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Which Blockchain Do These Addresses (Starting With E) Belong To?

I apologize for posting in the Ethereum site, since I know this isn't related to Ethereum. However, I'm really not sure which site to post in because that's the problem I have. There doesn't seem to ...
azoundria's user avatar
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fetching address label from transaction info

while fetching transaction JSON for the given address, I want to fetch the address label associated with the address, for example, here's an example of how Moralis streams provide it for EVM chains, {...
Rohit Jambhulkar's user avatar
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Any simple way(API?) to programmatically get an etherscan transaction information by tansaction hash?

When I use etherscan web app, I can get a nice summary for each transaction(input info, token transfers, value, fee, etc.) - for example:
benams's user avatar
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Can block scout connect to a full node and index the transactions in the DB or does it need to be connected to an archive node?

For my project, I want to query the database that will be created and filled by Blockscout (an open-source block explorer). I have set up a full Ethereum node using Geth and Teku that is currently ...
Suraj S Jain's user avatar
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How Do I Find Matching Ethereum Transactions Based On The Amount Of Ethereum Sent?

I am trying to locate a specific transaction on the Ethereum blockchain. I know the approximate amount which was sent, and that it was sent in 2019. I do not know the from address, to address, hash, ...
azoundria's user avatar
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5 votes
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What is the best OPEN-Source ETH explorer? (alternative to etherscan) [duplicate]

What is the best OPEN-Source ETH explorer? I ve seen the following answer : Open Source Ethereum Blockchain Explorer Is these the only 3 open source alternatives to etherscan? EthVM BlockScout ...
Cedric L's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I query an API to get my erc20 token balance of an address in JSON format?

Is there an api where I can query if an address contains an erc20 token? I need it returned in JSON format.
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
1 vote
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Query a block explorer to return the balance of a specific type of token in an ethereum address? [duplicate]

Is there a block explorer where one can query an address and it outputs the balance of a specific type of token? Is there an example of how this can be done?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Search addresses by Two ERC20 Tokens [closed]

Hello, friends! How to find Eth addresses that are stored at the same time 2 (or 3) defined ERC20 tokens? I'm just an ordinary user, so would be grateful for the solutions to make it simple. ...
Evgen Popiluk's user avatar
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What actually happens on the blockchain as a storage element is updated over time? [duplicate]

An "under the hood question" about actual contract storage elements. If I add an element to a contract storage data time, for example, a list of zombies owned by different people in a game, what ...
Robert Oschler's user avatar
7 votes
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API resource for determining all address holders of a contract

I would like a RESTful API for viewing all addresses which holds a balance of a specific contract. It seems that deprecated this feature, or I'm looking at the wrong endpoints Are there ...
CQM's user avatar
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Are there any blockchain/transaction APIs for the Ethereum network?

In the Bitcoin world there are a number of APIs such as: etc. which allow a web application to access block and transaction data from the blockchain, as ...
Jeff Coleman's user avatar
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