Monika Bogdanowska
M. A. in art restoration, Academy of Fine Arts, Kraków 1987;
Studies for postgraduates in restoration of architecture, Cracow University of Technology, 1993 – 1994
Studies for postgraduates in translation and interpretation, Jagiellonian University, 1995 – 1999
Seminar in technical writing in English, US Information Agency/ English Language Programs Office, Kraków 1995
Methodology of Teaching, 1st degree – Cracow University of Technology, Department of Education, Kraków 1995
Doctorate in Technical Sciences (Architecture and Restoration), Cracow University of Technology 1995
Habilitation in art restoration-conservation, Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow: ”ARD. Art Restoration Dictionary. English-Polish (Polish-English) Dictionary of Art Restoration. Restoration of Easel Paintings. Angielsko-Polski (Polsko-Angielski) Słownik Konserwacji i Restauracji Dzieł Sztuki. Konserwacja Malowideł Sztalugowych”, 2012
Studies for postgraduates in restoration of architecture, Cracow University of Technology, 1993 – 1994
Studies for postgraduates in translation and interpretation, Jagiellonian University, 1995 – 1999
Seminar in technical writing in English, US Information Agency/ English Language Programs Office, Kraków 1995
Methodology of Teaching, 1st degree – Cracow University of Technology, Department of Education, Kraków 1995
Doctorate in Technical Sciences (Architecture and Restoration), Cracow University of Technology 1995
Habilitation in art restoration-conservation, Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow: ”ARD. Art Restoration Dictionary. English-Polish (Polish-English) Dictionary of Art Restoration. Restoration of Easel Paintings. Angielsko-Polski (Polsko-Angielski) Słownik Konserwacji i Restauracji Dzieł Sztuki. Konserwacja Malowideł Sztalugowych”, 2012
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Papers by Monika Bogdanowska
The article presents issues concerning conservation vocabulary. The mentioned problems are connected both with defining the same terms in various languages, translating commonly applied terms, and with the appearance of new ones. The author discusses the existing solutions and suggests new ones which would aid work on terminological and language dictionaries, as well as on translation of conservation texts.
The paper presents few case studies of the order imposed on a party (owner of a monument) by conservation authorities. Imposing and order (i.e. forcing to take particular measures to protect an object) is one of administrative proceedings arising from Ustawa o ochronie zabytków i opiece
nad zabytkami (the Act on the Protection and Care of Historical Monuments and Artefacts), however effectiveness of this tool seems to be restricted. This is due to complexity of the procedure and legal limitations, as well as, numerous possibilities of avoiding this constrain by the parties involved. In many cases this situation leads to obliteration of a subject. Due to complexity and low effectiveness the order is rather seldom employed by conservation authorities.
W artykule omówiono kilka przykładów zastosowania nakazu konserwatorskiego w praktyce.
Możliwość stosowania tego narzędzia wynika z ustawy o ochronie zabytków i opiece nad zabytkami,
jednak zakres jego działania wydaje się mocno ograniczony. Problemami są złożoność
procedury i warunkowość jej stosowania oraz liczne możliwości unikania egzekucji przez podmiot, na który nakaz został nałożony. Sytuacja ta w praktyce prowadzi do unicestwienia zabytku, będącego podmiotem postępowania. Znaczne obciążenie organu prowadzącego postępowanie
przy małej efektywności działania sprawia, że procedura jest stosunkowo rzadko uruchamiana.
The article presents issues concerning conservation vocabulary. The mentioned problems are connected both with defining the same terms in various languages, translating commonly applied terms, and with the appearance of new ones. The author discusses the existing solutions and suggests new ones which would aid work on terminological and language dictionaries, as well as on translation of conservation texts.
The paper presents few case studies of the order imposed on a party (owner of a monument) by conservation authorities. Imposing and order (i.e. forcing to take particular measures to protect an object) is one of administrative proceedings arising from Ustawa o ochronie zabytków i opiece
nad zabytkami (the Act on the Protection and Care of Historical Monuments and Artefacts), however effectiveness of this tool seems to be restricted. This is due to complexity of the procedure and legal limitations, as well as, numerous possibilities of avoiding this constrain by the parties involved. In many cases this situation leads to obliteration of a subject. Due to complexity and low effectiveness the order is rather seldom employed by conservation authorities.
W artykule omówiono kilka przykładów zastosowania nakazu konserwatorskiego w praktyce.
Możliwość stosowania tego narzędzia wynika z ustawy o ochronie zabytków i opiece nad zabytkami,
jednak zakres jego działania wydaje się mocno ograniczony. Problemami są złożoność
procedury i warunkowość jej stosowania oraz liczne możliwości unikania egzekucji przez podmiot, na który nakaz został nałożony. Sytuacja ta w praktyce prowadzi do unicestwienia zabytku, będącego podmiotem postępowania. Znaczne obciążenie organu prowadzącego postępowanie
przy małej efektywności działania sprawia, że procedura jest stosunkowo rzadko uruchamiana.
Architectural terminology encompasses a number of topics, beginning with particular motifs and forms, building techniques, construction, technology and design, etc. and as the discipline flourishes, its continuous development results in the expansion of corpora. Further complications arise as architecture is strongly culturally related – particular technical solutions have always been created within the context of local traditions, geographical conditions, they have been depended on materials available on site, localised styles and tastes, etc. Thus many terms are simply untranslatable, i.e. have no equivalents. Still, architecture has an interlingua that is of great use – many terms can be “defined” in pictorial form.
Unfortunately, some terms related to historical architecture have fallen into oblivion as ancient techniques have lost their importance and been gradually abandoned. For this reason, heritage studies is a key field within which historical terminology may survive. Recording and classifying concepts is crucial, not only for technical or scientific reasons, but also as a way of protecting the immaterial heritage of mankind.
The paper will provide a general overview of popular databases on the subject which are available online in English, along with their advantages and drawbacks. Further, the paper will draw some conclusions, including possible directions for future research and define possible limitations. It seems that architecture is not only an excellent topic for a dictionary, but it is also much needed. Due to the wide range of issues related to architecture, scope will be limited mainly to heritage studies; i.e. historical architecture. The paper will provide material for discussion between researchers and will hopefully provide a useful resource for future development in the field.