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How to collect Facebook posts' data from public pages for research? [closed]

I am planning a research project involving data analysis. I want to collect data from Facebook posts (the description, time of publication, number of reactions, number of comments, etc.) within a ...
36n's user avatar
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How to select a custom time range from datepickerrange using Selenium

I'm trying to do some web-scraping with the URL: text to collect some data on the move history of a chasis. However, the time range selector of this web page is kind of weird, and it's really hard to ...
Sean Liu's user avatar
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BeautifulSoup type error NoneType has no attribute text [duplicate]

This is the error AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-1-09a7a672688e> in <cell line: 14>() 12 13 # Extract the app name ---...
Ayanika Majumdar's user avatar
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Retrieving .pha files from RXTE for XSPEC analysis

I downloaded a file from the HEASARC browse feature from RXTE and I am trying to put it through XSPEC table models, but they require an OGIP .pha file and the data I download saves as a directory ...
JGill's user avatar
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How do you get pyqtSignal to properly emit a signal that the rpyc service has been turned on?

I have two widgets that are in two separate python files. They are: A) temperature_service: acts as the rpyc service that turns off and on the service and encodes the instructions for the tasks my ...
Chris G's user avatar
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How do I use coroutines in my Kotlin code to read in phone sensor data one by one?

I'm working on a project where I'm trying to read sensor data from multiple sensors into a .txt file. I would like for the data to read in nicely so that it would be easy to read. Right now I've ...
kiselovv's user avatar
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Trying to identify the spec/format for datafiles with these markers

I'm working with some binary multichannel data logger files, and I'm finding the following plaintext markers all in the header of each file for a given logging session: RDX PPX IIX MMX GGX I swear I'...
arpieb's user avatar
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Collecting data for an interactive game map

I'm trying to create an interactive map for a project, and I already have created the basic core engine that allow me to set an image (no tiles yet, but it's coming), handle the zoom and place ...
Rolstyam's user avatar
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Crowdsourcing data collection through online tables or spreadsheets

I'm starting a research program that requires compiling precise ocean fishing locations (lat-lon) and site characteristics from a broad array of sport and commercial fishermen. I did something similar ...
FredGMeyer's user avatar
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What ways are there to leave a script running, while my pc is not running/not being used?

I am currently to pulling Tweets through the X/Twitter API, now I would like to leave the script running over the weekend to collect as many tweets as possible (within Twitters limits ofc) to later ...
regflori's user avatar
-3 votes
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What do I mention in the privacy policy for my game in Google PlayStore which doesn't collect data on its own but uses third party analytics software?

I have a game that does not collect/process any type of data on its own(I do not own/use servers to collect/process data). The game uses services like AdMob, Firebase and Google Analytics to collect ...
NoobMaster's user avatar
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How can I collect custom logs (e.g. from a file of an web app) to Log Analytics Workspace [Continuously] using Azure Monitoring Agent

In the Data Collection Rule I have pointed the file from where the logs should be collected. Then it collects the existing logs from that file. However, it prevents the new logs to be appended in the ...
Shanks's user avatar
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How to get ALL Mastodon accounts followers using API or web scrapping?

I want to get all the accounts followers by using the Mastodon API. In the documentation it is written that the maximum number of results to ...
adinas's user avatar
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How to scrape changing survey data of an ajax web survey

I have a site where I want to scrape out the contents of the survey. The survey can not be extracted it is a limesurvey service with a PHP backend. I tried using ParseHub but I am stuck. The survey ...
rigozsolt01's user avatar
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is possible to create a map with 2 keys and a vector of values in Clojure?

I am trying to create a program that reads in a table of temperatures from a csv file and would like to access a a collection of temperatures based on the year and day. the first column stands for the ...
Ebel Ofori's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is the best way to work with manually Excel collected data from different sources?

I have been tasked with creating Power BI KPI reports and the data to feed those reports comes from different sources and is collected manually. There is one person responsible per KPI. That person ...
PaulinaPruneda's user avatar
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How to create CPU, Memory, Disk Alerts by using an Data Collection Rules

Previously as we have created an alerts (Memory, CPU, Disk) using an Log-Analytics workspace is going to be no-use. Create Alerts - CPU, Memory, Disk by using an Data Collection Rules.
Winslet vasanthraaj ts's user avatar
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How to delete a row on the master tab (destination) and also delete the same row value on the tab it was queried from automatically?

This is a probably convoluted process in data collection. Any advice on how to best do this will be appreciated. I am working on data collection and I am trying to clean it real time. The data is set ...
Isa's user avatar
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Match a keyword with 2 or more word from a sentence of word in R

I am trying to obtain specific key word from cricket commentary, some of the keyword I am looking for are a combination of 2 to 3 word in a list so, This is the list of keywords in am looking in the ...
Chandrshekar N's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is there a way to simulate a user search on the Youtube API?

I am trying to collect some data for a pet study. I would be collecting some metadata on the video suggestions based on a search. I was wondering if it is possible to do the following using the ...
Ishan mistry's user avatar
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Scrapping/ extracting Youtube Channel URLs

I am trying to collect Data from YouTube and would like to ideally get the channel URL from as many Youtubers, who are active on one particular day and from a specific country. The website channel ...
Heinz's user avatar
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Collecting data with 'gtrendsR' for more than 5 keywords

I my research, I intend to investigate on Google Trends the search visibility of some animal groups. For this, I am using the gtrendsR package, with the following commands: > library(gtrendsR) >...
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It doesn't take the id correctly and doesn't display data. I am trying to get the recipe info by clicking on the button, but it doesn't show anything

I am trying to create a favourite functionality, for now I am trying to get the recipe by it's id and then save the data in const variables and then create a new recipe with the same data and add it ...
DimitriTfb's user avatar
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datacollection program not correctly collecting

I created an data collection app for our company which collect data from our remote devices. The data is collected from a datamailbox which is comparable with an database that works like an 10 day ...
UwUs's user avatar
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XLSForms PULL Data

please I need a help in an issue where I want the pull data function not to run when a specific field has an answer the image describes exactly what I have for example in the image above , no need to ...
Harvester's user avatar
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how do I make a code that help to find a match pair based on age and height?

I was looking for the same thing but my problem is how to make a condition so that the matched pair should be within 10 years of age-old and within 10 ...
Mrmr's user avatar
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How do I obtain the data to train my ML model?

I am building a machine learning model that would suggest attractions in a specific location. I have most of the details worked out. However, I still need to collect the data of the attractions to ...
xifir's user avatar
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Glass Door scrapping ( selenium) , Python

I'm trying to scrape Glassdoor, While executing the code, there are no errors and the website opens, but then nothing happens. I've tried changing the tags but it's still working. The problem is that ...
Sara Tabbassi's user avatar
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Collecting old tweets between a specific time period

I am trying to collect tweets using tweepy. The resources I have checked all use the parameters since and until which has not worked so far. I also tried twint and GetOldTweets3 to no success. The ...
dekaottoman's user avatar
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Secomea DCM 3529 multiple triggers or two values in the same reading

I am currently having troubles with Secomea Data Collection Module, I was wondering if anyone here might be able to enlighten me. So I am collecting sensor data from the product Secomea 3529 through a ...
Christoffer's user avatar
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Get replies to a specific Twitter user?

I'm currently having trouble collecting Twitter-replies to a specific Twitter-user. I'm not trying to collect replies to a specific tweet, just the user in general (i.e. all replies to X number of ...
StatGuy25's user avatar
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How do you get a text from a span tag using BeautifulSoup when there's no clear identification?

enter image description here I am trying to extract the value from this span tag for Year Built using BeautifulSoup and the following code below, but I'm not getting the actual Year. Please help. ...
yahya talab's user avatar
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Rasberry Pi Data Collection (First Steps)

I work in industrial automation and the functions of automation processors and software are locked down. I'm trying to sample and collect an analog signal at as fast of a rate as I can, <=10ms. I ...
hydctrl's user avatar
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Facbook web scraping

I was trying to get post info from posts on Facebook like date, text, and post link. I have tried a lot of methods but after login and going to the group I get stuck and cant get elements I want. It ...
abdelrahman amr's user avatar
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How to fetch data from Postgres db behind firewall for power bi report

I am having my data on Postgres DB on Azure behind the firewall. Because of firewall it is not possible to import data in Power bi. I want to publish the report on Any ...
Sonali Bisht's user avatar
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How to collect data of other apps using Flutter

Example 1 - Instagram Let's say that our app has a text field which ask for a Instagram username, and when someone submits our app displays the followers and following count. input(textfield): ...
Lakshan Costa's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is splunk's log file collect technology

I'm using Splunk and Splunk forwarder (UF) for log collecting. I have questions that "How to Splunk collect log file?", "What is data collect technic?" So, I tried to find answer ...
heunji's user avatar
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values subtracted while iterating through list has random miscalculations

I am trying to get the difference in price between two closing values. The idea is to take the following days closing price and subtract it from the previous days closing price. To find the difference....
ZoidEEE's user avatar
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Is there a way one can access the game time variables like health bar and other scores from a game running on unreal engine

My objective requires that I am able to access game time variables like health bar, certain scores etc, when the game is running. I do not want to change this variables, or cheat in the game in anyway,...
Rohan's user avatar
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Extract location of fires from MODIS sensor readings

I am a newbie in the field of data collection from satellite images. I need help parsing useful information from HDF5 datasets.The sensor reading im working with right now is MOD14A2(Thermal anomalies)...
Sreeram M's user avatar
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Scrape image url

I am trying to scrape image source links using beautiful soup from the amazon but not getting the right output, link from where I am scraping is :
Abhishek Mishra's user avatar
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Apple App Privacy Data Collection: If we require the user's email to create an account in an app, does that count as "collecting" the email address?

I'm filling out the App Privacy Data Collection disclosure in the App Store and I am wondering if I need to disclosure we "collect" email addresses of the users. We collect the email in ...
Nati Lara-Diaz's user avatar
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Get highest level P131 for given place on Wikidata

I have the following query: SELECT DISTINCT ?place ?place_eng ?admin_eng ?country_eng WHERE { VALUES ?place { wd:Q3437 wd:Q1903 wd:Q5083 } ?place wdt:P131 ?admin. ?place wdt:P17 ?country. ...
theberzi's user avatar
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Streaming Google Analytics 4 data to BigQuery causing data collection issues

We have configured a linking between the GA 4 property and GoogleBigQuery via the GA interface (without any additional code). It works fine, we see a migrated data in GBQ tables, but however, we face ...
Roman's user avatar
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Performance of an array grouping method

Considering the date model below : struct Order: Hashable { let mode: Mode let title: String } enum Mode { case old, new, middle } I am using the basic swift grouping method in order to ...
Blisko 's user avatar
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How to implement a method which can collect what information is display on the screen in android app

I want to do a research by monitor user behavior using android app. So we want to collect how many time they spend in each page in detailed (not only the total time we need for each portion of page ...
吳佳真's user avatar
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How to scrape data from an obscure Windows 7 program?

I have the task of scraping the data from a piece of software written especially for a small charity. I have attached a screenshot (with identifying information blurred out) below: The data is in a ...
jserv's user avatar
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WebApp Google Script to collect data and upload a file

I have got some code from another user in this fourm, but the code is uploading the file but not appending the textbox filed data and uploaded file link to the sheet. i just want to have file upload ...
Raghavender's user avatar
3 votes
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Problem with PDF download that I cannot open

I am working on a script to extract text from law cases using I have created methods for search and create-xlsx, which work well, but I am struggling with the ...
Arno's user avatar
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How do i select the first division of a certain class?

I'm using selenium for web scraping. I'm trying to scrape the content of a paragraph within a division of a certain class X. The problem im having is that there are multiple div with the same class ...
jalal abboud's user avatar