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Mainland China is home to 56 official minority groups, but of these the Chinese Muslims have been largely ignored by scholars. Chinese Muslims are becoming important economic actors in the society, judged by the kinds of mosques and... more
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      Rural Sociology/ Rural DevelopmentRural SocietySociology of Minority Groups
China presents a challenge to critical thinking about globalization as the last remaining socialist country, with perhaps the fastest economic growth in the world today. It is imperative that the question of alternatives and other... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSocial PolicyCultural Sociology
The international equilibrium of power has been reallocated from west to east. The intermingling pressures that brought about the fierce conflicts of the last century are also moving. Economic development, shipping lanes, geography,... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheorySino-American RelationsIndian Ocean
Is modernization a good thing when it comes to religion and spiritual practices, generally, in China? What effects might modernization have on the practice of religion in China? Focusing more specifically on Islam in China, is it also... more
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      Chinese Language and CultureChinese MuslimsChinese SocietyChinese urbanization
In contrast to its capital spending in Africa, Chinese Aid in Asia is significantly smaller in spite of growing tendency in regional trade and investments. Extraction of natural resources does not seem to be the dominant reason for trade... more
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      International Political EconomyForeign AidSoutheast Asian PoliticsChinese politics (Area Studies)
Pakistan is a rapidly growing economy, with a strategy of reducing poverty and generating prosperity for all through industrial development by technology up-gradation and greater export orientation. Such circumstances define the relevance... more
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      Education (Social Policy)Education SystemsTertiary EducationPrimary School Education
Sino-Pakistan relationship refers as one of the few long-term friendships that have survived the pressures of time and changing geo-strategic environment. This paper confers the defense and security dimensions of the Sino-Pak... more
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      US-Pakistan Relations, US-India-Pakistan Relations, Pakistan occupied Kashmir(PoK)Pakistan - China RelationIndia-China relationsSouth Asian Security Dynamics
Russia is historically and technologically a world leader in space. It is also a strategic partner for Europe. Since the 1990s, Russia has changed and its partnerships have evolved. This transformation strongly impacts the space field and... more
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      Strategic AlliancesSpace RaceBRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa)China Space Policy
The Punjab Healthcare Commission (PHC) aims to improve the quality, safety and efficiency of healthcare service delivery for all Public and Private Healthcare Establishments (HCEs) including Allopaths, Homeopaths and Tibbs in the province... more
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      Public HealthHealth and Social CareeHealth, health informatics, Healthcare TechnologyPublic Policy
Aging is a global issue which has impact over the world population. Aging is on rise in Pakistan as well since early 1990s due to the onslaught of demographic transition in the country. This situation has posed many problems not only for... more
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      AgingPopulation AgingElderly PeopleSenior Citizens
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