Middle East Technical University
Eurasian Studies
Thomas De Waal, The Caucasus: An Introduction, Oxford University Press, New York, 2010. 259 Pages.
Transformation of the Islamic institutions and the establishing new state sponsored structures for Muslims by Russian empire after capturing Muslim dominated land of Volga region in the middle of 16 th century resulted in the... more
Bu çalışmada, Ömer Seyfettin tarafından Balkan Harbi sonrasında kaleme alınan ve Tarhan takma adıyla 1912 yılında yayımlanan makalesi eski yazı nüshasından Latin harflerine aktarılmıştır. Eserde, mütefekkir tarafından diğer eserlerinde de... more
This study seeks to analyze Russia’s soft power politics in Eurasia during post-Soviet era and to show Kremlin’s perspective toward these discourses. While referring to the evolution of the Russian Foreign Policy after 1991, the focus of... more
This thesis examines the migration patterns in Kyrgyzstan that have emerged after the independence period and the approach of Uzbek community in the country to migration and the preferable migration destinations within the framework of... more
Attention paid to language-related issues in the process of nation building is justifiable by a strong link that can usually be observed between a particular ideology of nationalism
This thesis studies the reasons for the differences in the attitudes of Polish and Russian minorities in regards to language policy in Lithuania within the context of the multitude of relations between language and ethnic identity. The... more
correspond to different policies toward cross-border migration and migrant populations, such as migration restrictions, the segregation of migrants and denial of naturalization, ethnic preferences in migration policies, the expectation of... more
For the last two decades, in partnership and cooperation with multiple governmental and non-governmental bodies at national, regional, and local levels, the Scottish government has achieved noticeable and commendable success in... more
October 2020 marks the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325) on Women, Peace and Security1. This marks a fitting moment to assess the resolution’s challenges and achievements and to offer... more