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      PaintingThe SublimeRembrandtNetherlands
Cy Twombly’s photographic oeuvre includes a huge number of Polaroids, printed using the dry- print technique and Fresson process. More than just a photographer, Twombly is an art theoretician who examines the interactions between painting... more
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      PhotographyMediterranean StudiesAncient RomeAmerican painting, sculpture and photography
Cette journée d’études, organisée à l’École du Louvre le 19 janvier 2016, offrira, pour la quatrième année, de découvrir les travaux de recherche les plus remarquables des étudiants du séminaire de Master 2 et de Master 1 Histoire de la... more
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      PhotographyDecorative Artsmusée du LouvreCy Twombly
INVITO STAMPA Siamo lieti di invitare la S.V. alla giornata di studi Fotografia e pittura. Relazioni e pratiche a confronto Venerdì 24 novembre 2017 dalle ore 10:30 alle 18:30 MACRO-Museo d'Arte Contemporanea Roma Sala Cinema-Via Nizza,... more
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      Art HistoryPhotography TheoryVisual and Cultural StudiesPittura
Sous la direction de Dominique de Font-Réaulx et Michel Poivert, assistés de Colette Morel. 3 octobre 2017, Musée national Eugène Delacroix Ce colloque propose de poser la question du statut des corpus photographiques produits par les... more
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      PhotographyEugene DelacroixPeintureCy Twombly
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      Museum StudiesArchivesProvenance researchMuseum Collections (Research)
Conference held at Galleria Nazionale d'arte Antica, Museo Barberini, Rome
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Dagli anni Sessanta l’opera di Anna Oberto è rivolta alla ricerca di un linguaggio nuovo e libero dai canoni linguistici imposti dalla società patriarcale, per il recupero di una forma d’espressione in cui la donna possa “segnificare la... more
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      Women's StudiesPerformanceWomen and Gender StudiesVisual Poetry
A brief history of the Giant Polaroid, the largest transportable Polaroid ever built, which put together the art of photography with art itself.
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      PhotographyRobert RauschenbergAndy WarholPolaroid Photography
Eroticism, Poetic Concretism, and Visuality (1960-1970) An International Symposium organized by Maria Elena Minuto (Université de Liège; KU Leuven) and Mica Gherghescu (Bibliothèque Kandinsky – Centre Pompidou) Musée national d’art... more
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      Gender StudiesEroticismConcrete PoetryVisual Poetry