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How are network changes propagated across ethereum network?

quick knowledge question: if ethereum decides to change some parameters of the network, such as; SECONDS_PER_SLOT SECONDS_PER_ETH1_BLOCK ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE how will these be propagated to the ...
Muhammad Yasir's user avatar
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How do I configure a browser to resolve ENS names from a testnet?

I want to preview a major revision of my Dwebsite before I update the IPFS CID to which the mainnet ENS name resolves; this requires locally resolvable names so hyperlinks and resource references work ...
cqcallaw's user avatar
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5 votes
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Parity configuration for rinkeby testnet

Can someone provide me an genesis block configuration json for Parity client here is my setup described: I've installed the client (version: Parity/v1.6.8-beta-c396229-20170608/x86_64-linux-gnu/...
Kristaps's user avatar
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