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justify text in react native, but last line be rtl

I've some Arabic text in react native, and I want to make it justify (fill the width from both sides), but the last line be right aligned. When I set textAlign: "justify" style for <Text&...
famdude's user avatar
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react-native flatList, make negative space between each element

I tried to make a flatlist of image, but each image should be above the others: <FlatList style={styles.listAvatar} data={item.etudiants} keyExtractor={(item, index) => index....
samuel's user avatar
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Apply styles on React Native SectionList

How can I apply different styles to the delivered and pending section lists? I would like to change the color text of the status data. Like status data pending Text should be red. And status data ...
Paulo Rodrigues's user avatar
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How to center this container on React Native

How can I center this container I would like to center de performContainer style Center like the width Will it be that only with marginLeft or have some flexbox properties to Do this? Can you give ...
Paulo Rodrigues's user avatar