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Audio Recorded on Chrome and Uploaded to S3 Using Presigned URL Plays in All Browsers Except Safari

I'm developing a web application that allows users to record audio and upload it to AWS S3 using presigned POST URLs. The recorded audio is played back using an element with the S3 link as the source....
Samyak Jain's user avatar
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Duplicity SSLEOFError: EOF occurred in violation of protocol

I have duplicity running for years, stable and without problems. Now I encountered the following problem when I backup my files to Amazon S3. All files in the format "duplicity-full....
pallago's user avatar
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Error uploading file: An error occurred (InvalidArgument) when calling the PutObject operation: None

I have this create function using Boto within the Flask and it has been working for months perfectly, but suddenly it just stopped working, and I can't seem to figure out why. @posts_blueprint.route('/...
Graham Morby's user avatar
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boto 2.49.0 unable to load ECS Fargate task role credentials from instance metadata

I am working on getting a legacy application up and running. It is using Python 2.7, I have managed to get it Dockerized and deployed to ECS using Fargate. However the legacy code is using boto 2.49.0 ...
technik's user avatar
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EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:2426)

I am trying to get inference from a deployed pretrained model on Sagemaker notebook environment. While executing the below line of code, response = predictor.predict(serialized_data) I am receiving an ...
Dhruv Shah's user avatar
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Amazon Bedrock - security token included in the request is invalid

I'm trying to invoke a ML model with amazon bedrock, I verified that I used the correct credintials to connect to my AWS accout, i imported boto3, I even tried to list my S3 buckets and it worked. I ...
Mohamad Abedrabo's user avatar
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Different shaped responses for generate_presigned_post

My application's deployed across 2 regions, and calling generate_presigned_post from the two regions returns different response shapes. The first returns: { "url": "https://app-1-...
Preston's user avatar
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retrieveAndGenerate Syntax Error: Unknown parameter generationConfiguration or retrievalConfiguration (Claude-v3, Amazon Bedrock)

I am trying to retrieve and generate response from knowledge base use claude-v3 model. To do so I followed the boto3 documentation and Blog Post on Amazon and wrote this method: def ...
Shanazar's user avatar
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ERROR - Runtime.ImportModuleError: Unable to import module 'main': cannot import name 'DEPRECATED_SERVICE_NAMES' from ''

I'm supporting a lambda project (python 3.8) and when I run the command "sam local invoke LambdaFunction --event events/get_users.json", it gives the following error `Invoking main....
Link64's user avatar
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botocore >= 1.28.0 slower in multithread application

The official Boto3 docs recommends creating a new resource per thread: ...
gmoss's user avatar
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How to set timeout and retry strategy when I enrypt/decrypt data using python aws_encryption_sdk?

I'm using aws_encryption_sdk to encrypt and decrypt data. Once we hit an issue and our process stuck for ~24 hours. One of the hypotheses was that there was a problem with string value decryption, ...
Borislav Blagoev's user avatar
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How to save logs, to S3Boto3Storage, with Django Logging

I need to save my logs to a file on dedicated storage (using S3BotoStorage). I haven't found any working solution yet. Does anyone know how to make it work? I need to incorporate something similar to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Asyncio with boto and for range?

I'm trying first time the asyncio botocore implementation. However, I'm quite sure I'm not getting the expected asynchronicity, likely due to my own lack of experience with it. :) The goal of the ...
YFl's user avatar
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AWS::SNS::Subscription not created by moto by CloudFormation.create_stack

I have following CloufFormation template AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Parameters: ServiceName: Default: test Type: String Resources: DynamoDBTable: Properties: ...
Martin Macak's user avatar
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Lookup Key from S3 Bucket using Boto

I've taken a script written by Paul Davies about reingesting Splunk Logs from the AWS Cloud. The When my logs have failed to process in Kinesis Firehose they get placed in a backup S3 bucket. The ...
thom4s94's user avatar
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get-log-events returns only a few results of many

I am logging to CloudWatch from a python lambda. In the AWS console I can see several hundred log entries, but if I try to use get-log-events from either a Python Boto call, or through the AWS CLI I ...
user1545313's user avatar
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AWS DynamoDB Delete Item

I'm working on deleting DynamoDB item through Lambda. I have a simple table setup and Partition key is Date (Number) and I don't have sort key. I tested below command in AWS CLI (via CMD) and it is ...
Jay's user avatar
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How to get verification code/change password code in boto3?

I'm writing tests in Moto and Pytest for a confirm sign up route that receives a verification code and a email and uses boto method confirm_sign_up to confirm user. My question is: After I created a ...
Vinicius Caetano's user avatar
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Cannot SSH on to AWS EC2 instance created using Boto

I have been creating AWS EC2 instances using Ubuntu and Boto for months. They start-up, I issue commands from Python etc. This has been working fine. I create the instances using this: instances = ec2....
intrigued_66's user avatar
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How to get all error logs from aws cloudwatch using boto3

I am trying to get all the error logs from aws cloudwatch, to do this I tried looping through all log group names and running this code: client.start_query( logGroupName=group, # log group name ...
Glinty's user avatar
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S3:HeadObject returns 403 on MinIO instance proxied by Cloudflare

When sending HeadObject request to MinIO instance proxied by Cloudflare, 403 is returned instead of 404 (for non-existent files). GET, PUT and DELETE operations can be performed with no issue. For ...
şuayip üzülmez's user avatar
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boto equivalent of aws client command

I have this command that works as expected. But I will like to use boto instead. aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics \ --region ap-south-1 \ --namespace AWS/RDS \ --metric-name DBLoad \ ...
shantanuo's user avatar
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Boto 2.49.0, support for TLS 1.2?

I have an old application that has a very old version of boto2 (2.6.0) that doesn't have the support for TLS 1.2 So instead of the costy re-writing of all the application in python3, using boto3, I ...
AlexandrosArmaos's user avatar
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Grant s3 user access in bucket level policy

I have minio with bucket named "bucket" and IAM user named "user1" I'll try to grant access to this bucket with Bucket Level Policy client = boto3.client('s3', endpoint_url='...
RuS's user avatar
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Error when using pandas .to_csv function to upload to S3. "Anonymous access is forbidden for this operation"

I'm getting and error "Anonymous access is forbidden for this operation" when trying to use the df.to_csv function. df.to_csv("s3://testdatateam1/test6.csv", ...
Parry Chen's user avatar
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Download and upload data from AWS S3 using python [duplicate]

I would like to upload and download data from AWS S3 bucket using python code. The files are present under a folder in AWS S3 location. Example : Bucket - aws-xxx-use1-00-d-s3b-xxx-yyy-xxx Folder - ...
saurabh bhattacharya's user avatar
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AWS Boto3 sts get_caller_identity - catching exceptions if credentials are invalid

With a Python app, using Boto3 v1.26.59 (and botocore of same version) about the first thing done is to try to get the username of the user. We have Identity Center (SSO) users. With aged credentials (...
Kevin Buchs's user avatar
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Multithreading in AWS boto pagination Python not working

I tried multithreading with paginator but instead of running on multiple thread, it is running on a single thread. response: <class 'botocore.paginate.PageIterator'> page.get('Contents') return ...
Himanshu Rajput's user avatar
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AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'Instance' python

i am trying to start the EC2 Instance with PrivateIP where i provide as argument "PrivateIP" and below code will describe the ec2 and get InstanceId. Once InstanceId received, it starts the ...
shailysharma's user avatar
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S3 tagging and access control policies not working for limiting the tags keyset on an object

Trying to restrict tags to only a given set of keys that can be attached to the objects. Using bucket level policies to define this condition. However, the logic is not working. Bucket policy (https://...
kkk's user avatar
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Skipped ec2 installation error:fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "boto required for this module"} [duplicate]

I installed boto. But when I run playbook it's skipped ec2 server creation and asking boto required. [ec2-user@ip-172-31-11-186 ~]$ cat playbook.yml --- - hosts: localhost remote_user: ec2-user ...
Venkatesh Dhanapalraj's user avatar
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Reading Reponses SMS using SNS AWS

I'm using AWS SNS service and I'm able to sent sms using that service, I was wondering if there is any way that I can read responses for my SNS SMS sent? Appreciate the help!
kuollam's user avatar
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API for creating behaviour in cloudfront

I have created a CloudFront Distribution through the console , Am trying to create a origin and behaviour in that distribution using boto3 I cant find any api to create origin and behaviour in ...
Bhavesh R's user avatar
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trying to use boto copy to s3 unless file exists

in my code below, fn2 is the local file and "my_bucket_object.key" is a list of files in my s3 bucket. I am looking at my local files, taking the latest one by creation date and then looking ...
bob's user avatar
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Return filename of specific pattern which was last modified from s3 bucket

I am writing a python script where I have to fetch just the filename (Eg. 'abc.csv') from a directory in a S3 Bucket which was last modified. I have managed to fetch the filename from the bucket but ...
sidewinder's user avatar
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Cannot upload the files into AWS S3 bucket with ACL pubic-read using python

I am trying to upload the file into s3 bucket but I am getting access denied error when I am trying to upload the files with ACL public-read It is working fine with ACL private class S3: def ...
Veera Silamban's user avatar
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pip show boto3 - missing classifiers

I am comparing boto3 of two Amazonlinux instances(server1 and server 2). I can see classifiers are missing in server 2 . Server 1: [root@xxxxx]: pip show boto3 --- Metadata-Version: 2.0 Name: ...
Gnay's user avatar
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Find the cost of each resource in AWS

I have a python script to get the cost of each service for the last month, but I want the cost for each resource using the tag mentioned for that resource. For example, I have got the cost for RDS ...
Bhavesh R's user avatar
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S3 boto - list objects in parallel

I want to quickly (in parallel?) list directory/prefix with 100K+ objects. The pagination works (see below) but I'm unable to get NextKeyMarker until I download the last page - it breaks the idea of ...
Dmitry Petrov's user avatar
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Python : XML file downloaded from S3 full of string escaping characters

I have a number of XML files that I have added to S3 (localstack sever). I can view these files through Cyberduck and they are valid xml files. However, when I download the objects, the XML data is ...
MeanwhileInHell's user avatar
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How I can upload file to folder in bucket in S3 using Python?

I have local S3 and want to upload some files into folders in mu bucket. For example: my_bucket - folder1 - folder2 I have to upload file file1.json to folder1 and file1.json to folder1 I try do ...
Anton Hauff's user avatar
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Return empty columns in athena boto response object

When executing a select query against an athena table via boto3, the response object given is in the syntax: { "UpdateCount":0, "ResultSet":{ "Rows":[ ...
RAH's user avatar
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AWS boto3 Quicksight "AllowedDomains" parameter non-existent

my problem is that im calling the boto3 quicksight API with this function call: response = quickSight.generate_embed_url_for_registered_user( AllowedDomains=[ '...
Janis Börsig's user avatar
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Can I read a trained linear model from s3, without reconstructing a local copy?

In order to run a dask pipeline on a coiled cluster that uses a previously trained linear model in each task, I believe I need to read the model directly from S3. Reading the model within a task did ...
JasperSMC's user avatar
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run 2 instructions sequentially and execute the second instruction based on a condition in Python Lambda

I have a requirement to execute 2 tasks sequentially in a Lambda Function in Python. But as the execution is asynchronous I have to check the status of the first task regularly and run the second task ...
liyas's user avatar
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Differentiate between website endpoint from REST API endpoint for AWS S3

I have an input provided by a user, that would be used as the endpoint url for bucket operations for an S3 bucket. Is there a way to differentiate if the url is a REST API endpoint or a website ...
J.Cage's user avatar
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How do you effectively move and partition files in s3 using boto3?

There are around 10k files in an s3 location which got exported from dynamodb PITR export to s3 option. These files aren't partitioned in any way and it is within a single folder which is a problem ...
karthick's user avatar
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Return all items from dynamodb ordered by date boto

I am attempting to return all items from a dynamodb table with results ordered by date. The tables structure is: ID Date Category Email Errors IsRead Message With ID as the primary key and date ...
RAH's user avatar
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import S3 from s3 library

I installed s3 library on my python 3.8 environment using pip install s3 which installed s3 version 3.0.0 I then try to run from s3 import S3 But I would get an error of Traceback (most recent call ...
user1179317's user avatar
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Best way to read aws credentials file

In my python code I need to extract AWS credentials AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID which are stored in the plain text file as described here:
user3440012's user avatar

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