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Questions tagged [epoch]

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Observed Beacon Committee Sizes

It says here:, that beacon committees are between 128 and 2048 members. It's cool to know the bounds, but anyone have any actual data ...
thefett's user avatar
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Does block number increase when a slot has no proposed block?

If a slot has no proposed block (ie an empty slot), does the block number still increase?
dbmikus's user avatar
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Finalized Blocks/Slots in PoS Ethereum. (theoretically) After how many Slots will an Epoch be finalized?

What I'm trying to find out is: After how many Slots will an Epoch be finalized (theoretically)? The first block in each epoch is a checkpoint and validators then vote on pairs of checkpoints that are ...
Majd TL's user avatar
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How to find if a block is finalized

Is there a simple way to find out if a given block is finalized in PoS Ethereum? Currently, I'm calling the endpoint ../eth/v1/beacon/states/finalized/finality_checkpoints of the Beacon Node and it ...
Majd TL's user avatar
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What is an "Epoch Switch"

I have seen the phrase "Epoch Switch" when looking at an open source mining pool program. Just wondering what the term refers to. It would also be nice to know how a mining pool can calculate when ...
stone.212's user avatar
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Proof of stake, mauve paper - glossary of terms

Just getting my head around some of the concepts in Vitalik Buterin's Mauve paper. There are a few terms for which I don't yet have a clear definitions. These include the terms below (shown with my ...
Lee's user avatar
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Faster way to generate DAG?

From the Ethereum official documentation: The DAG is totally different every 30000 blocks (a 100 hour window, called an epoch) and takes a while to generate. Since the DAG only depends on block ...
galahad's user avatar
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Parameters affecting epoch?

From the official Ethereum Documentation: The DAG is totally different every 30000 blocks (a 100 hour window, called an epoch) and takes a while to generate. Is this also true for a private ...
galahad's user avatar
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