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Questions tagged [abelian-categories]

Use this tag for questions about Abelian categories, which are categories that possess most of properties of categories of modules over a ring, and are easy to work with using techniques of homological algebra.

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1 answer

Natural isomorphism involving the Yoneda lemma and Ab-enrichment

Let $\mathbf{Ab}$ be the category of Abelian group and let $\mathbf{C}$ be a small category. I'm interested in the functor category $[\mathbf{C}, \mathbf{Ab}]$, which is an abelian category; in ...
Mockingbird's user avatar
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does an exact sequence of filtered complexes induce an exact sequence of spectral sequences

Let $(A_i, d_i, F_i)$ be a filtered differential complex (with bounded filtration) for $i=1,2,3$. Assume we have filtered chain maps $i:A_1\to A_2$ and $j:A_2\to A_3$ such that $$0\to A_1 \overset{i}{\...
Elad's user avatar
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When is a pseudo-abelian category abelian?

Recall that a pseudo-abelian (= Cauchy complete) category is an additive category where all idempotents split (iow every idempotent has a kernel and a cokernel). Any abelian category is pseudo-abelian....
Minkowski's user avatar
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Proposition ( in Tamme's Introduction to Etale Cohomology

Proposition 1.4.3, page 7 in Tamme's book, says (among other things) that: given two categories $\cal C$ and $\cal C'$, with $\cal C'$ abelian and AB-$3$, if $\cal C'$ has a generator $Z$ then also ...
Gay Lussac's user avatar
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Is there a semisimple abelian category or a split abelian category with an infinite number of simple objects?

An abelian category $\mathcal A$ with arbitrary coproducts (for example, a Grothendieck category) is semisimple if every object in $\mathcal A$ is a coproduct of simple objects. It is true that every ...
Loronegro's user avatar
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Exercise on fiber product, counterexample.

I am working on this exercise from the book "Assem,I- Algebres et modules", on page 91, exercise 41. Let there be a diagram of $A$-modules and $A$-linear maps: $$ \begin{array}{ccccccccc} ...
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$f(f^{-1}(B')) = B'$ in category theory

I need to prove: Let $C$ be a category with equalizer , coequalizer, kernels, cokernels, normal and conormal. Let $f : A \to B$ be an epimorphism and $u : B' \to B$ a subobject of $B$. Then $f(f^{-1}(...
C25's user avatar
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Meaning of "quasi-isomorphism" of diagram indexed by the negative integers

I've been given this exercise: Fix a commutative unital ring $R$ and a diagram $$A^\bullet = \cdots \to A_{-2} \to A_{-1}\to A_{0}$$ of objects and maps in $\mathrm{Ch}(R \mathrm{-Mod})$ indexed by ...
Gay Lussac's user avatar
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Definition of DG-injective chain complex

Does anyone know a textbook or even some notes online where I can find the definition of DG-injective chain complex? I tried to type it on google but I only find articles or papers about DG-injective ...
Gay Lussac's user avatar
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functor is right exact if and only if it preserves quasi-isomorphisms between projectives

In pursuit of finding how homotopical algebra is a generalisation of homological algebra, I want to compare the requirement to define left/right derived functors. Let $A$ be an abelian category with ...
Reinder van der Weide's user avatar
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Do idempotents in an abelian category constitute a lattice?

Consider an object $X$ in an abelian category $\mathcal{C}$. We define $\text{Idem}_{\mathcal{C}}(X)$ as the set of idempotent endomorphisms $a$ in $\text{End}_{\mathcal{C}}(X)$, meaning that $a \circ ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Diagram chasing in Abelian categories

In an Abelian category, once one has developed the basic tools such as monic-epi factorizations, generalized elements, etc., it seems to me that one can "transplant proofs from Ab". More ...
blomp's user avatar
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Length of an additive functor is the supremum of lengths over all objects

Let $\mathcal{C}$ be an additive category and $F: \mathcal{C} \to \mathrm{Ab}$ an additive functor. We can define the length of $F$ as usual as the unique length of a composition series $$0=F_n \...
Flynn Fehre's user avatar
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What does it mean that an abelian Category has functorial injective embeddings?

I found this definition on stack project Let $\mathcal{A}$ be an abelian category. We say $\mathcal{A}$ has functorial injective embeddings if there exists a functor $$J:\mathcal{A}\rightarrow Arrows(...
user11695417's user avatar
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Colocalizing closure of an abelian category and homotopy limits of double truncations

Let $A$ be a complete abelian category and $D(A)$ it unbounded derived category. Set $C = Coloc(A)$ be the colocalizing closure of $A$ in $D(A)$, that is the smallest triangulated subcategory of $D(A)$...
Alex's user avatar
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Normal Subgroups as Subobjects

Usually, ideal objects (normals subgroups, ring ideals) are viewed as kernels of homomorphisms or objects encapsulating congruence relations. A third categorical viewpoint, however, seems particularly ...
n1lp0tence's user avatar
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Reference for Hurewicz's theorem in algebraic topology

Let me begin by stating that under no circumstances am I an expert in algebraic topology. That being said, some years ago I came across Hurewicz's theorem relating the (co)homology groups to the ...
Prelude's user avatar
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How to prove the quotient of long exact sequences is a long exact sequence?

Let $f^{\cdot}: A^{\cdot}\to B^{\cdot}$ be an injective morphism of two long exact sequences of an abelian category. Then by taking cokernel, naturely we will have a new complex $K^{^{\cdot}}$. I want ...
Skywalker's user avatar
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Example 5.2.6 in Weibel's Homological Algebra

Let $\{E^r_{pq}\}$ be a spectral sequence, such that $E^r_{pq}$ is zero unless $p,q\ge 0$. (I.e. it is bounded in the first quadrant). Let's consider a term of the form $E^n_{0y}$; since the ...
Ezio Greggio's user avatar
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Pullback of two split monomorphisms in an abelian category

$\require{AMScd}$ Let $i_A : A \to M$ and $i_B : B \to M$ be two split monomorphisms in an abelian category. Consider the following pullback: $$\begin{CD} P @>j_A>> A\\ @VVj_BV @VVi_AV\\ B @&...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Is a direct summand of a dualisable object itself dualisable?

If an object $X$ in an abelian monoidal category is the direct summand of a dualisable object, is $X$ itself dualisable? This is true in the category of modules over a commutative ring, since then a ...
Jannik Pitt's user avatar
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$S$ splits iff $S\otimes N$ Exact

I have two questions on exactness of hom and tensor. (1)Let $S$ be a sequence $0\to A\xrightarrow{f} B\xrightarrow{g} C\to 0$ of $R$-modules, $S$ splits iff $\text{Hom}(N,S)$ exact for every $N$, ...
Eric Ley's user avatar
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Is it right to think of the grothendieck group $K(A)$ as the categorification of dimension?

Grothendieck $K$-groups make sense for exact categories I think, but let $k$ be a field and let's assume $A$ is a $k$-linear abelian category, which are supposed to 'categorify' vector spaces over $k$....
student_du_3's user avatar
4 votes
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Grothendieck ring of $Rep(\mathfrak{sl}_2)$

The Grothendieck ring of the abelian category $Rep(\mathfrak{sl}_2)$ of finite-dimensional representations of $\mathfrak{sl}_2$ is, according to Bakalov-Kirillov's Lecture notes on tensor categories ...
Minkowski's user avatar
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Why sheaves of abelian groups form an abelian category

I know it is an elementary result. But some details confuse me. In Vakil's The Rising Sea (version 2022) Theorem 2.6.2 writes: Sheaves of abelian groups on a topological space $X$ form an abelian ...
HIGH QUALITY Male Human Being's user avatar
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The spectral sequence associated to an exact couple without chasing elements

$\def\Ker{\operatorname{Ker}} \def\Im{\operatorname{Im}}$I am trying to prove 011T to myself. It is a result involving an exact couple, its derived exact couple, the spectral sequence one obtains via ...
Elías Guisado Villalgordo's user avatar
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Definition of homology group as quotient in chain complex

I am working through some theory about abelian categories and complexes from "An Introduction to Homological Algebra" by Rotman. I don't understand one of the sections which I will explain ...
Flynn Fehre's user avatar
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Equivalent conditions of $\textrm{Ext}^2(A,B) = 0$ for all $A$ and $B$

I am studying homological algebra and I am having difficulty proving the equivalences of the following: (i) If $0 \to A \xrightarrow{f} B$ is exact and $B$ is projective, then $A$ is projective (ii) ...
Squirrel-Power's user avatar
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Prove that for $F$ an additive functor of abelian categories, $R^0F$ is exact iff $R^1F = 0$ iff $R^iF = 0$ for all $i > 0$

I am beginning to study homological algebra. Let $F: \mathcal{A} \to \mathcal{B}$ be an additive functor of abelian categories. Prove that the following are equivalent: The functor $R^0F$ is exact $R^...
Squirrel-Power's user avatar
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Is the category of vector spaces with row-finite linear maps an abelian self-dual category?

Fix a field $K$. Given a vector space $V$ with a basis $B$, a vector space $W$ with a basis $C$ and a linear map $f: V \to W$, let $\{f_{c, b}\}_{c, b}$ be the representing matrix of $f$, meaning that ...
Smiley1000's user avatar
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Suppose that $0\to A\xrightarrow{f} B \xrightarrow{g} C$ is exact in an abelian category. Prove that $0\to A\xrightarrow{f} B\to Im(g)\to 0$ is exact

Suppose that $0 \to A \xrightarrow{f} B \xrightarrow{g} C$ is exact in an abelian category. I am trying to prove that $0 \to A\xrightarrow{f} B \to Im(g)\to 0$ is exact. Here, I use the definitiom ...
Squirrel-Power's user avatar
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Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a small abelian category. Then there is a ring $R$ and an exact, full, and faithful functor $\mathcal{C} \to R$-mod

Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a small abelian category. Then there is a ring $R$ and an exact, full, and faithful functor $\mathcal{C} \to R$-mod. The above statement is from a lecture note, and I am having ...
Squirrel-Power's user avatar
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Understanding the definition of left exact functors

I am studying category theory, and in particular exact sequences. I am stuck on proving that the following three conditions are equivalent in an abelian category $\mathcal{C}$: (a) The sequence $0 \to ...
Squirrel-Power's user avatar
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Prove $X \cong Ker(e) \oplus Ker(1_X-e)$ in abelian K-category

In abelian $K$-category $\mathcal{C}$, we have an object $X$ and an idempotent $e\in End_{\mathcal{C}}(X)$ satisfy (1) $e^2 = e$; (2)$(1_X-e)^2=(1_X-e)$; (3) $e(1_X-e)=(1_X-e)e=0_X$. I want to show $X ...
HIGH QUALITY Male Human Being's user avatar
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In what sense are preadditive categories also enriched categories?

I'm confused about Wikipedia's definition of preadditive categories: In mathematics, specifically in category theory, a preadditive category is another name for an Ab-category, i.e., a category that ...
WillG's user avatar
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Dual to Eilenberg Watts

The Eilenberg-Watts theorem states: Theorem. Let $A, B$ be rings and let $F : A\textbf{-Mod} \to B\textbf{-Mod}$ be a right exact, coproduct preserving additive functor. Then there exists a unique (up ...
emilg's user avatar
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the natural morphism to the image is epic

So this is about abelian categories. Given a morphism $f:A\rightarrow B$, by the universal property of the cokernel of $f$ we find a morphism $f':A\rightarrow \mathrm{im}(f)=\ker(\mathrm{coker}(f))$. ...
Adronic's user avatar
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Simple objects in the direct sum of abelian categories

I'm not familiar with the direct sum of abelian categories. I have a question: Let $A$ and $B$ be algebras. Let $\mathrm{Mod}_A$ be the category of left $A-$module and $\mathrm{Mod}_B$ be the category ...
fusheng's user avatar
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Associtivity of Tensor Product of Modules Over Algebras in a Tensor Category

I am attempting to prove that modules over a commutative algebra (monoid) $A$ in a fixed tensor category $\mathcal{T}$ form a tensor category $\mathcal{T}_A$. All of the references I have found say it ...
Dakota's Struggling's user avatar
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Cofibrations and cofibrant objects in a simplicial abelian category

For context, I am reading chapter III.2 of Goerss and Jardine's book on simplicial homotopy theory, but I am not an expert in model categories. In that chapter, they introduce the model structure on ...
SetR's user avatar
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Schur's lemma when we have multiplicities

Let $\frak{g}$ be a simple Lie algebra and let $V$ be a simple finite-dimensional $\frak{g}$-module. We know from Schur's lemma that the dimension of $\frak{g}$-module maps from $V$ to itself is $1$. ...
Zoltan Fleishman's user avatar
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Is “semisimplification” a 2-functor?

Consider the following 2-category $\mathcal K$: objects are finite length abelian categories (i.e., abelian categories where every object has finite length) morphisms are exact functors (preserving ...
Claudius's user avatar
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Are these two definitions of abelian categories equivalent?

Some sources define an abelian category as a pre-abelian category where every mono is the kernel of its cokernel and epi is the cokernel of its kernel. Some other sources define an abelian category ...
Laplace series's user avatar
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Existence of Deligne's tensor product of finite abelian categories

I'm trying to show that for the categories $A$-Mod and $B$-Mod (where $A$ and $B$ are finite-dimensional algebras), we can define ($A$-Mod)$\boxtimes (B$-Mod) $= (A\otimes B)$-Mod. I'm following ...
Ali's user avatar
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When are abelian categories $\operatorname{mod-}R$ and $\operatorname{mod-}\operatorname{End}_R(M) $ equivalent?

Let $R$ be a commutative Noetherian integral domain. Let $M$ be a finitely generated projective $R$-module of positive rank. Are the abelian categories $\operatorname{mod-}R$ and $\operatorname{mod-}\...
Snake Eyes's user avatar
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Categorical kernel of composition of morphisms (in abelian categories)

A while ago I was interested in categorical image of composition of morphisms in abelian categories, see this post. I learnt that $\text{Im}(gf)=\text{Im}(g i)$ where $i$ is the canonical monomorphism ...
frelg's user avatar
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Snake Lemma Weibel 1.3.2

I'm reading An introduction to homological algebra by Charles A. Weibel and I'm trying to prove the snake lemma 1.3.2. Using this diagram (don't have enough points to embbed it in my question) it says ...
Jolia's user avatar
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Checking the multiplicative system definition for a class of maps in a triangulated category

I am reading these notes Derived categories, resolutions, and Brown representability Henning Krause ( about derived and triangulated categories I am having ...
darkside's user avatar
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Prove that an (additive) functor $F$ between abelian categories (categories of modules) that admits an exact left adjoint must preserve injectives

Prove that an (additive) functor $F$ between abelian categories (categories of modules) that admits an exact left adjoint must preserve injectives. State and prove the dual result. I have no idea on ...
Squirrel-Power's user avatar
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If $g\circ f=f$ in a category, then is $g$ necessarily the identity morphism?

I know momomorphisms are left-cancellative and epimorphisms are right-cancellative. But, let $C$ be any object in an arbitrary category $\mathbf{C}$, and $f,g:C\to C$ be any morphisms st $gf=f$. Then, ...
frelg's user avatar
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