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Presented by:
Dwi Darmayanti
Koko Murdianto
Umar Hanif

Sesuai dengan alat geraknya (flagel) sebagian besar
Euglenophyta hidup diperairan mulai dari air tawar, air
laut dan lumpur.Bahkan ekstrimnya, Euglena dapat
hidup dalam perut berudu Rana sp yaitu
1. Air tawar- Euptyeria viridis
2. Air laut- Euglena sp
3. Lumpur- Euglena

Cara Memperoleh Nutrisi

Euglena mempunyai dua cara dalam memperoleh
makanan, yaitu dengan fotosintesis(autotrof) dan
memakan zat-zat organik(heterotrof)
Euglenophyta mempunyai cara hidup yang lengkap yaitu
dapat bersifat saprofit (heterotrof pada hewan yang
sudah mati yang mengandung bahan organik), holozoik
(menyerap bahan makanan) dan fototrofik sehingga
dapat hidup secara heterotrof dan autotrof.
Euglenophyceae dapat bersifat heterotrof maupun autotrof
maka Euglenophyceae disebut bersifat miksotrof.

Morfology Structure
Euglenophyta sudah memiliki inti yang tetap dan
mempunyai khloroplast.
Euglena mempunyai satu atau dua flagella yang
menyebabkan mereka dapat bergerak secara aktif.
Selnya telah mempunyai bentuk yang tetap, dinding sel
bukan terdiri dari selulosa melainkan suatu selaput tipis
yang dapat mengikuti gerakan sel euglenoid yang
sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah bentuk (pelikel)
memiliki stigma (bintik mata berwarna merah) yang
digunakan untuk membedakan gelap dan terang.

Anatomy structure
Ujung anterior dari sel berupa sitostoma, dan
dibawahnya berupa kerongkongan/gullet.
Gullet terdiri atas leher yang sempit (cytopharynx)
dan bagian posterior yang membesar berupa waduk
Flagella dari Euglena pangkalnya tertanam pada
dasar waduk dan keluar sepanjang sitofarinx dan
sitostom. Flagelnya mempunyai rumbai-rumbai
sepanjang batang (tipe tinsel).
Vakuola kontraktif,berfungsi untuk memompa gas
kedalam dan keluar tubuh.

Sel tidak dibungkus oleh dinding selulosa, melainkan oleh

perikel berprotein (pelikel), yang berada didalam
plasmalema. Pada kebanyakan Euglenophyceae, pelikel
itu bersifat lentur (Euglena)sehingga memungkinkan
perubahan bentuk sel, tetapi pada beberapa jenis, perikel
ini kaku sehingga sel memiliki bentuk tetap (Phacus).
Kloroplas,berfungsi untuk pembentukan makanan, atau
untuk melakukan fotosintesis
Cadangan makanan berupa paramilum yaitu bentuk
antara dari polisakharida




Sexual reproduction
autogamy(the fusion of two nuclei
both derived from the same parent
cell) has been described for Phacus

Asexual reproduction
Euglena reproduce vegetatively, that is
by binary fission longitudinally. This
division started with a nucleus to split it
into two. Furthermore flagellum and
cytoplasm are also divided into two.
Eventually formed two new Euglena

free swimming cells are continually changing in shape
as they move through the water
A cell has a gullet at the anterior end and one ore more
contractile vacuoles adjoining the reservoir
Most species have an eyespot at the anterior end
Chloroplast are numerous and discoid shaped

Member of this motile genus have rigid naked cell in
which the periplast usually has numerous longitudinal or
spiral striae.
A cell has a gullet at the anterior end and one ore more
contractile vacuoles adjoining the reservoir
The cells usually contain numerous parietal discoid
chloroplast and two large, laterally located ring shaped
paramulum bodies.
Reproduction is by cell division and takes place after
cells have come to rest

Phacus mirip juga dengan Euglena, tetapi selnya lebih kaku
kloroplast discoid, tanpa pirenoid
paramylum bodi besar berbentuk seperti donat dan terletak
di tengah sel.
Tubuhnya yang memanjang dengan suatu evaginasi
(reservoir) di bagian ujung anterior.
Vakuola kontraktil berupa suatu kantung.
Sebuah pigmen berupa suatu bintik atau berupa stigma
dan bertempat di area dasar flagella

The imperfectly known genus has free swimming, rigid,
ovate naked cells .
The cells have two chloroplast, one on either side of a
The nucleus lies toward the posterior end of a cell, and
an eyespot toward the anterior end.
Reproductive stages have not been observed

The only member of the family in which the cells are
free swimming and surrounded by a lorica.
Most have a globose or an ellipsoidal lorica
Lorica is brown
There are 2 to 15 discoid chloroplast
Cells of trachelomonas become immobile before division
of the protoplast into two daughter protoplast. One
daughter protoplast escapes and secretes a new lorica,
the other remain within the old lorica

Single flagel
The cells of ascoglena are sessile and affixed to the
substratum by a cylindrical shaped lorica that is open at
the upper end.
Lorica is brown
Reproduction is by division into two daughter protoplast.
One of the daughter protoplast remain with the old
lorica, the other swim away, beome affixed to some
object and secretes a new lorica

The cells of eutreptia are free swimming
There are two flagel of equal length at the anterior end,
and each of them has an elongate granular swelling in
the basal portion.
A cell contain numerous discoid chloroplast
Cell division takes place while a cell is actively motile,
and cytokinesis begins at the anterior end.

Euglenamorpha is the only member of the family that
has three flagella.
non-rigid cells,
with numerous discoid chloroplasts
Euglenomorpha is endozoic in habit and has been found
in intestinal tract of tadpoles of rana.

Genus Astasia
With one flagellum
Cells strongly

Astasia lagenula

Genus Menoidium
One flagellum
Cells rigid
Cells not radially

Menoidium pellucidum

Genus Rhabdomonas
With one flagellum
Cells rigid
Cells radially symmetrical

Rhabdomonas costata

Genus Distigma
With two flagella

Rhabdomonas costata

Paranema has markedly plastic cell which, when fully extended, gradually broaden
from a subacute apex to a broadly rounded base
The cell are colorless and biflagellate
The basal portion of both is without a granular swelling
The periplast is ornamented with spiral striae extending backward from the
anterior end
The gullet terminates in a large reservoir which is adjoined by small contractile
vakuoles, and byu two pharyngeal rods whose bases lie slightly below the base of
The periplast external to the upper end of the rods is differentiated into a cytostom
distinct from the gullet
Nutrition of Paranema is holozoic
Reproduction is by longitudinal division and takes place while a cell is motile

Jenningsia is usually recognized as being distinct of Paranema, but there are
few morphological differences between the two
The distinctive features of Jenningsia include a pharyngeal rod apparatus with
several rods, ring shaped paramylum bodies, and a marked selectivity of
diatoms at the source of food

Dinema has rigid ellipsoidal cells that, when plasmolyzed,show a sparation of
the spirrally striate periplast from the cytoplasm internal to it
the cell are biflagellate and with the trailing flagellum longer and stouter than
the swimming flagellum
A longitudinal furrow extends a short distance backward from the base of the
The gullet is sac shaped and adjoined by a single contractile vacuole
Posterior to the gullet is a pharyngeal rod apparatus similar to that of
The nucleus is conspicuous and lies about two-thirds the distance from
anterior to posterior ends of a cell

The cells of Heteronema are biflagellate and markedly plastic
When fully extended they are silindrical to spindle shaped, with a smooth surface or
with the surface elevated in spiral ridges
Species with a smooth surface usually have the periplast with the spiral striae
The swimming flagellum is directed forward and is considerably longer than trailing
The flagella are inserted in the base of the reservoir and terminate in blepharoplasts,
but no rizoplasts are evident in mature or dividing cells
A pharyngeal rod apparatus lies next to the reservoir but its independent from it
The presence of a cytostome external to a curved member of the apparatus has been
affirmed and denied
The nucleus is conspicuous but is variable in position
Nutrition of heteronema is generally holozoic

The rigid cells of entosiphon are ovoid, slightly compressed, and longitudinally
furrowed with 6 to 12 grooves that are most clearly evident at the anterior end of a
The are two flagella inserted in the base of reservoir angd extending through the neck
of the gullet
The shorter is swimming flagellum and extend directly forward and the longer is a
trailing flagellum
Each flagellum is subtended by a dumbbell shaped blepharoplastthe pharyngeal rod
apparatus is a gradually tapering funnel,extending the length of the cell, it is
separated from the reservoir and has a distinct cytostome at the anterior end
The gullet has a short narrow neck and a rather large reservoir which is adjoined by
several contractile vacuoles
The nucleus is centrally located and has a large irregularry shaped endosome
Cell division is longitudinal and takes place while a cell is in motion

Certain species of anisonema have rigid cells others have cells that are plactic
The cells are ovale in outline, markedly compressed, and with longitudinal
furrow running from the insertion flagella to the posterior end of a cell
All species are biflagellate and with the trailing flagellum longer than
swimming flagellum
There is a single contractile vacuole at the side of reservoir
The nucleus is excentrically placed with respect to the reservoir
Anisonema has the same elongate shipon as entosiphon, but is not so
prominent a structure in unstained cells

Has colorless, rigid, fisiform to ovoid, biflagellate cells with several curved
longitudinal ribs
The swimming flagellum is directed forward and is much longer than the
trailinf flagellum
The flagella are inserted in an evident gullet but there is no pharyngeal rod
The gullet is adjoined by one or more small vacuoles
The nucleus is conspicuous and lies midway between the ends of a cell
The cytoplasm contains numerous globules of a food reserve whose chemical
nature is unknown

The rigid colorless biflagellate cells of Sphenomonas are spindle shaped, and
with one to four straight ribs running longitudinally from anterior to posterior
ends of a cell
The periplast may have a smooth or a delicately striate surface
The swimming flagellum is ,markedly longer than trailing flagellum
There may or not be an evident gullet adjoined by either one or two vacuoles
If there is two vacuoles only one of them is contractile
The cell do not contain paramylum bodies or droplets of oil
At the center of a cell is a large sphere of gelatinous material, probably of the
nature of a food reserve

The rigid cells of this genus are ovoid to companulate, have longitudinal
costae, and are comphessed in the anterior portion
Long swimming flagellum and short trailing flagellum
Pharyngeal rod apparatus has not been recorded for this genus, and the
structure of the gullet has not been described
The cytoplasm in the posterior of a cell is granular
The nucleus is obscure and located at one side of a cell

The uniflagellate cells of this genus are colorless, spindle shaped, and slighty
Delicate spiral striae are sometimes evident on the periplasts surface
The single flagellum is inserted at the base of an excentric gullet, lacks, a
basal bifurcation on a granular swelling and has a blepharoplast at its base
There is a small cytostome near the flagellum, and independent from the
The nutrition may be either saprophytic or holozoic and often results in a
considerable accumulation of paramylum
The nucleus is fairly large and lies near the center of a cell

This genus has flask shaped cell with a narrow or a widely flaring mouth above
the constricted neck
The cells are colorless and extreamly plastic
The periplast has coarse or delicate striae that extend spirally backward from
the anterior end
There are a single lng flagellum which is inserted in a laterally located
reservoir. The reservoir is adjoined by a single contractile vacuole
A pharyngeal rod apparatus, with a flaring upper end, lies somewhat removed
from the reservoir
The nucleus is excentric and is toward the posterior end of a cell

The cells of this genus are rigid, more or less compressed, asymmetrical, and
of various shaped
Several species have one or more prominent longitudinal costae
There is a single flagellum, laterally inserted in a depressed gullet
A pharyngeal rod apparatus composed of very short rods for this genus
The reservoir is adjoined by a contractile vacuole
The nucleus usually lies midway between the poles of a cell and just beneath
the periplast
Locomotion is usually with a glidingor creeping motion and with movement of
the flagellum restricted to the distal end
Cell divition is longitudinal and takes place while a cell is in motion

Genus Colasium
The colaciales have
immobile cells permanently
encapsuled within walls and
united in amorphous or
dendroid palmelloid colonies.
Colacium calvum

Makanan ikan
Indikator pencemaran air

a. Mencemari sumber air
b. Penimbuanan endapan tanah pada dasar kolam dan

Thank you

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