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Crowdsourcing data collection through online tables or spreadsheets

I'm starting a research program that requires compiling precise ocean fishing locations (lat-lon) and site characteristics from a broad array of sport and commercial fishermen. I did something similar ...
FredGMeyer's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Collecting crowd-sourced data in tabular or spreadsheet format

Full disclosure: I originally posted this to the SE/Web application site but garnered zero comments amidst 15 views. Hoping for a better outcome here. I'm involved in a citizen-science project polling ...
FredGMeyer's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What if I have less control tasks than I need to mix all suites for workers in toloka

For example I have 5 control tasks and 100 tasks and have mixing settings 4 task and 1 control. What happens when the worker (aka toloker) just seen the last one, while there are still more potential ...
katoquro's user avatar
  • 336
0 votes
1 answer

"Recent values to use" in Toloka quality control

Can the "Recent values to use" for control tasks be set to a larger value than the current pool size to include older pools?
Igor Loban's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Setup sandbox environment in Toloka

This question is related to sandbox environment. How to test the pool in Toloka before we release it?
ValMikhno's user avatar
  • 104
3 votes
1 answer

Where to create External Question on Mechanical Turk

I am trying to create an ExternalQuestion, but I always receive an error. There is also no template for creating ExternalQuestions, so I just use the "other" template and paste the code below. I used ...
Peter Met's user avatar
  • 113
4 votes
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MTurk external Survey Link. Add Worker-ID to URL

I am trying to crate an external survey link on MTurk. The Idea is that a worker enters my page and solves a bunch of tasks until he clicks a "leave"-Button, that generates a unique token. My problem ...
Peter Met's user avatar
  • 113
0 votes
1 answer

How to edit manifest when specifying multiple sources for one task with AWS Sagemaker ground truth

I would like to create a task to have one worker perform labeling of multiple sound sources with AWS Sagemaker ground truth. I created a manifest file as follows, but I cannot specify multiple sound ...
shimokin's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Multiple issues trying to install PyBOSSA

I am trying to set up PyBOSSA on an AWS EC2 instance running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. I am following the official instructions and have encountered three errors so far. sudo apt-get install -y git ...
ZPMMaker's user avatar
  • 120
2 votes
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CrowdFlower Markup Language: selecting one of the two images by clicking

I am designing a Figure-Eight (CrowdFlower) job and need to change its CML (similar to HTML) and custom CSS so that when I click on an image it gets selected (rather than the traditional Radio Buttons)...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
  • 37.9k
0 votes
2 answers

Calculate the dependency standard deviation in R

I want to calculate the standard deviation in R. But the standard function "sd(x)" is not the function that I need. I'm looking for a function to calculate the sd(x, in dependency of another variable ...
Tim Wendt's user avatar
1 vote
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Exporting Pybossa results to Scifabric Enki in real time

Pybossa is a very good crowdsourcing framework that can be used for getting the responses on volunteer basis. They have the statistical analysis tool Enki that can be used for analysis of the results ...
Daksh Agarwal's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I see the contract log events in Ethereum?

I finished the tutorial in Ethereum and intentionally left the crowdsale having failed its funding goal (sample code at the start of the page). I fired the "...
Guy Morita's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to secure Pybossa completely?

I want to secure /project/project1/1/results.json end point of pybossa. This end point exposes our results to public without authentication.
sattu's user avatar
  • 102
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Architecture of crowdsourcing app for real time process

I am a beginner in Android development. I have to develop an Android app which enables real time on-demand crowd feedback. The idea is: the task producer needs a task to be solved on day x, time y, ...
Betty's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Recommendation Algorithm for suggesting job to workers(Crowdsourcing platform)

I have crawled MTurk website. and I have 260 Hits as a dataset and from this dataset particular number of users has selected Hits and assigned ratings to each selected Hits. now I want to give ...
Rocky's user avatar
  • 67
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How to get “qualification_type_id” when using Boto API for Mturk

It seems that the following code should return a qual which contain a qualification_type_id attribute. Since lots of functions in Boto require qualification_type_id as a parameter. It shows that the ...
slhttc's user avatar
  • 11
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Sync data onto main server database with data from several databases

I am trying to create a crowd-sourcing project in which I would like people to sense data using their Raspberry Pi. I am currently using MySQL to push data from a Java program running on Raspian after ...
Jitesh Aggarwal's user avatar
1 vote
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Crowd GPS Bluetooth 4.0 universal database

With all these different "crowd gps" bluetooth 4.0 tags floating around, and each with their own software, I was wondering if there is a "universal" database or software? If I buy a Tile unit, and ...
user2341830's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How can a scanned page be divided into words like the reCaptcha project?

I would like to digitize a book in a similar way to the reCaptcha project. Is there already a system for inputing an image and then outputting little images cropped around words? Any ideas on how to ...
webmagnets's user avatar
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Using kappa coefficient to evaluate results of crowd sourcing

I have 4 sets of manually tagged data for 0 and 1, by 4 different people. I have to get the final labelled data in terms of 0 and 1 using the 4 sets of manually tagged data. I have calculated the ...
bronn's user avatar
  • 31
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1 answer

Send data from android app to Server without OnClickListener? [closed]

I want to build a system based on crowdsoucing.The android app will gather data about the location of itms and send them to the server. How to post data in android without using onClicklstener? I ...
ocean's user avatar
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1 answer

CrowdFlower: if-ony logic

I am trying to set up a task in CrowdFlower using their CML language. I keep getting the following error with the only-if logic. contains only-if logic that references a missing field This is the ...
Bipa's user avatar
  • 309
3 votes
1 answer

Need to use PayPal for user signup

I'm planning to build a Crowdfunding platform like Kickstarter using Codeigniter for my final year project. I have only 7 days left for that. I tried reading PayPal documentation but still I don't ...
Balakrishnan's user avatar
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LXML: How to ignore unknown namespace prefixes?

For Crowdflower I need to define a CML and as it is very similar to XML I want to use LXML for this task. Crowdflower defines for it's CML tags like: <cml:textarea label="Sample text area:" /> ...
Jon's user avatar
  • 12.8k
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Boto interfacing to Amazon Mechanical turk - Hit creation

I'm new to amazon and python, so forgive me this is a easy fix. Upon creating a hit from boto I get the following error: boto.mturk.connection.MTurkRequestError: MTurkRequestError: 200 OK <?xml ...
user3178645's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Crowdsourcing Android App Tech Tips needed [closed]

As part of my project I need to develop an android app. Most important responsibilities of the app includes : Collect android mobile users' data (crowd sourcing ) Run the configured pre-processing ...
Peramanathan's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Consensus on multiple graphs

Let G = (V,E) be a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). V is the set of vertexes, while E is the set of edges. Now, suppose that G is corrupted by some annotators in a crowd, according to the crowdsourcing ...
Eleonora Ciceri's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

how to create virtual host for rails application?

I have two rails application. one is crowd sourcing platform from github I put this on my server. now it runs on my local server. I have another domain. And want to put this crowd sourcing platform ...
Zeel's user avatar
  • 234
1 vote
1 answer

How to set crowdsourcing platform in rails application

I am new as rails developer. I have crowdsourcing platform code which is on code for crowd sourcing platform And want to put this on my rails application domain. From where I have to start and what I ...
Zeel's user avatar
  • 234
-3 votes
2 answers

Legality of Mining Crowdsourced Data [closed]

I have a project idea for which I want to mine publicly available data on another website that it received by crowd-sourcing. This is so I have initial data for my own project. To reiterate, I want to ...
Eugene K's user avatar
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Increase quality of crowd-sourced info

I'm working on an app that gives traffic alerts in real time and is based on crowd-sourced information. In other words, people use the app and report traffic problems and at the same time they are ...
Catalin Morosan's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Crowdflower: how to include custom HTML?

I am trying to create a job on Crowdflower with its Builder tool. So far so good. I have items of text that I want people to label: a string with some <b>html</b> elements, such as <p&...
anonymous1fsdfds's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Which API-based payment provider works best with a crowdfunding model? [closed]

I'm working on a new personal cause-centered website for giving money to families in need, people with illnesses, disaster victims, etc. I'm in the planning phase now, trying to work out the payment ...
Chris Voth's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do you randomize answer choices on CrowdFlower?

We're using CrowdFlower in tandem with Amazon Mechanical Turk. Our questions have the same set of answers to choose from, so we'd like to randomize the order in which they appear, in order to keep ...
jeunefille's user avatar
2 votes
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Crowd source the community standards of a gaming community?

I host a few Source game servers and run a plugin that dumps player chat to a MySQL database. I have quiet a bit of chat history and was looking for something interesting to do with it. I'd like to ...
Andy's user avatar
  • 50.5k
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getText crowdfounded translation

I'm looking for a script (there has to be one) that help me to let me user translate my getText based PHP project. Right now, I don't have time to create a solution on my one, so I were looking for ...
Frederick Behrends's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Best algorithm for matchmaking for a crowd sourced rankings?

I'd like to set up a system that crowd sources the best 10 items from a set that can vary from 20-2000 items (the ranking amoung the top ten is not important). There is an excellent stackoverflow ...
DrewB's user avatar
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Is there a way to build a ushahidi like website using WordPress or Drupal?

I would like to know if there is some Drupal module or a WordPress plugin that enables the creation of a ushahidi type website (Ushahidi is a non-profit software company that develops free and open ...
Tal Galili's user avatar
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Adaptive Payments application approval - average timescale?

Does anyone have any idea of the average Adaptive Payments application approval time at the moment? It appears there may be a backlog as we've heard nothing from the moderators and it has been over 15 ...
JoeW's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Are there any examples of group data-sharing using a replicated database, such as CouchDB? [closed]

Background: I am working on a proposal for a PHP/web-based P2P replication layer for PDO databases. My vision is that someone with a need to crowd-source data sets up this software on a web server, ...
halfer's user avatar
  • 20.4k
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Crowdsourcing reliability measurements - spam/fraud detection

I'd like to collect some kind of geographical information from website users - for given set of data they will mark checkbox indicating whether place has or has not given property. Are there any tools/...
tomash's user avatar
  • 13k
3 votes
1 answer

What crowdsourcing platforms are the most effective? [closed]

What crowdsourcing platforms are the most effective? and what measures have people used?
peter.murray.rust's user avatar
0 votes
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Prevent abuse on a crowd-sourced website

I am building a crowd-sourced website where users can create new articles, update any existing articles in a category A. There is no ownership in all articles in category A. Because I wanna show ...
Victor's user avatar
  • 13.3k
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4 answers

How (in code) can I prevent two people starting the same crowdsourcing task at once?

I'm trying to build a Django app for a translation crowdsourcing task. For each task in the database, I have an is_completed boolean flag that is set when the user completes the task. I also have a '...
AP257's user avatar
  • 93.6k
12 votes
3 answers

Anyone knows of an OpenSource Collaborative Translation app? [closed]

like the one Facebook used to localize its site?
Gaith's user avatar
  • 137
4 votes
1 answer

What are your crowdsource translation management system recommendations? [closed]

I'm looking for a tool to help with crowdsourcing the translations for a web site. Some generous translators have volunteered to help so I want to provide them with a tool to use that will make their ...
Eliot Sykes's user avatar
23 votes
9 answers

Crowdsourcing a Complete list of Common Java System Properties and Known Values

I've been inspired by another question: Best Practice for Using Java System Properties I'm currently looking for a complete list of Java system properties and possible values. I'm working on a simple ...
sfussenegger's user avatar
  • 36.1k
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2 answers

how to crowd source my web crawling

My web application requires downloading content from the user URL specified. Currently this request go through my server, which is inefficient and could get my server IP blocked. Is there a way to ...
hoju's user avatar
  • 29.5k
13 votes
2 answers

Strategy for Crowd Sourcing and Iterative Development [closed]

I've recently gotten involved with a web-based crowd sourcing project. I have two main issues, both with several subquestions. Any insight into any of these questions would be greatly appreciated. ...