Osman Fırat Baş
1969 doğumludur. Ankara Üniversitesi D.T.C.F Leh Dili ve Edebiyatı mezunudur. 2012 yılında alanında doçent doktor olmuştur. 1998-2017 yılları arasında Polonya Cumhuriyeti Ankara Büyükelçiliğinde çevirmen olarak çalışmıştır. 2017’den bu yana Poznan Adam Mickiewicz Üniversitesi Slav Filolojisi Anabilim Dalında dersler vermektedir. Gombrowicz İnsanı adlı incelemesi 2008 yılında Elips Kitap tarafından yayımlanmıştır. Ödülleri: 2002 yılında Beşparmak dergisinin Samim Kocagöz 7. Öykü Yarışması’nda Seçici Kurul Özel Ödülü; çeviri çalışmalarıyla 2006’da Polonya Dışişleri Bakanlığı Teşekkür Mektubu, 2014’te Polonya Kültür Vakfının “Polonya Edebiyatı’nın Dünyada Tanıtımı Onur Ödülü”, 2015’te Polonya Cumhuriyeti Kültür ve Ulusal Miras Bakanlığının “Üstün Hizmet Madalyası” ve 2016’da Ryszard Kapuscinski Yeni Bir Dile Çeviri Ödülü, 2019 Yazarlar Birliği ZAiKS’in Edebiyat Çevirmeni Ödülü.
Tłumacz i historyk literatury. Absolwent Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Ankarskiego. W latach 1998-2017 pracował w Ambasadzie RP w Ankarze jako tłumacz. Od 2017 roku wykłada w Instytucie Filologii Słowiańskiej Uniwersytetu Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Jest autorem publikacji z zakresu polskiej historii i literatury, m.in. studiów o Witoldzie Gombrowiczu i Wisławie Szymborskiej. Przełożył na turecki m.in. Ferdydurke Gombrowicza, opowiadania Stefana Grabińskiego, Medaliony Zofii Nałkowskiej, Zniewolony umysł Czesława Miłosza, dramaty Doroty Masłowskiej i Podróże z Herodotem Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego. W 2006 r. został uhonorowany listem gratulacyjnym MSZ RP za dorobek prac translatorskich. Laureat Nagrody Honorowej Fundacji Kultury Polskiej za promocję polskiej książki w świecie (2014). Laureat Odznaki „Zasłużony dla Kultury Polskiej” (2015). Laureat Nagrody Translatorskiej dla Tłumaczy Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego za nowy język (2016). Nagroda literacka ZAiKS-u dla tłumaczy (2019).
Born 1969. Graduated from Polish Language and Culture at Ankara University, In the years 1998-2017 he worked at the Polish Embassy in Ankara as a translator. Since 2017, he has lectured at the Institute of Slavic Philology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. In 2006 he was honoured with congratulatory letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Poland for his translation achievements. He is a laureate of the Honorary Award of the Polish Culture Foundation for promoting Polish books in the world (2014), he was also honoured with the „Merited for Polish Culture” badge (2015), Award for Ryszard Kapuściński's Translators for a translation into a new language (2016) and Literary award of the ZAiKS Author Association for translators of the Polish literature abroad (2019). He translated works of among others Witold Gombrowicz, Dorota Masłowska, Czesław Miłosz, Zofia Nałkowska.
Tłumacz i historyk literatury. Absolwent Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Ankarskiego. W latach 1998-2017 pracował w Ambasadzie RP w Ankarze jako tłumacz. Od 2017 roku wykłada w Instytucie Filologii Słowiańskiej Uniwersytetu Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Jest autorem publikacji z zakresu polskiej historii i literatury, m.in. studiów o Witoldzie Gombrowiczu i Wisławie Szymborskiej. Przełożył na turecki m.in. Ferdydurke Gombrowicza, opowiadania Stefana Grabińskiego, Medaliony Zofii Nałkowskiej, Zniewolony umysł Czesława Miłosza, dramaty Doroty Masłowskiej i Podróże z Herodotem Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego. W 2006 r. został uhonorowany listem gratulacyjnym MSZ RP za dorobek prac translatorskich. Laureat Nagrody Honorowej Fundacji Kultury Polskiej za promocję polskiej książki w świecie (2014). Laureat Odznaki „Zasłużony dla Kultury Polskiej” (2015). Laureat Nagrody Translatorskiej dla Tłumaczy Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego za nowy język (2016). Nagroda literacka ZAiKS-u dla tłumaczy (2019).
Born 1969. Graduated from Polish Language and Culture at Ankara University, In the years 1998-2017 he worked at the Polish Embassy in Ankara as a translator. Since 2017, he has lectured at the Institute of Slavic Philology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. In 2006 he was honoured with congratulatory letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Poland for his translation achievements. He is a laureate of the Honorary Award of the Polish Culture Foundation for promoting Polish books in the world (2014), he was also honoured with the „Merited for Polish Culture” badge (2015), Award for Ryszard Kapuściński's Translators for a translation into a new language (2016) and Literary award of the ZAiKS Author Association for translators of the Polish literature abroad (2019). He translated works of among others Witold Gombrowicz, Dorota Masłowska, Czesław Miłosz, Zofia Nałkowska.
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Papers by Osman Fırat Baş
This paper is the translation of its first original Polish edition „Dyskusja wokół Apamei” [The Discussion around Apameia], published as a chapter of a monograph entitled Święty Tryphon w kulturze europejskiej [Saint Tryfon in European Culture]. All sources unanimously give Phrygia as the birth and burial place of St. Tryphon, although there is no consensus and clear position as to the name and location of the place where the holy martyr was born and buried. The discussion around the home village of Tryphon has been going on for years. Some scholars argue that his home village (Campsada) was located by the Sea of Marmara (in ancient times: Propontine, Propontis) and was also called Lampsacus (Lampsakos). This town is today called Lapseki. But for some others, it should be near the today’s Denair. None of the above conflicting standpoints give a clear solution to this issue, which remains the topic of further research. However, it should be considered that Ramsay’s findings in this matter deserve to be emphasized and thoughtful, if only for the enormous work (over 2000 hours) that he put in the creation of the map of Phrygia. According to Ramsay, Campsada „was a village of the Apamean territory. In that case it must be sought on the skirts of Samsun-Dagh”, which lies to the north of today’s Denair.
This paper is the translation of its first original Polish edition „Dyskusja wokół Apamei” [The Discussion around Apameia], published as a chapter of a monograph entitled Święty Tryphon w kulturze europejskiej [Saint Tryfon in European Culture]. All sources unanimously give Phrygia as the birth and burial place of St. Tryphon, although there is no consensus and clear position as to the name and location of the place where the holy martyr was born and buried. The discussion around the home village of Tryphon has been going on for years. Some scholars argue that his home village (Campsada) was located by the Sea of Marmara (in ancient times: Propontine, Propontis) and was also called Lampsacus (Lampsakos). This town is today called Lapseki. But for some others, it should be near the today’s Denair. None of the above conflicting standpoints give a clear solution to this issue, which remains the topic of further research. However, it should be considered that Ramsay’s findings in this matter deserve to be emphasized and thoughtful, if only for the enormous work (over 2000 hours) that he put in the creation of the map of Phrygia. According to Ramsay, Campsada „was a village of the Apamean territory. In that case it must be sought on the skirts of Samsun-Dagh”, which lies to the north of today’s Denair.
The aim of this article is to propose a formula for translation of Adam Mickiewicz’s epic poem Sir Thaddeus (full title in English: Sir Thaddeus, or the Last Lithuanian Foray: A Nobleman’s Tale from the Years of 1811 and 1812 in Twelve Books of Verse) from Polish into Turkish that allows to reproduce its stylistic properties like as the rhyme scheme and hexameter.
Bilimsel etkinliğin hedefinin, insanın bütün diğer eylemleri gibi, gelecekteki gerçekliğin şekillenmesinde etki sahibi olmak olduğu varsayıldığında, bütün bir bilgi üretiminin, hedeflediği etkilere erişmek için sadece seçilmiş olguları vurgulayan bir tür siyasi akılca yönlendirildiğini söylemek yanlış olmayacaktır. Siyasete dayalı olmak bilimsel çalışmaların değerini düşürmez, ama tam aksine, o siyasetin niteliği onlara bir değer katabilir. Bu tezi kanıtlamak için, bu tebliğde Romantik Dönem’in iki büyük Polonyalı Oryantalistinin iki çalışmasının, tam adıyla I. J. Sękowski’nin (1800-1858) Collectanea z dziejopisów tureckich rzeczy do historyi polskiey służących z dodatkiem objaśnień potrzebnych i krytycznych uwag [Türk Vakayinamelerinden Leh Tarihine Fâideli Vakaların Lüzumlu İzahat ve Tenkit İlaveli Koleksiyonu] (1824-1825) ve onun muhalifi W. I. Pietraszewski’nin (1799-1860) Nowy przekład dziejopisów tureckich dotyczących się historyi polskiej, a szczególniej Tarychy Wasyf Efendego [Leh Tarihine Dair Türk Vakayinamelerinin, Bilhassa Vâsıf Efendi Tarihi’nin Yeni Tercümesi]’nin (1846) karşılaştırılması kullanıldı.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Oryantalizm, Józef Julian Sękowski [Osip Ivanovich Senkovskii, Baron Brambeus], Warmijczyk Ignacy Pietraszewski
Assuming that purpose of scientific activity, like all other human acts, is to have impact on the shaping of future reality, it would not be false to say that the whole knowledge production process is determined by a kind of political mind, which emphasizes only selected phenomena to achieve its targeted effects. Being based on politics does not degrade the value of scientific studies, but, on the contrary, quality of this politics can add value to them. To prove this thesis, in this paper comparison of two works by two outstanding Polish Orientalists of the Romantic period, namely, I. J. Sękowski’s (1800-1858) Collectanea z dziejopisów tureckich rzeczy do historyi polskiey służących z dodatkiem objaśnień potrzebnych i krytycznych uwag [Collectanea from Turkish Chronicles of Events Useful for Polish History with Necessary Explanations and Critical Comments] (1824-1825) and his critic W. I. Pietraszewski’s (1799-1860) Nowy przekład dziejopisów tureckich dotyczących się historyi polskiej, a szczególniej Tarychy Wasyf Efendego [The New Translation of Turkish Chronicles Concerning Polish History, More Particulary the Vâsif Efendi’s History] (1846) have been used.
Key words: Orientalism, Józef Julian Sękowski [Osip Ivanovich Senkovskii, Baron Brambeus], Warmijczyk Ignacy Pietraszewski