I rarely got pressies as a child, me brothers would get wonderful pressies in bright coloured wrappings...train sets and scalectric racing sets.... and piles of lego and action figures....... and I would watch them open them and enjoy their smiles.... I would usually get a jumper or a cardigan lol often a hand me down from me cousin Sally, which would take almost a year for me to grow into LOL, but that to was ok..... its just how it was.... ya just got use to it, and ya learnt never to expect special things in life......and that is something that still hangs with me now at my ripe old age..... never expect, then ya wont be disappointed.....
Anyways........ all me maties around their birthdays and crimbo would say what they would be buying 'themselves' as a gift...... this has been something that for years I just couldnt get me head around LOL..... they would buy themselves a birthday or crimbo pressie...... how funny, and it was not cos they didnt get piles of gifts etc, cos they all have large and extended families, so they and their kids are spoilt for choice ....... like me, me lads only get gifts from each other, no extended family here to shower gifts upon them...... and that to is ok.....its just how it is, and that is why I try and make their birthdays special.... and always make a cake and hang balloons and streamers around the house....
I do sometimes, just sometimes smile and wonder what it would be like to be spoilt, I would love to experience that just once in life before I meet me maker....just to see what it was like lol ya know, just out of curiousity ....
So just before me birthday last September, I got to thinking what it would be like to buy meself a pressie for me birthday LMFAO...... how silly of me.... should I buy diamonds? silver? something in gold?......
Jebus I must be such a boring old tart.... cos this is what I DID buy meself...... AND it arrived on me actual birthday..... ITS A SIGN lol maybe a sign that all Im worth is a pile of decaying veggie matter LOL
Its a compost bin :) - I was so happy when it arrived LMFAO..... what a bleedin saddo I really am.... I told me mates, they laffed at me, and said, that aint no proper pressie... sometimes I dont know why these friends are me maties LOL we are like chalk and cheese, they dont recycle they dont cook from scratch they dont do pets and certainly they dont do chickens, they are so opposite from me.... but I love them so very much lol.....
For over a week I could not place the compost bin where I had cleared a space for it, cos first it had to be used as a fort, and a castle and a den and a lookout tower..... I had to insist by the end of the week that I WANT ME BIN BACK lol.....
How many kids can one get in a compost bin :) - looks like 4, thats with Jon squashed at the bottom looking out the liftie up door LOL.... they had such fun with something so very simple :)...... but now its taken its rightful place and I feed it everyday with all the veggie peelings.... and garden cuttings etc....and the herbie straw from Janet and Mabels bedroom :)... I LOVES me compost bin, to me its better then diamonds, silver or gold, the saddo that I am LOL......
Ok, you are thinking thats ya birthday done and dusted ya saddo, what about ya crimbo pressie to yaself...... shaking me head, I knows your gonna think, what a double saddo that tart really is LMFAO.....
Here goes, these are the little items I bought meself for crimbo, AND I even thought about wrapping them LMFAO..... which I didnt :)...
I have this thing about heart shaped things.... and Ive always wanted a heart shaped flan thingie, so now I have one :).. BUT no normal one, only one with a 20 year guarantee LMFAO...
A new cake tin :)... spring loaded ya know lmfao..
And not one BUT two quiche tins LOL.... I really let the boat out right? :)
Oh, how I just fell in love with this little orange ommelete/pancake pan :) its got little pictures of carrots around the side LOL..... ok, shut up.... I know Im a saddo without you having to say it.....
And last but not least was me most bestest pressie I found for meself...... remember me crimbo HUGE turkey plate with the holly and ivy design by Portmeirion.... well just ave a butchers at this little beauty :)
I LOVE bowls with a passion, I loved especially 'larry the lobster' bowl that I bought in Maine during the summer, but alas it got broken :( - this little crimbo bowl is still on me kitchen table with NUTS in lol.....
And all these bits and bobs I bought in the pre-crimbo sale, so they all together cost less then 25 quid which is about $50......
Again me maties thought I was mad to buy such simple inexpensive things as a gift to myself, no diamonds or silver or gold for me...... but then they dont cook or bake and will never know what pleasure I will glime from these items, long after the shine of their treasures have wained......
And even more of a saddo that I am, me maties were all rushing around crimbo eve in the shops getting all hot and bothered, looking for that last minute bargain, and where was I? well, only up the dump with the rubbish and stuff from the garden, I wondered why it was empty that day.... I just aint bleedin normal, this I know lol
Ok, say it, Melody you are such a saddo, no wonder you are on ya own in life.... lol..... your a lost cause..... well, Im just me lol.... :)
Way to much twaddling rubbish for a bright and sunny Wednesday afternoon.....