From Personal To Global Through Arts: Construction of Subjectivity in Foreign Language Teachers' Education
From Personal To Global Through Arts: Construction of Subjectivity in Foreign Language Teachers' Education
From Personal To Global Through Arts: Construction of Subjectivity in Foreign Language Teachers' Education
Pedagogy and Didactics in Foreign Languages Research Group, University of Antioquia CCLI.
OBJECTIVE To share personal reflections about how understanding and valuing my own construction of subjectivity led me to foster transformative practices in my classroom.
Turning point 1
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Language is a whole: meaning making are inseparable Reading and writing are interrelated processes Meaning interprets reality Is oral or written-or other signals Is social learned in the context of its use. Mistakes are part of any learning process Children are natural learners, spontaneously make good learning decisions learn by trial and error, invention, discovery, intuition. They tell best when the conditions are informal and natural. It values cultures
Turning point 2
Turning point 3
Society is represented in the classroom, (McLaren, 1988)
What else do we teach when we teach English? How is society represented in the classroom, texts? What kind of human being do we foster? What is the role of Arts in class?
responsibilities as a Colombian English teacher Reproduction or transformation?
Linguistic imperialism, or language imperialism, is a linguistics concept that "involves the transfer of a dominant language to other people. The transfer is essentially a demonstration of powertraditionally, military power but also, in the modern world, economic powerand aspects of the dominant culture are usually transferred along with the language. (Phillipson, 1999)
another shape of colonialism prevails in the world today Global North, developed or firstworld countries still have a firm influence, especially as far as knowledge, culture and education are concerned. (Mignolo, 2000).
Arts in teaching
a whole human being
Imagination, curiosity, discovery new and varied perspectives contextualize: connection with
personal experiences
Authentic curiosity about educational practices, and about policies, and theories, from an artistic perspective, can lead to rich and varied questions, especially about critical perspectives in teaching and learning. construct meaning through discovery, managing curiosity with established processes within their fieldsinvolve seeking to know the world in new ways, from different perspectives, with (Diaz, 2002).
What if
Carlos Jacanamijoy
His works realize the old dream of finding an artistic language capable of expressing the crossbreeding of Western and Native cultures in Latin America.
Es un rabbit que le sali una aleta y patas de dolphin fantstico y fish scales. Maria.
(It is a rabbit that grew a fin, fantastic dolphin paws and fish scales.
Read the world and the word (Paolo Freire): Critical Literacy development
CULTURAL AND ACADEMIC PROJECT CREATED TO promote different art expressions as tools for teaching and learning English To use the language in other settings and situations
WHAT YOU SAID By Sara You said Im very happy, Im nice and the work is good. You said I have closing spaces and also Im cute. Said Im a hard worker and I hope its true And all I want to say is thank you
MY LIFE By Luisa My life is more than a mask, I want the truth, the beauty of life, I want to travel in my head and know all about me because I dont know anything about life, I dont understand the injustice of the people. Happiness is for everybody
Teachers must be able to understand how power works productively through the poetics of imagination, that is, they must be able to distinguish between reality as a fact and existence as a possibility to be forged in solidarity with others. (Giroux, 1999).
AM I THE OTHER? Explore individual creative possibilities Reflect on different dimensions that teaching a Foreign Language implies in a global context Foster respect for others and self Explore beliefs about education, multiculturalism, imagination in educationIdeological dimension of FL teaching: globalization, stereotypes
In the class we have had the chance to appreciate things from new perspectives; as we did in the exercise where we had to take a stick, describe it and gave it new uses. With this exercise we saw that each one has his own way to perceive an object. As a teacher it is important to take into account that each one of our students has a particular way to perceive, understand, feel, see, and reflect about the worldwe have the chance to teach a group of people about a specific subject, but we need to realize that we are teaching about life too(Lina, 2008)
II We read a book trying to see what was bizarre. At the end the only bizarre thing from the many the story had was grandpas color switched socks. That day I thought that what I may think is a problem to be researched may not be the one. I need to observe the context better (Leo, 2008)
III the first thing we did was to explore on our fears and strengths I had regarding the practicum and me as a researcher... Am I ready to face up to the nowadays students and the ones who are coming next? Then we talked about prejudgments, stereotypes, and discrimination... as Sartre says: Lenfer cest les autres is it possible to listen to others without any prejudgments (Jimmy, 2008)
HUMAN SUBJECTIVITY AT THE CENTER OF ENGLISH is to put question the social order out of which communities of human subjects are formed. what we do in English classrooms matters in terms of such questions as, Who I am? How do I belong? What can I hope for? Do we provide spaces for such questions?
Bolvar, A. (2002). De nobis isis silemus?: Epistemologa de la investigacin biogrficonarrativa en educacin. Revista Electrnica de investigacin educativa, 4 (1)., 2 de noviembre 2003 Bruner, Jerome. (1996). Realidad mental y mundos posibles. Barcelona: Gedisa editorial. Bruner, Jerome. (2003). La fbrica de historias. Derecho, literatura, vida. Buenos Aires: Fondo de cultura econmica. Conelly, F. Clandini, D. Jean. (1995). Relatos de experiencia e investigacin narrativa. En: Editorial Laertes, Djame que te cuente. Ensayos sobre narrativa y educacin. [15-51]. Barcelona: Laertes Demetrio, Duccio. (1999). Escribirse. La autobiografa como curacin de uno mismo. Barcelona: Paids Faras, Miguel. (1999). Enfoques crticos en el proceso de enseanza/aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras. Mendoza, Argentina, abril de 1999. [email protected]. Julio 6 de 2003 Freire, P., 1974, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, traducido por M. B. Ramos, Nueva York, Continuum. Goodman, Keneth. (1992). Why Whole Languae is Todays Agenda in Education. Language Arts. 69, 354-363 Giroux, Henry. (1997). La esperanza de la educacin radical: Una conversacin con Henry Giroux. En: Paids, Cruzando lmites. Trabajadores culturales y polticas educativas. (2154). Barcelona: Paids. Kelly, Ursulla. (1993). Teaching English: Whos Subject to What? Chapter 12 (p. 205-213). Agosto 15 de 2003 Pennycook, Alastair (2000). Development, culture and language: ethical concerns in a postcolonial world. The Fourth International Conference on Language and Development October 13-15 1999 Consultado en Julio 18/03 Rodrguez, Zoraida. (2004). Y qu tal Caperucita Azul? What About Little Blue Riding Hood? Reflexin sobre otra versin de ensear ingles. En: Pregn Ltda. Maestros Gestores
The exploration and use of personal experiences, ideas, hypothesis, possibilities, needs , intellectual and expressive capacities
PRINCIPLES TO CREATE A ROLE: Free Adaptation K. Stanislavski /Functions actress/teacher Zoraida Rodrguez