studio

By following the documentation of facebook SDK for android I have this issue : Can't Load URL: The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domains. To be able to load this URL, add all domains ...
elhoucine ayoub's user avatar
5 votes
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Facebook Audience Network: is Facebook Login required?

we've integrated Facebook Audience Network in our Android and iOS apps a few days ago. We're using AdMob Open Bidding mediation. Technically speaking everything seems to be ok, the SDK is initializing ...
pAkY88's user avatar
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How to set up Interface and listener in custom Dialog class to pass Facebook's login callback to firebase auth in MainActivity?

I'm having some issues implementing a custom dialog class getting the response from facebook and passing it back to the main activity. Here there's my custom class: class LoginDialog(var c: Activity) :...
Michele Rava's user avatar
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I have set interstitial ads like this code get all time error code

I have recently tried to integrate FB interstitial ads to android ads and I turn on test mode. Banner ads working fine but interstitial ads give this error Here is my ...
Dipankar Dedbnath's user avatar
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Facebook Android SDK warning: "Removal of Tokenless Access Point"

I received the following warning via email from Facebook Developers a few days ago: As part of our Graph API 8.0 release, we announced changes to how developers can access User Picture and FB/IG ...
Zorgan's user avatar
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Facebook Audience Network 6.0.0 Update for Unity is required

Facebook Audience Network has update its android sdk to 6.0.0, due to this, Android SDK takes com. facebook file with 6.0.0, but they didn't update unity sdk. Due to this, Facebook Audience network ...
Umair Hassan's user avatar
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Android 11 Preview - Facebook Login Not Working

To cut things to the point. I have the Facebook login implemented, pretty much this way: And it works perfectly fine when compiled with ...
Slobodan Antonijević's user avatar
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(Facebook Login Implementation - Android) Generating invalid Key Hashs for both 'debug' and 'release' environments, how to fix this?

I would like to share that I wasn't able to find on StackOverflow. I will be sharing what I have done so far and the respective output which I have never faced before. What I have done: Followed the ...
A S M Sayem's user avatar
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