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Styling Fluent UI checkboxes within a dropdown

I need to style a fluent UI checkbox using the style props. However based on the documentation it is unclear how to style the checkbox differently in its checked vs unchecked state. I am able to set ...
Christopher Konopka's user avatar
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CSS linear-easing-function bug

Edit: add full html code <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" ...
신범기's user avatar
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How to select hardcoded CSS class with Vanilla Extract?

I’m migrating from Emotion to Vanilla Extract. I have a component which contains a third-party UI library component. This third-party component has a hardcoded class .ClassWhichICannotChange. In ...
Black Beard's user avatar
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"Failed to Fetch Font Resource from Google Fonts"

The request to fetch the font file from the specified URL failed multiple times. Specific URL: and https://...
Nilima Mahadik's user avatar
1 vote
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justify text in react native, but last line be rtl

I've some Arabic text in react native, and I want to make it justify (fill the width from both sides), but the last line be right aligned. When I set textAlign: "justify" style for <Text&...
famdude's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to set CSS style of elements dynamically through backend? (user customization panel to change style of other webpages) [closed]

let's say we have a website with multiple pages and also a page for user account. the user has a setting in his panel to change the color/fontsize/style etc of certain parts in other pages of website ...
Pooria1998's user avatar
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React Antd v5 css in js and legacy themes support - a gradual move from less to css in js

To start off, I've read many posts regarding this topic with creation dates spanning several years and couldn't find a definitive answer to this question. So I apologize upfront if this is a duplicate....
Andrej Mohar's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to use material-ui styled components inside Next.js server components

I'm using Next.js version 14 with app router alongside with Material-UI v5. Whenever I'm rendering Material-UI components in server pages components It's working just fine. The issue starts when I'm ...
Netanel Vaknin's user avatar
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2 answers

CSS properties with conditional styles and falsy values

I'm looking for the answer to the question how should I use styles with conditional operators. What code example would be the best? Can we use non-CSS values such as undefined, null, false, etc.? ...
programmer's user avatar
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Css properties as falsie values in react

I'm looking for the answer to the question how should I use conditional styles with conditional operators. What code example would be the best? Can we use non css values? margin: isOpen ? '10px' : ...
programmer's user avatar
6 votes
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integrating emotion/css with nextjs app router

I have been using emotion/css for my project and want to migrate to nextjs app router but have some questions regarding emotion/css server side rendering with app router. Nextjs documentation states ...
user3158803's user avatar
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How to style body in StyleX?

In StyleX, how to style a body? The body element that stays outside any React component, is usually styled using useEffect, but I can't figure out how to actually use that in StyleX. There's nothing ...
laggingreflex's user avatar
2 votes
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Extract CSS from Lit tagged templates

We are in a situation where we have to ship some of the global styles written with Lit tagged templates as plain css files. Basically converting the following: // global.ts import { css, unsafeCSS } ...
puter's user avatar
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ReactJS: CSS in JS Dynamic Values/Theming Slows render

I'm using CSS-in-JS (via JSS) in our application and we're having issues with render speeds when using dynamic values in our styles. I initially decided to use JSS because of the ability to pass in ...
SoooTired's user avatar
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What is the correct way to configure CSP in Tauri when using CSS-in-JS libraries?

In the release build, Tauri does not render anything. After a bit of Googling, I found the same issue, but I am still confused about the right CSP configuration to set when using CSS-in-JS libraries ...
Nane's user avatar
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I'm trying to apply the first 4 things to new project

I tried applying StyleX to vite. So, I installed and applied the library called "vite-plugin-stylex": "^0.4.1". vite.config.ts import { defineConfig } from "vite" import ...
Ensnif's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

How to install StyleX in a new React project

I want to use StyleX in my new project, but I'm having some trouble trying to use it (with NextJS). I don't understand how to configure the "next.config.js" file (creating a "babel....
aBarl's user avatar
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-1 votes
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@import not showing Fontawesome icons in CSS-in-JS

This was how I was importing Fontawesome icons: src/App.css @import "@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.css";` When I moved that @import to CSS-in-Js (emotion): src/App.js // JS: const ...
wyc's user avatar
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CSS: Preventing Tooltip Position Drift on Window Resize for Dynamic Width Parent Element

I am working with a CSS layout where I have a tooltip element positioned above a dynamic width container (RateChart). Inside this container, there is a PercentMemory element represented by a thin ...
Beginner Professional's user avatar
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How to format css-in-js styles order using stylelint?

I am using styled-components, prettier and stylelint. Here is my .stylelintrc.json: { "extends": [ "stylelint-config-standard", "stylelint-prettier", "...
Ilya Kruchinin's user avatar
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ComponentProps in xstyled components

import { x } from "@xstyled/styled-components"; import React, { ComponentProps } from "react" type WrongProps = ComponentProps<typeof x.div>; const App = () => { ...
wleklinski's user avatar
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How to load and apply a 3rd-party stylesheet into a NextJS component after CSS-in-JS globals?

I've got a problem with the loading order in a NextJS app. We use Stitches CSS-in-JS, which provides globalCss() for loading global styles like resetters/normalizers and it gets invoked in _app.tsx. ...
Onkeltem's user avatar
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Kuma CSS in JS library applies a class but with no effect

I'm using Kuma.js as my CSS in JS solution for Next JS 13. I'm trying to create a styled Header component using Kuma called HeaderWrapper. Here's my code: import { styled } from "@kuma-ui/core&...
Ethan's user avatar
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Migration from antd4 to antd5 less to css in js

In a complicated aplication that was built on antd4, that has many different less files 100+, upgrading to antd5 do I have to update all the files to be using cssinjs or can I keep the old less files ...
Ivana Murray's user avatar
2 votes
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How to enable CSS intellisense in JSX files in VSCode

I just got a new work computer, and setting up the dev environment, I cannot seem to get my Intellisense to work while in a React.jsx file I'm using CSS-in-JS with NextJs styled JSX
Barrard's user avatar
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When reloading the page in Next.js, there is a delay in applying Antd CSS

The issue I am facing is that when I reload the page in Next.js while using Antd CSS, there is a delay in applying the CSS styles. In other words, the styles are not being applied immediately upon ...
moon's user avatar
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2 answers

How to remove duplicate code from method? [closed]

I am having array of data which I am maping using .map method. How can I remove duplicate code i.e. <a href={usp.url}> <div>{usp.text}</div> </a> Code can be found on code ...
MeAtWork's user avatar
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How to style Fluent UI checkbox?

I need to style Fluent UI checkbox and change checkmark color while it is in indeterminate state. I use Flueint UI 8.x. "dependencies": { "react": "16.8.6", &...
Sergiy Kostenko's user avatar
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how can I use @ rules in emotion?

I wanna use @Property in emotion ,but cannot find something about this in document import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import React from 'react'; import demo from './demo_img.jpeg'; const ...
joey's user avatar
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Getting problem in flowing images from left to right (i.e. 1,2,3,4...... more) using grid

Getting problem in flowing images from left to right using grid. Some images are not flowing from left to right as per number as shown in image (like 5th image should come before image 6. Same with ...
MeAtWork's user avatar
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Antd styled component datepicker unable to override style

I am trying to override the style for the datapicker today and change the blue box around todays date to red. Inspecting the element I find the class to override is the following: :where(.css-dev-...
ask-N-answered's user avatar
1 vote
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Griffel - CSS in JS - Cannot overwrite child class rule on parent element hover

I'm using Griffel for the first time and I am struggling to achieve this simple thing. By default this button is hidden and when the user hover's over the parent I want to ...
sayayin's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Overriding styles antd component on V5

I want to customize the styles of some antd components written in cssinjs. I created a HOC component to access the theme and override some styles and call it after defining the providers import { ...
user2645494's user avatar
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use of :hover as a simplepseudos in csstype for typescript/react

I am using csstype in a react component library. I want to add a hover effect, which is supported through simple pseudos. Unfortunately I cannot find any example of this being used and I can't get it ...
Richard George's user avatar
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How to change the styles of Base Web Button component on click?

I want to change the color and background color of the Base Web Button component on button click using React. How can I change the styles of the button on button click? I tried to use $isSelected prop ...
Utku Demir's user avatar
12 votes
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Overriding antd variables with less on V5

I'm upgrading to antd v5 and i had some issues with keeping the variables overrides made from less files with v4 i have multiple less files inside src/theme one of them is with the following @import '...
Ilyas Ghomrani's user avatar
2 votes
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Nested components & styles in fluent ui v9 / Griffel

I have a style for a standard list export const useOverrides = makeStyles({ list: { ...shorthands.padding("2px", "4px", "8px", "30px"), }, I ...
TommyD's user avatar
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How can I use emotion/styled in my react project on codepen?

I need to be able to use @emotion/styled CSS-in-JS library so I can pass props to the background-color and color properties of my Button component. The background-color and color of the buttons are ...
annie's user avatar
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How to implement multiple class selectors like .a.b in Emotion?

I'm migrating some CSS to Emotion, some selectors are like .a.b {...}. What's the best way to use Emotion for this? I've tried css`.${a}.${b}` but it doesn't work :(
slhsxcmy's user avatar
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How can I load CSS Modules with a *runtime* unique hash?

I have 2 micro frontends, which share the same component library. This creates specificity bugs, because it breaks the order of style definition. For example: Suppose we have these styles: .card { ...
Damian Pereira's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I get vscode intellisense to work when customizing css in material-ui component?

I was wondering if somebody could suggest a vscode extension that will allow intellisense to suggest css-in-js for customized material ui components in .tsx file. E.g. I would like intellisense to pop ...
Glen Ottley's user avatar
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React inline CSS style with fallback

Is this the correct way to apply fallback for width with vendor prefixes and finally percentage for browsers that don't support calc? <React.Fragment> <Container style={{ ...
Nikk's user avatar
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CSS-in-JS parser for JavaScript/Typescript?

I'd like to parse CSS-in-JS (styled-components) which is written in my tsx file into an AST so I can change the hex color into the css variable name. For example, const Wrapper = styled.div` ...
syed hussain haider zaidi's user avatar
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How to make an MUI 5 checkbox & label change color on hover?

I'd like to have a checkbox with a label in a wrapper. When the wrapper is hovered everything should change color. See the image: Here is my code: const styles = {formControlLabel:{ color:'#d7dae0',...
Travis Heeter's user avatar
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How to add conditional props to style object in @emotion/react/Typescript?

I want to add props to control my css in emotion,but I don't know how to do
React-beginner's user avatar
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Sibling Selectors not working correctly with Emotion

I have the following code: const CardContainer = styled(Flex)` flex-direction: column; padding: 12px; width: 100%; max-width: 450px; height: auto; border-radius: 32px; overflow: hidden; ...
goplay's user avatar
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twin.macro preflight styles differ from tailwind preflight

According to my research and twin.examples repo for Next.js, twin.macro recommends adding their preflight component, which they name <GlobalStyles />. They often alias it to <BaseStyles /> ...
Francisco Barros's user avatar
4 votes
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default "css-" class names using MUI styled-components

I'm using Mui's styled components, and i've noticed it injects a class that starts with "css-" and replaces the class name i've given to it in the code I've tried to follow everything that ...
For fun programmer's user avatar
2 votes
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Serialize programmatic CSS style sheets (stylesheets that use CSSOM API)?

You can use document.documentElement.outerHTML in order to serialize a document to a HTML string. However, if we paste the result into a file and try to render it as HTML, it will not be always be ...
Foobar's user avatar
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TS error using css "position" when passing style object to Emotion's css prop

I have a React component roughly with this structure: // This does not work. const style = { position: 'absolute' // ...other css props } const Component = () => {...
 HigoChumbo 's user avatar

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