Borges 2014
Borges 2014
Borges 2014
Introduction: The aim of this study was to identify factors associated with the prevalence of anterior open bite among
five-year-old Brazilian children. Methods: A cross-sectional study was undertaken using data from the National Sur-
vey of Oral Health (SB Brazil 2010). The outcome variable was anterior open bite classified as present or absent. The
independent variables were classified by individual, sociodemographic and clinical factors. Data were analyzed through
bivariate and multivariate analysis using SPSS statistical software (version 18.0) with a 95% level of significance. Results:
The prevalence of anterior open bite was 12.1%. Multivariate analysis showed that preschool children living in Southern
Brazil had an increased chance of 1.8 more times of having anterior open bite (CI 95%: 1.16 - 3.02). Children identified
with alterations in overjet had 14.6 times greater chances of having anterior open bite (CI 95%: 8.98 - 24.03). Conclu-
sion: There was a significant association between anterior open bite and the region of Brazil where the children lived, the
presence of altered overjet and the prevalence of posterior crossbite.
Introdução: este estudo objetivou identificar os fatores associados à prevalência de mordida aberta anterior em crianças
brasileiras com cinco anos de idade. Métodos: foi realizado um estudo transversal analítico com dados do inquérito epi-
demiológico nacional de saúde bucal SB Brasil 2010. O desfecho estudado foi a mordida aberta, classificada em presente
ou ausente. As variáveis independentes foram classificadas em individuais, sociodemográficas e clínicas. Os dados foram
analisados por meio das análises bivariada e multivariada por meio do programa estatístico SPSS (versão 18.0), com nível
de significância de 5%. Resultados: a prevalência de mordida aberta anterior foi de 12,1% entre as crianças investigadas.
Aqueles pré-escolares residentes na região Sul do Brasil apresentaram uma chance 1,8 vezes maior de serem diagnosti-
cados com a mordida aberta anterior (IC 95%: 1,16 - 3,02). As crianças identificadas com alguma alteração de sobressa-
liência tiveram 14,6 vezes mais chance de pertencer ao grupo de crianças com mordida aberta (IC 95%: 8,98 - 24,03).
Conclusão: verificou-se que mordida aberta anterior apresentou associação significativa com a região brasileira em que as
crianças viviam, com a presença de alguma alteração de sobressaliência e com a prevalência de mordida cruzada posterior.
MSc in Dentistry, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). How to cite this article: Machado DB, Brizon VSC, Ambrosano GMB, Madu-
Professor, School of Dentistry — State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). reira DF, Gomes VE, Oliveira ACB. Factors associated with the prevalence of ante-
PhD resident, Biological Sciences Institute of UFMG. rior open bite among preschool children: A population-based study in Brazil. Dental
Professor, School of Dentistry — UFMG. Press J Orthod. 2014 Sept-Oct;19(5):103-9. DOI:
© 2014 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 103 Dental Press J Orthod. 2014 Sept-Oct;19(5):103-9
original article Factors associated with the prevalence of anterior open bite among preschool children: A population-based study in Brazil
© 2014 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 104 Dental Press J Orthod. 2014 Sept-Oct;19(5):103-9
Machado DB, Brizon VSC, Ambrosano GMB, Madureira DF, Gomes VE, Oliveira ACB original article
Table 1 displays the results of bivariate analysis.
The variables statistically associated with the prevalence
of AOB among five-year-old children were: Region
of Brazil in which the child lived, canine relationship,
guarantee representativeness in the municipal districts, overjet and posterior crossbite (P < 0.001).
census sectors, and residences. The results of multivariate analysis are shown in Table
A maximum of 250 volunteers were assessed for an- 2. Regardless of the other variables analyzed, five-year-
terior open bite in each one of the 172 cities in Brazil, old children from Southern Brazil were two times more
thereby resulting in a total sample of 5,622 five-year- likely to be identified with AOB than children in the
old children. The following parameters were used to Southeastern region of the country (OR = 1.87 [CI 95%:
calculate sample size: Values of z, variance, mean DEFT, 1.16 - 3.02]). Preschool children diagnosed with altera-
acceptable margin of error, effect of design and non-re- tions in overjet had 14.7 times greater chances of suffer-
ply rate. These data were taken from SB Brasil 2003.1 ing from AOB (OR= 14.69 [CI 95%: 8.98 - 24.03]).
© 2014 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 105 Dental Press J Orthod. 2014 Sept-Oct;19(5):103-9
original article Factors associated with the prevalence of anterior open bite among preschool children: A population-based study in Brazil
R$ (R$ 1,00 = US$ 0,49) / bpopulation family income.
© 2014 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 106 Dental Press J Orthod. 2014 Sept-Oct;19(5):103-9
Machado DB, Brizon VSC, Ambrosano GMB, Madureira DF, Gomes VE, Oliveira ACB original article
Table 1 - Sample distribution according to the prevalence of anterior open bite and associated factors. (n = 5,622).
Table 2 - Multiple logistic regression models explaining the prevalence of anterior open bite in five-year-old children in Brazil.
© 2014 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 107 Dental Press J Orthod. 2014 Sept-Oct;19(5):103-9
original article Factors associated with the prevalence of anterior open bite among preschool children: A population-based study in Brazil
Therefore, differences in race and sociodemographic absence of AOB without differentiating its extension,
characteristics may influence the prevalence of maloc- severity and dental or skeletal impairment. Other fac-
clusion among the population.24 tors such as the presence of harmful habits, facial and
Preschool children identified with alterations in over- respiratory patterns, which are etiological factors of this
jet (increased edge-to-edge bite or anterior crossbite) malocclusion, were not investigated either. This is most
had greater chances of having AOB.5,23-26 Non-nutritive probably due to the comprehensive character of the
sucking habits and tongue posture are included as en- other variables studied, as well as the need for collecting
vironmental factors.4,5 Such transversal and sagittal brief data because of the large sample comprising 5.622
abnormalities, which share the same etiological factors, children. Data provided, however, is an accurate indica-
may be associated with AOB. Considering that AOB tor of the prevalence of AOB in the different regions of
is directly related to non-nutritive sucking habits, the Brazil. Such data are important for the strategic planning
increased prevalence of malocclusion at a younger age of government programs aimed at prevention, intercep-
can be associated with an increased incidence of this tion and treatment of AOB.
habit among younger children. A longitudinal study of The present study alerts oral health care programs
386 children (aged 3 years old at study onset and exam- to the need for preventive measures that can deter or at
ined again at 7 years of age) performed in Sweden found least reduce the prevalence of this and other malocclu-
that the prevalence of non-nutritive sucking habits de- sions among the infant population. In Brazil, the road
creased from 66.0% to 4.0% between 3 and 7 years of towards an universal dental care for the general popula-
age, which might have influenced the reduction of AOB tion, especially infants, is long. Orthodontic treatment
incidence from 50% to 10% at the age of seven.5 In ad- is not just a matter of vanity. The more severe the prob-
dition, oral respiration may also significantly contribute lem, the greater the functional and psychological impact
to the etiology of dentofacial abnormalities in children of anterior open bite. Child may often become target
during growth.28 Furthermore, a study of schoolchildren of bullying which can result in behavioral disorders
from Lithuania aged between 7 and 15 years old found a and personality maladjustments. Additional studies are
significant association between nasal obstruction and in- needed to clarify the etiology and severity of AOB ac-
creased overjet, open bite and maxillary growth.27 A study cording to each region of Brazil.
performed among preschool children in Brazil showed
that children who had the habit of sucking a pacifier after CONCLUSION
two years of age and those who were oral breathers had Children living in Southern Brazil showed greater
a greater chance of developing malocclusion.19 While chances of being diagnosed with anterior open bite.
the design of the present study is robust, some limita- Children identified with alterations in overjet
tions should be observed. Data assessed the presence or showed greater chances of having anterior open bite.
© 2014 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 108 Dental Press J Orthod. 2014 Sept-Oct;19(5):103-9
Machado DB, Brizon VSC, Ambrosano GMB, Madureira DF, Gomes VE, Oliveira ACB original article
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