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Prove that an (additive) functor $F$ between abelian categories (categories of modules) that admits an exact left adjoint must preserve injectives

Prove that an (additive) functor $F$ between abelian categories (categories of modules) that admits an exact left adjoint must preserve injectives. State and prove the dual result. I have no idea on ...
Squirrel-Power's user avatar
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Non trivial colimit for rings in a finite diagram

I’m trying to understand the concept of colimits for commutative rings, but unable to find a colimit(or at least a compliment) for a finite diagram of rings, is there a(non trivial) example for a ...
Roye sharifie's user avatar
6 votes
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Is taking (co)limits exact in an Abelian category?

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a complete and cocomplete Abelian category. Let $J$ a small category, and let $F_1 \xrightarrow{r} F_2 \xrightarrow{s} F_3$ be a sequence of diagrams/functors $F_i : J\rightarrow \...
I.A.S. Tambe's user avatar
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Meaning and examples of Grothendieck condition AB4*

What are some examples of AB4* categories? In particular, for a thesis I am writing I need to know if cochain-complexes form an AB4* category
Matteo Casarosa's user avatar
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Objects in Ind-category are filtered colimits of compact subobjects

In his paper 'Categories Tensorielles' in section 2.2 Deligne states that if in a tensor category $\mathcal{A}$ all objects are of finite length, then every object of the Ind-category $\text{Ind}\...
S.Farr's user avatar
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Calculating finite inverse limits of Abelian groups

If we are given an infinite system of abelian groups $(\dots \xrightarrow{\varphi_2} A_2 \xrightarrow{\varphi_1} A_1 \xrightarrow{\varphi_0} A_0)$ then I know its inverse limit can be found by $$\lim_{...
EinStone's user avatar
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Define a sketch $s_{\mathbf{Grp}}$ such that $\mathbf{Grp}\backsimeq \mathbf{Mod}(s_{\mathbf{Grp}},\mathbf{Set})$

I have the following (a) Define a sketch $s_{\mathbf{Grp}}$ and a equivalence functor $$E: \mathbf{Grp}\to \mathbf{Mod}(s_{\mathbf{Grp}},\mathbf{Set})$$ (b) Knowing that finite limits commute with ...
Marcelo's user avatar
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Cocomplete $R$-linear categories are tensored : adjoint functor theorem?

Let $B$ be an abelian category which is actually $Mod_R$-enriched for some ring $R$ (say unital commutative ring). For $b\in B$, we have a functor $\hom(b,-) : B\to Mod_R$ which preserves limits, so ...
Maxime Ramzi's user avatar
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On covariant linear functors $T: R$-Mod $\to R$-Mod which preserves direct-limits or inverse-limits

Let $R$ be a commutative ring with unity. Let $R$-Mod denote the category of $R$-modules, and $Ab$ denote the category of Abelian groups. Now, it is known that a covariant additive functor $T: R$-...
user102248's user avatar
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Does every covariant, additive, faithfully-exact functor $T:R$-Mod $\to Ab$ preserve either direct sum or direct product?

Let $R$ be a commutative Noetherian ring. Let $Ab$ denote the category of abelian groups. Let $T:R$-Mod $\to Ab$ be a covariant, additive functor such that for any sequence of $R$-modules, $A \...
user102248's user avatar
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Constructing limits in an additive category given the existence of products and kernels

The title says it all really. Given an additive category $\mathcal{A}$, is having all kernels and arbitrary products sufficient to conclude that it has all limits? Dually, is having all cokernels and ...
Luke's user avatar
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Vanishing of $\varprojlim^1$ on Mittag-Leffler sequences story.

I'm trying to clarify myself on some points about the story of the first derived functor $\varprojlim^1$ of the projective limit functor vanishing on some kind of filtered inverse systems in arbitrary ...
18cyclotomic's user avatar
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Limits and $Hom(-,Y)$-functor in abelian categories

Let $\cal C$ be an abelian category and let $(\{x_i\} , \{\phi_{ij}:x_i\rightarrow y_j\}_{i\leq j})$ be a direct system with direct limit $(\varinjlim x_i, \phi_i: x_i \rightarrow \varinjlim x_i)$. ...
V.Galgano's user avatar
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Colimit of submodules

I was going through a proof in the paper "Local unit versus local projectivity", where I came across the fact that for an $R$ module $P$ if $P = \operatorname{colim}\limits_{i\in I} P_i$ where $I$ is ...
jean_23's user avatar
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Does the kernel of a morphism equal to its source object in an abelian category imply it is a zero map?

Does the kernel of a morphism equals to its source object in abelian category implies this is a zero map? Namely let $C$ be an abelian category, $X,Y$ are two objects, $f\in Hom_{C}(X,Y)$ is a ...
Yuze Ruan's user avatar
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Union in an abelian category

I'm working on the following exercise. I have most of it, but there's one detail at the end that I can't work out. Let $\{A_i\}$ be a family of subobjects of an object $A$. Show that if $\mathcal{A}...
jennifer's user avatar
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On relationship of two categorical characterization of finitely generated objects.

I've encountered The following categorical characterization of finitely generated modules: A $R$-module $M$ is finitely generated iff it satifies one of the following properties: a): for any family ...
Censi LI's user avatar
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Colimit of a direct system of monomorphisms

Let $\mathcal A$ be an abelian category, $\{X_i,f_{ij}\}_{i\leqslant j\in I}$ a direct system of $\mathcal A$ such that for any $i\leqslant j\in I$, $f_{ij}:X_i\to X_j$ is an monomorphism. Suppose ...
Censi LI's user avatar
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Are binary unions of regular monomorphisms in regular categories effective?

In the presence of pullbacks, the intersection of subobjects is given by their pullback. Whenever image factorization exist, the union of subobjects is given by the image of their coproduct. Sometimes,...
Arrow's user avatar
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Completeness of 2-category of Monoidal Categories

Is the 2-category of monoidal categories complete? If not, can any conditions be imposed to satisfy completeness?
user84563's user avatar
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Is the inverse limit of exact sequences exact?

We are in the category of $R$-modules. Let us consider an inverse system $\{M_n^\bullet\}_{n\geq 1}$ where each $M_n^\bullet$ is an exact sequence. $$ \dots \longrightarrow M_n^{i-1}\longrightarrow ...
longexactness's user avatar
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A question about filtered colimits in a category of representations

For $k$ a field, are filtered colimits exact in the category $\mathbf{Rep}_k(G)$ of (finite-dimensional) $k$-representations of a group $G$? I can neither prove it nor find a counterexample.
MirenAminou1's user avatar
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Wiki on exact sequences in regular categories

In a regular category, an exact sequence is a diagram which is both a coequalizer and a kernel pair: $$R\overset r{\underset s\rightrightarrows} X\to Y$$ Wiki says that in the abelian case, the above ...
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Pullback preserves cokernel

Is that true that in an abelian category $\mathcal{C}$, if I have the pullback diagram: $$ \require{AMScd} \begin{CD} P @>{p_1}>> C\\ @V{p_2}VV @V{g}VV \\ A @>{f}>> B \end{CD} $$ ...
freedfromthereal's user avatar