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The 19th century is the period within which the English provincial newspaper is characterised by the link between ownership and political influence in a process which has contributed to the still extant relationship between journalism and... more
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      Journalism HistoryPress and media historyPolitical Economy of New MediaNewspapers and online journalism
During the Second World War the provincial newspaper industry in England saw itself as playing a key role in supporting their communities. Professional pride was taken in the continuity of production – often in the face of adversity – and... more
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      World War TwoPress and media historyLocal newspapersProvincial press
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      Journalism HistoryNewspaper HistoryRegional newspapers
Evidence suggests that communities value local media (Fenton et al, 2010). However, increasingly established media platforms have been criticised for acting in way which reduces the established value of “serving the good of the community”... more
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      Inquiry Based LearningCommunity JournalismJournalism Teaching
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      Economic HistoryJournalismNewspaper HistoryProvincial Newspapers
Matthews, R (2017) 'The socio-local newspaper: creating a sustainable future for the legacy provincial news industry.' in Berglez, P., Olausson, U. and Orts, M. (eds) Sustainable Journalism, Peter Lang Publishing. The dominant... more
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      CommunityProximityProvincial Newspapers
Existing for the good the community has been an established claim to legitimacy for the English regional press since the nineteenth century. Expressed varying as a localized version of the fourth estate or ‘parish pump patriotism’, this... more
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      JournalismCommunityProvincial Newspapers
The dominant debate surrounding the legacy local and regional newspaper industry in the UK is one of terminal decline – prompted by the existential threat to advertising revenues which have provided profit for titles since the mid-19 th... more
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      Political EconomyJournalismLocal newspapers
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      HistoryCultural StudiesCommunicationMedia History
Section 3. Contemporary perceptions of the provincial press and the good of the community. Chapter 10. The 'good of the community' and newsworkers A tangled web? Relations with the community in the era of Web 2.0 Chapter 11. Journalists'... more
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      Real EstatePolitical ScienceNewspaperCardiff University
Existing for the good the community has been an established claim to legitimacy for the English regional press since the nineteenth century. Expressed varying as a localized version of the fourth estate or ‘parish pump patriotism’, this... more
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      JournalismPolitical SciencePoliticsIdeology
This document is the author's post-print version, incorporating any revisions agreed during the peer-review process. Some differences between the published version and this version may remain and you are advised to consult the published... more
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      Economic HistoryJournalismPolitical ScienceJournalism History