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Hydration Fail NextJS 15 and Styled Components

I keep getting the hydration failed error when using NextJS v15 and StyledComponents (see image attached). Here is the repo if anyone wants to check : I have ...
Zaack's user avatar
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Semi circular gauge progress bar in react

enter image description here I want to make semi circle gauge chart(progress bar) shown in the image above. here are the key requirements: A semi-circle shape with a progress bar that fills the ...
yeondubu's user avatar
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Styled Components DefaultTheme Disallow Additional Properties

I am using styled-components and have defined a theme type in a root-level .d.ts file as so: import "styled-components"; import { CSSProperties } from 'react'; type RequiredCSSProperties = ...
Ptolemy2002's user avatar
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Styled components with react-native and typescript props

Hi I'm currently migrating a react-native project to use Typescript. I have a lot of styled components which use props like this one : export interface LinkStyledProps { color: string; ...
Julien Vdb's user avatar
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Upgrading to MUI 5 with styled components issues

My main issue after upgrading is that default styles part of MUI doesn't seem to get applied. Here is a button in devtools. It has the MuiButtonBase-root and random style names (DPUOvl). It is missing ...
user2127661's user avatar
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Generate nested-variable with style-dictionary

I'm using Style Dictionary to generate a theme.js file from JSON tokens. However, the output is flat, and I want to preserve the nested structure of the tokens. Here’s an example: Input (tokens/colors....
ando's user avatar
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Next js + styled components hydration error

I'm trying to combine styled components with next js, I created a homepage and wanted to add a footer and navbar, but not only on the homepage but also on other pages. Whenever I add a navigation bar ...
Jezdi's user avatar
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Determine when Parent is Flex or Grid to specify the typescript types autosuggestion

I am using @emotion/styled and I've encountered an issue I cannot resolve. I have two styled components, <Flex> and <Grid>. What I'm trying to achieve is for <Flex> to detect whether ...
Χρήστος Κ.'s user avatar
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css shadowEffect differences on web vs mobile (React Native)

I am building a React native application and working on the tabs style. A Tab.Screen looks like this: <Tabs.Screen name="events" options={{ title: "Events&...
Coding Flamingos's user avatar
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How to keep the logo in the center of the video component in any resolution of the screen

I have a React component that has a video with a company logo in the center, but when I switch to a responsive screen like a cellphone the logo keep getting out of the video, how do I fix this? PC ...
Guilherme Melo's user avatar
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Apply active class to React side nav using IntersectionObserver. Intersection is not capturing correctly

Issue: Works fine while scrolling bottom to top, but not otherwise Problem: I am using smooth scrolling for navigation in my app, and everything works perfectly when scrolling from bottom to top. ...
Dayanand Kadalgere's user avatar
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Prop Required for Styled Component Despite Being Specified with attr

I created a basic icon component that extends SVG from react-inlinesvg with styled-components to allow for custom styling props. In addition, an attr call specifies the src property to the SVG ...
Ptolemy2002's user avatar
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Next.js turborepo + styled-components + package ui-kit

I am using NextJs and styled-components in my project. I am using styles registry for my app from next js docs:
Елена Кара's user avatar
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How to prevent MaterialUI react components from injecting <style> tags into the <head> tag

I recently added MaterialUI to my react project and I'm seeing a bunch of tags showing up in the tag and it's causing problems with my content security policy.
forte's user avatar
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How to change drag preview of a styled component, using pragmatic dnd?

I'm using Pragmatic DnD and am looking at the method onGenerateDragPreview, but the docs don't really show any way to re-render the component being dragged in order to send a prop to my styled ...
JoeTidee's user avatar
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Page auto-scrolls too far down when focused on input fields, creating black space and not scrolling back up

I am building a webpage using a flexbox layout and I am having some issues with scrolling for the mobile view when I am focused on an input field. When I am focused on only input fields and scroll my ...
user27931460's user avatar
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CSS Grid area issue with React components

Even though I have set up the grid areas as shown below, the Cost Meter component is not appearing directly below the Electricity Meter as intended, and the alert now appearing on the right side. I am ...
Flavio Andrade's user avatar
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Copmparing the height of two div's

I have a list of object testList and would like to compare the offsetHeight difference betweeninnerRef and outerRef. I am not sure why the outerRef offsetHeight value is always smaller than innerRef ...
Easy Money's user avatar
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TSelectionPoint color

TSelection has a Color property that enables us to change the colors easily. TSelectionPoint does not have a Color property. I want to change the color of the circle even when it is not active. sp1....
Peter Jones's user avatar
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react-native Card component with cutout

I need to create a card component, but I know how to add an inset cutout. It may be necessary to use react-native-svg lib, but I am not sure. It's like a separator between the header and the dynamic ...
IncognitoUser's user avatar
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CSS transition is not working on emotion styled component

I have a problem with css transition. When the selected state value changes, the CSS width changes. I want to apply a transition effect to the width, but if I use a styled component, the transition ...
user16223807's user avatar
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Can't type into Mui DatePicker

I'm using Mui's DatePicker, but I can't type into it, because the date ends up being wrong, I can only select. I wanted to be able to write in it too, because it's easier, but when I want to type the ...
Lore's user avatar
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Custom uikit library, how to create a good reusable modal component with createPortal()

actually i'm working on a custom uikit library for React, and i wrote a lot of reusable component. Now i want to create a good reusable Modal component, that must be rendered always on top of all ...
MarkWriteCodes's user avatar
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Why are props in my generic component accepted by TypeScript only if I specify their type explicitly as "object"?

I've been trying to implement a component in React which can be either a link or a button. If the value of "as" prop equalts to "button" then it is a button and hence accepts all ...
seb's user avatar
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applying the same selectors on sibling have a slightly different behaviour

In my app, I have a component in which there are only two cards and I want to animate them when they are hovered and clicked. I noticed that when one of them is currently active (clicked) the other ...
Marya's user avatar
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styled-components are not loaded the first time, reloading the page fix it

I have a website with mixed usage of wordpress and react. The react part has a big usage of styled-components. Usually the react part is reachable with a normal <a href> link from the wordpress ...
Lorenzo Braghetto's user avatar
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Dropdown Menu Not Staying Fixed With Button on Scroll

I'm building a dropdown menu in React, and I'm facing an issue where the menu doesn't stay fixed relative to the button when the user scrolls the page. Instead, the menu scrolls with the page, which ...
Yonathan Berhanu's user avatar
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How to read prop value inside pseudo element in styled-components? [duplicate]

I've been trying to read the value which was passed down by a prop. I'm trying to read it inside ::before pseudo element: Button/index.tsx export const Button: FC<ButtonProps> = ({children, ......
Sebastian's user avatar
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How to use mui styled on react components and to change style inside the wrapped component?

In the code below: How can I change the border-bottom property inside Header inside SpecialTabs ith styled? Thanks!! const SpecialTabs = () => { const Header = styled.div` position: relative; ...
Julia's user avatar
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Styled components typed by interface error

I using SC with react, decided to type an element with interface, but this error occurs: react-dom.development.js:86 Warning: Received `false` for a non-boolean attribute `completed`. If you want to ...
styledcomponent's user avatar
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Space between Text and Icon is not consistent in Input Date (React - Styled Component)

I have two input date attributes. I want to set the space between the text and the icon to 0. My problem is that my CSS code (styled component) works for the first attribute but not for the second (...
Art_Arnaud's user avatar
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Override style of children elements of one component again using StyledComponents when using them in another component

I have a Component like const CalendarComponent: React.FC = () => ( <DropdownContainer> <CustomDropdown> <span>{label}</span> <ArrowIconContainer> ...
Tanuj0610's user avatar
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Custom props not being passed through a React component with extended styles

I have this Button.jsx file which exports a <Button /> component, that wraps a <StyledButton /> component. (I need this wrap to handle extra props like loading and spinner) The <...
Jelly's user avatar
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How to make styled-components work with Astro ? __vite_ssr_import_0__.default.div is not a function when using styled-components in Astro project

19:54:29 [ERROR] vite_ssr_import_0.default.div is not a function Stack trace: at C:\Users\prash\OneDrive\Desktop\tac-website\src\styles\Header.js:3:42 [...] See full stack trace in the browser, or ...
Prashanth Banda's user avatar
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Unable to test a component which is wrapped in a styled component

I'm writting a test case to my component. As below render(<DetailsPage/>); expect(screen.byTestId("details-wrapper-select")).toBeInDocument(); Then I'm getting Below error: console....
orange_ball_ss's user avatar
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styled-component: Elegant way to trigger child style from parent

I have a Parent wrapping a Child. Upon Parent:hover, I want to trigger the Child:hover effect. Desire 1: Parent should not have to know/care about what the Child is made of, or how it is styled. ...
OoDeLally's user avatar
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Rollup and babel does not transpile cssprop to styled component

I'm developing a React component library for npm. The tech stack includes: React TypeScript styled-components I'm using Babel and Rollup for the build process. My issue is that I want to use the css ...
Tottzi's user avatar
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babel-plugin-styled-components works well with NODE_ENV=development but not with NODE_ENV=production in React app

I am facing the following situation in my React App. I use babel-plugin-styled-components. When NODE_ENV!==production classes are generated and injected in the head tag and used by the React ...
roggc's user avatar
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React Modal Transition working on exit, but not on entrance

I created a custom Modal component in React for creating popup modal dialogs. I am using react-transition-group to try and "zoom-in" the modal when it first shows up and "zoom-out" ...
Alan Bryan's user avatar
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how to style images in styled-components

these are my images in my React.js app: <img className="mobile-image" src={MobileImage} alt="mobile image" /> <img className="desktop-image" src={DesktopImage} ...
Banele Ndlovu's user avatar
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React application not correctly "pathing" my image

I have a React application created using Vite. I am also using Styled Components. Everything works fine, except when I specify my background image, it is not creating a correct path. As you can see, ...
Alan Bryan's user avatar
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Styled Components styles are not applied

I've a react popup which uses styled-component for styling. I'm rendering the react app in shadow dom. Because I didn't want any other css file to modify the popup. It is working on most sites except ...
Zullu Balti's user avatar
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Styled Components overlay blocks form element on iPad only

I was developing a login/signup page using a template or code done using styled-components library online; however, the strange thing is this works for all my devices, at also at different screen ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Make left column of table sticky using React Styled Components

Using styled components, I have created the following styled elements. My objective is to make the first row and column "sticky", so when the user scrolls through the table they always ...
Logothetis's user avatar
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How to make a section sticky with links react-intersection-observer

I've experimented a bit with react-intersection-observer but I'm quite new at it and doesn't seem to grasp how to make the stickyness smooth in mobile. I have a sticky section containing a couple of ...
Linn's user avatar
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NextJS Optimizing Pagespeed TBT Mobile

I have my NextJS+TS (App Router) + Styled Components app in production with Vercel+Cloudflare, and I'm seeing good results (95+) on all metrics on desktop when using But on ...
Oz_Magician's user avatar
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How to change the styling of FloatButton from AntDesign?

I am trying to customize my FloatButton component some custom CSS and can't find out how to do it for the background color and for the Icon that is displayed in it. I tested with this code but it ...
Robert Gabriel's user avatar
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The getStyleElement() method of ServerStyleSheet returns an empty style

Question We upgraded our Yarn version from 1.22.19 to 4.3.0 and TypeScript from 4.8.4 to 5.4.5, while keeping the styled-components version unchanged and updating other modules. Since this upgrade, ...
user1920486's user avatar
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How can I set a custom header for a MUI DateCalendar in order to make it collapsable?

I'm trying to customize the MUI's DateCalendar component, expecting to add a new iconbutton in it's header, that may collapse its content when clicking it. Such as this: I managed to do everything, ...
Cecilia Mermoz's user avatar
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react-native App with Expo crashes only in iOS

This RN Component: import { getRandomColor } from '@shared/lib/helpers' import { AvatarContainer, InitialText } from './styles' export const InitialAvatar = ({ name }) => { const ...
Carlos del Río Francés's user avatar

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