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How to implement Model View Presenter in Android Java?

// Presenter interface public interface MainPresenter { void loadData(); } // View interface public interface MainView { void showData(String data); void showError(String message); } // ...
AMIT MAJHI's user avatar
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Implementation of MVP using the WinForms platform

I am creating an application on WinForms using the MVP pattern. I have a separate project for each form, the interfaces for the views are in a separate project. The presenters also have their own ...
Максим Тумаков's user avatar
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How to handle the communication Between Presenters for Login and Main Windows in MVP Architecture with Continuing Application Execution?

I'm developing a WinForms application using the MVP (Model-View-Presenter) architecture. In my architecture, I have separate projects for the main application logic (ProjectMain), views (ProjectMain....
abdou93's user avatar
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How do I prevent Firebase access from certain assemblies?

I am using Firebase in Unity. I am using an MVP design pattern. The Model, View, and Presenter are each in their own assembly definition. I only want the model to have access to Firebase. But it ...
Evorlor's user avatar
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OCX and the MVP Pattern in Window Forms (Winform)

Is there a way to detach the OCX from the UI (the Form class in Winforms, in this example) I am trying to design the project using the MVP pattern and hopefully use the OCX control in the Repository ...
강병주's user avatar
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MVP createing of child view

I have a question about the MVP pattern. I have parent view that on button click creates a new view at runtime. Each view has its own presenter and both of them have access to the same model class. ...
Boco909's user avatar
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relationship between View and Presenter in MVP

I have an application that uses x11 lib for drawing some user interface. Now I am trying to refactor it with MVP (model-view-presenter) pattern, but stacks on some details about view-presenter part. ...
Arkadiy Parovozov's user avatar
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Model-View-Presenter vs Model-View-ViewModel for embedded application in C++

We are starting a larger embedded application in C++ and using LVGL UI library written in C. I would like to know which architecture to choose, the MVP, MVVM, or maybe something simplified. Can MVVM ...
bzalar's user avatar
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Encapsulating member variables of a raw C# class that was marked as serializable

I have a raw C# class that is marked as [Serializable]. The fields are all public since the object is being saved to a file with Newtonsoft JSON.NET. [Serializable] public class ...
Janesh Parnami's user avatar
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Tkinter - Managing background tasks in MVP GUI

I am working on a relatively simple Tkinter GUI application which reads data from a file and then displays it. One of the puzzles I am currently faces concerns communicating between background tasks ...
MorganK95's user avatar
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How to architect a WinForms app for hardware control using the MVP pattern?

I am trying to write a WinForms app to control a moving XY stage. In my first attempt I wrote all my logic inside the Form class, I believe this is called "code-behind" and not recommended ...
The_Matrix's user avatar
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Organizing Multi frame app using Tkinter and MVP architecture

I built a multi frame app that uses MVP. It works but I'm not very satisfied with what I done and I hope we could discuss about the different (better) ways to do this 🙂. In order to have a starting ...
Riddeen's user avatar
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Guice and MVP pattern: decouple the view from the presenter

I'm writing an application in Swing and I'd like to make use of Model–view–presenter pattern. I found a sample application using this pattern and then I alter it to make use of Guice to do dependency ...
menteith's user avatar
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Swift-MVP: Function is not called in the presenter delegate. What am I doing wrong?

Can someone explain to me why this simple MVP implementation is not working? The addressDemoViewControllerDidTap method in the AddressDemoPresenter extension is not called. Everything seems ok to me, ...
user19344300's user avatar
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Please explain how object instantiation works here whilst it's not being used - seemingly

For the code below, how does object mainPresenter or new Presenter(mainView, connectionString)even work here? The instance is never used. This code is part of a MVP (passive view) in WinForms project ...
Valmont's user avatar
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UIElement Reference

I'm currently rewriting a Joystick Usercontrol from the old typical codebehind usercontrol into a MVPVM WinUI 3 and having a problem referencing a UIElement from the presenter class. Yes I know you ...
Keyboard_Kowboy's user avatar
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How do I modify function to be used in MVP architecture?

I have the function below. It works properly. When a user types any character it validates the user input and hides some imageView based on the input. @IBAction func onEmailValueChanged(_ sender: ...
fabiobh's user avatar
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Universal Unity MVP solution

I am looking for some sort of universal solution for implementing MVP in Unity. I've been working on a project before and guys had pretty nice solution but I don't remember exactly how it worked. So I ...
Kuzmych Maksym's user avatar
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When and how to create presenters using windows forms with MVP and dependency injection

This is a question regarding dependency injection (DI) using Lamar, with windows forms (C#) using the model-view-presenter (MVP) pattern and how (and when) to initialize presenter objects. I have a ...
jrn6270's user avatar
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React hooks, Error handling. How should I do when using MVP(Model-view-presenter)?

I'm doing a login view for my application and I have at tough time getting this right. I'm pretty new at this so the solution may be trival for you. I have a presenter and a login view, now I want to ...
overlythinking's user avatar
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Gives a black screen when starting view controller swift

When I switch from one screen to another, I get a black screen, I can't figure out why Controller: class AddContactsController: UIViewController { // MARK: - Constants private enum ...
Vladislav's user avatar
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Show fixed progress below navigation bar between different view controllers

I have a long register form that consists of 4 steps (the content is not relevant), here are the mockups: My problem is that I need to share a progress view between multiple views. This view should ...
Daniel Ramos's user avatar
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changing MVP without violating OPEN-CLOSED principle

I have created this Program using MVP and a Model class with dummy data without an interface as the method parameter Model override fun getAllItem(): List<Item> { val obj = JSONObject(data) ...
sara_asadi's user avatar
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Debugging an MVP UserForm VBA

New to VBA and I'm attempting to create a form using the MVP format however I can't seem to get things to communicate properly. Below is (in order) the code for the Class(Model), the Form (View), and ...
Winifred's user avatar
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copy all data in exists column to a new columns at Laravel

I have an exists data on database NewMWU : id data1 data2 data3 measurementu department_id done_dep 1 10 10 10 measurement1 empty default: 0 then I pass this data to some Departments Ids. ...
med med's user avatar
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How to implement copy/past in mvp?

I tried to implement a simple File Manager based on MVP pattern that support renaming,deleting or copying selected files. I am struggling to implement copy/past feature in the right way. Here is the ...
Didine's user avatar
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Why MVP still considered tightly coupled even contract(interfaces) are used

With loosely coupled what I understand that interaction between classes/objects has to be through interfaces or abstract classes moreover according to my understanding any dependency should come from ...
blackHawk's user avatar
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Rust - MVP Pattern implementation

I'm trying to find the best way to implement MVP pattern at RUST Language. Actually I'm using Clean Architecture pattern and now I'm trying implement MVP pattern inside. Whats the better way to do it? ...
FlensT's user avatar
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Dismiss Presented view without any click event

I am working with an app in SwiftUI.I have presented one view using .sheet(isPresented: $doIWantThisViewToShowUser, content: { DraggedUsersMenu() }) ...
Niharika's user avatar
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PropertyChanged doesnt get executed

I am trying to implement MVP in windows forms, i have all controls binded to a corresponding property of a binding source, and i want, when the user change something and lost focus from the control, ...
azizmaiden's user avatar
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Callback is not working when button tapped

I want to trigger an action on button tap with my callback. Also I have presenter and coordinator. But nothing happenes. My code is not working in this closure: startViewController.output = { [weak ...
Mikl.hart's user avatar
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How can I fix this error in Mokito? Wanted but not invoked

this is the real function : onMapLoaded() override fun onMapLoaded(isWorking: Boolean) { if (isWorking) { activeArea?.let { interactor?.fetchHeatMapTiles( } } else { ...
Arian Ahmadifard's user avatar
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Android. How to avoid fragment be recreated when back from another fragment?

I'm using MVP in my project. I have an activity. Inside this activity I'm showing fragment. Fragment contains some data, edit text, buttons etc. From this fragment it is possible to navigate to ...
testivanivan's user avatar
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How to filter list from data class

I have JSON response: { "response" : [ { "f_name" : "иВан", "l_name" : "ИваноВ", "birthday&...
user459666's user avatar
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How to observe activity presenter variables from fragment presenter?

I am creating a weather application, the structure of which is as follows: a single activity (host) and two fragments. I need to implement it with the MVP architecture and using RxJava. When the app ...
yaromchikV's user avatar
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Questions about ModelViewPreseneter pattern

Lately I've been studying mvp design pattern and have some questions about it: I've read that it's recommended to not use this design in simple applications. So I'd like to know when an application ...
Olafvolafka's user avatar
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UnitTest does't work properly for MVP pattern Swift

I'm trying to write some UnitTests for the first time. My pattern is MVP and I'm trying to test my Presenter. I've created mock class: class TeamViewMock: TeamViewPresenterProtocol { }. It contains ...
Nikolai Borisov's user avatar
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Swift avoiding retainment cycles with child viewControllers and singleton usage

I've been using singletons far too much and its resulted in memory leaks and some issues managing states. I am trying to understand to proper alternatives to using singletons and general dependency ...
dgodon23's user avatar
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Datagridview and MVP layer in C# winform

I'm trying to link Data from Database to the Datagridview. There are some problem occurred when I apply MVP to my project. Please help me to solve out this problem. I already divided into 3 folders (...
Chen Triều's user avatar
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Is there any "helperclass" allowed in mvc / mvp pattern?

I am programming with android studio and I am using the mvp (model view presenter) pattern. But I have some broadcast receiver e.g. to know when the device is starting. Also I have a class called ...
MaxiMalCore's user avatar
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Handle menu event in C# MVP

I am learning C# and MVP. I am able to handle simple menu click event. What I am trying to handle menu click event using MVP pattern and not able to figure out why its not working. I have looked at a ...
nav's user avatar
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How to connect the controller with the view and vice versa?

I'm developing a little app in C++ using the MVP pattern, but I'm not able to connect the controller with the view and vice versa to exchange signals and slots. This is the overview of my application: ...
Gretaas's user avatar
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Retrofit APIService Injection by Dagger Hilt in MVP Architecture's Model Class

I am trying to inject retrofit APIServices dependency into the model class. Here is My API Module Source Code: @Module @InstallIn(SingletonComponent::class) object ApiModule { @Singleton @Provides ...
Abu Sufian Shawon's user avatar
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Can Model use interfaces to communicate with View in MVC?

In classic MVC pattern, the model communicate with view through notify events. But it seems that defining some basic interfaces for views, and making the model communicate with view through interfaces,...
choxsword's user avatar
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How to implement Observer pattern in

How to implement Observer pattern using I want to use this pattern for consuming api and send a response to the view, what will be the better way to implement it.
Akshata Sawant's user avatar
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MVP Pattern - Populating lists and grids in passive views

Let's say my presenter obtains a list of my Person class from my repository and I want to bind information from that list to a ListBox or DataGridView in a passive view. Since the view should not know ...
Daniel P's user avatar
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angular mvp, passing an elementref to a presenter

Attempting to implement a presenter that is hopefully loosely aware of a <ng-template #templateRef > template reference from the view/component. An example of the mvp can be found here I have ...
baiqilongma's user avatar
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scoped injection with koin 3

I am trying to upgrade my koin usage from 2.1.6 -> 3.0.2 and am having troubles with the scoped injections. I have MVPs where the Activity/Fragment is the view and i want to inject the view in the ...
siliconeagle's user avatar
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Best way to run a function only after two concurrent process ends?

I have several concurrent processes which finish at varying times, I would like to run a function only after all of those processes end. I have thought of the following solution, but it isn't exactly ...
gmatcat's user avatar
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Retrofit Android : How To Get JSON Data With Retrofit MVP

Please Guys I'm confused about how to retrieve data using retrofit with MVP architecture, I already try other steps but not worked for me, can you help me? I'm still learning to use retrofit with MVP ...
Fariq's user avatar
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