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Purpose/Objective: The aim of this research was to establish whether there is a correlation between sport activity and drug-taking among 680 14-year-old pupils, and to establish whether the drug-sports link depends on the type of... more
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The main aim of this research was to define the development of a conceptual frame to understand the impact of organizational culture on business excellence in medium-sized and large Slovenian enterprises. In our research the focus was on... more
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Organizacijska kultura predstavlja ideologijo organizacije ter oblike njene manifestacije. Ideologija organizacije vklju~uje preprianja, vrednote in norme. Manifestira se preko simbolov, jezika, pripovedi ter razli~nih aktivnosti. Namen... more
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Razlike med spoloma pri nekaterih simptomih stresa ter intenzivnost doživljanja stresnih simptomov maja meško Kontrola zračnega prometa Slovenije mateja videmšek Univerza v Ljubljani, Slovenija jože štihec Univerza v Ljubljani, Slovenija... more
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      ManagementWork EnvironmentGender Difference
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The aim of this study was to determine the level of stress that managers experience at workplace, and to determine possible differences between the selected independent variables, including gender, age and participation in recreational... more
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    • Slovenian
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Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za šport, maj 2008 Število strani: 189; število tabel: 23; število slikovnih prikazov: 2; število referenc: 191; število prilog: 19.
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2 Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za management Koper, Cankarjeva ulica 5, 6104 Koper, [email protected] 3
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The study aimed to establish the frequency of injuries in primary and secondary schools during leisure time and physical education classes in school as well as in group and individual sports. The sample included 2842 pupils from nine... more
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The purpose of our research is to examine the state of innovation policy and its influence on the successfulness of micro and small companies in the Republic of Slovenia. The effects of particular influential variables on the success and... more
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The aim of this article is to present the importance of a project performance’s education, training and motivation and project organization structure in non-profit organizations and to establish its influence on a successful project... more
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Over the past few years, an economic crisis of global proportions has affected all aspects of our lives. Jobs are less secure, work demands are greater, and therefore, effective stress management is crucial to the success of any business.... more
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      Business and ManagementAfrican
The purpose of our research is to examine the state of innovation policy and its influence on the successfulness of micro and small companies in the Republic of Slovenia. The effects of particular influential variables on the success and... more
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    • African
Kazalo uvodnik/leading article 3 Mojca Doupona Topič -Uvodnik / Leaderette intervju/interview 5 Sarah Vidmar, Simon Ličen -Simona Kustec Lipicer: Nacionalni Program športa je operacionalizacija javnega interesa / The National Sport... more
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In this paper we focus on the definition of the importance of qualitative research in management and business consulting in particular. The qualitative research has to be systematically well planned and well executed. If it meets these... more
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      ManagementQualitative Research
If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please... more
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      Knowledge ManagementSocial MediaNetworkingValue Chain
(1) Background: The importance of this article is to analyze the technological developments in the field of the Internet and Internet technologies and to determine their significance for sustainable development, which will result in the... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentThe InternetInternet of Things (IoT)Industry 4.0
The paper focuses on the importance of e-democracy and the introduction of ICT in democratic processes, which in the age of computerization has a significant impact on the development of e-participation in developed societies. Based on... more
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      Electronic VotingE Government AdoptionSmart Government
Industry 4.0 has significantly changed production systems through processes, design, operations and services. This chapter discusses the fundamental changes in the organisational processes in one of the most relevant results of Industry... more
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      Cyberspace OperationsSmart FactoryProduction Smart TechnologyIndustry 4.0