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Questions tagged [explorer-api]

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Which Blockchain Do These Addresses (Starting With E) Belong To?

I apologize for posting in the Ethereum site, since I know this isn't related to Ethereum. However, I'm really not sure which site to post in because that's the problem I have. There doesn't seem to ...
azoundria's user avatar
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I'm writing a script that searches for an address with a balance sequentially

So the program is simple. I start at a private key, for example 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 and end at something like ...
Yusef Gharib's user avatar
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fetching address label from transaction info

while fetching transaction JSON for the given address, I want to fetch the address label associated with the address, for example, here's an example of how Moralis streams provide it for EVM chains, {...
Rohit Jambhulkar's user avatar
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Binance smart chain node API provider without billing per websocket response

I'm unsure if this is the correct place to ask but I thought I'd try anyway. Problem I want to build a Node.js application using the Web3 library. The application should collect prices on liquidity ...
Jaron_e's user avatar
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How do you return the market cap of an ERC20 token?

After an ICO, a token contract has essentially converted ethers into a token through the minting process. Once this token’s initial supply has been minted, how do you call the blockchain to return the ...
immaxkent's user avatar
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Any simple way(API?) to programmatically get an etherscan transaction information by tansaction hash?

When I use etherscan web app, I can get a nice summary for each transaction(input info, token transfers, value, fee, etc.) - for example:
benams's user avatar
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passing topics to the Alchemy eth_getLogs API call

I'm trying to use the Alchemy API to find specific events thrown by a set of contracts. One of the args that can be passed to the call is a list of topics (I'm using python, but my question is ...
ben's user avatar
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Get MethodID from Input Data through etherscan API

i'm trying to identify when the addLiquidityEth function is called on etherscan. To do this i'm trying to get the MethodID (0xf305d719) from this etherscan transaction:
Sky's user avatar
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Can block scout connect to a full node and index the transactions in the DB or does it need to be connected to an archive node?

For my project, I want to query the database that will be created and filled by Blockscout (an open-source block explorer). I have set up a full Ethereum node using Geth and Teku that is currently ...
Suraj S Jain's user avatar
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How to make sense of the Etherscan logs API?

I'm trying to practice making api calls to etherscan using python, and I built a function that calls the Get Event Logs endpoint for the staked aave address: 0x4da27a545c0c5B758a6BA100e3a049001de870f5....
LT41's user avatar
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How do I get all transaction data from Polygon API?

Im trying to get all transaction data from a contract on Polygon. I know I need to use the API from Polygon,but i don't know the correct syntax to call. Thnx in Advance! Mark
Mark's user avatar
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API to gather transaction fees for a random subset of transactions

I wish to do something that may be relatively trivial but I do not understand how I would go about it. This is for my thesis project and I would like to demonstrate that Ethereum has high transaction ...
Khandkar Islam's user avatar
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What is the right way to round the suggestBaseFee value from Etherscan Gas Tracker API?

We are currently trying to calculate the correct priority gas value in GWEI as displayed on the Gas Tracker page on Etherscan using this API:
buckwhitzer's user avatar
6 votes
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How to find if a block is finalized

Is there a simple way to find out if a given block is finalized in PoS Ethereum? Currently, I'm calling the endpoint ../eth/v1/beacon/states/finalized/finality_checkpoints of the Beacon Node and it ...
Majd TL's user avatar
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How Do I Find Matching Ethereum Transactions Based On The Amount Of Ethereum Sent?

I am trying to locate a specific transaction on the Ethereum blockchain. I know the approximate amount which was sent, and that it was sent in 2019. I do not know the from address, to address, hash, ...
azoundria's user avatar
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API that lists ERC20 token holders and balance

I am looking for a service that provides an API that lists addresses holding a given ERC20 token holder and the amount held. The API would be similar to Etherscan's:
merc1er's user avatar
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How to differentiate 'normal transaction' values from 'internal transaction' values, avoiding duplicate values

I'm aggregating data from the Etherscan API and I'm trying to add all normal transactions and internal transactions together and then calculating the balance of ETH for a wallet based on the past ...
Rasmus Lian's user avatar
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How to get state of transaction from ethereum blockchain via an API

How to get state of transaction from ethereum blockchain via an API is there any API to fetch the State of the transaction
Neelesh Gupta's user avatar
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How to automate tokenomics research and data collection?

I want to create a tokenomics database. I want to build a bot to automate data collection that answers for each token on the blockchain some of the questions asked and answered in this article. I am a ...
Mowzer's user avatar
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What is the best OPEN-Source ETH explorer? (alternative to etherscan) [duplicate]

What is the best OPEN-Source ETH explorer? I ve seen the following answer : Open Source Ethereum Blockchain Explorer Is these the only 3 open source alternatives to etherscan? EthVM BlockScout ...
Cedric L's user avatar
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Get contract address and total holders from a hash transaction

I would like to know if it is possible just from a transaction hash (like this one: '0x98daf5eb1fe55d9ebed51b1ee0b7dcb3bfe04ea5bb0663d40927a683771cdc09') to be able to retrieve the contract address of ...
Mudan Elber's user avatar
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What is and where to see in transaction in Etherscan the fields result.contractAddress and result.confirmations in API?

When I download data from a contract using API there are 2 fields that i cannot understand in which part of transaction in Etherscan are these numbers and maybe give me the definition of those fields: ...
José Durand's user avatar
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List all transactions for a block

Within a program, I would like to process a list of all normal transactions for an Ethereum block. Specifically for each transaction in the block the transferred ETH value, sender address and receiver ...
Freude's user avatar
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How do I query specific transaction data using Covalent API?

I'm using the following Covalent API endpoint:<walletaddress>/transactions_v2/?&key=<apikey> It returns tons of data. I'd like to query ...
DBWeinstein's user avatar
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Checking whether a contract is verified on Etherscan or BSCscan through an API?

I've been trying to write a script to monitor new pairs created on Pancakeswap to see if there are tokens worth investing into. However I've noticed that 80% + of those are scams, and most of the time ...
Cosine's user avatar
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Is possible to identify a transaction that deploy a new token in BSCScan API?

I have access to the BSCScan API to take last transactions by calling for the last block: Result: { "jsonrpc": "2.0&...
Magno C's user avatar
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how to fetch net worth of a given address?

Take this whale wallet for example: If you look at the top right, it says Value in USD. Is there any any API that can ...
NoobEditor's user avatar
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Etherscan API Get Balance - Decimals Not Showing In Response

Expected Use the Etherscan API to make a GET request for an ETH address' balance in order to receive a response providing the Ether token quantity representing all decimal places. Observed The ...
AdamHurwitz's user avatar
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Cost at block number

Is their any API available that gets me the price of Eth in USD for example at a particular blocknumber?
NimChimpsky's user avatar
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Get deployed contract dynamically in node JS

I am using Node JS and ethereum smart-contract. Every time contract gets deployed new addresses generated. Is there a way that node JS always gets an updated address of a contract? Any API so that I ...
NinjaMAN's user avatar
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How can I query an API to get my erc20 token balance of an address in JSON format?

Is there an api where I can query if an address contains an erc20 token? I need it returned in JSON format.
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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How to connect to Etherscan Ropsten API using python

I want to connect to the etherscan Ropsten test-net with python: URL = '
Daniel Dias's user avatar
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Could I use Infura to get the token details?

I went through but not sure if Infura could allow me to read token details like owner, token Id, etc. I also googled on how to read token using Infura but to no avail. Has ...
vocotipex's user avatar
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What is the ABI code of a map's getter function?

I'm currently trying to call Etherscan's API eth_call to check data from a smart contract. To do that, I need to pass the function ABI code and data. However, the data I need is stored in a map and I'...
ThePiachu's user avatar
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Web3 method getTransactionReceipt() does not return token transfer value for particular token transaction

I've tested getTransactionReceipt(), to get all detail about transaction with amount of token transfer. Also tested getTransaction but it returns only Ether transferred value. Is there any other ...
Rudrika's user avatar
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Is there any working provider for Ethereum Classic APIs?

Provider used for Ethereum is Infura, but there is no any provider for Ethereum Classic. Previously tested Ethercluster endpoint to access APIs for Ethereum Classic, not able to connect with Kotti ...
Rudrika's user avatar
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Is there any API to create Addresss and wallet as well as make transfer for ETC (Ethereum Classic)?

There is balance checking, transaction list and transaction receipt getting APIs available for Ethereum Classic (ETC)? Is ETC coin is only available on Ethereum Classic or its listed block explorer ...
Rudrika's user avatar
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Etherscan api for Ropsten testnet

I found this endpoint is to obtain the token balance from Ethereum blockchain, however, I noticed that this function doesn't work on Rospten network. Please advise
David's user avatar
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Any QuickBlocks tutorial?

From my understanding QuickBlocks is an api in C++ that provides similar services as etherscan API for the ethereum blockchain. Is there a link or tutorial to use quickkblocks because the example in ...
nicholas___'s user avatar
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Query a block explorer to return the balance of a specific type of token in an ethereum address? [duplicate]

Is there a block explorer where one can query an address and it outputs the balance of a specific type of token? Is there an example of how this can be done?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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getting result of a method of smart contract that don't change any state variables

I know in ethereum if a method of smart contract don't change state variables we can see it's result without making any transaction. now I want to know how can see result of this method ...
saeid ezzati's user avatar
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Search addresses by Two ERC20 Tokens [closed]

Hello, friends! How to find Eth addresses that are stored at the same time 2 (or 3) defined ERC20 tokens? I'm just an ordinary user, so would be grateful for the solutions to make it simple. ...
Evgen Popiluk's user avatar
7 votes
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Is there any websocket ethereum provider?

Is there any websocket ethereum provider? Except etherscan one. Maybe there are paid wss subscriptions?
Alexey's user avatar
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Where, or how, can I programmatically get a complete history of the major cryptocurrencies?

I would like to programmatically get a complete list of the historical: Number of transactions Average Transaction Fee Hashrate Mining Profitability Difficulty Block Time Block Size related to the ...
user39184's user avatar
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What actually happens on the blockchain as a storage element is updated over time? [duplicate]

An "under the hood question" about actual contract storage elements. If I add an element to a contract storage data time, for example, a list of zombies owned by different people in a game, what ...
Robert Oschler's user avatar
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Can I download all transactions into EOS ICO as a excel file?

I would like to download all transactions into EOS ICO as an excel file. I know etherscan provides this service but it only allows me to download 2000 transactions. But the transactions into EOS crowd ...
Jinsoo Bae's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

API to gather list of top token holders

I working on a Ethereum project and I would like to gather a list of top X (20 for example) Ethereum accounts. This would behave similar to ( Is there an ...
Rstack's user avatar
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Missing ETH in EOSCrowdsale address

EOS is a ERC20 token which is currently sold for ETH. 2 million EOS are sold every 23 hours for about 20K ETH as seen on However, what puzzle me is that when I do a ...
Jasper Citi's user avatar
4 votes
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How to get contract data?

Let's say we have information about WePower contract. I would like get some information about this contract via API. For eg. this,
imnotyourguru's user avatar
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Etherscan Get ERC20 Count of Address

How do I get the count of an erc20 token e.g. KNC of an address via Etherscan API? Or is there another API that can do that? thx
Ini's user avatar
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