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Starting from the premise that the normative foundation of legal systems is widely considered to be imaginary, this article addresses the question how actors in those systems are able to experience this fictional basis and consider it... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryLegal AnthropologyCritical Legal Theory
Seeing that political communities are often believed to have an imaginary constitutional basis, this article raises the question how we -citizens of those communities -relate to this imaginary basis, and to the legitimacy it claims. As... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyMythologyAesthetics
This book engages in the vivid debate about the role of national parliaments in the future European democracy. These parliaments are widely regarded to be essential in reducing the EU’s democratic deficit, but it remains unclear how their... more
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      European StudiesConstitutional LawComparative PoliticsEuropean integration
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      Rhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)PragmatismRhetoricPragmatics
This book engages in the vivid debate about the role of national parliaments in the future European democracy. These parliaments are widely regarded to be essential in reducing the EU's democratic defi cit, but it remains unclear how... more
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      European StudiesComparative LawConstitutional LawComparative Politics
Constitutionalism is a typically modernist project in that it seeks to dictate social order by means of institutional design. This project, however, fails in two ways. Empirically, constitutionalism is confronted with the fact that... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyConstitutional LawPolitical Philosophy
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      Constitutional LawSocial SciencesPolitical ScienceCitizenship
Seeing that the role of opinio juris in the identification of customary international law is essentially contested, this contribution seeks to explain how this concept plays a fruitful role in legal doctrine despite of, or perhaps even... more
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      SociologyLawJurisprudenceConstitutional Law
Considering that many philosophers ascribe an imaginary aspect to the grounding of moral judgment, this contribution explores how we, as moral agents, experience and make use of this imaginary aspect. If we are indeed imagining things... more
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      Social TheoryPsychologySocial PsychologyPolitical Philosophy
Please click URL for full text. Seeing that socio-legal theory has produced a number of compelling grand theories about law’s development as a body of knowledge, this contribution analyzes legal evolution on the micro-level of... more
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      SemioticsSociologyIslamic LawComparative Law
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      SociologyComparative LawConstitutional LawPublic Administration
Dit artikel verkent de veelzijdige relatie tussen recht en burgerschap aan de hand van een aantal modaliteiten.
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      StaatsrechtRechtssoziologieRechtsgeleerdheidPolitieke Theorie
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      Constitutional LawAestheticsPolitical PhilosophyPolitical Theory
Naar aanleiding van Thierry Baudet’s overwinningsspeech na afloop van de verkiezingen in maart 2019, probeert deze bijdrage grip te krijgen op de veelgehoorde kritiek op de populistische stijl van politiek bedrijven, aan de hand van... more
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      Mythology And FolklorePlatoPolitical SciencePopulism
This article analyzes the debate between the proponents and opponents of artistic moral rights and, more specifically, the right of integrity as recognized in the Berne Convention, with the aid of agonistic political theory. Envisaging... more
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      Human RightsPublic ArtLegal TheoryCulture
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    • National Identity
Het beleidsideaal van hybridisering in het sociaal domein staat voor een situatie waarin professionals en informele partijen steeds meer onderling verweven raken in hun ondersteuning van kwetsbare huishoudens. Informele en formele... more
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In het onderzoek zijn de volgende vragen beantwoord: Hoe ziet de wisselwerking tussen het anti-islamveld en het radicale-islamveld eruit in de verschillende landen? In welke mate leidt die wisselwerking tot polarisatie en tot... more
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      SociologyArtPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismEuropean Union