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Questions tagged [blocks]

This tag is for questions dealing with the structure of blocks.

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Block number across execution and consensus layers

How can I look up the corresponding Beacon block for an execution block by block number? If I use the block number of an execution block to request a Beacon block, the Beacon block in the response ...
suchapalaver's user avatar
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Where I can write block and transaction specification?

I want to see some detailed specification of how block/tx on ethereum should look like. Ideally, see the diff between Capella/Deneb. I googled it but mostly found only general overview articles, while ...
mcjohn974's user avatar
2 votes
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Attempting to include a transaction into a certain range of blocks

I'm curious how difficult it would be to ensure that my transaction got included into a specific block. More specifically, if the current most up to date block is block X, how certain can I be that my ...
Dhruv Pareek's user avatar
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Find the amount of reward the node operator/validator received for including the block in that slot (in GWEI)

I've a GET /blockreward/{slot} API requirement where I need to retrieve information about the block reward for a given slot (integer) in the Ethereum blockchain. JSON Response: status: Whether the ...
R Sun's user avatar
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Are there any examples of rollups with multiple types of blocks?

I'm curious if there are any examples of rollups that have more than one type of blocks? Example of what kind of differences there could be between blocks: Blocks of type Foo have 30M gas limit, ...
Paul Razvan Berg's user avatar
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Why is each block getting under utilized in ethereum?

The current block gas limit in ethereum is 30 million units but far from getting completely filled they are way underutilized. Is it because the gas price sent by transaction not attractive enough for ...
shadow's user avatar
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How do zkSync Blocks Work?

I am reading the zkSync documentation and seeing "L1 Batches" and "L1 Rollup Blocks." Are they the same thing? When a batch of transactions is sent to Ethereum as an L1 batch, how ...
Ciara's user avatar
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DoS when a contract with too much storage is SELFDESTRUCT-ed?

SELFDESTRUCT-ing a Smart Contract requires effectively removing the EVM storage of that contract from the Ethereum database. What would happen if a newly-submitted tx would lead to the SELFDESTRUCT-...
Iaroslav's user avatar
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Successfull transaction stucked because of blocks confirmation not stopping

5 hours a go I did a transaction on ERC20 from kucoin to a wallet. Kucoin says it successfull, Ethercan also successfull but the confirmation blocks keep increasing more than 1500 as I wrote this ...
Ben's user avatar
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Forking a network to simulate events

I'm trying to simulate an event by forking a network. For example: wss.on('block', async (blockNumber) => { // Your code here }); How can I accomplish this? Any guidance would be ...
adam mr's user avatar
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My Arbitrum Alchemy node is randomly returning -3 for block number

Basically I'm getting an error from my RPC node provider (Alchemy) where sometimes, when I query for the block_number I get the response -3. I don't quite understand why or if this is a rate limit ...
Rodrigo Pinheiro's user avatar
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What does the Geth/Erigon ethereum client do if there are not enough transactions in the pool to fully fill the new creating block?

When the transaction pool of Ethereum nodes like Geth or Erigon doesn't have enough transactions to completely fill a new block, how do these nodes respond? Do they immediately generate a partially ...
dassd's user avatar
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Transaction within block gas limits: Will it possibly run out of gas?

Is there any risk in running a transaction that needs quite some gas, even if always within the borders of block gas limits? Let's say 20M, with block limit being 30M. The transaction runs complex ...
user130657's user avatar
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block.timestamp: will my function possibly fail?

I need to execute a function 24hrs after a certain timestamp is recorded in my contract. So my front-end starts a countdown, taking that contract timestamp as start. After 24 hrs, my front-end calls ...
user130657's user avatar
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Link between beacon chain slot and execution chain block

I have researched info about this topic and I seem to find no answer. If it already has been asked please kindly provide the link for it. I would like to know the link between slot and block. From ...
Daniel Pérez García's user avatar
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How does the RANDAO mechanism prevent DoS attacks in the beacon chain?

I was reading through an explainer on the Beacon Chain at, which mentioned that block proposers are selected via the RANDAO mechanism. This raised a question about the network's resilience ...
artxur's user avatar
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What is the difference between a block producer and a validator node? and how is this linked with 'validators' needing to pay for sandwich attacks

Are these they same or are these distinct entities. I'm often confused when I find in articles that validators need to pay (increased) transactions fees for a trade to be frontrun or be sandwiched. If ...
Pete's user avatar
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How are Ethereum 2.0 (post merge) block hashes computed?

I found in this link on Ethereum Stack Exchange that a block hash is calculated by using const blockData = [ block.parentHash, block.sha3Uncles, block.miner, block....
jistro's user avatar
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Are errors emitted as logs on the blockchain?

Say if an error is caused due to a revert statement will it be emitted as an event so front end application will be aware or not?
davidastro's user avatar
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Number of transactions in a block

Could someone kindly explain the reason behind the existence of 1189 transactions within block #17873752 in the Ethereum network?
Houssam B's user avatar
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How to advance blocks in a Hardhat test that uses block.timestamp?

I have this code for a Voting smart contract test: it("Should return true if end time is less than the current timestamp", async function () { const { votingSmartContract } = await ...
Falcon Stakepool's user avatar
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How to keep track of each account's ETH balance when parsing all historical transactions

I have downloaded the contents of each historical Ethereum block (starting with block 0) by calling eth_getBlockByNumber for every single block. I want to write a script that iterates over each ...
galpo's user avatar
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Stuck in Smart Contract

I paid the fees on ethereum for item but received nothing what can I do for this? I think there is an error in smart contract please check for me my address is ...
Muhammad's user avatar
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supplying liquidity + sniping own coin in same bundle it looks like this transaction has Supply liquidity and swap Eth for its token all in one bundle. can anyone ...
anon's user avatar
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Does block number increase when a slot has no proposed block?

If a slot has no proposed block (ie an empty slot), does the block number still increase?
dbmikus's user avatar
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Transactions not ordered fairly? (BSC)

If we take a look at the first few transactions block 29930437 on Binance smart chain, there is something very interesting going on, if we compare gas prices: Tx 0: The first transaction payed ~2132 ...
Jaron_e's user avatar
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Number of validators in a committee for a particular slot is not equal to the number of aggregation_bits for that committee in the slot

I was trying to make a program in which I store the attestations of the validators. But When I started running the program I ran into an error, which was that the number of validators in the committee ...
Rishabh Vasudevan's user avatar
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4 answers

Specific Block Data?

How can I get data from a specific block in the past? Does node providers support archive node? Any suggestions are welcome.
Tien's user avatar
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How to calculate a tx's effectiveGasPrice within a block?

Let's say I query all transactions within a block. Assuming all transactions are already settled, how can I know what will be their effectiveGasPrice ? I'm confused that transactions specify a ...
Cizia's user avatar
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How to get internal transactions using JSON-RPC methods

In etherscan I noticed that there are transactions that have "internal transactions" inside of them, see this link: etherscan transaction. Screenshot of the transaction: My question is: how ...
Jacob's user avatar
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What is the withdrawals field of the response of web3.eth.getBlock()?

I noticed that the withdrawal field has been added to the web3.eth.getBlock() response. Here is a small example: { <the usual fields>... , withdrawals: [ { index: '0x3812d', ...
Pierogi's user avatar
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How do validators pick transactions to fill the gas usage per block?

I was looking through Etherscan and noticed blocks vary widely in gas usage from one to the other. I was wondering how do validators pick transactions that they'll include in their pending block, as ...
Stephen's user avatar
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What is the "skip-block" exact definition in Ethereum 2.0?

In this article the term "skip-block" has been mentioned so briefly that it is not clear to me what its exact definition is. Is it a kind of block in Ethereum 2.0 ? I also could not find ...
Questioner's user avatar
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Does empty slot (by the proposal being offline) mean no transaction processing for 12 seconds?

guys! When a validator chosen as the block proposal in a certain block goes offline, the slot goes empty. Does that mean that no single transaction is successfully processed for the slot (for 12 ...
syko's user avatar
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Who is index 0 validator in ethereum beacon chain?

Address: 0x933ad9491b62059dd065b560d256d8957a8c402cc6e8d8ee7290ae11e8f7329267a8811c397529dac52ae1342ba58c95 In, the index 0 validator proposed block nearly 20,000 times and almost ...
hhhbbb's user avatar
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Given 2 transactions to my smart contact on the same block, how can I tell which came first within the contract?

My contract requires holding a history of all interactions to it. I have a hook for everything except tokens being sent to the contract — this requires a separate array of history from everything else ...
Ryan Sea's user avatar
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Why does the Polygon PoS Chain Average Gas Limit (per block) keep changing?

Most EVM chains have a fixed gas limit and gas target per block. For Ethereum, it's 30M and 15M: For Polygon, the gas limit seems to change every single block. How ...
Mal Plankton's user avatar
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What is the underlying mechanism behind empty slots in Ethereum?

Ethereum docs says: However, occasionally validators might be offline when called to propose a block, meaning slots can sometimes go empty. What happens when the randomly chosen validator is offline?...
ubuntugod's user avatar
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Why do some mined transactions not contain a 'to' parameter?

Sometimes there are transactions inside a block that are missing the 'to' field. How can there be a mined transaction without a to field? What happens to this transaction? eg. one of the transactions ...
leo_cape's user avatar
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How to get the exact block number in Hardhat deploy script?

I have written a code in hardhat deploy script to fetch the exact block number at which the contract has been executed, but it usually returns the block next to the original. Any idea how to get the ...
Shubham Sharma's user avatar
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Block timestamp

Require(block.timestamp + 1 days - 1 hours <= numbers [14] , "Must lock longer than x") ; Require(number [14] < 9999999999, "Avoid potential timestamp overflow"); Locktime = ...
Willnk's user avatar
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Are uncle/ommer blocks still possible after the merge?

Uncle blocks were produced before the merge when two miners found a solution at the same time and following blocks were appended to only one of them. So my question is, are uncle/ommer blocks still ...
Plus Ultra's user avatar
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How to access the difficulty of an older block from within a smart contract?

Is it possible to access properties of an older block from within a smart contract (e.g. difficulty, timestamp etc.)?
Jan Beneš's user avatar
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How can I get a large amount of Ethereum transactions in a database without running my own node? Does a database like this exist already?

I am doing research into Ethereum transactions and I simply need a database of 1000 transactions or just about 10 blocks worth of transactions. What is the easiest and fastest way to acquire this? Do ...
sagooding's user avatar
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Coinbase transaction on ethereum

So, I learned that in bitcoin, a coinbase transaction is the first transaction that gets created in the block and it is used to give block rewards to the miner that mined the block. I was curious if ...
alan's user avatar
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What is the difference between Relay and Builder post Merge in Ethereum?

I was listening to an episode of Bankeless where they were talking about things coming up, post merge. In that episode they mentioned block builders and relayers. The context they mention it was ...
Finlay Weber's user avatar
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Broadcasting a transaction to be included in the next block

Since the merge we have predictable block times of around 12-13 seconds. I want to broadcast my transaction in a way that it is highly likely to get included in the next mined block, e.g. the block ...
Plus Ultra's user avatar
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Where are the docs on transaction filtering?

Say we have a user that tries to make a fake transaction. Where are the docs regulating how it is checked before it is fitted into block (pre and post PoS consensus merge )?
Blender's user avatar
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Where are the blockchain transactions stored?

I'm studying the block structure in several blockchains like Bitcoin or Ethereum. When I started to read about blockchain, many sites and books said that transactions are stored in blocks. Ok, I got ...
Superxi's user avatar
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Are Ethereum blocks flexible in terms of size or are they capped?

Many blockchains have block size limits. But I am confused when it comes to Ethereum. On one hand, I read that its block size is flexible. But on the other hand, I strongly suspect there must be a ...
SarahRinaldi_93's user avatar

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