Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sunflower - collecting seeds

Sunflowers are drying up now in my garden. I cut few of the flowers and manage to dry it despite of the rainy season.

The big flower head is totally wet by the rain yesterday after I dry it fully for the past 2 days! sigh....

Few of the seeds already given or sent to my friends and relative. It's such a joy to share own seeds actually! 

How is your sunflower doing?


  1. I leave our sunflower heads for the birds ( I think maybe mice eat them too)but some always self sow and I dig these up and move them to wherever I want them to grow.

  2. It is nice to go through the whole cycle.... germinating seeds and collecting more seeds months later! Over in Johor, I haven't tried sunflowers yet...... busy with tanam sayur!
