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WaterLevel Indicator Flutter Custom Paint

How Can I create this shape using custom paint in Flutter, Here the blue water wave will show the water level in the tank. Two Examples are shown here for 44% and 56%. It will come through zero to ...
Md. Sabik Alam Rahat's user avatar
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Flutter: Handling Long Text in Custom Stepper with Circular Progress Indicators

widget appearanceI have a Flutter code snippet where I'm using CustomPaint and Stack widgets to create a progress bar with steps. However, I am facing an issue with the labelText when it is too long; ...
Zaknafein Do'urden's user avatar
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Swing - UI changes are not affected

I'm sketching the grid on the user interface using the width and height that I specified when I created the GridPanel, accordingly. For representational purposes, I am laying the grid starting at 30, ...
Giorgi Chapidze's user avatar
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how to draw SVG on CustomPainter Canvas with layer wise in flutter

i am looking to render svg image on canvas with layers.My aim is to transfer svg image on canvas layer wise. As SVG String contain tag by which we can decompose on flutter. but i did not find any ...
Karamat Subhani's user avatar
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how can I Create custom App drawer flutter

How can I create custom app drawer like this one I tried to use custom shape border with container but I cannot get the same shape
ETA Dev's user avatar
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Custom Paint Button in Flutter

I'm trying to make a collection of hexagonal buttons in my flutter app, but I can't get it working. I've tried a couple different things with CustomPaint and the ClipPath class, but my widgets either ...
Alex's user avatar
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how does GestureDetector work with canvas.draw circle custom paint

GestureDetector( child: SizedBox( width: double.infinity, height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height, child: InteractiveViewer( ...
Arbaz Khan's user avatar
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Flutter: How to Create a Top-to-Bottom Animation Effect?

I'm working with Flutter and I aim to create an animation that transitions from the top to the bottom of the screen, similar to a fill effect. I've attached a GIF of the desired effect and what I ...'s user avatar
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How can I draw an arc in Flutter using custom painting?

I need to create image like this in Flutter using custom painting: I have the following code: Center( child: CustomPaint( child: Container( width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width, ...
xihadulislam's user avatar
2 votes
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Flutter : Good way of adding borders to CustomPaint

I am trying to create a more complex customPaint and want to add a border to it. From the picture you can see the shape (In blue) and the partial border (in white) The way I am creating the white ...
s3v3ns's user avatar
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Rounding the drawn line(path) with flutter custom painter

I have below custom painter and I want to round any edge of the path I will be grateful if you help
Hossein Asadi's user avatar
-6 votes
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How to create button in flutter?

How do you create this button in this way? Need for my academic work. Please help me!! enter image description here
Pranav Ratusaria's user avatar
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How to make round shape in Flutter?

I need to implement shape like image below. After I research about it, I found CustomPaiter and try to implement for awhile. I get this result. I have no idea how to round corner of shape. Has ...
Tar journey's user avatar
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Buttons not visible until mouseover

I created a frame and panel (for Graphics) and add buttons to the panel. However, when I run my program buttons are not visible until I hover over them. Maybe it is something wrong with graphics ...
Роман Лютик's user avatar
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Flutter : Zooming canvas in certain places

I am trying to make something like a magnifying glass on a Custom Painter. So far I am able to use Backdropfilter with imagefilter matrix scaling like below: BackdropFilter( filter: ImageFilter....
Zero Live's user avatar
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Flutter use Hero transition between Custom Painter

Want I want Hello, I want to realize a function in my application which is based on brainstorming applications. What I do Here is my application I have a wheel which is the first page, when I click ...
xenos92's user avatar
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How to skip spaces with CustomPaint with Flutter?

I'm trying to achive an ARC in flutter, but with "holes" in it. What I have: screen image What I want: achive image My code: class ProgressArc extends CustomPainter { bool isBackground; ...
Dee S's user avatar
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flutter CustomPainter - how to cut out a hole in line path

I have a CustomPaint which paints an oval. I want to cut out a hole at a specific position which I couldn't figure out yet how that works. I tried: canvas.drawPath( Path.combine(PathOperation....
tmaihoff's user avatar
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Quarter Circle does not fit my initial circle Flutter Painter

I'm trying to make a loading icon for my loading screen using CustomPaint widget. Unfortunally, it doesn't work as expected... My quarter circle does not fit in my primary circle, here's a screen of ...
Zouglou's user avatar
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Custom brush patttern in flutter custom paint

I have created a drawing application in flutter. Its working very well for simple drawing but the issue is I want to implement brush patterns in drawing and there is no option for custom brush style/ ...
Gandrath krishna prasad's user avatar
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Polybrush errors in unity 2019.4

i tried to import Polybrush in my unity project on editor 2019.4, and it seems causing many errors, is there a way to correct the errors and use Polybrush again ? Thanks in advance.
WildFrog's user avatar
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How to support and paint multiple algorithms

I have been working on a maze generator/solver program. It works nicely, but I came across a problem while refactoring my code. Basically, I used to call methods that draw the process of solving a ...
Szász Erik's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to know the colour of a certain point in the canvas in flutter custom painter?

I am making a painter program and I want know the colour of a point when tapping on it
guirguis nashat's user avatar
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How to draw the pin on path with CustomClipper in flutter

How I can draw this pin on the path while using CustomClipper? class ErrorClipper extends CustomClipper<Path> { ErrorClipper({ this.radius = 5, this.offset = 10, this.nipSize = 10, ...
Mateen's user avatar
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How to have a dynamically sized CustomPainter in Flutter?

Consider the following code from the Flutter docs: CustomPaint( painter: Sky(), child: const Center( child: Text( 'Once upon a time...', style: TextStyle( fontSize: 40.0, ...
User45i6h45ih3455's user avatar
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How to make a button with rounded edges in flutter?

Making a rounded corner button is so simple, but I want to make a button that its edges are also rounded like this: maybe I should use CustomPaint?
Mahdi Dahouei's user avatar
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How to make a customPaint with CarouselSlider

I'm trying to Achieve the Above Design : what what I did is creating CarouselSlider with a custom painter with help of stack and position property what is not working for me is that can't ...
robo's user avatar
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How to make CustomPaint srollbar in flutter

I used this solution for drawing page in my app via CustomPaint I wonder how to make the drawing space ...
blue492's user avatar
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Swing custom painting: should `Graphic` object be disposed?

When overriding public void paintComponent(Graphics g) in any JComponent to perform custom painting of that JComponent, should the Graphic object g be disposed at the end of the painting (and why)? ...
c0der's user avatar
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Create flutter custom paint brush types

I have created a custom paint drawer, which works well, but I liked to create custom brush types like a calligraphy brush, crayon brush, etc... class DrawingPainter extends CustomPainter { ...
ÄR Âmmãř Żąîñh's user avatar
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flutter can not drawImage at exact offset with canvas.drawImage

Hello i am creating flutter app and trying to draw image and i successfully did that from below answer This is the main answer from where i can get idea about dropping pin on tap From this answer i am ...
Vishal Parmar's user avatar
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Is there a way to display an item in the middle of a custom painted chart in Swing?

Is there a way to display an item in the middle of the chart? Using the chart to output values from the database. I'd like to place the next item in the center of each pie. Is there a way? Below is ...
이윤혁's user avatar
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How setState and shouldRepaint are coupled in CustomPainter?

Minimal reproducible code: void main() => runApp(MaterialApp(home: HomePage())); class HomePage extends StatefulWidget { @override _HomePageState createState() => _HomePageState(); } class ...
iDecode's user avatar
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How to create buttons in Flutter

How do you create these buttons this way? Needed for my academic work. Please help me.
ChaNuka's user avatar
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How to draw tail end for container in Flutter using Custom painter

I have a chat screen which have the chatItem box with tail end like this Need to have that tail end in receiver side and sender side as well as I am currently using custom painter to this. And couldn'...
Ahalya Raj's user avatar
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Flutter custom image collage

I would like to be able to build collages and for that I tried using CustomPaint to draw the shape and then filling that shape with an image. This is what I tried: Container( height: 300, ...
Chris's user avatar
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How to make cubic like shape in flutter Slide

I want to make a Custom shape in the slider Shape of cubic in a flutter. For Rotation, I used the Rotated Box Widget to Change the rotation. and then quarter to 7. I tried to make the widget but the ...
Shahryar Rafique's user avatar
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How to dynamically draw rectangles on an image in Flutter?

I want to allow the user draw rectangles on the image he receives in a certain way and get the coordinates of the drawn rectangle. One of the ways I was thinking about is allowing him to tap on the ...
DCodes's user avatar
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Flutter canvas, how to paint over the child widget?

I am trying to draw red dots over the child textbox widget like this: For that, I wrapped the child widget with CustomPaint() widget: return CustomPaint( painter: DotsPainter(), //draws red ...
Nick's user avatar
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How to make Below Shape in Image flutter [closed]

I want This Similar Shape using Custom Shape.
Mehedi Hasan's user avatar
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How to repaint canvas in Flutter?

Is there a way to simply reload or repaint canvas in Flutter app? Something like setState((){}) in stateful widgets.
Tracy Applepie's user avatar
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Shouldn't use getGraphics() on Jbutton.update, Why?

I always do Jbutton.setEnabled(false); Jbutton.update(Jbutton.getGraphics()); when disabling a button, but someone told me that Jbutton.update(Jbutton.getGraphics()); shouldn't be used, or at least ...
user14618910's user avatar
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How to change color when tapped using touchable custom paint in flutter?

I make sleep data chart that has touchable bar charts. This is made by using touchable custom painter. Here is sample code, image. Tooltip that has sleep amount message is shown when you long pressed ...
MaNDOOoo's user avatar
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Flutter - How to move and zoom Canvas drawings without AGAIN running something like the CustomPainter paint method?

I have tried using the methods "Transform.scale" (for "zooming" ) and "Transform.translate" (for the moving), but they seem to trigger the paint method in the ...
user743436's user avatar
3 votes
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Flutter blend/mask multiple widgets under another widget in a stack

I'm trying to blend multiple widgets under a specific widget in a Stack. For example, in this Stack... Stack( children: [ Container( decoration: ...
Wilson Wilson's user avatar
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How to animate line draw in custom painter in Flutter?

I want to animate the line drawing in custom painter canvas. So far what I can do is create two circles at two points and then create a line between those two points. But I don't know how to animate ...
Sajib's user avatar
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My rectangle Animation does not enlarge from the center but from the first vertex expanding to the right

I am trying to create a square animation from the centrum of the screen that opens up from the center(starting really small and enlarge itself growing from the centrum of the square, unfortunately ...
John smith's user avatar
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GestureDetector on painted triangles in circle

I'm trying to handle taps for three painted "quartercirlces" using the CustomPaint widget. I've tried adding GestureDetectors around the QuarterCirclePainter class. Even tried using using a ...
Leonardbd's user avatar
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child customPaint can't click

GestureDetector( // behavior:HitTestBehavior(), onTap: (){ print('hello word'); //print(gl); // print(value.localPosition.dx); }, child: CustomPaint( size: ...
man vice's user avatar
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flutter: Make layers of CustomPaint drawing complement each other instead of blending into each other

I'm painting two layers of graphs on one CustomPaint. The first will occlude over half of the second layer. Problem Currently I just paint the first data and then second data using two Paints, with ...
kakyo's user avatar
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