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How to properly format and load data into couch db

Hello CouchDB community. I am complete beginer to couchdb and I dont realy know what Im doing here I have downloaded this data sent on my ubuntu machine wget
Stef's user avatar
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How to remove the "_deleted_conflicts" field from the document?

When I called CouchDB with HTTP POST /{db}/_design/{designDoc}/_view/{view} I received a document with the field "_conflicts": ["{conflictRev}"]. So I used HTTP POST /{db}/...
Bogdan Goncharenko's user avatar
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Unable to foward a sync url to pouchdb using nextjs api's

this is my local.ini couchdb file: [admins] admin = <REDACTED> [couchdb] database_dir = <REDACTED> view_index_dir = <REDACTED> uri_file = <REDACTED> uuid = <REDACTED> [...
Tony Ngomana's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core MyCouch requests to CouchDB behind Cloudflare are slow locally, but fast in browser and sandbox

Question I have an ASP.NET Core self-contained application that uses the MyCouch library to make requests to a CouchDB view. The CouchDB instance is protected by Cloudflare. I'm experiencing slow ...
user2877989's user avatar
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CouchDB Connection Refused Error on Jetstream2 Access Server (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)

I'm running a Python script that connects to a CouchDB database and subscribes to an MQTT topic. The script works fine on my laptop (Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS), but when I try to run it on a Jetstream2 ...
Abrar Hossain's user avatar
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How to import the Couchdb and convert it into JSON or CSV

I have a CouchDB database in a couchdb.tar.gz file that I need to use for data visualization in a data science project. However, I am unable to import and load it for visualization. Can you help me ...
Dikshant Madai's user avatar
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query firstname and surname in couchdb

i have two fields firstname and lastname in a document. i want to query if "max smith" or "smith max" exists. db.find(q) q.selector['$or'] = [ {'$and': [ ...
devreal's user avatar
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CouchDb view to return either true or false

I want to create a view for a database inside CouchDB, which should take a value as an input. Check through the documents if the value exist and just return true or false. Is that possible?
Kunal Chawla's user avatar
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Accessing CouchDB database in python

I'm attempting to connect to a CouchDB database using the cloudant Python library. My connection to couchdb is successful, and I can see all the databases listed when I call client.all_dbs(), but when ...
Yolanda Smiles's user avatar
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How to configure HSTS on Couch DB when it's packaged with another app?

I have this very large and complex server application that amongst the numerous opensource tools that are baked into it, CouchDB 3.3.3 is one of them. "Baked" is important because what the ...
tpcolson's user avatar
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CouchDB cluster experiences 60s delay when a node is the last survivor, can this be avoided?

In CouchDB3 clusters provide horizontal scaling as well as durability, In attempting to take advantage of the durability, in a 3 node cluster if 2 of the 3 go down (when sharding is setup so that all ...
DiamondDrake's user avatar
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How to run a query on a CouchDB collection

I'm working in NodeJS and I have a working CouchDB connection. I can get a reference to a collection like so: var myCluster = await couchbase.connect(serverHttp, authentication); const myBucket = ...
gnitsuk's user avatar
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CouchDB change the name of an admin role

How can I change the server admin role name in CouchDB to a different name? So for example instead of '_admin' I would like it to be 'server_admin'.
Kishieel's user avatar
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Flutter Sync with SQFLite and CouchDB

Future<void> startReplication(Database database) async { final replicator = await Replicator.create(ReplicatorConfiguration( database: database, target: UrlEndpoint(Uri.parse('ws://...
Roberto rodriguez carbonell's user avatar
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Can processing of request/grequest responses be run concurrently in Python2?

I'm writing a Python2 program that pulls a large amount of JSON data from a remote CouchDB database. The data is indexed by timestamp: I pass a startkey and an endkey, and the database returns all ...
lucs100's user avatar
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Unable to make curl requests to _users database in couchdb

in the past i've once deleted the _users database i don't know why. I recreated the database using curl But now it seems like i can no longer add users using curl or node into _users database. e.g: ...
Tony Ngomana's user avatar
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CouchDB update one field of all documents

I'm working with CouchDB and Mango queries and I have a JSON structure for my documents with fields like "nome" (name) and "age". I want to modify all documents in my database by ...
MIGUEL SOMBRIO's user avatar
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Pouchdb putattachment promise is not being resolved

Pouchdb putAttachment is not returning promise. attachments are not being saved in couchdb trying to put blob attachment in pouchdb version (7) but the db.putAttachment(.....) not getting resolved. ...
Adarsh Suryawanshi's user avatar
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CouchDB-lucene is not connected with CouchDB

I have installed CouchDB version 3.3.3.. And I have also installed CouchDB-lucene version 2.2.0.. I have also set this option in my local.ini file of CouchDB: [httpd_global_handlers] _fti = {...
Ali's user avatar
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CouchDB view returns error: undef on Ubuntu 22

We have recently migrated our Ubuntu from 20 to 22, now the problem when using Ubuntu 22 is the Couchb. I have CouchDB 3.3.3 installed on both 20 & 22, but only ubuntu 20 works fine. For ubuntu 22 ...
str028's user avatar
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Why Does Invoke-WebRequest not authenticate with CouchDB while username and password are supplied?

I'm hosting a local instance of couchdb via docker at localhost:5984/. With a python requests client, I can make admin changes via API like so: >>> requests.put('http://admin:password@...
MrChadMWood's user avatar
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PouchDB Sync not working after introducing CouchDB Proxy Authentication

I am using CouchDB on premise server and PouchDB-web for a react application to solve offline Sync Use case. Everything worked fine until we introduced a client side reverse-proxy for proxy ...
crazy9's user avatar
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Keep a webview app of Android running in the background

I observed that when a WebView app in Android is closed, it may continue running in the background under certain circumstances. For example, I have deployed a webapp that replicates databases from a ...
Gary's user avatar
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fetch data from couchdb to node.js file

hi everyone i have a probleme whene i want to fetch data from couchdb to file .ejs i have this probleme "Server started on 3000 Port undefined" this is my code const express = require('...
mohamed alaoui's user avatar
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CouchDB _approx_count_distinct

I'm having a problem using _approx_count_distinct reduce function. Based on the documentation _approx_count_distinct is loosely based on Hyperloglog algorithm. I can't get this to work. May map ...
y0gie007's user avatar
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Couchdb python - Upload Attachment with put_attachment

I am trying to attach an image to an existing document on couchdb using python. It is attached, but the following error message appears: "Cannot be displayed because it contains an error". ...
Ute's user avatar
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CouchDB `_find` api `$elemMatch` fails to find matching record

I have a CouchDB database contains arrays of mixed numbers of subject age, something like age: [20, 30, "n/a", 38, 50, "n/a"]. Not all documents have "n/a". When I apply ...
FangQ's user avatar
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How to build Erlang v24 for couchdb?

I'm trying to compile erlang 24 in yocto build system, the recommended version for CouchDB, but it fails. I'm using meta-erlang layer. This is the error I am getting: | configure: WARNING: No GLU ...
BlameCapitalism's user avatar
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Docker Desktop couchDB - Apple Mac M1

I just want to create a docker container for couch db and my contents of the docker file is pretty straight forward. I am running this on Apple M1 which is using ARM processor, heard there are many ...
Raju's user avatar
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can I ask couchdb `_change` API to return all document change history?

for all the documents that have been updated multiple times (not deleted, just updated), the records returned by _change only contains the latest revision. if I query db/doc?revs_info=true, I can see ...
FangQ's user avatar
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How to implement lazy pagination in CouchDB?

I have datatable with many rows, and want to show page numbers + next, previous buttons. Classic Normal pagination. But I only can find docs or information on how to create only Next and Previous ...
Rantiev's user avatar
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is it even possible to use multiple indices to query a design document view in CouchDB?

I am struggling in creating a design document key to enable flexible queries (involving multiple conditions in AND or OR) of a complex database stored with CouchDB 3.3.2. After reading related ...
FangQ's user avatar
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CouchDB view javascript only supports a subset of JS features?

I am trying to write a few map functions to create views in a CouchDB database. Futon kept telling me that the script I wrote is not a valid function - despise that I used mostly standard JS features. ...
FangQ's user avatar
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How to query a sub-element of the design document in CouchDB?

I have a couchdb database containing about 900 documents, with an average size of ~600KB. Each document is quite complex containing thousands of elements with 5-6 levels of depth. to speed up data ...
FangQ's user avatar
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Does CouchDB /_changes?since=X request give older feed before X?

CouchDB Version (v 2.3.1). Problem: As per mentioned approach below, sometimes we receive older feeds repeatedly before X sequence value and due to that, our solution to process new feed change only ...
Vishvas Prajapati's user avatar
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Count query in CouchDB

I have a question about Coucb DB. I have a bunch of documents that looks like json below: { "_id": "some-id", "_rev": "some-rev", "text": "...
IhorK's user avatar
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Does replication in couchdb affects the _changes feed?

We are using CouchDB (v 2.3.1). We have a replication to copy the data from one server to another. The source server will also keep getting new data from time to time. I am working on a similar ...
Jay Patel's user avatar
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Does CouchDB support offline synchronization when sharded?

Reading the documentation: As of CouchDB 2.0.0, CouchDB can be run in two different modes of operation: Standalone: In this mode, CouchDB’s ...
Red Riding Hood's user avatar
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Problems using CouchDB.NET with C#

I need to create a Database with CouchDB and bind it together with C# for a school project. It should be with EF or something similar, so i found CouchDB.NET. I set up the Database local and added ...
Schneggo's user avatar
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How would you implement pouchdb in a flutter app for android?

I need to use pouchdb in my flutter app, for replication with an existing couchdb server. Since there is no native flutter package for pouchdb (or any couchdb implementation) that supports android, I'...
Olivier's user avatar
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Reliable retrieval of old revisions of couchdb docs

Intro I have a process that generates differences between couchdb docs and place them into kafka, eg: input 1 - {_id: 1, _rev: 1, foo: "old"} input 2 - {_id: 1, _rev: 2, foo: "new"}...
aiven's user avatar
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2FA for couchdb

I am using couchdb as a database and want to implement a 2FA for the user login to the database let's say with the Google Authenticator for example (could also be any other app). I looked everywhere ...
Salih's user avatar
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Utilizing indexes in CouchDB for $in queries

Say I have documents of the following structure in my CouchDB database: { "_id": "02e03006fc8870c3ae556e9b6654f823", "type": "purchase", "...
n1try's user avatar
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recommendation engine with apache couch-db and nano: filter a view for a specific user

I'm building a recommendation system for a webshop. The shopping history is saved in a couch-db database. I'm creating a view through map-reduce that emits for each user and product, the quantity of ...
Mathieu Rousseau's user avatar
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How to hide documents at the CouchDb?

Is there any possibility at CouchDB or Cloudant to hide documents for users? I have 2 Member roles roleA and roleB assigned to the users. I have a database with 3 documents created by these users: ...
Yury Sidorko's user avatar
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CouchDB unable to create simple view with time-out error

I am new to CouchDB and trying to create a view to a database. Even with a default simple view, as shown below function (doc) { emit(doc._id, 1); } I got a timed out error for a database with only ...
FangQ's user avatar
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CouchDB Flatten Data in a View

What am I trying to achieve? I am trying to create a CouchDB view that builds up aggregate data from my workouts document (specifically based on a custom date range), by returning a completed result ...
Bernhardt du Toit's user avatar
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How can I sync PouchDB with CouchDB when pouchdb-authentication doesn't work with the .sync function?

I am able to log into couchDB from my node instance to the remote DB using the pouch-authentication plugin, but I'm not sure how to use the .sync method to replicate because it doesn't use the ...
Averroes's user avatar
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CouchDB Replication Issue

We are new to CouchDB and are using it to provide a cloud database which we then replicate onto a ReactNative mobile app running PouchDB. This is working correctly in our dev and test environments, ...
Simon's user avatar
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GKE error during container init cpu.weight: no such file or directory: unknown

I'm trying to start couchdb in a container in Kubernetes on GKE but the start fails: Normal Pulled 10m kubelet Successfully pulled ...
k_o_'s user avatar
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