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Jacqueline Descarpentries, 2019
Dans l’ère de la santé globale (Nitcher,2008), la politique de la vie (Foucault,1994) et la biopolitique humanitaire (Fassin, 2006) se traduisent par des rapports de dominations entre les pays, qu’ils soient épistémologique et/ou médico-épidémiologiques, de politiques de promotion de santé et de protection de l’environnement. Ces configurations biopolitiques se traduisent également par des enjeux de souverainetés (NGuyen, 2010) ainsi que par des inégalités socio-territoriales de santé à l’échelle globale et à l’échelle infranationale. (Bozorgmehr, 2010 ; Vaguet, 2018) Le projet de la journée d’étude est alors de développer des échanges pluridisciplinaires et des regards croisés critiques pour travailler les épistémologies des recherches dans les champs de pratiques de la santé publique, comme premières sources des inégalités (De Sousa Santos, 2016 ; Nunes Arriscado, 2018), dans un dialogue interculturel avec différentes langues scientifiques, artistiques, populaires et militantes (Firpo, 2016).
4e Congrès des études sur le Moyen-Orient et mondes musulmans (GISMOMM), 28 juin 2021, 10h-12h (online). Inscription : The conquest of Transoxiana, the Iranian Plateau and Anatolia by Turkish dynasties such as the Qarakhanids or the Seljūqids in the 10th-11th centuries, followed by the Mongols in the 13th century, led to the establishment of nomadic rule over those regions and a large-scale settlement of populations originating from the steppes. The depictions given by certain sources and the projections of modern historiography have deeply rooted a vision of these nomads as an inverted reflection of the sedentary people they had defeated: barbaric, violent, unruly, stateless and with no past. To rule, their elites would have had no choice but to gather around themselves an Arabo-Persian staff and to gradually acculturate themselves. However, making the history of the Turko-Persian world in the Middle Ages requires a reappraisal of the sources and their contexts of elaboration, in order to critically review the image of the nomads that they convey. This workshop thus proposes the study of several texts written in Persian and Turkish between the 11th and 14th centuries, showing how they relate to a stereotypical perception of nomads, or on the contrary, how they reveal the existence of a complex repertoire of government, cultural and political structures that the Turko-Mongol nomads brought with them into the eastern Muslim world from the Eurasian steppes.
La recherche présentée porte sur les genèses d'usage de «Bases d'Exercices en Ligne» chez les enseignants de mathématiques en classe de seconde. Ces bases d'exercices sont des logiciels de mathématiques proposant des exercices dans un environnement numérique d'apprentissage. L'usage de ces produits s' est développé durant les dernières années dans un but de soutien et d'accompagnement scolaire et de nombreux enseignants les utilisent dans leur classe, soit de leur propre initiative, soit encouragés par un contexte ...
Frontiers in Human Dynamics , 2024
Animal husbandry was of fundamental consequence in the planning and development of larger and more permanent communities. Pastoralism is often assumed to be highly mobile when considering social institutions and political formations, despite the diversity of husbandry practices that are either wholly, or largely, tethered to relatively sedentary social aggregations. Key tenets of more settled animal husbandry are intensive social relations between people, and between people, animals, and landscapes. This entails reciprocal, multispecies cooperative efforts to decide how to utilize pastoral resources, choose where to settle, and how to organize settlements with an eye for the animals. Yet, scholars have rarely considered how the logistics and social dynamics of pastoralism shaped the transition to sedentism and, particularly, the development of collective forms of governance in prehistory. In this paper, we re-center pastoralism in narratives of settling down, in order to recognize the critical ways that relations with animals shaped how humans learned to move and dwell in emergent grazing landscapes. We take an institutional approach to the concept of "the commons," demonstrating the dynamics through 19thcentury Irish rundale, then draw on case studies from Southern Scandinavia and the Carpathian Basin to consider the commons as a multispecies institution which resulted in variable sociopolitical formations of the European Bronze Age.
XIV CONGRESSO INTERNAZIONALE DI RIABILITAZIONE DEL PATRIMONIO, La conservazione del patrimonio artistico, architettonico, archeologico e paesaggistico, MATERA 18 –19 – 20 GIUGNO 2018”, (a cura di Vito Domenico Porcari)
Since the late nineteenth century, the introduction and use of cameras in anthropological research has been a real revolution. Thanks to these tools, it was possible to record interviews, traditions, rituals and customs belonging to hundreds of different people located around the world. This digital storage depot represents an enormous resource for the conservation of intangible heritage, revealing itself as a veritable mine for researchers. Currently, thanks to the continuous and rapid technological development, it is possible to memorize in a more effective and complete way the scene, using, for example, VR cameras that allow recording in virtual reality. These tools allow you to detect 360 ° what lies around the registration point. The video produced in this way, displayed through the use of specific viewers, allows a real virtual immersion in the middle of the scene. In this way, for example, it is possible to "meet" within a ceremonial rite, a religious procession, to attend simple moments of life or an interview. The VR recording has several advantages, as it allows a technically wider recording than the classic video recording. Thus, it is a more effective tool for the anthropologist as it allows him to experience the experience in the first person. In this contribution we will show how much just asserted through some applications on certain case studies in Basilicata, the "magical" land of Ernesto de Martino.
Ecclesia orans. Studi e Ricerche 3, 2019
Immunologic Research, 2024
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 2012
Universidad de Guadalajara, 2024
Indonesian Treasury Review: Jurnal Perbendaharaan, Keuangan Negara dan Kebijakan Publik
La aventura de la historia, 2020
Bulletin of the Comediantes, 2024
Research Seminar, King's College London, Centre for Governance and Society, 23 November, 2021
Gutenberg, 2019
Physical Review D, 2000
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis, 2016
Tehnički glasnik, 2019
Animal Behaviour, 2015
The Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 2001
Revista Cartográfica, 2019
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 2011