László András - Solum Ipsum (Csak Magam)

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ANDRÁS LÁS ZLÓ László András
Metaphysical aphorisms Metafizikai aforizmák

© András László, 2001

Collected & edited by © Ferenc Buji
Epilogue: © Ferenc Buji
Translat ed from the Hungarian by
© Andrea Gál, © Gábor Horváth,
© Mónika Parragh, © László Virág
Hungary, Budapest, 2001


András László and Metaphysical
Traditionality (Ferenc Buji)

Abyssus abyssum invocat


1. Just as the Buddha said: »I speak unto them

whos e eyes are covered but with little dust.«
Covered but only a little. That is to say, he does
not speak unt o them whose eyes are totally
covered with dust, and not unto them whose
eyes are not covered at all.



2. Something can be rejected competently only

by the one who is at the same time able to
defend it perfectly. And something can be
advocated competently only by the one who is
able to reject it perfectly.

3. Weltanschauung, be it adequate or
inadequate, is the product of decline.

4. Concerning every evil, it should be supposed

that it might be good, and concerning every good
it should be supposed that it might be evil.

5. How can it be imagined about the one who is

unable to surmount his own education and the
effects of his family, schooling and mass
communication that he can surmount that whic h
will arise as ontic bondage on his spiritual way?

6. To eliminate his defective judgements of value

man should attend to a process of radical
autocorrection in the course of which e very
earlier view should be rejected, and then that
which stands the test of the new view should be
reaccept ed.

7. As the notice that stealing apples is not fitting

contains the notice that stealing pears is also not
fitting, a judicious man’s attention should be
drawn but to a few points concerning the
correction of certain substantial elements of his
views so that concerning other points he could
make corrections by himself.

8. Changing the view of being and the view of the 8 Nem elég a lét- és világszemléletet
world is not enough; this is only the precondition megváltoztatni; ez csupán el őfeltétele annak,
for a much more important thing: for the ami ennél sokkal fontosabb: a lét- és
transmutation of the contemplation of being and világszemlélés transzmutációjának.
the world.

9. Not only a view but a way of looking; not only a

view of the world but a way of looking at the
world; not only a Weltanschauung but world
contemplation; not only structure and frame but a
living process…

10. It is important, but only of secondary

importance which Weltanschauung man
attributes to himself. Important becaus e it is
evident that a man with spiritual bias would not
define himself as a mat erialist; but on the other
hand, when regarding his essential nature the
one who would not define hims elf as a mat erialist
but as spiritual may still be deeply materialistic.
Views are very important, but looking, seeing and
contemplation are even more important - and
when these are mat erialistic, i. e. if cogitation
itself, both functionally and substantially, retains
the main characteristics of a materialistic view,
then whatever he calls himself, man is a

11. The existence of a Weltanschauung

guarantees the presenc e of principles; the
existence of cont emplation corrects the

12. The reason for the validity of a really valid

view does not lie in the fact that it gives a better
description of reality but in that it directs attention
to the fact that judgements have such
consequences which do not remain on the level
of mere descriptions.

13. The description of being by metaphysical 13 Š A metafizikai tradíciók létleírása csak

traditions only seems to be a description of látszólagosan létleírás, és a létleírás célja
being, and the aim of the aforesaid description csupán látszólagosan deskriptív. A cél
only seems to be descriptive. The aim is konzek venciális és normatív: konzek venciális,
consequential and normative: consequential, mert a leírás nak a megvalósítás szempontjából
because the description has consequences in konzek venciái vannak, és normatív, mert a
respect of realisation; and normative because it megvalós ítás normat íváival függ össze. Mert ha
has relation to the normatives of realisation. For if például azt mondom, hogy Istenre a logikai
I say that logical laws do not concern God, I törvények nem vonatkoznak, akkor ezzel azt
declare that my aim is to transcend logical laws. mondom ki, hogy az én célom a logikai törvények
14. Correct views if half-accepted are always
wors e than the totally accepted worst ones.

15. Nothing can be more dangerous than that

which is almost perfect.

16. Almost perfect views are much more

dangerous than those which are entirely
unaccept able.

17. The prevailing world-view of the present time

is the lack of world-views, and on this platform
the various particular world-views are
superimposed with the aim of intensifying this
condition, i. e. the lack of world-views.

18. The less man has views and the more he has 18 Minél kevésbé vannak az embernek nézetei,
personal interests, the more he is inclined to s minél inkább vannak érdekei, annál inkább
regard his interests as views. hajlik arra, hogy érdekeit nézeteknek tekintse.

19. The »ideal« of dark tendencies is the person 19 A sötét tendenciák »eszménye« a
without world-views. világnézettelen ember.

20. Man lives a lie because he cannot bear

intellectually what he quite easily tolerates
existentially: that he is so unworthy that he does
not even have views. But the time is coming
when he will be able to coexist even intellectually
with his own unworthiness.

21. False rhetoric: »The truth of solipsism is the

highest truth - but there is one thing even beyond
that: the Lamb of God.«

22. E ven fals e rhetors cannot believe in their

false rhetoric although they would willingly
sacrifice their lives for it - and even then they
would still not believe in it.

23. (A false rhet or) He is aware of its falseness

but he would like it to be true. But even he does
not know why.

24. If gradualness between primary, secondary

and third-rate things becom es obscure, our
whole world concept becomes obscure; and the
one whos e world concept, Weltanschauung and
world contemplation becomes obscure does not
possess the possibility to attain his utmost

25. It is well said that a modern view is

dangerous but the modern function is even more
26. »Incoherence, incompetenc e,
inconsequence« (K ároly Kerényi): this is the
basic spiritual attitude of the second half of 20th

27. A terminological fault is never a mere 27 A terminológiai hiba sohasem pusztán

terminological fault. terminológiai hiba.

28. The function of each modern 28 Minden egyes modern világnézetnek az a

Weltanschauung is to attack the human animal- funkciója, hogy az ember lelkiszellemi
spiritual organism at a certain specific point. organizmusát egy adott specifikus ponton
29. In the background of the modern world’s 29 A modern világ hatalmas racionális
conceptions, elaborated by a vast rational apparátussal kidolgozott és alátámasztott
apparatus, there work manias whic h are koncepcióinak a hátterében démoni
generated by demonic forces. gerjesztettségű mániák működnek.

30. If hypercosmic centrality is lacking in the

cosmic view, the cosmic view becomes a view
that is oriented towards chaos. Without
hypercosmia the cosmos is sentenced to
destruction - for the cosmic character of the
cosmos, that is to say the orderliness of the
cosmos derives from a hypercosmic centre.

31. Only with the greatest reservation should

those views be treated, in which God has
presence in a non-integral way, in which God
does not penetrate the whole structure, but to
which spirituality is only attached from the
outside. A really spiritual view should be spiritual
in its every particle.

[Typical examples of this kind of false view are

the theologies of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and
Karl Barth.]

32. Spiritual and theistic Weltanschauungs 32 Š A spirituális és teisztikus szemléleteknek az

should be markedly different from materialistic élet minden területén: az evésben, az alvásban,
and at heistic ones in each aspect of life: in a járásban, de mindenek előtt azonban a nézetek
eating, sleeping, walking but first of all in their területén markánsan különböznie kell a
views. materialista és ateista szemlélettől.

33. The fact that a Weltanschauung is universal

does not mean that it is universally
homogeneous, but it means that it is universal
and differentiated both aspectually and according
to levels.

34. Within the plurality of schools metaphysical

traditionality is the only one which pays maximum
attention to both that which is extra- and supra-
temporal and that which is the consequence of
moment ary temporality. While the aim is
atemporarily eternal, the condition of man, from
which he can start on towards this aim,
continuously changes.

35. E very statement in relation to metaphysics is 35 Š Minden metafizikával összefüggő

evidence of the declarer’s state of self- állásfoglalás olyan állás foglalás, amely nek révén
experience. az ember önátéléséről állít ki bizonyít ványt.

36. Metaphysical traditionality is the only 36 Š A metafizikai tradicionalitás az egy etlen

Weltanschauung which almost cries for olyan szemlélet, amely szinte kiált
realisation. a megvalósításért.


37. In fact nothing can be stated about 37 Valójában a metafizikumról semmit sem lehet
metaphysicum. One can only speak about it for mondani. Amit mégis mondani kell róla, azt a
the sake of realisation. megvalós ítás érdekében kell mondani.

38. Metaphysics is the way of ranging myself. 38 A metafizika önmagam bejárásának az útja.

39. There is but one true normality: the normality 39 Egyetlen igazi normalitás van: a középpont
of the centre. normalitása.

40. If the knowledge related to the centre is 40 Ha a centrummal való kapcsolatra vonatkozó
lacking, then in fact the knowledge related to the tudás nincs meg, akkor valójában a perifériára
periphery is lacking as well. vonatkozóan sincs tudás.

41. What relates to an existence can only be

interpreted from the point which is above

42. »Metaphysical« is not simply the last step in 42 A »metafizikai« nem egyszerűen egy
a flight of stairs: »metaphysical« is realised by lépcsősor legfelső foka; a »metafizikai« a létez ők
means of breaking through the circle of beings. körének áttörése révén valósul meg.

43. Metaphysics differs from religion in the fact 43 Š A metafizika abban különbözik a vallástól,
that while turning to the Subject the latter says: hogy míg az utóbbi az Alany felé fordulva azt
»Thou«, the former says: »I«. mondja: »Te«, az előbbi azt mondja: »Én«.

44. Nothing can be propounded outside

consciousness in the most univers al sense.

45. That which is totally »immanent« is the very 45 Š Az, ami teljesen »immanent ális«, ugyanaz,
same as that which is totally transcendent. mint ami teljesen transzcendentális.

46. The only manifested thing is the Non- 46 Š Az egyetlen megnyilvánult a

manifested - though it is manifested, yet at the Megnyilvánulatlan – mely ugyan megnyilvánul,
same time it remains non-manifested. de közben mégis megnyilvánulatlan marad.

47. In its origin and root every lapsed existence is

the free act of the Subject in the spiritual sphere.

48. E very manifestation is at the same time a 48 Minden megnyilvánulás egyszersmind

descent. alászállás.

49. The principle that »what is above is

equivalent to what is below« is perfectly true - but
only from above.

50. SaŠs÷ra and nirv÷¬a is the same - but only 50 A samsāra és a nirvāy a egy – de csak a
looking at it from nirv÷¬ a. nirvāyából néz ve.

51. E very being exists in every existential plane 51 Š Minden létező minden létsíkon egyszerre
at the same time: they exist both in the centre van: ott van a lét centrumában és ott van a lét
and the periphery of being. perifériáján is.
52. Beyond a certain level there can not be 52 Š Egy bizonyos szinten túl a külső és a belső
external or internal any more. There is no nem létezik többé. Nincs olyan, hogy külső és
external or internal - for in relation to the limit of belső – mert a tudat hat árához képest minden
consciousness everything is inside and in relation belül van, a tudat középpontjához képest pedig
to the centre of consciousness everything is minden kívül.

53. Existential planes are not given conditions 53 Š A létsíkok nem meglévő adottságok, hanem
but levels of intensity of metaphysical seeing a metafizikai látás (szanszkrit vidyā)
(sanskrit vidy÷). intenzitásbeli fokozatai.

54. An idea is an int uition of myself by myself 54 Š Az idea önmagam önmagam általi
according to an existential modality. meglátás a egy létmodalitás értelmében.

55. Existential conditions are not other than

conditions of identification.

56. The wisdom of non-differentiation is superior 56 Š A meg-nem-különböztetés bölcsessége

to the wisdom of differentiation, but it could not magasabb rendű a megkülönböztetés
be achieved without the wisdom of differentiation. bölcsességénél, de nem érhető el a
Therefore the wisdom of differentiation should megkülönböztetés bölcsessége nélkül. Ezért a
precede the wisdom of non-differentiation. meg-nem-különböztetés bölcsességét meg kell
előznie a megkülönböztetés bölcsességének.
57. Things can only be united if they have
previously been separated.

58. Amalgamation most extremely contrasts with 58 Š A keveredettség az egységnek mindennél

unity. végletesebb ellentéte.

59. An experienc ed thing implies and

presupposes the experience itself; experience
implies and pres upposes the experiencing

60. The experiencing person, the course of

experience and the experienced can be
differentiated and should be differentiated - but
they cannot be disrupted. For there cannot be
experience without an experiencing person and
there cannot be experienced things without

61. Polarity - in close connection with axiality and

centrality - always means that the existential
turbulence does not reach the origin of that which
penetrates into the terrestrial-human world.
Polarity is the expression of the celestial, extra-
saŠs÷ric origin.

62. Earth can essentially be in touch with Heaven 62 Š Ahol a Föld nincs forgásban – vagyis a
(the Motionless Mover) only where it is not in pólusokon –, ott érintkezhet eszszenciálisan az
motion - i. e. at the poles. éggel: a Mozdulatlan Mozgatóval.

63. The idea of something is not an infinitely

subtle reality somewhere but something within
the metaphysical seeing.

64. In the cosmos the spirit manifests itself as

light. When Christ says that »I am the light of the
cosmos«, it means that He is the light of the
cosmos which is beyond the cosmos - that is to
say, He is the spirit of the cosmos but this spirit is
beyond the cosmos.

65. The mat erial world is essentially a spiritual 65 A materiális világ esszenciálisan szellemi
world. What does »spiritual« mean? Does that világ. Mit jelent az, hogy »szellemi«? Azt, hogy
mean that it is more subtle than material? It also szubtilisebb, mint az anyagi? Ezt is, de nem ez a
means that but the main point is something els e. lényeg. A világ akkor szellemi, ha tudati
The world is spiritual if the fact that it is in the természete az átélésben nyilvánvalóvá válik.
consciousness becomes evident.

66. The whole being is conscious. 66 Az egész lét tudatos.


67. Of only one thing can it be asserted that it is

not possible not to be, only one thing’s being is
completely indubitable, apodictic necessity
(necessarium apodicticum): the being whic h,
strictly speaking, is above being.

68. »To be« - this expression could be referred to

Metaphysicum Absolut um in an analogical way

69. If I say that God »exists«, God is supposed to

be an ideal objectivity, and it is a desacralisation
- that is to say a blasphemy.

70. If God were out of me then God would be not 70 Ha Isten rajt am kívül lenne, akkor Isten a
God but one of the things that exist. To suppose létezők egyike lenne, nem pedig Isten. Egy
an objective God is strictly speaking an indirect objektív Isten tételezése tulajdonképpen indirekt
negation of God. istentagadás.

71. Strictly speaking we cannot say whether God

exists or not. Only in realisation will God be what
God actually is; otherwise He is a possibility: the
possibility of Myself. God in a sense does not
exist but »may exist«.

72. God creates from himself, in himself and to 72 Š Isten önmagából teremt, önmagában teremt
himself: He creat es into himself. és önmagába teremt: bele önmagába.

73. Not only can God do anything (omnipotentia) 73 Š Isten nemcsak mindent megtehet
but also He does everything (omniagentia). (omnipotentia), hanem mindent meg is tesz
74. God is infinitely beautiful because He is
infinit ely similar to himself.

75. The omnipresence of God does not mean 75 Š Isten mindenütt való jelenléte elsősorban
that He is in everything and pervades everything nem azt jelenti, hogy mindenbe behatol és
but that everything is in God. mindenben benne van, hanem azt, hogy minden
Istenben van.


76. There is only one subject and this subject is
nothing other than myself.

77. After I have discriminated (Sanskrit vivek a)

and separated (Middle High German
abegescheidenheit) everything from Myself it
comes to light that everything is Myself.

78. All that exists is an illusion. Only he/that is not 78 Mindaz, ami van, illúzió. Egyedül az nem
an illusion who/what I am. illúzió, aki/ami vagyok.

79. The »isness« of the Subject is so certain 79 Az Alany vansága azért olyan bizonyos, mert
because it is beyond »isness«. What is in the túl van a vanságon. Ami a vanság körében van,
sphere of »isness« can never be certain in the az sohasem lehet a végtelenség értelmében
sense of infinity. teljesen bizonyos.

80. Strictly speaking an abstract universal

Subject would be an abstract universal Object.

81. There are two possible cardinal errors related

to solipsism: on the one hand to speak about
÷tm÷ i. e. the real Self as if it were an abstract
object; on the other hand to identify the absolute
Subject with my given and definite personal

[Metaphysical solipsism - according to the Latin

expressions solum (»solely«) and ipsum
(»myself«) - asserts that being has only one
subject, and that - formulating in the first person,
singular (for it can not be formulated in a different
manner) - is I myself: I myself not as a person
(for there are numberless persons) but as the
universal Subject which is the root and source of
personality. For more details see epilogue.]

82. Giving up even a morsel from solipsism is to

give up all.

[That is the distance is greater bet ween solipsism

and subjective idealism than between subjective
idealism and materialism - exactly in the same
way that the ontic distance is much greater
between the actually highest degree of the world
come into being and Met aphysicum Absolutum
than between the actually lowest and highest
degrees of the world come into being.]


83. E very heteron (»other«) is a non-recognised 83 Minden heteron (»más«) fel nem ismert auton
auton (»myself«). (»önmagam«).

84. The extraneous aut on is not an auton - that is

a heteron. It behaves like the auton yet there is a
fundamental difference bet ween them: while that
is, I am.
85. The name of the recognised Subject is auton,
»Myself«; the name of the non-recognised
Subject is heteron, »other«. For even heteron is
an aut on but a non-recognis ed auton.

86. The reason why heteron is an illusion is not

that it does not exist but that indeed I do not
grasp it as I should grasp it: as myself.

87. The world exists so that I can take it back to 87 A világ az ért van, hogy visszavegy em
myself. Or by another interpret ation but with the önmagamba. Vagy ami ugyanazt jelenti egy
same meaning: it exists so that I can separate it másfajta értelmezésben: azért van, hogy
from myself. To separat e the world as world, as leválasszam önmagamról. A világot mint világot,
heteron from myself, and to take the world as mint heteront leválasszam önmagamról, és a
potential auton back to myself. világot mint potenciális autont visszavegyem
88. The entire external world is heteron but
inactive heteron and in this way not dangerous.
On the other hand, what is really dangerous is
the internal heteron bec ause the int ernal heteron
is active.

[The internal heteron - that which is active but

non-perceptible, or rather, perc eptible in its
effects only - is that which is the hidden subject
e. g. of rambling thoughts and emotions.]

89. Perceiving heteron in its totality - that is not 89 A heteront a maga teljességében – vagyis
only as datum but with its datatio and dator - is nemcsak datumként, hanem datatiójával és
perceiving heteron as myself. datorával egy ütt – tapasztalni annyi, mint a
heteront önmagamként tapasztalni.
90. The perfect heteron is the nothingness. 90 A tökéletes heteron a semmi.


91. The object implies the action and the action 91 Az objektum implikálja az akciót, és az akció
implies the subject for the action derives from the implikálja a szubjektumot, mert a szubjektumból
subject and the object derives from the action. ered az akció, és az akcióból ered az objektum.

92. E very objectivity is the objectivity of 92 Minden objektivitás a tudat objektivitása.


93. As consciousness does have subjective

reality (consciousness itself), and as
consciousness does have actional realities (the
functions of consciousness) so consciousness
has objective reality within consciousness: the
entire objective world itself.

94. It is evident that there is objective reality -

calling it into question would be senseless. But it
completely lacks ground to assert that this reality
can be independent of consciousness - of my
consciousness -, for objective reality is the very
reality of consciousness, of the subject.

95. The world does not exist as an objective

reality independent of consciousness but as
something that is dependent on consciousness;
not only a reality dependent on consciousness
but a reality that inseparably belongs to
consciousness: it is »of consciousness« indeed.
Regarding its substance the world is a
coagulated reality of consciousness: it is in and
of conscious ness.

96. The dream state is an objective reality of the

consciousness of dream, just as the state of
wakefulness is the objective reality of the
consciousness of wakefulness. Both are
objective realities - and such objective realities
that are dependent on the given consciousness.

97. The unity of subject and object should be 97 Az alany és a tárgy egységének létre kell
realised - but it is not without importance how we jönnie – de nem mindegy, hogy ez az egység
attain this unity. If unity is attained in the object hogyan jön lét re. Ha az egység a tárgyban jön
this will result in nothingness. If it is attained in létre, akkor az a semmit eredményezi. Ha az
the action this will result in a floating in an illus ory akcióban jön létre, akkor az egy látszólagos
equilibrium which must not be perfection because egyensúlyban lévő lebegéshez vezet, amely nem
this state sooner or later will come to an end eredményezhet bet eljesedést, mert vagy az
moving toward the object or the subject. The objektum, vagy a szubjektum felé elmozdulva
unity of object, action and the subject should be előbb-utóbb megszűnik. Az objektum, az akció
realised in the subject. és a szubjektum egységének a szubjektumban
kell megvalósulnia.
98. I am always more than that I can see. And I 98 Š Én mindig több vagy ok, mint amit látok. Sőt
am always more than that I suppose még annál is több vagyok, mint amit feltételezek.


99. Reality is an illusion - but a real illusion. 99 A valóság – illúzió; de valós ágos illúzió.

100. M÷y÷ does not mean that something

conceals something else and reality is under a
veil. M÷y÷ means that the entire being comes to
being by magic and the entire being is in magic,
and when the spell is broken the entities will not
remain in their »enc hant ed« state.

101. In every perception - using first person,

singular - the creator is myself. Whoever else
could it be?
102. »It exists even if I do not experience it for
when I slept it did not cease« - says the naive
realist. But how does he know? Because he was
told by someone else when he woke up. When
man exists in a general dream the different
dreams can have some importance but by no
means in the sphere of ontological

103. Creatorness is magic as well as

createdness - but in a different sense:
creatorness is the magic of the magus; while
createdness is the magic of the enchanted one.

104. In the most enchanted existence there can 104 Š A legelvarázsoltabb létezőben is van
be found something of the Magus - that is why valami a Varázslóból – ezért redukálhatja
this existence is able to reduce himself to the all- önmagát a Varázsló mindent megelőző és
preceding and all-surpassing position of the mindent felülmúló pozíciójába.


105. The fundamental alienation, the 105 Az alapvető eltávolodás, az alapvető

fundamental decline is the personality itself: hanyatlás maga a személyiség: az, amikor
when I myself am alienated from myself. önmagam önmagamtól eltávolodom.

106. Pers onality means that I am not perfectly 106 Š A személyiség azt jelenti, hogy nem
myself but only secundum quid, only by vagyok teljesen önmagam, hanem csak
something; but I want to be myself by myself, secundum quid, csak valami szerint vagyok
secundum se. önmagam; de én secundum se, vagyis önmagam
szerint akarok önmagam lenni.
107. Being cannot have several subjects, only
one, and this subject may only be I myself.

108. There cannot be such a spiritual vision

when the subjective nature of someone else
could be revealed. For the Subject is not in
someone else; the Subject is in me. I am allowed
to speak about someone else as subject-bearer
only in that case when I experience him/her as

109. I might be able to see the soul or even the

spirit in someone else. But the Subject can not
be seen in someone else because the Subject is
in me only.

110. The Subject is always I am.

111. Man is a subject-bearer but not only in the

sense that every existence is subject-bearer. In
the human consciousness, »itself« manifests
from the infinity behind personality: itself as

112. Though in the person always the Subject 112 Š Noha a személyben állandóan az Alany
manifests itself and there is no distanc e between nyilatkozik meg, és a kettő között nincs is
the two, yet the entire cosmos and the totality of távolság, a személy és az Alany között van az
existences lie between person and Subject egész kozmosz, a létezők teljessége, ami
separating them by wedging in bet ween them. közéjük ékelődve elválasztja őket egymástól.

113. The person is one of the identification points 113 Š A személy az Alany egyik identifikációs
of the Subject: what is in concreto experienced. pontja: az, amit in concreto átélek.

114. In my actual condition I am not the

Absolutum as Myself but even in my actual
condition there is that which is I myself in the
absolute sense.

115. The person, that is the mask, properly 115 Š A személy, a persona, az álarc
speaking conceals the Subject - though at the voltaképpen eltakarja az Alanyt – ugyanakkor
same time in the sense of a specific aspectual azonban egy sajátos aszpektuális önmegmutatás
self-revelation it manifests it as well. értelmében meg is nyilvánítja.
116. In the actual »myselfness« I always
experience the »myselfness« projected int o

117. The person is the starting point of the way

leading back to Myself.


118. In the highest degree and as a first step 118 Az ember legmagasabb fokon és első
man creates his incarnation; then - descending lépésben megteremti inkarnációját; aztán lejjebb
lower - he chooses it; descending even lower he szállva már választja; még lejjebb szállva
freely accepts it; descending even lower than this szabadon elfogadja; ennél is lejjebb szállva
he involuntarily takes notice of it: maybe he kényszerűen tudomásul veszi: talán
would like to but cannot avoid it; descending legszívesebben elkerülné, de már nem tudja;
even lower than before he meets it; and finally he még innen is lejjebb szállva szembetalálkozik
unconsciously falls into his incarnation - int o that vele; legvégül pedig önt udatlanul belezuhan
which originally was freely created by him. inkarnációjába – abba az inkarnációba, amelyet
eredetileg ő maga szabadon teremtett.
119. Regarding especially its lowest degree -
corresponding to the creatio factiva - and even its
most external state, createdness means that I
neither experience myself as the creator of
myself nor as the creator of my own functions nor
as the creator of my own world. Strictly speaking,
creatureness means that my own being as
creator becomes obscure.

120. E very single man is the versional 120 Š Minden egyes ember az Egyetemes
incarnation of the Universal Man. Ember verzionális inkarnációja.

121. The cherub who ex pelled man from Eden is

the former rank of man, which keeps guard over
the state of Eden of existence. And from this
point of view man by man was expelled from
Paradise, which essentially means that I myself
expelled myself from myself.

122. Contemporary man - and the man of any

age altogether - is nothing ot her than an

123. A man never regards himself solely as one

of the existences, not even in the deepest states
of enchantment.

124. E very mask (persona) conceals a fac e 124 Š Minden maszk (persona) mögött van egy
(facies). arc (facies).

125. Man does not only carry his ancestors in

himself but even represents them.

126. A personal man alm ost experiences himself

as if he existed in »the third person, singular«.

127. Psychological I-ness is not the awareness of

I-myselfness but a feeling of the I-ness.

128. The unconscious is the consciousness in


129. From a certain point of view the intention by

which someone wants to place himself in the
physical world or he wants to define himself
biologically is of some significance but with
regard to realisation it serves to alienat e myself
from myself more and more.

130. While with respect to intelligence people are

extremely different, considering sensory
perception - with only slight differences -
everyone is equally »stupid«.

131. The darkness which is carried inside man

represents such a heteronomy that is more
extreme than any other darkness.


132. Life is a spiritual challenge. 132 Az élet – szellemi feladat.

133. The aim of man’s activity in life can be the 133 Létbeli mozgásával az ember vagy az
Absolutum or nothingness. Abszolútumot célozza meg, vagy a semmit.

134. In the human world exomorphological 134 Az emberek között már az exomorfológikus
differenc es are indeed quite considerable; but különbségek is meglehetősen jelentékenyek; az
endomorphological differences might be endomorfológikus különbségek azonban akár
enormous as well. végletesen nagy ok is lehetnek.

135. The created thing is important; the process

of creation is more important; but the most
important is the creator.

136. All kinds of confusion in principles is at the 136 Š Minden princ ípiumzavar valamilyen
same time a confusion of identity. értelemben egyszersmind identitászavar is.

137. The case when someone ignores 137 Š Amikor az ember megfeledkezik a
essentiality involves not only that the most lényegről, akkor nem egyszerűen az történik,
important thing starts missing but that there can hogy kimarad a legfontosabb, hanem a lényeg
be found something else in its place. hűlt helyét valami más foglalja el.

138. Sticking to the only-human leads not to 138 Š A csak-emberihez való ragaszkodás nem
remaining in the human sphere but to becoming az emberi síkon való megmaradáshoz vezet,
sub-human. For persisting in something is to hanem az emberalattivá váláshoz. Mert
loose it: to loose that which was intended to be megmaradni valaminél annyi, mint elveszíteni
retained. azt: elveszíteni még azt is, aminél meg akart
139. The one in whom the problems of life, 139 Š Akiben az élet, a tudat és a halál kérdései
consciousness and deat h do not arise cannot in nem vetődnek fel, az a szó szigorú értelmében
the strictest sense of the word be regarded as a nem tekinthet ő embernek. Kívülről kétségt elenül
human being. Undoubtedly he looks like a man emlékeztet rá, de valójában nem az.
but in reality he is not.

140. If superhuman principles does not stand 140 Š Ha az ember nem emberfeletti
behind man’s intention of changing himself then princ ípiumok által akarja megváltoztatni saját
he will not remain in the human state but helyzetét, akkor nem emberi rendű állapotban
descend to a subhuman condition. marad, hanem emberalatti állapotba süllyed.

141. Without aims going beyond life one does not

only go in the wrong way but strictly speaking,
one should not be called a man.

142. The one who is not able to live his life as a 142 Š Aki nem képes arra, hogy egész életét
constant ascension, which attains its perfection in egyetlen folyamatos emelkedéssé tegye, mely
the period right before deat h, but from a certain közvetlenül a halált megelőző időszakban éri el a
age starts to descend, in reality abuses his life. csúcspontját, hanem egy bizonyos életkort elérve
elkezd hanyatlani, az valójában visszaél életével.
143. He who does not strive upwards, descends. 143 Š Aki nem törekszik felfelé, az lefelé süllyed.

144. He who lets himself be taken by the current, 144 Š Aki az árral viteti magát, az biztos, hogy
is certain to follow the wrong path. tévúton jár.

145. Today even stagnation requires exceptional 145 Š Ma már a stagnáláshoz is kivételes
efforts. erőfeszít és szükséges.

146. E very stagnation turns to regression,

decline or descent sooner or lat er.

147. In he, who experiences stagnation in his life,

descent has already started, even if it is not so
remarkable that he would notice it straight away.

148. One of the striking signs of stagnation is 148 Š A stagnálás egyik eklatáns jele az, amikor
when man puts off his spiritual tasks. az ember szellemi feladatait halogatja.

149. There are periods in one’s life when there is

a considerable likelihood of a halt and of
foundering taking place. For the majority it
happens around the age of t wenty-seven - that is
between the age of t wenty-four and thirty. As it is
maintained »one’s world view has taken shape
by then«. Of course it does not mean that it has
taken shape, but that it has ended halfway. With
regard to people wit h really insignificant spiritual
qualifications this usually happens bet ween the
age of fifteen and twenty-one. And it is a
considerable achievement if someone founders
only between the age of thirty-three and thirty-

150. Most people, as they reach total 150 Š A legtöbb ember, amint teljesen
development, start to decline right away; not only kibontakozik, rögtön el is kezd leépülni. Nemcsak
somatically, but in inner aspects as well. szomatikusan, hanem benső vonatkozásaiban is.

151. Most people are infantile until about the 151 Š A legtöbb ember életének körülbelül feléig,
midpoint of their lives, that is until the age of tehát harminchat éves koráig infantilis, utána
thirty-six, and immediat ely after that from one day rögtön, egyik napról a másikra szenilissé válik.
to another grow senile.

152. The majority of people are not mediocre, for

true mediocrity is considerably above the
average. A so-called average man is weak on
every plane: the forces of darkness are just as
weak in him as the forces of light.

153. People’s life as a rule fails through mediocre

conditions, and not through the most negative
conditions - since against the latter everyone to
some extent defends themselves. But against
mediocre conditions the majority of people are
helpless: for these are not so bad that they would
revolt against them, but bad enough to impede
spiritual development.

154. Consciousness is an active, creative and

cognitive understanding.

155. Man should read so that he has the

opportunity to think, to understand. For when I
understand I am more than man. When I
understand, I am myself.

156. In understanding I myself understand - and

that is the true value of it: that I understand. It is
not insignificant what I understand, but the
essence is that I understand.

157. E verything can be shammed: even miracles,

even awakening; only one thing cannot be:

158. Anything can be done with man, he can

even be turned into a frog, save for one thing: he
cannot be made superior.

159. A really intelligent man cannot be a follower

of destructive ideas - since such an attitude is
always a sign of some kind of mental disorder.

160. He who wants to move cannot be moved.

He who wants to stop cannot be stopped.

161. If man is shackled externally, he is not in

graver bondage than if he is bound by his inner

162. In the final analysis, man is not subjected to 162 Š Az ember legmesszebbmenően nem külső
external factors but to his inner psychological tényezőknek, hanem önnön lelkiállapotainak van
states. kiszolgáltat va.

163. That which manifests itself as democracy in 163 Š Ami a világban a demokrácia, az a
the world, appears as automatism, whirling tudatban a tudati teret uraló automatizmusok, a
associations, distractions and lack of (self)cont rol kavargó asszociációk, a zaklatottság és a
in consciousness. kontrollálatlanság.

164. E very individual -personal mania is a 164 Š Minden individuális-perszonális mánia

usurper, and every mania represents the egy-egy bitorló, s mindegyik mánia a bitorolt
terroristic feature of the usurped power. hatalom terrorisztikus arculatát képvis eli.

165. The really negative thing in someone’s 165 Š Ha valaki őrjöng, akkor abban nem az az
raving is not that he is raving, but that in fact it is igazi negatívum, hogy őrjöng, hanem az, hogy
not him who is raving but something/someone valójában nem is ő őrjöng, hanem valaki/ valami
within him. őbenne.

166. Not only he commits a crime who by losing 166 Š Nemcsak az követ el bűnt, aki önuralmát
his self-cont rol commits something, but also he elvesz ít ve valamit elkövet, hanem már az is, aki
who following from his lack of self-control does önuralom-hiányának következtében nem tesz
nothing. semmit.

167. If someone does good following sudden 167 Š Aki hirtelen felindulásból jót cselekszik,
impulse, he commits a crime. bűnt követ el.

[»According to the traditional view there is no [»Mivel a tradicionális szemlélet szerint az

bigger sin than the loss of self-cont rol, therefore önuralom elveszítésénél nagyobb bűn nincs,
in Eastern traditionality a premeditated criminal ezért a keleti tradicionalitás körében az előre
deed was regarded as less serious than one megfont olt bűncselekményt kevésbé tartották
committed followi ng a sudden impulse. « (András súlyosnak, mint a hirtelen felindulásból
László)] elkövetettet.« (László András)]

168. In he who allows instincts to have an 168 Aki az ösztönöknek extranormális szerepet
extranormal role, that which is realised is not juttat, abban nem a szabadság valósul meg,
freedom but the rule of instincts - over himself. hanem az ösztönök uralma – önmaga felett.

169. If there is a deed in which there is no trace 169 Ha van olyan cselekedet, amelyben az
of an autonomous will at all, that is exactly the autonóm akaratnak nyoma sincs, akkor az éppen
one which is under the aegis of »I do what ever I az, amely az »azt csinálok, amit akarok«
want «. jegyében megy végbe.

170. The fact that man in »self-feeling« to a

certain extent experiences himself in the third
person singular is manifested most clearly when
he feels sorry for himself.

171. If someone is selfish, in fact he is not selfish

in favour of himself, but in favour of that other for
whom he mistakes himself, and to whom he
wants to grant advantages.

172. If there is some truth in the statement that

»when man mourns for someone, in reality he
feels sorry for himself«, then not less true is the
statement that when man feels sorry for hims elf,
he feels sorry for someone else.

173. It is said that »E veryone aims at good, but 173 »Mindenki a jóra törekszik, de aztán nem éri
they do not reach it in the end«. But maybe they el« – mondják. De hátha azért nem éri el, mert
do not reach it, for they do not aim at it... It may nem is törekszik arra... Hátha mindenki eléri a
be that every one reaches their goals... célját...

174. Without exception, everyone reaches their 174 Kivétel nélkül mindenki eléri a célját, ha az
goals, if they really have these goals. tényleg a célja.

175. Man is always born in the place where he

has to be born.

176. Man should arrange his external world

forever so that it fits his inner world.

177. Between man’s inner world and the more

increasingly chaotic surrounding external world
there is a definite correspondence.

178. All that is somatic in man, that is, which is in

connection with body and face, mainly expresses
the past.
179. Resignation to one’s fat e as well as revolt
against one’s fat e are lunar attitudes. A truly
spiritual attitude aims at transcending fate: one
does not resign and does not revolt, but by
depriving fate from its importance transcends it.

180. A first-rate man seeks for first-rate men’s 180 Š Az elsőrendű ember elsőrendű emberek
company. A second-rat e man that of third-rate. társaságát keresi. A másodrendű ember
181. With his activity, it is always the inferior who 181 Š Tevékenységével mindig az alacsonyabb
disturbs the superior. With his existence, it is rendű zavarja a magasabb rendűt. Létével
always the superior who disturbs the inferior. mindig a magas abb rendű zavarja az
alacsonyabb rendűt.
182. Man should in fact stay in contact only with
people who open up upward paths in his life.

183. Modesty is a sign of deviation just the same

way as arrogance is.

184. It is inevitable that respect has almost died

out from the children of today. But has there
remained even one morsel of venerability in the
adults of today?

185. There is nothing venerable in adults, but

even if there were the children would not respect
them; and if children respected adults for some
reason, that would not mean at all that adults are
venerable. One does not cause the other but
both have a common root. The world decays
from common sectors.

186. From a spiritual perspective humour is

indispensable, jokes are permitted, but making
fun of something - especially higher realities - is
unaccept able.


187. Metaphysical doctrines are for those who,

existentially speaking, are at the crossroads. It
does not necessarily mean a strained situation,
but rather a range of possibilities, where a
considerable number of people exist. Yet the
majority of people choose a downward path,
which is not necessarily a declared choice, but
takes place for example in the manner of putting
off transmutational steps: »It is enough to deal
with this later.«

188. Concerning metaphysical realisation every 188 A metafizikai realizáció vonatkozásában

»must« refers only to the man who wants to do minden »kell« csak arra az emberre vonatkozik,
something with himself. The one who does not aki valamit tenni akar önmagával. Aki nem akar
intend to do anything with hims elf, does not have tenni önmagával semmit, annak semmit sem kell
to do anything. tennie.

189. Back in the past metaphysical realisation

needed only the will of realisation. Later
realisation also needed initiation. E ven later
initiation already presupposed preparation.
Today even preparation has to be prepared, but
first of all a self-correction should take plac e.

190. In times past, one school, one sacred book,

even one sentence of such a book was enough:
through that everything could be reached. Today,
if one wants to get back to the spirit, one has to
surround oneself with several traditions, schools
and trends.

191. The spiritual path even two thousand years 191 Š A szellem ös vényét kétezer évvel ezelőtt
ago was called the »narrow path«, or was is »keskeny ösvénynek« nevezték, vagy
compared to the edge of a sword. However, this egyenesen kardpengéhez hasonlították. Ez az
path is not simply narrow, but is also getting ös vény azonban nemcsak egyszerűen keskeny,
narrower and more impassable. The »wide hanem egyre keskenyebb és járhatatlanabb is.
path«, on the contrary, which many people follow Ellenben a »széles ös vény« – amelyen
quite happily, is indeed a wayless way; a wide viszonylagos jókedvvel rengetegen járnak –
path, which is not a real path: it leads nowhere, voltaképpen úttalan utat jelent: olyan széles utat,
to nothing, to death... amely már nem is út – vagyis éppen sehová
vezet, a semmibe, a halálba...
192. The getting-back to the origin is no one’s
fate or condition: it is beyond the contexts of fate,
beyond the domains of conditions.

193. It is never the circumstances whic h are

really det erminants.

194. Whatever a man wants to reach he reaches.

If it should not happen, it is because he is unable
to want it.

195. He who wants to awak e, awak es.

196. Not gaining initiation is never due to the fact

that a man could not find an appropriate initiatory
centre, but because he is not mature enough for

197. Man can go through his life in such a way

that he honestly says to himself and to others
that his goal is this and that, while his goal is
absolutely not that, but something totally

198. That which is spiritually positive, is

absolutely without the purpose of offering a
shelter to different psychic diseases.

199. Spiritual pat hs are not the paths of the

psychically ill, of the escapers, of those who long
for safety because they could not find it in their
life. Spiritual realisation is the path of the
dominant type of man.

200. I cannot get anywhere else than where I

have already been - for where I have been, there
potentially I am.

201. If the first and ultimate centre were not

always present, it would never be possible to
reach it.

202. Only those can rise who are essentially up. 202 Felemelkedni csak az tud, aki lényegénél
fogva fent van.
203. E very true ascent from below is an ascent 203 Minden alulról való igazi felemelkedés
controlled from above. I want to get higher for felülről vezérelt felemelk edés. Azért akarok
what is higher in me »calles for« what is lower in magasabbra törni, mert a bennem lévő
me. magasabb »hívja« a bennem lévő
204. The adequate and legitimate way of getting
back to Heaven is well symbolized by the ladder
of Jacob: getting back to Heaven is only possible
by climbing up the ladder which descends from
Heaven. The inadequate and illegitimate way is
the story of the Tower of Babel: the ascent from
the Earth necessarily leads to collapse and
confusion of mind.

205. The ultimate goal is the reduction from 205 Š A végső cél a személyes identifikációból
personal identific ation to absolute identification. az abszolút identifikációba való redukció.

206. Man can only take a step towards himself if

this step is taken within himself. And he can only
take steps towards other things if these steps
were taken as a preliminary wit hin himself.

207. I cannot get to what is beyond the person,

what is above the person, what transcends and,
following from its essence, prec edes the person,
that is to the Subject, in any other way than
through the pers on, and only through this
identification wit h the person can I reduce myself,
through myself to my ultimate, primary Self,
which precedes everything and crowns

208. Those who seek the Origin, the Goal other

than themselves will never find it even in
principle. In thos e who find the Origin, the Goal in
themselves in principlethe intention of realisation
can rise: to lead the mind back to the Centre,
whence it originates, and where it has its

209. There is no goal whatever if I do not 209 Š Semmiféle cél nincs, ha a célt nem
determine the goal within myself; there is no önmagamban jelölöm ki; semmiféle kiindulópont
starting point whatever, if I do not determine the nincs, ha a kiindulópontot nem önmagamban
starting point within myself; and there is no path jelölöm ki; és semmiféle út nincs, ha az utat nem
what ever, if I do not go along this path of myself önmagam járom végig önmagamban.
within myself.

210. If I reduce myself into my own self, that is,

into my ultimate goal, I turn myself from creat ure
to creator.

211. It is not possible to aim at the Subject in an

outward direction. I can only get to the Subject
through my personal consciousness.

212. In the course of true realisation the object of

the intrinsic spiritual experience is third -grade
(every false teaching regards it as first-grade);
the action and the course of experience is
second-grade; and first-grade is the experienc er

213. The more superior an experience is, the 213 Š Minél magasabb rendű a tapasztalás,
more the experience itself and the experienced annál inkább a tapasztalóba redukálódik és
itself get reduced and integrated into the integrálódik maga a tapasztalás és maga a
experiencer. tapasztalt.

214. As in the course of becoming s vadharma,

leading from super-personality towards the
person, made the person as person possible, in
just the same way, in the cours e of realisation, it
is the svadharma which leads the person towards

[The sanskrit svadharma is the particular law of a

given individual.]

215. S vadharma, one’s own law, not only implies

what a man should do in the world, and in what
way he should lead and organise his life;
svadharma is rather the path, the finding of which
and following of whic h enables man to get back
to Himself.

216. A spiritual man is not spiritual because he is

interested in spiritual matters - though it is
inevit able that a spiritual man is interested in
spirituality. A spiritual man is spiritual, because
he organises his life in accordance with the
spiritual order, and leads it guided by the
presence of the spirit.

217. That which does not lead not back to the 217 Š Ami nem vezet vissza a középponthoz, az
centre, leads towards the periphery. a periféria irányába vezet.

218. He who wants the Goal, should also want 218 Š Aki akarja a Célt, annak a Célhoz vezető
the means that lead to the Goal. For if he does eszközöket is akarnia kell. Ha ugyanis nem
not want the means leading to the Goal, he akarja a Célhoz vez ető eszközöket, voltaképpen
certainly does not want the Goal. a Célt sem akarja.

219. According to the traditional view every state

one reaches or fails to reach is a question of
power or powerlessness.
220 Š Minél inkább teremtmény egy teremtmény,
220. The more a creature is a creature, the frailer annál sérülékenyebb, annál kikezdhetőbb, annál
he is, the more he is subject to attacks, the more inkább alá van vet ve a körülményeknek, annál
he is subject to circumstances, the more he lives inkább benne él a vonzások és taszítások
in the realm of attractions and repulsions. körében.
221. It is not the objectivities appearing
objectively, but the objectivities which never
appear objectively, namely the inexperienc able
heterons, which represent the most enormous
and most dangerous forces leading one astray.

222. The power whic h has an essential influence

on the nature of existence cannot awak e as my
own power, until I am subject to attractions and

223. If in someone spiritual intentions arise that

demand that there be no nook in his life left out
from the transformation demanded by the spirit.
There cannot be such a thing that I do on
Sunday, but will not do on Monday. There cannot
be separated areas. Neit her is it a separated
area whether one puts on or takes off one’s hat.

224. Man should not ens ure reservations of 224 Š Az ember nem biztosíthat élet én belül
darkness in his life. rezervát umokat a sötétség számá ra.

225. So that man can satisfy the very high 225 Š Ahhoz, hogy az ember eleget tehessen az
demand of »Know thyself«, first, with cool »Ismerd meg tenmagad!« nagyon magas
neutrality and intensi ve interest, he should but követelményének, előbb egyszerűen csak
study himself. tanulmányoznia kell önmagát – hűvös
neutralitással és intenzív érdekl ődéssel.
226. He who is incapable of abs orption, is 226 Š Aki nem képes az elmélyülésre, az
incapable of anything serious. egyetlen komoly dologra sem képes.

227. Spiritual conduct of life is inconceivable

without strict rhythmicity.

228. E very spiritually positive act, deed and

operation is an adequately specific mixture of
spontaneity and intentionality.

229. The sine qua non of every spiritual progress

is extended intellectual interest.

230. On the spiritual path there might arise

different obstacles, but there is only one absolute
obstacle: stupidity.

231. It is not possible to want inner processes in

such a vulgar way as man wants to push away a
fairly big wheelbarrow.

232. A spiritual man, on the one hand, should

create a distance between himself and the
modern world, on the ot her hand, he should
oppose himself to it as a definit ely antitraditional

233. From the kali-yuga - not from the historic al

kali-yuga, but taking it in its essential sense -
there is no awak ening. There is awakening only
from the Golden Age.
[According to the Hindu notion, kali-yuga is the
last, darkest - that is spiritually the least
penetrated - and the shortest period of a four-part
world-cycle. For more details see the aphorisms
of the chapter on »The Dark Age«, and the
234. Why did Jesus Christ go to Heaven from the
top of a mountain? Not because Heaven was
nearer from there. Ascension from a mountain
symbolises that from the general levels of the
earth one cannot reach Heaven. An adequate
starting point for ascension to Heaven can only
be a point emerging from the earth.

235. It is impossible to initiate Modern man - but

this does not mean that it is impossible to initiate
the man of today.

[That is, not every present day man can be

considered modern, for while present day is a
chronological definition, modernity is an attitude.]

236. An initiate in his own inner world differs as

much from a non-initiate as man differs from

[A general traditional teaching, known almost

everywhere. Of course, an initiate is not yet an
awak ened one. The degree of initiat e-ness
corresponds more or less to the degree of
beatitude. In connection with it, see aphorism

237. No one can be effectively egged on towards 237 Š Senkit sem lehet eredményesen a szellem
the spirit. felé noszogatni.


238. In every manifested state it is essential that 238 Minden manifesztált állapotban az
one should swim against the current towards the áramlással szemben a forrás irányába kell úszni.

239. Swimming against the current, backwards, 239 Szemben úszni az árral, visszafelé, a Forrás
toward the Source, towards the Light, towards felé, a Fény felé, Isten felé, Önmagam felé...
God, towards Myself.

240. It is impossible to initiate Modern man - only 240 A modern ember beavathatatlan – csak az
archaic man can be initiated. Therefore man’s archaikus em ber iniciálható. Ezért a
task above all is to archaize himself. mindenekelőtti feladat: az embernek archaizálnia
kell önmagát.
241. Descent, the »going down to the
netherworld«, should by all means take place
and it does take place and it takes place
intentionally. But while if I descend using my own
will powers my descent will be followed by an
ascension, if I descend subjecting myself to the
forces of a foreign will it will not be followed by an
242. Realisation without asceticism is pure

243. He who controls himself, controls the world.

244. By gaining power over consciousness man 244 Š A tudat feletti hatalom megszerzése révén
gains power over being. a lét feletti hatalom is elnyeretik.

245. While I do not have control over my 245 Š Addig, amíg a körülmények fölött képtelen
circumstances I should at least try not to let vagyok uralkodni, legalább azt próbáljam
circumstances have control over me. megvalós ítani, hogy a körülmények ne
uralkodjanak fölöttem.
246. What detac hes bandha (bondage) from
karma (action), and what will not let an action in
the domain of deeds bec ome fate, is not other
than dominion.

[This is the principle of karma-yoga. For what

binds man is not action itself, but the uncontrolled
nature of an action - that is, an action in which
the subject of the action is not maximally

247. The most fundamental question, the »Who

am I?«, which, with a concentrative-meditative-
contemplative aim, was put into words by
Ramana Maharsi, is in fact a question to which,
in the sense of formulated-ness, no answer might
be given. The question of »Who am I?« is a
question but not in the sens e in which questions
are questions. The question »Who am I?« is the
key sentence of ranging myself, formulated in the
form of a question: orally it is still a question but
internally not.

248. It is possible to fix one’s attention on

anything, but one can only concent rate (sanskrit
dh÷ran÷) on an int uition or at least the place of a
not long departed intuition.

249. Attempting self-correction in the domain of

unrealisable tasks is an excellent opportunity for
man to avoid making corrections in himself.

250. There is hardly a better chanc e for man to 250 Š Alig van kiválóbb lehetősége annak, hogy
exempt himself from the requirements of az ember felmentse magát a megvalós ítás
realisation than by setting himself such high követelményei alól, mint az, ha olyan magas
norms which he surely cannot attain. normákat állít maga elé, amelyeket biztos, hogy
nem tud elérni.
251. Making haste is from the the devil, as well 251 Š A sietés is az ördögtől való; a halogatás is
as delaying. az ördögtől való.

252. »As it is possible«: only this is left open for 252 Š »Ahogy Lehet«: ez az, ami a jelenkori
the man of today. ember számára egyedül nyit va maradt.
[Az Ahogy Lehet egy párizsi kiadású magyar
nyelvű katolikus folyóirat.]

253. The acarya, the guru and the buddha in fact

have only one absolute and inalienable attribut e:
what ever form they should take, wit h their work
they never increase darkness.

254. If a disciple is apt the master will appear - as

it is maintained in India. We could put it like this:
He who is apt will dream the guide into his own

255. From where one knows a given thing only

seemingly justifies anything; in fact it justifies
nothing. If someone really knows something it
matters not whether he heard it on a tram or
learnt it from a master.

256. He who cannot find the discipline in himself 256 Aki nem találja meg önmagában a
cannot find the guru in himself either. tanít ványt, az nem találhatja meg önmagában a
gurut sem.


257. Mere existence (datum) is not something

that has been realised. He who finds himself in
life loses himself in death.

258. The realisation of Myself means the creation

of Myself - to become the cause and causer, that
is the dominator, of my own being.

259. The ultimate goal is salvation, but there is

still a goal, an absolute goal, beyond this ultimate
goal: the awakening. A goal is just in this sense a
goal: a goal is a goal for this absolute goal exists
- since without an absolute goal there could not
be relative goals either.

260. There is no such cosmic level relative to 260 Nincs olyan kozmikus fokozat, amelynél
which there is no higher cosmic level. And there magasabb kozmikus fok ozat ne lenne. És nincs
is no such cosmic level relative to which there is olyan kozmikus fokozat, amelynél alacsonyabb
no lower cosmic level: wandering in the cosmos kozmikus fokozat ne lenne. A kozmoszon belüli
can be endless - and this is exactly why bolyongás végtelen lehet – éppen ezért a
metaphysical realisaton is not a furt her piling up metafizikai megvalós ítás nem a fokozatok
of levels, but an absolut e breaking through of további halmozása, hanem abszolút
dimensions. dimenzióáttörés.

261. Realisation takes place on the very route on 261 A megvalósítás pontosan azon a vonalon
which becoming took place - only the other way megy végbe, amelyen a létesülés is végbement –
round. csak visszafelé.

262. Only that can come true which has never 262 Š Csak az valósulhat meg, ami soha meg
ceased to exist. sem szűnt.

263. One should not experience somet hing that

is somewhere - be it close or far - I have to
experience myself, that which is here - only
without any pers onal or cosmic boundaries.
264. The Goal, which is in the infinite, is forever

265. To be infinitely Myself: this is the Goal. 265 Š Végt elenül Önmagamnak lenni: ez a Cél.

266. Realisation is the realisation of myself as 266 Š A megvalósítás önmagam megvalósít ása
the Absolute. Abszolútumként.

267. Man’s real task is to transmute himself from 267 Az ember voltaképpeni feladat a, hogy
individuum isolatum into Individuum Absolutum. individuum isolatumból Individuum Absolutummá
transzmutálja magát.
268. The goal is to get from identification to the 268 A cél – az identifikációból eljutni az autonóm
autonomous identifier. This is the goal - the goal identifikátorig. Ez jelenti a célt – azt a célt, amely
which determines the way, determines the meghatározza az utat, meghat ározza a
starting point and in this the goal and the starting kiindulópont ot, s amelyben feltárul, hogy a cél és
point turn out to be one. a kiindulópont voltaképpen egy.

269. If I turn myself totally to myself no power 269 Ha önmagamat teljesen önmagammá
remains beyond me. The dethronement of the változtatom, minden fölöttem működő hatalom
»other« operating above me means that I deprive megszűnik. A fölöttem műk ödő »más«
myself as not recognised myself of sovereignty detronizációja azt jelenti, hogy megfosztom
and put myself as recognised myself into power. önmagamat mint fel nem ismert önmagamat az
For the recognition of myself is the same as the uralomtól, és trónra emelem önmagamat mint
realisation of myself and the realisation of myself önmagamként felismert önmagamat. Mert
is the same as being free and sovereign. felismerni önmagamat annyi, mint megvalósítani
önmagamat; és megvalósít ani önmagamat annyi,
270. Yoga is realisation - absolute Self- mint szabadnak és uralkodónak lenni.
realisation; such a self-realisation that takes man 272 A megvalósítás az objektum és a
out of the human world, out of the world of szubjektum egységének megvalós ítása. Ha
existence and along a path that he has opened azonban ez az egység az objektumban jön létre,
up in himself, leading him to the Centre of being, akkor az az individuum pusztulását fogja
which is beyond being. jelenteni. A megvalós ítás során az egységnek a
szubjektumban kell létrejönnie.
271. To awak e is the same as to awake to
Myself. For though in every moment I am Myself,
yet not absolutely. If I turn myself through myself
totally to myself: that is awakening.

272. Realisation is the realisation of object and

subject. If, however, this unity is realised in the
object, it means the destruction of the individual.
In the course of realisation unity should be
realised in the subject.

273. In realisation I should reduce myself

towards actions from objects and towards the
subject from actions. In the opposite direction
one can never find the essence - unless I
recognise myself in beings. For in objects as
objects it is impossible to find the essence; in
objects, however, as subjects which are realised
through actions, it is possible.

274. Total realisation is the unity of the centre 274 A teljes megvalósítás a centrum és a
and the periphery. periféria egysége.

275. Absolution is not a private achievement. 275 Az abszolúció nem privát teljes ítmény. A
Awakening is the awakening of being. felébredés a lét felébredése.
276. With the awakening of man the whole world 276 Az ember felébredésével az egész világ
awak ens. felébred.
[Mint ahogy a közönséges álmodás esetében is
[As in the case of common dreaming where with az álmodó felébredésével egész álomvilága is
the awakening of the dreamer his whole dream felébred visszaintegrálódva magába az
world, reintegrated into the dreamer himself, álmodóba.]
awak ens.]

277. When I rec onstruct myself, I reconstruct the 277 Amikor önmagamat állítom helyre, a világot
world. állítom helyre.

278. He who bec omes a buddha, realises the

totality of being.

279. Yoga is a way through which I gain power to 279 A jóga – út annak megvalósítására, hogy
do being. hatalmam legyen a létet tenni.

280. Absolut e Self-realisation is the absolute 280 A teljes Ön-megvalósítás a lét teljes
realisation of being, in which it comes to light that megvalós ítása, amelyben feltárul, hogy időtlenül
I, atemporally, am the creator, sustainer and én vagyok a lét teremtője, fennt artója és
transmuter of being. transzmutálója.

281. Nirva¬a is nothing other than the 281 Š A nirvāya nem más, mint a »más«-nak az
deflammatio of the »other«. ellobbanása.

282. Nirva¬a is neither in a concrete nor in a

figurative sense a place, which waits for one to
arrive. It is, in fact, not possible to enter nirva¬a
as we ent er a room. It is realised by and with my
entering it. Anyway, it is not different in our most
ordinary everyday life...

283. Man has a cosmic task, but his ultimate goal

lies beyond the cosmos. This ultimate, absolute
goal which is beyond the cosmos is nowhere else
but here - nonet heless, between my hic et nunc
personality that is in the cosmos, and my hic et
nunc personality that is beyond the cosmos,
there is everything: heaven, hell and purgatory,
the worlds, the chaos and the cosmos.

284. Metaphysical realisation, ultimately, is open

to anyone, but it does not mean at all that
everybody is fit for it. For only those are fit for
metaphysical realisation who represent the
ascending and upward aspect of the unique,
Universal Man.

[i.e. - as it is stated in the 120th aphorism - every

single man is the versional incarnation of the
Universal Man.]

285. Principally, metaphysical realisation is open

to every man, since almost directly behind and
above the person stands the Subject; practically,
though, only the elite of the spiritual elite have a
chance for realisation, for the totality of
existence, the whole cosmos lie between person
and Subject.
286. Incapability for realisation, first and
foremost, can forever be attributed to a lack of

287. The terror of annihilation is only a second-

grade primary terror; the first-grade primary terror
is the terror of awak ening.

288. In the process of realisation even descent

can have its own place, provided it is under

289. Realisation, and what is realised in

realisation, is not a reward but a result.

290. E very being awakens - but not according to

its own identification.

[Reference to the views called »happyendist« by

Julius E vola, according to which everyone attains
liberation in the end. Since he who not awakes
not as a result of his autonomous endavours, but
at the end of a world cycle -when everything
returns to the Metaphysicum Absolutum -, this
awak ening, concerning his self-identity is equal
to annihilation.]


291. Tradition means a handing over (latin trans- 291 Š A tradíció átadás (latin trans-dare): egy
dare): the handing over of a supertemporal circle időfeletti princípium-kör átadása az időben.
of principles here in time.

292. Tradition is the atemporal thrown into 292 Š A tradíció az időbe vetettségben lévő
temporality. időtlen.

293. Knowledge of the origin, knowledge of the 293 Š Tudás az eredet ről, tudás az útról, tudás a
path, knowledge of the all -transcending, ultimate végső, mindeneket meghaladó célról: ez a
goal: this is metaphysical realisation. metafizikai tradíció.

294. Tradition springs forth from the et ernal, 294 Š A tradíció az örökkévalóból ered, az
points at the eternal, and in the human modality örökkévalóra mutat rá és az örökkévaló felé való
of being represents the aspiration towards the törek vést prezentálja az emberi lét formában.

295. Metaphysical tradition is at the same time

solar and polar: polar for though it appears in the
earthly-human sphere, yet it is of heavenly origin
and for this reason its origin is not subject to the
whirlpool of existence (samsara), it is solar for
the powers characteristic of my self-awareness
which provide the rule of the aut on are present in

296. There is only one primordial tradition for

there is only one metaphysics, and there is only
one met aphysics for there is only one being.
297. Tradition can never be identified simply with
metaphysical doctrines or with symbology
bearing a doctrinal value, and even less with the
archaic documents that present these. Tradition
is the total acceptance of a world and the total
denial of anot her.

298. Metaphysically speaking, tradition is nothing

other than »remembrance«, and the bearing of
the connection with the origin. Modernity,
however, is not only the lack of this
»remembrance«, but at the same time the denial
of this metaphysical »remembranc e« and aims at
the destruction of every kind of representation of

299. The most sinister thing is forever if

something subsists, but not truly; this is really
much worse than if it disappeared. Since if
something does not truly subsist, it will sooner or
later come to function as a caricature and
antithesis of the original.

[It especially refers to those legitimate traditional,

spiritual and initiatory organisations which have
maintained their continuity, but whose original
features have gradually faded away or turned
directly to their opposites.]

300. Each and every language is a tradition. 300 Š Minden ny elv egy tradíció.

301. In the earthly-human sphere there cannot

be a bipolar opposition bigger and tenser than of
that between tradition and antitradition, and
traditionality and antitraditionality, respectively.

302. Antitradition can be understood only from

tradition; it cannot stand by itself.

303. Since the offensive form of antitraditionality 303 Az antitradicionalitás offenz ív formájának
appeared, the slight est compromise between megjelenése óta a tradicionalitás és az
traditionality and antitraditionality has been an antitradicionalitás közötti legcsekélyebb
enormous antitraditional triumph. kompromisszum is hatalmas antitradicionális
diadalt jelent.
[An example: »Catholic-Marxist dialogues always [Egy példa: »A katolikus–marxista párbeszédek
implied the defensiveness of the Church and the minden esetben az egyház defenzíváját és a
success of Marxism - regardless of the fact that marxizmus sikerét jelentették – függetlenül attól,
in the course of thes e dialogues it was invariably hogy a dialógusok során a marxisták rendre
the Marxists whose performance was weaker gyengébben szerepeltek, mint a katolikusok.
than that of the Catholics. Since the very fact that Hiszen már maga az a tény, hogy egyházi
in religious circles the question was not whether körökben nem a marxisták máglyára küldésén
to send Marxists to the stake but to find the elmélkedt ek, hanem azon, hogy hogyan lehetne
common ground among the opposing views, megtalálni az ellent étes nézetek körében is a
demonstrated the defensiveness of the Church. nézetazonosságot, az egyház defenzíváját
For Marxists it was not the outcome of the jelentette. A marxisták számára nem a dialógus
dialogues which was import ant but that the kimenetele volt az érdekes, hanem az, hogy az
Church started to »c ourt « them.« (András egyház elkezdett udvarolni nekik.« (László
László)] András)]
304. A traditional man should become a scholar 304 A tradicionális embernek az
in antitradition. antitradicionalitás tudósává kell válnia.


305. Antitraditionality is nothing other than the 305 Az antitradicionalitás nem más, mint a
creating of confusion in the relationship between létesült világ és a létesült világ centruma közötti
the existent world and the centre of the existent kapcsolat megzavarása annak érdekében, hogy
world so as to make it impossible to find the way a centrumba való visszatalálás lehetetlenné
back to the centre. váljék.

306. Antitraditionality is not a mental question 306 Az antitradicionalitás éppúgy nem értelmi
just the same as it is not an emotional question; it kérdés, mint ahogy nem is érzelmi kérdés –
not a question of a ment al defect just the same éppúgy nem egy értelmi defektus, mint ahogy
as it is not a question of an emotional derailment. nem egy érzelmi kisiklottság kérdése. Az
Antitraditionality is a question of habitus: it is the antitradicionalitás alkati kérdés: egy mer őben új,
view of a completely new and degenerated type degenerált embertípus szemlélete.
of man.

307. Those forces that manipulate the world, so

that they can work undisturbed, want to
accomplish two things: first and foremost that
their existence be questioned, and if this does
not work, they would at least like to appear

308. The dark forces that operate in the world

also perform tiger-riding, but in fact it is contra-
tiger-riding. True, they ride the tiger, yet not by
sitting on its back, but by clinging to its belly and
allowing themselves to be carried by it.

[»Tiger-riding« is a tantric symbol of Far-E astern

origin. The tiger is a symbol of the destructive
forces which snatch away. According to Far -
Eastern symbolism the yogi is able »t o sit on«,
»to ride« these forces, then to turn them towards
the direction of realis ation. In this way the forces
- for example, sexuality or fighting - which bind
common man more and more to the world of
existence, take the yogi towards his ultimate

309. Disintegration can also be seen on the 309 Š A felbomlás a felszínen is látható. A
surface. The act of disintegration, however, is felbomlasztás azonban mindig a felszín alatt van,
forever under the surface which makes it even és ezért észrevenni is sokkal nehezebb.
more difficult to notice it.

310. The path leading to chaos is not yet chaotic, 310 Š A káoszhoz vez ető út még nem kaotikus,
only in its ultimate phase. For, though a chaos - csak legvégs ő fázisában. Mert bár a kaotizáló
creating force is creating chaos in its course, it erő menet közben is kaotizál, de maga
necessarily gets structured into dark order of szükségképpen egy sötét rendbe strukturálódik.

311. If we are to define in the most general

manner under what rule the world is at present,
we should most aptly use the term

[Scotasmocrateia is a neologism of András

László; it denotes the »rule of darkness«.]

312. That idea of genus to which all the ruling 312 Š Az a genus-fogalom, amely alá a ma
trends belong today and of which the latter ones uralkodó irányzatok összessége tartozik, s
are merely adapt ations for their own domain, is amelynek ez utóbbiak csupán a maguk területére
scotasmocrateia, that is the rule of darkness. vonatkoztatott adapt ációi, a szkotazmokrácia,
vagyis a sötétség uralma.
313. In the disintegration of the world the same [A szkotazmokrácia László András
type of forces work as those related to the neologizmusa; jelentése: »a sötétség uralma«.]
disintegration of the proc esses of consciousness
in the strict sense of the word.

314. That which is in opposition to what 314 Š Az, ami szemben áll az élet felettivel,
transcends life, ultimately, is in opposition to what végső soron szemben áll azzal is, ami az élet
belongs to the domain of life - for life gets life körébe tartozik – mert az életet az élet feletti
from what transcends life. élteti.

315. As the forces of modernity first annihilate 315 Š Ahogy a modernitás erői először a
the connection with the supernatural and ruin természetfelettivel való viszonyt semmisítik meg,
man’s relationship with nat ure and only then s csak utána rontják meg a természettel való
destroy nature, in the same way they destroy the kapcsolatot, illet ve magát a természetet, éppúgy
connection with what transcends life first and először azt pusztítják el, ami az életfelettivel áll
only then annihilate life itself. kapcsolatban, s csak utána semmisítik meg
magát az élet et.
316. Arhythmicity is one of the most dangerous
weapons of antitraditionality against all aspects
of life.

317. First, only he who maintains his principles is

considered a fool (though he is not), then it
comes true that only the fool maintains his

318. Those things which are usually referred to

as superstitions are in fact innocent and
harmless superstitions. The harming and harmful
superstitions appear in totally different forms
such as evolutionism, antihierarchical views,
beliefs in the equality of mankind and as all those
phenomena which, philosophically speaking,
belong to the realm of humanism.
319 Š Bár a romantikus antimodernizmusban is
319. Though in romantic anti-modernity there megnyilvánul egy ellenszegülés a modern világ
also appears a resistance against the dark forces sötét erőivel szemben, de magába az
of the modern world, yet the claws which reach ellenszegülésbe is beleragadnak azok a karmok,
from the darkness towards man’s soul get stuck amelyek a sötétségből nyúlnak ki az ember lelke
even in resistance itself. felé.

320. It is the inherent nature of every destructive 320 Š Minden destruktív erő alaptermészete,
force that in the end it undermines itself. hogy végül önmagát is aláássa.

321. The meaning of modernity, in which man 321 Hogy mit jelent a modernitás, amelyben az
becomes more and more subject to negative ember egyre inkább a negat ív erők függvényévé
forces, can only be properly measured by those válik, azt csak az tudja helyesen felmérni, aki
who know that becoming a subject to positive tudja, hogy már a pozitív erők függvényévé válni
forces is also a negative thing. is negatívum.

322. Modernity is itself antitraditionality. 322 Š A modernitás maga az antitradicionalitás.

323. Modernitiy is an offensive form of


324. Kali-yuga means that what is below my

personal self starts to determine my personal self
more and more, in the sense that it hinders the
reduction of my personal self to my
hyperpersonal Self.

325. Modernity is that which is hostile to 325 Š A modernitás megvalós ításellenesség.


326. Modern man is modern, that is

antitraditional, antispiritual and antimethaphysical
because with his outlook and tendencies he does
not turn towards the Source but towards the end
of the currents, a kind of ocean in a negative

[An ocean is simultaneously a symbol of the two,

positive and negative, extremes of possibilities:
as a positive symbol it symbolises the totality of
being of God which is the ultimate goal of the
follower of a spiritual path; as a negative symbol
it represents the melting int o the unqualified root-
nature of the existent world, into the pure passive
potentiality. Naturally the latter means the
annihilation of the individual identification, that is
the individual involved in the process.]

327. Modernity is anti-centre, but this does not 327 Š A modernitás középpontellenes – de ez a
»disturb« the centre at all. Being anticentre középpontot egyáltalán nem zavarja. A
disturbs the effort which aims at reaching the középpontellenesség a középpont elérésére
centre. irányuló törek vést zavarja.

328. Modernity is the way to conformity - the way 328 Š A modernitás konformizálódás –
to conformity forever in the direction of the konformizálódás mindig a legalacsonyabb rendű
lowest. irányában.

329. Kali-yuga is characterised mainly by the 329 Š A kali-yugát elsősorban a tudat

passionat e clinging to the continuous leépüléséhez és felbomlásához való
deterioration and disintegration of szenvedélyes ragaszkodás jellemzi.

330. The last phase of Kali-yuga is the period 330 Š A kali-yuga végső fázisa az addig
when the poisons having been held back so far visszatartott mérgek kibocsátásának kora.
are being emitted.
331 Š »Elnyeletés«: ez a fundamentális szava
331. »Being devoured«: this is the fundamental annak, amit a sötétség uralma megvalósít –
word for what the rule of darkness realises; being elnyeletés, amelyet megsemmisülés követ.
devoured, which is followed by annihilation.

332. Kali-yuga is not merely a state but a 332 Š A kali-yuga nem csupán egy állapot,
threat ening and devouring throat. hanem egy fenyegető és elnyelő torok.

333. The disintegrating forces of darkness are 333 Š A sötétség felbomlasztó erői élő erők, de
living forces, living forces that bring death. halált hoz ó élő erők.

334. As a human life subjugated to illness is not

only ill but is also spreading illness, just the same
way a »dark« man is not only »dark« but is also
spreading darkness.

335. The forces of darkness can gain power in 335 Š A sötétség erői csupán azért vehetik át a
the world only because they have already gained hatalmat a világban, mert előzőleg már át vették a
power in the soul. lélekben.

336. That which surrounds man is the reflection

of his inner world.

337. With a pinch of salt one could say that

everything maintained in the world at present is
false or utterly valueless or explicitly represents
some kind of dark counter-value.

338. The present time as a temporal int erval can

have positive manifestations but just as much as
these do not represent the present time as
modern present time.

339. What prevails at present is so bad that what

is slightly better than this still cannot be
considered good at all.

340. In order to be an arya, that is twice-born,

one has to be thrice-born: he has to be born as
an anarya, he has to be born in a way that
potential aryaness should come alive in him, and
in the end he has to be born as a full member of
an arya caste.
[Originally, in India only those could be a full
member of the three upper - arya - castes
(sanskrit brahma¬ a var¬a, ksatriya var¬a, vaisya
var¬a) who went through a caste-initiation. The
members of these three castes were called
twice-born (sanskrit dvija). The members of the
fourth - an÷rya, that is non-÷rya - caste did not
have to go through a caste-initiation to actualise
their caste-membership.]

341. Kali-yuga is present in the consciousness, in

the strict sense of the word, in the human
psyche, in the spiritual manifestations and deeds
of man, just as it is present in the surrounding
world, in buildings, in music, in the different
manifestations of artistic trends and in the very
processes of nature. Wherever man directs his
attention, be it inward or outward, he is
everywhere surrounded and ruled by a world
which is under the aegis of antitraditionality - that
is being cut off from God, heaven,
transcendenc e, superiority and the essence.

342. The present time as a modern time, that is,

an antitraditional time in the extreme, is the time
of negative dominances. And it holds true even
on the level of the most base profanities: for
example, a young and healthy man feels bad
much more often than good, he is much rather
depressive, sad and gloomy than luminous,
happy and joyous.

343. The present age - as René Guénon put it -

»is the crisis of the modern world«. Yet, the
modern world without any inner crises is ab ovo
the crisis of the world itself. When the crisis itself
gets into crisis, it will not come about in the sense
as if a traditional world were to take the place of
the modern world but in the sense that the
modern world as one built on materialism - that is
on a view representing lifelessness, destruction
and even active forces of death - reached a
phase when the destructive and necrotising
forces let loose by materialism are starting to
disintegrate modern world itself.

344. Modernity is not a stiffened, static reality, 344 A modernitás nem egy megmerevedett,
but a dynamic process, which is continuously statikus valóság, hanem egy dinamikus folyamat,
working to make itself darker and darker. amely szakadatlanul önmaga egyre sötétebbé
tételén munkálkodik.
345. Descent is not merely a monotonous
descent. Phases of sudden halts, sharp falls and
slow descents are changing - but these take
place in the process of a monotonous descent.

346. Exactly as in the demential phase of 346 Pont osan úgy, ahogy a paralysis
paralysis progressiva there are lucida intervalla, progressiva teljes dementálódási fázisában is
but they come about more and more raerly and vannak lucidum intervallumok, de egyre
are less and less luminous, in just the same way ritkábban jelentkeznek és egyre kevés bé
in the last phase of the Kali -yuga there can be fényteljesek, éppúgy a kali-yuga e végső
lucida intervalla, but those who examine fázisában is lehetnek lucidum intervallumok, de
processes in their total coherence cannot be azokat, akik a folyamatokat teljes
deceived by these. összefüggésükben szemlélik, ezek nem
téveszthetik meg.
347. Modernity is maximal just now. 347 Š A modernitás éppen most maximális.

348. Onc e darkening could be perceived in fifty 348 Š Valamikor az elsötétedést öt ven- és
or a hundred years. Now it is perceivable every százévekben lehetett észrevenni. Ma már
five years. ötévenként észrevehető.

349. An age, in which wisdom means

cautiousness, and cleverness sly cunning, in an
age where honesty is paired with foolishness and
mental disorders, and - here comes the saddest!
- in which honesty is quite often in connection
with a sallow mind and pathological mental
states, cannot be other than an age with a
downward ending.
350. An age, which gives much more chance for 350 Š Joggal nevezhető átkozottnak az a kor,
darkness than for light, is quite justly considered amely sokkal nagyobb esélyt ad a sötétség, mint
damned. a világosság érvényesülésének.

351. Nothing illustrates better the nature of an

age than that which succeeds in it: the higher or
the lower, the good or the bad, the angelic or the
demonic. And today - looking at it from a
»bookmaker’s« point of view - the victory of the
wors e is incomparably more probable than that of
the better.

352. He whose aim is decline, failure and fall can

be sure of his success.

353. All that is directed toward fall starts with

infinit ely great advantages.

354. The truly spiritual axiom, according to which

omnia vincit veritas holds true today, broadly
speaking, only in escatological perspectives.

355. At present dark ness does not live in

reservations, but is flourishing everywhere -
whereas spirituality does not even live in

356. In the past five hundred years a new type of 356 Š Az utóbbi ötszáz évben jelent meg az az
man has appeared, who rejoices if something or embertípus, amelyik örül annak, ha valamir ől
someone turns out to be valueless, base or non- vagy valakiről kiderül, hogy értéktelen,
existent. Since only a degenerated type is alacsonyrendű, vagy egyenesen nincs. Mert csak
capable of rejoicing if the world gets poorer. egy degenerált embertípus képes örülni annak,
ha a világ szegényebb.
357. Most of the modern theories are false to 357 Š A legtöbb modern elmélet annyira nem
such an extent that those views which are igaz, hogy még a vele homlokegyenest ellenkező
directly contradictory to them are false as well. elmélet sem az.

358. Most of the modern conceptions are false to

such an extent that it is not enough to change a
modern conc ept for one which is oppos ed to it by
180 degrees, but it has to be replac ed with one
that is opposed to it by 540 degrees.

359. Kali-yuga cannot leave any disciplines

unturned: it is massively present in each.

360. Into the general obscuration special, 360 Š Az általános elsötétedésbe speciális,
intensifying and darkening forces join on the level felfokozó elsötétítő erők kapcsolódnak be a
of the different processes of consciousness: különböző tudat folyamatok síkján: minden
every process of consciousness is attacked tudatfolyamat ot különkülön támadnak erők,
separately by these forces; every process of minden tudat folyamatnak külön »ördöge« van.
consciousness has its own »devil«.

361. Today’s man has gradually built a denatured 361 Š A mai ember fokozatos an egy denaturált
world for himself: he has already been cut off állapotban lévő világot épített ki a maga
from the supernatural, and now he is about to számára: a természetfelettitől már elszakadt, és
take leave of the nat ural. most készül elszakadni a természetitől is.

362. It is not so much that the number of miracles

is getting very few and far between which is
characteristic of the modern world, but rather the
almost absolute exhaustion of the spiritually
orientating power of miracles. If let’s say
someone appeared who surpassed all the
previous magicians, and wandering about the
world res urrected all the dead in the cemet eries,
what would happen then? Would everyone
convert »crying peccavi«? Probably not. They
would say: »There seem to be things like this.«

363. Behind today’s most complicated theories 363 Š A legbonyolultabb jelenkori elméletek
there lies immeasurable poverty of thought. hátterében legtöbbször mérhetetlen
gondolatszegénység rejtőzik.
364. The specific blindnesses of the dark age as 364 Š A sötét kor specifikus vakságai rendszerint
a rule cloak themselves in rationalism. racionalizmusba burkolóznak.

365. The forces of darkness work with some kind 365 Š A sötétség erői valamiféle öntudatlan
of subconscious consciousness and clock-like tudatossággal óramű pontossággal dolgoznak
regularity so as to make the manifestation of annak érdekében, hogy a pozitív dolgok is csak
positive things possible only when they can no akkor nyilvánulhassanak meg, amikor igazi
longer have a real effect. hatást már nem tudnak kifejteni.

366. A machine is demonic for it contributes to 366 Š A gép azért démoni, mert hozzájárul
the emergence of a considerable alienation ahhoz, hogy egy nagyfokú elidegenedés jöjjön
between producer, production and product - and létre a produktor, a produkció és a produktum
this is always accompanied by an inner között – ami mindig egy ütt jár egy benső
alienation. elidegenedéssel is.

367. Though technology does not a priori

contradict spirituality, it generally stands in the
way of spiritual efforts, for it is generated from a
mentality which is based on self-loss and
negative self-denial.

368. It is never possible to leave earth in an

earthly manner.

369. Wherever man goes with his earthly tools,

he always takes his earthly conditions within

370. The degeneration of the power of money is

now beyond the realm of money as a concret e
means of payment.

371. There is only one more demonic form of

payment than timewage and that is piecewage.
While in the case of the former the mere quantity
of time spent on working is taken into
consideration, in the case of the latter it is the
number of the producer’s products.

372. Although journalism is incapable even of

creating dark counter-ideas, the satanic forces
which operate behind journalism are already
capable of it.

373. There can be peoples who will not partak e

in the new golden age, but there are no peoples
who would not partake in the dark age.
374. The aim is not to turn the process of Kali -
yuga back, but on the contrary; it should pr ogress
to its end as soon as possible. Nonetheless, the
absolute values should be maintained during this
process of disintegration.

375. The forces of darkness and the forces of 375 Š A sötétség erői és a fény erői a
light in a way want the same in the present age: jelenkorban egy tekintetben ugyanazt akarják: a
to make the kali-yuga progress to its end. But kali-yuga lefuttatását. De míg a sötétség erői
whereas the forces of darkness tend to annihilate ezen túl arra irányulnak, hogy ne maradjon fenn
the true values as well, the forces of light tend to semmiféle érték, a fény erői arra irányulnak, hogy
maintain the true values in the course of kali- az igazi értékek a kali-yuga lefutása közepette is
yuga so as to serve in the building up of a future megmaradjanak, hogy majdan egy új aranykor
golden age. építését szolgálhassák.

376. One has to accommodate himself to the 376 Š A modern világhoz alkalmazkodni kell,
modern world so that his powers will not wear hogy erői ne őröljék fel az embert – de nem a
him out - but not in the sense of bending and modern világhoz való simulás és hasonulás
assimilating to it, but as a kind of acclimatisation; értelmében, hanem egy fajta akklimatizációként:
for he who gets acclimatised will not »serve« the mert aki akklimatizálódik, az nem szolgálja a
climate but resists the climate. klímát, hanem ellenáll a klímának.

377. Despite all its losing track, deterioration and 377 Š Minden elúttalanodása, eltévelyedése,
dissipation, today’s world and the tendencies szétforgácsolódása ellenére a jelenkori világ és a
operating in it show one direction: the direction of benne működő tendenciák egy irányba mut atnak:
nothingness. a semmiirányába.

378. Being in se is not poisoned; in alio, 378 Š A lét in se nincs megmérgez ve; in alio
however, it is poisoned, lethally poisoned. azonban meg van mérgez ve, méghozzá


379. Postmodernity is a final and disintegrated 379 A posztmodernitás a modernitáson belül

state in the domain of modernity, something that egy végső és szétesett állapotot jelent: azt, ami
is modern and disintegrated. modern, de már szétesetten.

380. Modernity disqualifies eac h premodern

formation, while postmodernity accepts all that is
not formally modern, but it does not tolerate
anything essentially not modern. This is why the
postmodern should essentially be more modern
than even the most modern, otherwise it could
not expedite the destructive opus in which it
reaches its purpose.

381. The postmodern state, in which everything 381 Š Mielőtt a poszt-posztmodernitásban

can be manifested without any real minden végképp szétesnék, előbb még meg kell
consequence, and in which everything will be valós ulnia annak a posztmodern állapotnak,
free, but not hing will matter, must be amelyben bármi megjelenhet, de immár minden
accomplished before everything falls apart in valós ágos konzek vencia nélkül; amelyben
postmodernity. Without this, the final minden szabad lesz, de semminek nem lesz
disintegration will not come about, since there semmi jelentősége. Ha ez nem következnék be,
would always be left certain positive remnants. a végső szétesés sem következhetne be, mert
mindig maradnának pozitív reziduumok.
382. The definitely elaborated Weltanschauungs
with sharp outlines are extremely dangerous for
the dark processes of postmodernity. But the
most dangerous are the Weltanschauungs with
sharp outlines that have universal perspective.

383. If postmodernity had a basis of

Weltanschauung, it would be postmarxism, for
within the scope of the latter it is the easiest to
discredit of all the weltanschauungs.

384. Postmarxism as a Weltanschauung is not

only insignificant in itself, but it also makes
everything else insignificant.

385. Postmarxism says that we should admit that 385 Š Valljuk be, mondja a posztmarxizmus,
we do not know whether being determines hogy nem tudjuk: a lét határozzae meg a tudatot,
consciousness, or vice vers a, whet her vagy a tudat határozza meg a létet. Mit jelent ez?
consciousness determines being. What does this Azt jelenti, hogy e szemlélet szerint nemcsak a
mean? It means that according to this approach lét, hanem – horribile dictu! – a tudat is, valamint
not only being, but – horribile dictu! – ezek egymáshoz való viszonya tudattól
consciousness as well, and also their relation to függetlenül létez ő objektív realitás, amelyekkel
one another are objective realities existing kapcsolatban semmi bizonyosat nem lehet tudni.
independently from consciousness, therefore,
nothing can be known about either of them.


386. Onc e it took centuries to emanate 386 Valamikor évszázadok alatt történt érezhető
perceivable descent; today it happens in alászállás; ma már évtizedek alatt történik, és
decades, and we are approaching the time when egyre ink ább afelé közeledünk, hogy években,
we can measure changes in years, in months, in majd hónapokban, hetek ben, sőt napokban is
weeks or even in days. The time could come, mérhető lesz a változás. És eljöhet az az idő is,
when a sensible man wakes up in the morning amikor az érzék eny ember reggel arra fog bredni,
realising that during his nightly rest the world has hogy éjszakai nyugodalma alatt a világ
descended in a significant manner. And in the jelentékeny mértékben alászállt, este pedig azzal
evening, he will go to sleep knowing that he is a tudattal fogja álomra hajtani fejét, hogy egy
falling asleep in a significantly more degraded lényegesen degeneráltabb világba n alszik el,
world than that in which he has awaken. mint amiben felébredt.

387. The pralaya following Kali-yuga is neither

the discharge of the withheld poisons, nor the
age of becoming intoxicated as Kali-yuga is, but
it will be the age of intoxication with the emitted

[Each age -K ali-yuga too - is introduced by a pre-

dissolving time (Sanskrit purva-pralaya), and
followed by a post-dissolution time (S anskrit
uttara-pralaya). Between two successive ages
there is always the post-dissolving time of the
first one and the pre-dissolving time of the
second one.]

388. People only become aware of crisis and

catastrophe when the most extreme accidents,
such as floods, earthquakes, epidemics and
famine arrive.
389. We are not far from the time when even the 389 Nem vagyunk már messze attól a pillanattól,
truest postulations will become petty. amikor a legigaz abb tételezések is krajcáros
igazságok lesznek.
390. It is not impossible that there will come a
time when some people will admit traditionality
but from an anti-traditional point of view, when
they start to tinker with E vola and Guéno n, like
they do with Heidegger now: »He is quite
interesting.« - they say. And then we will be able
to see a disgraceful miracle…

391. The effect of man’s depravation will become 391 A sötét korszak előrehaladásával az ember
more apprehensible on deeper and deeper levels megromlottsága egyre durvább síkokon érezteti
during the advancement of the Dark Age. At hatását. A jelen pillanatban csaknem mindenki
present, almost everyone is suffering from pneumatózisban szenved, az emberek
pneumatosis, and a considerable number of men jelentékeny része pedig már pszichózisban is, de
suffer from psychosis; and it will not take long for nem kell sokat várni ahhoz, hogy a pszichózis is
that psychosis to become absolutely common. teljesen általános legyen. És el fog érkezni az az
And there will come a time, when everybody will idő is, amikor mindenki szomatózisban fog
suffer from somatosis, particularly from intra - szenvedni, mégpedig intrauterin állapot ban
uterine-developed somatosis. kialakuló szomatózisban.
[A pneumatózis, pszichózis illetve szomatózis
[Pneumat osis, psychosis and somatosis are általános szellemi, lelki és testi megbetegedés,
general spiritual, psychic and corporal diseases, amely természetesen specifikus betegségekben
which necessarily manifest in specific ailments.] nyilatkozik meg.]

392. Pneumatosis, psychosis and somatosis

develop because - in the first person singular - I
come into conflict with myself.

393. A time - which is not so far - will come when 393 Š El fog jönni az az idő – és már nincs is
the technological civilisation collapses under its messze –, amikor a technikai civilizáció önnön
own weight. súlya alatt összeroskad.

394. A quantitative impoverishment and

depression will follow the present quantitative
proliferation of the human world.

395. Traditional man builds the golden age.

Which golden age, the primordial or a new one?
Neither this, nor that. There is no real differenc e
between the two: he restores the quondam
golden age, and he wants to create the new
golden age.


396. Deviatology, the study of deviations is an

inherent part of paradoseology, the knowledge of

397. It is out of the question that all non-

materialistic trends should ally with one another
against materialism. There are trends that seem
to be spiritual, but actually they are attached to
even darker tendencies than materialistic
398. Those who come from India, and recently 398 Akik Indiából és újabban már Tibetből is
even from Tibet, both to Europe and to America Európába és Amerikába jönnek, hogy mintegy
where they provide some sort of spiritual help spirituális segítséget nyújtsanak az anyagiságba
(whic h helps nobody) to Western men who have süllyedt nyugati ember számára, azok valójában
sunk into materiality, rather accomplish a nem segítenek, hanem egy átfogó sötét dé-
comprehensive, dark and demonic mission. moni missziót hajtanak végre.

399. The modern world has no initiation, and no

spiritual path belongs to it, since the modern
world has extinguished the old mysteries, and no
new mysteries can come up in this world. All that
can be spiritually manifested in this world can
only be realised against the modern world, and
against its forces.

400. As authentic initiation withdraws from the

world, pseudo-initiation and contra-initiation take
its place. As initiatory centres disappear, so
multiply by tens of thous ands pseudo-initiat ory
and cont ra-initiatory cent res.

401. This age does not create new mysteries like

certain contemporary pseudo-spiritual trends
proclaim; it rather produces new deviations in an
inexhaustible manner.

402. In the past, superior men were searching for 402 Š Valamik or magas színvonalú emberek
decades to contact an initiatory centre. Today évtizedeken át kutattak, hogy kapcsolatba
posters of advertising pillars offer half a dozen lépjenek valamilyen beavat ási iskolával. Ma a
gurus simultaneously. hirdetőoszlopok plakátjain egyszerre legalább fél
tucat guru hirdeti magát.
403. All the conditions that lead and keep one
astray are in place today.

404. As light magnetises certain insects, so 404 Š Ahogy vonz bizonyos rovarokat a
spiritual darkness attracts the overwhelming materiális világosság, úgy vonzza az emberek
majority of people. nyomasztóan nagy többségét a spirituális
405. Darkness can not be recognised by its
declaring itself to be dark. Things can not be
accepted at their nominal value. Most things are
not what they say or what they show about

406. There is no ab ovo protection against being

led astray spiritually. The only way one can avoid
spiritual errors is with one’s own spiritual

407. Each school that builds not on conscious

inner activities is a dark one without exception.

408. The easily accomplishable tasks ordained

with merciless rigidity show the pseudo-spiritual
schools’ obvious hypocritical nature.

409. It is not sure whether schools that focus on

transferring doctrine rather than teaching praxis
stand on the side of the light, but those who
teach only praxis are definitely on the side of the
false light, or that of darkness - representing
either imposture or »sat anicity«.

410. Today, those who beyond the contingent

conveying of doctrines also teach elements of
praxis - virtually everyone - cannot be real
masters: they must be impostors or ps eudo-
gurus representing deliberat ely satanic forces.
Tertium non datur.

411. (Pseudo-spirituality) The more diligent

someone is, the greater the trouble he gets into.

412. Most contemporary spiritual doctrines are

collections of commonplaces: sentimental
bundles of banalities.

413. Initiation cannot be trans ferred like chewing -

gum, since both its transmission and its reception
requires quasi-super-human qualifications, a lack
of which in either hinders the transfer itself. Most
often there is a lack in both.

414. The fals e supposition that eventually

everybody can medit ate and does not do so only
because of certain reasons - e.g. he is lazy -, is
made in the very frequent cases when man is
called upon to meditate.

415. One who says that he is practising yoga

(and the expression itself is already repellent)
almost certainly has not hing to do with yoga.
Yoga is the asceticism of spiritual transmutation.

416. It would be favourable if degenerate pe ople

had no ambitions. Unfortunately, many of them -
and a quite significant number - have ambitions,
more over they suffer from ambition-hy pert rophy.

417. (Spiritism) The spiritual goal of man is to

take the Absolute as its aim by transcending
himself into the super-human state of existence.
It is not his goal to transport different entities from
other states of existence into the material state.

418. Happy end is a common characteristic of

occultism penetrated wit h evolutionism:
everybody progresses, though with drawbacks
and tumbles here and there.

419. (»Reincarnationism«) During their

incarnations, people are sorely tried and
seriously jeopardised, they almost fail, but in the
end, like in a movie from Holly wood everything
turns out very well.

420. E very force roused inadequately, that is, not

pervaded with spirit, functions as a force of
421. Finally, it is laziness, i.e. a defect, that often
saves the followers of pseudo-spiritual paths
from winding up in mental catastrophes.

422. Not only true spirit uality withdraws

continuously; spiritual deviations also decline
quickly, which makes them even more faulty and

423. Der Teufel ist Gottes Teufel: »Devil is the

Devil of God«.


424. Man’s origin is essentially not natural, which 424 Nemcsak az emberről lehet azt elmondani,
can also be said about nature itself. hogy döntően nem természeti eredetű; lényege
szerint maga a természet sem természeti
425. The protection of the superhuman, the eredetű.
superlife and the supernatural should always 425 Š Az ember, az élet és a természet védelmét
precede the prot ection of man, life and nature. mindig meg kell előznie az emberfeletti, az
életfeletti és a természetfeletti védelmének.
426. Nowadays, surpassing the naive view of
nature takes place by means of abstraction,
whereas it should take place by a process of
transcending. Abstraction is always bifold: on the
one hand, it is abstraction from the naively
perceived entity of a particular reality, and on the
other hand, it is the abstraction from spirit.
Transcending leads to a real zenith, since it
surpasses the naive view of nat ure towards the
origin of beings.

427. E verything that is against the supernatural 427 Š Ami a természetfeletti ellen irányul, az
also turns, sooner or later, against the nat ural. előbb-utóbb ellene fordul a természetesnek is.


428. Humanism is typically an anti-human view,

which wants to despoil man of his own
superhuman origin and of his own superhuman

429. Humanism is such a special way and view 429 A humanizmus az emberalattiság egy
which prepares for a subhuman state. sajátos előkészítési módja és szemlélete.

430. Humanism is not simply humanism, but it is

the humanism of homo humus, the man who
turns towards the earth and is bound to the earth.

431. From the philosophical point of view, 431 Š A humanizmus filozófiai értelemben nem
humanism does not mean the accomplishment of emberbaráti célok megvalós ítását jelenti, hanem
humanitarian goals, but it means that man wants azt, hogy az ember a maga sorsát merőben
to define his destiny solely on the human level emberi rendű eszközökkel és merőben emberi
with tools of merely human order. szinten kívánja meghatározni.

432. Essentially, there are two kinds of

materialism: material materialism and formal
materialism. The latter is a declared materialism,
while the former is the consequenc e of the
impotenc e of the consciousness: when the power
of the spirit can not resist the influx of the psychic
and corporal contingencies coming from beneath.

433. Materialism is a philosophical school that

stylises and articulat es naive realism, that is, a
view that only wants to see the surface of the

434. Materialistic objectivism is the most inferior

philosophical approach.

435. Materialism separates man from the

superior worlds not by its teachings, but primarily
through the situations and formations of life,
since what is becoming corrupt, also depraves,
and what is destroyed also works as a
destructive force through its residual -like nature.

436. There was no materialism before the 6th

century B.C., - it would have been impossible.

437. The English Civil War had a protestant

nature. The »great« French Revolution was deist.
The Russian Revolution was directly atheistic.
The grades of descent of modern times are:
Protestantism ? Deism ? Atheism.

438. The real materialistic-atheist is event ually a 438 Az igazi materialista-ateista voltaképpen
disguised anti-theist: he knows that there is God, burkolt antiteista: tudja, hogy van Isten, de
but still he denies it in revenge. He is angry with bosszúból csak azért is tagadja. Dühös Istenre,
God, bec ause He forbids him something, and mert eltiltotta valamitől, és mivel nem tűrheti,
since he cannot bear to be restricted, he denies hogy korlátozzák, inkább megt agadja létét.
His being. [A párizsi kommün egyik jelmondat a szerint:
»Nincs Isten, vagy ha volna is, agyon kellene
[One of the slogans of the Paris Commune was: lőni.«]
»There is no God, and even if there were, He
should be shot-down.«]

439. Man generally considers something real 439 Š Az ember közönségesen és általánosan
when he is unable to cope with it, and the more azt tartja valóságosnak, amivel szemben
powerless he is, the more real he considers that tehetetlen, és minél tehetetlenebb valamivel
thing to be. This is why the sense of touch is the szemben, azt annál valóságosabbnak tartja. A
chief sensation of verification, since this is when tapintás ezért a legfőbb verifikációs képesség:
one meets with the most impenetrable, against mert ekkor tapasztalja az ember azt, ami a
which man is the most helpless - in fact, during legáthatolhatatlanabb, és amivel szemben a
touching he only experiences the weight of his leginkább tehetetlen – miközben pusztán önnön
own body or of a part of his body. At the same testének vagy valamely testrészének súlyát
time, there is nothing less real for the man of the tapasztalja. S ugyanakkor a sötét kor embere
dark age than that which is so much in his power számára nincs kevésbé valóságos, mint az, ami
that it is identical with him. He is unable to annyira a hat almában van, hogy azonos vele,
apprehend himself as the subject of every action, vagyis önmaga – önmagát, azaz minden akció
because he does not experience any resistance szubjektumát ugyanis semmivel sem képes
against and impotence towards his very self. This megragadni, önmagával szemben semmiféle
is called viparyaya in the Hindu tradition. ellenállást és tehetetlens éget nem tapasztal. Ez
az, amit a hindu tradíció viparyayának nevez.
440. However much the Marxist view made itself
loathed in the socialist era, its strong effects can
be clearly appreciated even in the case of thos e
who stood against it.

441. Materialist atheism in the countries of 441 Egy vallásellenes ellenvallás az államvallás
Bolshevistic terror was an anti-religious anti- szintjére emelve: ez volt a materialista ateizmus
religion which became the established state a bolsevista terror országaiban.


442. Naive realism is a very common

Weltanschauung with which nobody identifies
himself, since nobody declares that »I am a naive

443. (Naive realism) The error is never in the

perception itself, but in the inter-relation of
perception and thinking.

444. Each »objectivism« is the result of some

kind of defect of awareness.


445. Politics prompt ed only by politics can only 445 A politikai indíttatású politika csak negatív
be negative; only politics inspired by metapolitics lehet; kizárólag a politikafeletti indíttatású
is justified (has a reason to exist). In the same politikának van létjogosultsága. S ugyanígy az
way, apolitics prompted by apolitics can only be apolitikai indíttatású apolitika is csak negatív
negative, and solely apolitics inspired by lehet, mert kizárólag a met apolitikai indíttatású
metapolitics can be justified. apolitikának van létjogosultsága.

446. It is unnecessary to go back too far in the 446 Nem kell nagyon messze visszamennünk az
past to reach a state where there were no signs időben ahhoz, hogy elérkezzünk egy olyan
of the left-wing attitude. állapothoz, amelyben nyoma sem volt a
447. As the stately, political and societal 447 Š Ahogyan a tradicionalitás állami, politikai
projection of traditionality is the right- és társadalmi vetülete a jobboldaliság, éppúgy az
wing attitude, thus the stately, political and antitradicionalitás állami, politikai és társadalmi
societal projection of anti-traditionality is the left- vetülete a baloldaliság.
wing attitude.

448. Traditionality manifests itself in the earthly- 448 Ha a tradicionalitás a földi –emberi–
human-societal-stately sphere as a right-wing társadalmi–állami szférában megnyilatkozik,
attitude, and it is not a moderat e, but a maximally akkor jobboldaliságként nyilatkozik meg. Nem
right-wing attitude. mérsékelt jobboldaliságként, hanem maximális
449. Spirit is ab ovo aristocratic. 449 A szellem eleve arisztokratikus.

450. Spirit is always theocratic, autocratic and

451. It is not possible to keep the right-wing
attitude within bounds.

452. The criterion of each real dominion is the

suprematia realivera - the real and true
superiority -, which is the result of spiritual
supremacy. If there is no real and true superiority
then the dominatio, the dominion, cannot be real.
And if the dominion is not real then one cannot
speak about the real pot estas, about the real
possession of power, only about the illegitimat e
possession of power (usurpatio illegitima
potestatis). Unreal dominatio is sufficient for the
latter. And why is this dominion not real?
Because there is no real and true superiority, that
is, one can not be »nominated for« supremacy.
Those who usurp power can be nominated, but
the real representatives of supremacy are not
nominated, they either possess supremacy or
not. If there is no real dominatio then a usurping
power becomes manifest, that is, a usurping of
those elements of power that are related to
aggression. The usurper can only usurp the
aggressive features [of power] because
everything else needs real power. Aggression
does not need the real power of a personality, it
only needs machine-guns and batons.

453. Mundane supremacy (superiority) is based 453 A világi suprematia (fensőbbség) szellemi
on spiritual supremacy, mundane dominatio suprematián alapult, a világi dominatio (uralom)
(dominion) is based on spiritual dominion, and szellemi dominatión, és a világi pot estas
mundane potestas (power) is based on spiritual (hatalom) szellemi potestason. Ez volt az ősi
potestas. This was the principle of the ancient monarchiák alapelve.

454. The more the Dark Age evolves, the more 454 Š Minél inkább kibontakozik a sötét kor,
the centre-conscious ness and its political annál inkább eltűnik a Centrum-tudat, és ezzel
projection - the idea of kingdom - disappears. együtt a Centrum politikai vetülete: a királyság -
455. The monarch is stationary in its essence,
and so is the centre or the axis.

456. Iupiter Stator means not only »Jupiter the

Founder«, but also »Jupiter who halts«. This is
because establishing something is nothing other
than halting something.

457. The divine king of Rome, Iupit er Stator was

both a Founder and a Halter, one who
maintained timeless eternity in its stator-nature in
real time. The original meaning of the state is
absolutely divine: it is not an appa ratus, the
aggregate of offic es, but it is the stationary
presence of the divine in the samsarian world.

458. The non-monarchic state is not a status

properly speaking, because the original sense of
the state is not an apparatus, but an organic
459. As the body is not compos ed of cells, but 459 Š Ahogy a test nem sejtekből áll, hanem
can be divided into cells, so sacred society is not sejtekre bontható szét, ugyanúgy a szakrális
composed of individuals but can be split to társadalom sem individuumokból áll, hanem
individuals. The value of the whole is always individuumokra bontható. Az egész értéke szerint
greater than that of the aggregate of its parts. mindig sokkal több, mint a részek összege.

460. The state - in the original sense of the word

- is not a »body of aggression« at all. This is so
not only because aggression is the most inferior
manifestation of power, but also because the
state is not an organisation, but a living

461. »The Earth belongs to those who till it.« But 461 Š »A föld azé, aki megműveli.« De nemcsak
it does not belong only to him. It also belongs to az övé: még inkább azé, aki odaadja, hogy
those who rent for cultivation. It belongs the most megműveljék. Leginkább pedig azé, aki odaadja,
to those who let it out to have it cultivat ed. Above hogy megműveltessék. Végső soron pedig
all, it belongs to God. This is the hierarchy of Istené. Ez a feudális tulajdonlás hierarc hiája.
feudal proprietorship.

462. The anti-right-wing attitude is always anti- 462 A jobboldalellenesség egyúttal mindig
traditional at the same time, even if he who tradícióellenesség, akkor is, ha ennek nincs
maintains this view is not fully conscious of this - teljesen tudatában az, aki ezt képviseli – már
the mere fact that he is not fully aware of what he pusztán azért is, mert ha valaki nincsen teljesen
upholds is itself anti-traditional. tudatában annak, amit képvisel, az már
önmagában is antitradicionális.
463. The clear ideas of feudum and imperium
can be disliked only by those whose ment al-
spiritual life lacks even the prefiguration of the
hierarchical graduation.

464. Wars of larger dimension are mainly

engendered to accomplish what follows after
them. Traditionality had been preserved more or
less in four empires in Europe before the 1st
World War: the German Empire, the Austro-
Hungarian Monarchy, the Empire of the Russian
Czars and the Turkish Sultanat e. All four
disappeared partly during and partly after the
war, regardless of the side they fought on. The
abolition of these four empires would have been
impossible without the 1st World War. The 2nd
World War was partially engendered to ruin both
the Eastern part of Europe by Soviet and the
Western part of Europe by American influence, in
different ways, but essentially to the same

465. A government led by spirituality does not

tolerate P arliamentary comedies.

466. (Constitutional monarc hy) As the 466 (Alkotmányos monarchia) Ahogy az

consciousness focusing on itself cannot be önmagára koncentráló tudat nem lehet a testi
exposed to any corporeal contingencies, thus the kontingenciáknak kiszolgáltat va, éppúgy az
ruler cannot depend on thos e who he rules. uralkodó sem lehet függvénye azoknak, akik
felett uralkodik.
467. The present situation of the world is also
epitomized by the fact that nothing can be
proposed against the infernal Bolshevistic terror
other than an inferior, spiritless formation that is
not regulated by superior powers, like

468. The antipode of democ racy as a radically

anti-traditional and anti-spiritual formation is not
anti-traditional terrorist dictatorship, but the
dominion of the spirit.

469. Despite the superficial differences bet ween

liberalism and communism, their essential
identity reveals itself in their most extreme
common permaximum: in anarchism. This means
that both of them principally derive from

470. Anarchism is the purest form of the left-wing 470 Az anarchizmus a vegytiszta baloldaliság.

471. People think of communism as an ideal

society, extending their fantasy only as far as the
first day when they go shopping and take home
what ever they want. It is beyond their sight how
the shops will be filled up the next day, and who
will produce these products.

472. The ideas of communism are inferior,

distorted, and furthermore - luckily -unattainable.

473. In the 19th century, nationalism and

internationalism were two parallel anti-traditional
and anti-spiritual trends of »leftism«. Their
classical example was the extreme leftist Sándor
Petõfi who was both a nationalist to the extreme
of chauvinism and a rabid internationalist at the
same time.

[cf. the lines of his verse: »One thought bothers

me…«: »With reddening face and with red flags /
and there is the holy slogan on the flags: /
»Freedom of the World!««.]

474. Each and every view that considers a

biological formation not on the level of what
essence that particular biological substratum can
carry, but on the level of the ties of blood, is the
manifestation of disintegrated thinking.

[Typical examples of this are the national and

popular forms of nationalism.]

475. If a compound category is only the

aggregate of its participants, then it always
inferior to the level of its basic elements.

476. (House of Árpád) The members of the 476 (Árpád-ház) A Turul-dinasztia tagjai nem
Turul-dynasty were not Hungarians, but Turuls. magyarok voltak, hanem turulok. Turulnak lenni
Being Turul was superior to being Hungarian - több volt, mint magyarnak lenni – és ezért
this is why they could become kings of the lehettek a magyarok királyai.
477. The reason behind the close connection 477 Az, hogy a jobboldaliság olyan szorosan
between the right-wing attitude and nationalism is összekapcsolódott a nacionalizmussal, nem
not that the essence of the right-wing attitude is azért van, mintha a jobboldaliság lényege a
nationalism, but becaus e the left wing has nacionalizmus volna, hanem az ért, mert a
heavily shifted towards the direction of baloldal nagyon erős en eltolódott az
internationalism. internacionalizmus irány ába.

478. After having exhausted the destructive

possibilities of nationalism, the subversive forces
working in the world today started rather to prefer

479. Inorganic totalitarianism, which has an

anagogic beginning and a katagogic end, hounds
everything that is not in accordance with its
ideology. »Democratism« opens its door to every
kind of rubbish.

[The antipode of inorganic totalitarianism, which

has an anagogic beginning, i.e. is generated from
below, and a katagogic end, i.e. is tending
downward from above, is the organic
totalitarianism. The latter, which is kingship itself,
has a katagogic beginning, i.e. originates from
above, and an anagogic end, i.e. is elevated from

480. Metaphysical tradition knows two kinds of 480 Š A metafizikai tradíció két békét ismer: a
peace: pax post victoriam lucis, i.e. the peace pax post victoriam lucist – vagyis a Fény
after the victory of Light, and pax post victoriam győzelme utáni békét, és a pax post victoriam
tenebratum, i.e. the peace after the victory of tenebrarumot – vagyis a Sötétség győzelme
Dark ness. utáni bék ét.

481. What we really need is the dictatorship of

light and spirit…


482. »Nivellation« always means levelling down.

Each equalisation is based on descent.

483. Total equality before the law can only be

manifested in an equality that is attained by the
lack of all rights.

484. The view that »every man is equal (to one

another)« is not the logic al result of a deduction,
but it is the manifestation of a disposition.
»Nivellating« is not based on discretion, but on
an inclination. Those who »nivellat e«, first of all
belittle themselves, and then continue the denial
of their own dignity with the general denial of
dignity. Those who cannot discover dignity in
themselves can neither presume the presence of
dignity in others.

485. E ven the most dull-brained and the most

confused followers of the idea of equality know
very well that there are differences among men,
both in the horizontal and vertical sense of their
relations, but they pretend this to be false.

486. »E very man is equal to one another« is 486 Š Hamis retorika: »Minden ember egyenlő.«
false rhetoric. This is what even the most Ez az, amiben még a legszélsőségesebben
extreme egalitarian democrat does not believe in. egalitáriánus demokrata sem hisz. Lehet, hogy
He may sacrifice his life to this, but he will still not életét áldozná érte, de akkor sem hisz benne –
believe it, since he also organises his life hiszen ő maga is egy ezzel ellentétes princípium
according to a principle that is the direct opposite szerint rendezi életét.
of this.

487. Liberalism supposes the equality before the

law of those men who want one thing above all:
the abolishment of the predominanc e of quality.

488. Liberalism not only represents the view 488 Š A liberalizmus nemcsak egyszerűen
according to which every man is equal (to one képviseli azt az álláspontot, hogy minden ember
another), but it also does its best to abolish egyenlő, hanem mindent meg is tesz azért, hogy
quality in order to make every men equal. a kvalitások felszámolása révén minden ember
valóban egyenlő is legyen.
489. The principle of equality applies only to 489 Š Az egyenlőség elve csak azokra az
those who accept this principle. Should anyone emberekre vonatkozik, akik elfogadják
try to query egalitarianism, he will find himself out az egyenlőség elvét. De próbálja csak meg valaki
of the circle of people who have the same rights megkérdőjelezni az egalitarianizmust, rögt ön
before the law. kívül találja magát az egyenlő jogokkal
rendelkező emberek körén.
490. The incoherence of liberalism is shown - 490 Š A liberalizmus inkoherenciáját többek
inter alia - by the fact that if one tried to között az mutatja, hogy aki megpróbálná
consistently apply the main principles of konzek vensen keresztülvinni, annak az
liberalism, one should applaud anti-liberalism as antiliberalizmust is üdvözölnie kellene.

491. The real liberal should not be more

enthusiastic about anything than that which is
different from his view; and the more different it
is, the more enthusiastic about it he should be.

[In other words - ad abs urdum - a liberal should

consequently be enthusiastic about the radically
anti-liberal ultra-right-wing attitude, since it is so

492. As the real liberal should set a high value on

anti-liberals, so should the real anarchist be
enthusiastic about the opponents of anarchism,
as a thinker of an alt ernative way.

493. Either stupid, or spiteful. Tertium non datur.

[This alternative comes up not only in politics, but

also in spiritual - pseudo-spiritual - relations.]
494 A liberalizmus egyrészt libertas-ellenes,
494. Liberalism is firstly against libertas, másrészt liberalitás -ellenes, harmadrészt pedig
secondly, against liberality, and finally, against tulajdonképpen liberalizmus-ellenes is: mert
liberalism, since an approach that sets out to szükségképpen ellene fordul önmagának is az a
make views relative and considers other views szemlélet, amely minden szemlélet
impossible unavoidably turns against itself. ellehetetlenítését és relativizálását tűzte ki
495. From a certain point of view, everybody is
»one who thinks differently«.

496. He who upholds the view of thinking 496 Š A máskéntgondolkozás elkötelezett hívei
alternatively, does not uphold every kind of nem minden máskéntgondolkozásnak, hanem
alternative-thinking, only certain kinds of it. csak egy bizonyos jellegű
máskéntgondolkozásnak a hívei.
497. The criticism of freedom is beyond the 497 Š A szabad vélemény nyilvánítás kritikája
domain of freedom of speech. láthatólag nem tartozik bele a szabad
véleménnyilvánítás körébe.
498. As much as the battle of liberalism against 498 Š Amennyire hatástalan küzdelmet folytat a
terrorism is futile, so its fight against every kind of liberalizmus a terrorizmussal szemben, éppen
superiority is effective. annyira haték onyan küzd mindenféle
magasrendűség ellen.
499. The different forms of democracy, such as
liberal and dictatorial democ racies, are basically
unaccept able from a spiritual point of view. This
is so because if the spirit manifested itself in the
domain of politics, it would not do it in a
democratic way.

500. Democracy means that the periphery, rather 500 Š A demokrácia azt jelenti, hogy ne a
than the cent re rules: not the axis-like, centrum irány ítson, hanem a periféria; ne a
motionless mover and stator, i.e. the king, but tengelyszerű mozdulatlan mozgató és megállító
that which is peripherally moved and stopped: – vagyis a király –, hanem a periferiális mozgatott
the people. és megállított: a nép.

501. If one thinks that everybody could be

involved in the government of the world, one
should also say that it does not make any
differenc e what kind of dark forces affect and
control us, and that their effect is the same as the
presence and effect of the spirit ual light -forces.
This is true in respect of every man, and also - in
the first person singular - in res pect of myself.

502. The forces of the démos that are manifested 502 Š A démos erői, akár a tudat ban
either in the consciousness or in the world are nyilvánulnak meg, akár a világban, nem
not ascending, but they rather surge up from emelkedő, hanem alulról felfelé törő, a fentit az
below and drag everything down. alsónak megfelel ően dekonstruáló, majd fentről
lefelé húz ó erők.
503. If one accepts decisions taken by the
majority, one should also accept the dominion of
dark, dim and confused mental vortices within
one’s mind.

504. »Majority rules!« - This can be heard among 504 Š »Többs ég dönt!« – Ezt kisgyerekek között
little kids when they are arguing about playing tag lehet hallani, amikor azon vitatkoznak, hogy
or seek-and-hide. And this can be the only field in fogócskát játsszanak-e, vagy bújócskát. És ez az
which democracy has its reason d’etre. a terület, ahol a demokráciának esetleg
létjogosultsága lehet.
505. That people are completely ineligible to vote
is also demonstrated by the after-election
reactions of certain political powers. When
people have not voted for what these political
powers prefer (and there are always these kinds
of political powers after elections, i.e. the losers
of the elections), then the people are said to have
been misled. Then again when people vote for
what thes e forces think to be right, then people
took a wise decision according to these powers.
After all, what sort of legitimacy has someone
who can be misled?

506. (Democracy) The public can be made to

accept anything after proper preparation.

507. »Sovereignty of the people!« -nobody 507 Š »Népfelség« – ez az, amiben senki nem
believes in this, since it is impossible to accept hisz, mert nem lehet hinni abban, hogy bármiféle
that the public that can be manipulated without felsőbbséget képvis elne egy olyan tömeg, amely
any restraint has any kind of superiority. szinte korlátlanul manipulálható.

508. Undoubt edly everybody is competent to

decide what is pleas ant for them at present:
when they are hungry, thirsty or sleepy, what and
how much they want to eat, drink, sleep, whether
they feel cold or warm. But only men with high
spiritual qualifications can adequately decide
what they need in the long run.

509. A world where people des pise their leaders 509 Š Már önmagában véve is degenerált világ
is degenerate in itself. In fact they despise them az, amelyben egy nép a vez etőit megveti. Igaz,
because they deserve disdain. A situation like azért veti meg őket, mert megvet ésre mélt ók –
this is sub-normal in itself in every aspect: de hogy egyáltalán egy ilyen helyzet
despised people take high positions, and those bekövetkezhet, az minden ízében szubnormális:
who despise them enabled them to occupy those olyanok kerülnek magas poz íciókba, akik
positions. This is a real vicious circle. In this way megvetésre méltók, viszont ezeket olyanok
approximately two-thirds of the people hate and juttatják oda, akik megvetik őket. Valóban ördögi
despise approximately two-thirds of their kör ez. Így aztán az emberek körülbelül
principals, indisputably because the latter kétharmada önnön elöljáróinak körülbelül
deserve it. But the story is not finished here, kétharmadát gyűlöli és megveti. Vitathatatlanul
since inferiority penetrates everything, both those azért, mert megvet ésre méltók, csakhogy a dolog
who are despised and those who despise them. ezzel nincsen elintéz ve. Az alacsonyrendűség
ugyanis mindent átjár: a megvet ettet éppúgy,
510. The expression »democrat« that is adopted mint a megvetőt.
in the name of almost every political party could 510 Š A »demokrata« kifejezést, amelyet ma
be changed with no restraint to »skotasmocrat«: jóformán minden párt belevesz a nevébe, minden
Hungarian Skotasmocratic Forum, Alliance of további nélkül helyettesít eni lehetne a
Free Scotasmoc rats, Alliance of Young »szkotazmokrata« kifejezéssel«: Magyar
Scotasmocrats, moreover Christian - Szkotazmokrata Fórum, Szabad
Scotasmocratic People’s Party. Szkotazmokraták Szövetsége, Fiatal
Szkotazmokraták Szövetsége, sőt Keresztény
[Scotasmocracy is the »dominion of darkness«. Szkotazmokrata Néppárt.
The above mentioned parties are parliamentarian [A szkotazmokrácia »a sötétség uralma«. Az
parties of the 1990-1994 parliamentarian cycle: említett pártok az 1990 és 1994 közötti
Hungarian Democratic Forum, Alliance of Free parlamenti ciklus parlamenti pártjai: a Magyar
Democrats, Alliance of Young Democrats, Demokrata Fórum, a Szabad Demokraták
Christian-Democratic People’s Party. ] Szövetsége, a Fiatal Demokraták Szövetsége és
a Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt.]
511. Creatures do not elect God from among 511 Istent nem választják a teremtmények –
themselves. maguk közül.

512. Democracy, that is, the idea that the 512 A demokrácia, vagyis az az elv, hogy a
majority makes the decisions, is nothing other többség döntsön, nem más, mint a szellem
than a slap in the fac e of spirit. arculcsapása.

513. Essentially each epoch is a state of 513 Minden korszak, s így a sötét kor is
consciousness - as is the Dark Age. They are elsősorban tudatállapot, s csak másodsorban
historical periods only in the second place. történelmi korszak.

514. While the powers of darkness and light are

equally present in a big cycle (Sanskrit
mahayuga), their presence is different: darkness
scarcely manifests itself at the beginning of the
cycle; whereas at the end of the cycle it is the
power of light that manifests itself faintly.

515. He who is held in the cycle by the forces of 515 Š Az, akit a ciklus erői a ciklusban tartanak,
the cycle can transcend the cycle in two ways: kétféleképpen tudja meghaladni a ciklust: vagy a
either towards the centre, or by the gradual középpont irányában, vagy a ciklusból való
drifting outwards from the cycle, which is followed fokozatos kisodródás, majd pedig a ciklusról való
by the total separation from the cycle. He who teljes leszakadás által. Aki a ciklus
integrates himself into the centre of the cycle középpontjába integrálódik, az a ciklus ura lesz,
becomes the ruler of the cycle, and the laws of és arra már a ciklus törvényei nem vonatkoznak.
the cycle will no longer apply to him. The one Aki ellenben kisodródik a ciklusból, annak útja a
who drifts out of the cycle is heading towards megsemmisülés irányába vezet.

516. He who upholds the doctrine of the cycles is

not a »cyclicist«, i.e. he does not uphold the
cycles. The doctrine of cycles is not »cyclicism«.

517. The essence of Kali-yuga is that after losing

his transcendent history, man lost his celestial
history and his mythical history too, and he
entered the cycle of eart hly history. This is the
cycle when things are happening to him, when he
has already lost the autonomy to shape his own
destiny, when his existence has become
entangled in the net of relations and
circumstances, and all that stood below him has
started to rule over him.

518. »Supra-historicity« (what is beyond history)

was the experience of a differentiated and
integrated unity; »historicity« is the experience of
a partially differentiat ed but disintegrating unity;
»sub-historicity« (what is below history) is the
experience of the faintly differentiable
disintegration and at the same time of the
gathering into a mass.

519. The »historicity« of man is the 519 Az ember történetisége elszakadás azoktól
disengagement from the forces and relations that az erőktől és összefüggésektől,
bind him to the centre of being. amelyek a lét középpontjához kötik.

520. »Sub-historicity« is related to the loss of

autonomy to such a degree that man’s individual
state is transferred to a sub-individual and mass-
like state.
521. »Historicity« means that things happen to 521 Š »Történetiség«: ez azt jelenti, hogy az
man, that is, he does not realise his own history, emberrel történnek a dolgok, vagyis hogy saját
but history simply takes place. történetét nem maga realizálja, hanem az
pusztán adódik számára.
522. The way history is interpreted in the whole
world today should be almost complet ely
reversed. From the traditional point of view, the
Middle Ages was not dark, but was specifically
lucid; the Renaissance was not a rebirt h, but the
beginning of an agony and disint egration; the age
of Enlightenment could be called the age of
Dark ening.

523. There are historical situations where the

postulation of the existence of God is more
detrimental than its denial. Such was the so
called »great« French revolution, which
introduced the »stately« cult of the Supreme
Being for political-tactical reasons.

524. Myth is not only truer than history, but is

also more real.

525. Antiquity is the temporal imprint of the



526. Traditionalitas Metaphysica Vera 526 Š Traditionalitas Metaphysica Vera

?↓ ↓
Religio Vera Religio Vera
↓ ↓
Confessio Vera Confessio Vera
↓ ↓
Cultura Vera Cultura Vera
↓ ↓
Civilisatio Vera Civilisatio Vera
This relationship is attacked by modernity from all Ez az az összefüggés, amit a modernit ás minden
possible directions, since not only are each and irányból támad. Minden irányból, mert egyrészt
every member of this relationship attacked, but támadja az összefüggés minden egyes tagját,
also the relationships themselves are attacked másrészt azonban még intenz ívebben támadja
even more strongly. magukat az összefüggéseket.
[Vagyis: »Igazi metafizikai tradicionalitás → Igazi
[i.e. »Real metaphysical traditionality > Real vallás (religio) → Igazi vallás (konfesszió) →
religion (religio) > Real religion (confessio) > Real Igazi kultúra → Igazi civilizáció.« A religio (vö.
culture > Real civilisation.« While religio (cf. Latin latin re-ligare =»összekötni«, »visszakötni«) a
religare = »connect«, »reconnect«) is the inner vallás befelé, a metafizikum irányába forduló
feature of religion turning towardsthe arculata, míg a konfesszió (vö. latin confessio =
metaphysicum, confessio (cf. Latin confessio = »megvallás«) a vallás kifelé, a kultúra irányába
»confession«) represents the outer feat ure of forduló arculata.]
religion facing culture.]

527. Civilisation which is not based upon culture 527 Az a civilizáció, amely nem kultúrán alapul,
is pseudo-civilisation; culture which is not based álcivilizáció; az a kultúra, amely nem konfesszión
upon confession is pseudo-cult ure; confession alapul, álkultúra; az a konfesszió, amely nem
which is not based upon religion is pseudo- religión alapul, álkonfesszió; az a religio, amely
confession; religion which is not based upon nem tradíción alapul, álreligio.
tradition is pseudo-religion.
528. Modern culture is the culture of anti- 528 A jelenk or kultúrája a szellemellenesség és
spirituality and anti-traditionality. Consequently, it tradícióellenesség kultúrája. Vagyis nem kultúra,
can only be considered as pseudo -culture, or hanem álkultúra. Vagyis ellenkultúra. Az
rather, counter-culture. This term denotes ellenkultúra pedig azt jelenti, hogy ellenművelés:
counter-cultivation, that is, the cultivation of man a világot és az embert úgy és olyan irányban
and the world in such a way and to such a művelni, hogy az ne a fény, hanem a sötétség
degree that they are continually becoming more befogadására váljék egyre inkább alkalmassá.
fit to receive the dark instead of the light.

529. Counter-culture does not simply mean being

a poor hand at culture or that man’s world is
inundated with cheap things instead of higher
values. The real meaning of counter-culture is
that man and his world turn in a completely
different direction to the one they ought to, since
instead of dominating and cultivating the light, he
dominates and cultivates the dark.

530. The essence of the Renaissance is not the

revival of antiquity, but rather the annihilation of
the traditionality bound in western Christianity. It
is doubtless that formally a revival of certain
forms of antiquity did take place, but,
substantially, the very essence of Christianity -
those traditional elements which originated from
Greek-Roman antiquity itself - was destroyed.

531. That which is called the Enlightenment 531 Š Amit ma felvilágosodásnak neveznek, az
today was, unambiguously, darkening; and egyértelműen elsötétedés, és pontosan az benne
exactly that which was dark in it resulted in it az elsötétedés, ami miatt felvilágosodásnak
being called »E nlight enment«: the denial of the nevezik: a szellem megtagadás a.

532. The »Enlightenment« did not simply mean

that people, leaving their theocentric view behind,
turned their minds towards the »earth« once and
for all; they also set this very act - calling it
»Enlightenment« - on a pedestal.

533. Turning towards the earth clearly reveals

darkening and decay. But how degenerated this
[materialistic] view has become is really shown
by the fact that it is called »Enlightenment «
instead of »Endarkenment«.

[The contemporary manifestations of these kinds

of processes at the time weresimilarly criticised
by Plato, according to whom this attitude
originated in »grievous ignoranc e which,
however, appears to be the greatest discretion.«
(Laws 886B).]

534. The inferior should not gain appreciation,

because the term »beautiful« can never be
applied to it. If someone feels drawn towards the
inferior, it means that not only does he like it, but
that it corresponds to his very character.

535. Modern popular music fails to fulfil the

original aims of real music, that is, instead of
invoking superior powers it activat es the lowest
and darkest forces of the world.

536. The essence of the rock, hard and metal 536 Š A modern populáris zene rock, hard és
variations of modern popular music is that by metal vált ozatainak lényege, hogy szubtilis
giving subtle beats towards the deeper lay ers of ütéseket adnak le a szomatikus organizmus
the somatic organism they wak e up the mélyrétegeinek irányában, amelyek a
demoniac world bound in the somaticum. szomatikumban lekötött démonvilág
felébresztését szolgálják.
[Naturally, the effects of these types of music are [Természetesen a szóban forgó zenék effektusai
not at all subtle.] egyáltalán nem szubtilisak.]

537. The chthonic - that is, something in 538 Š A negatív folyamatok és tendenciák
connection with subterranean forces - demonicity zömét, legyen az kommunizmus,
and phantom world which penetrates into man környezetszenny ezés vagy gazdasági váls ág,
through his various ecstatic states are in deep vissza lehet fogni és vissza lehet fordítani. Van
and close connection with the music of Negroid azonban egy olyan folyamat, amely
origin with which the world has overwhelmed visszafoghat atlan, s amelyet ráadásul még csak
itself. nem is akarnak visszafogni: az egyre
rohamosabban fokozódó elsemmilyenedés.
538. The bulk of negative processes and
tendencies, be they communism, environment al
pollution or economic crises, might be
suppressed and reversed. However, there is one
process whic h cannot be held back, and there is
not even a wish to hold it back, namely, the
rapidly increasing »not-anything-like-ness« or

539. The collapse of culture will be manifested

neither by people losing their interest in
everything nor by the fact that cultural filth will
inundate the world, but by the fact that even the
most positive works will lose their values: the
most succinct truths will be held as invalid
bombasts and even that thing will become a
commonplace which is not that at all. And the
signs of these are clearly discernible already…


540. The sacred tendency present in the arts has

genuinely aimed at opening up a pat h in the
world of manifestation back towards the
primordial origin.

541. The real artifex is at the same time pontifex 541 Az igazi artifex egyszersmind pontifex –
- a priest, that is, a bridge-builder: he mak es pap, vagyis hídalkotó: önmagát alkotja meg
himself a bridge and walks over it from one end hídként és önmagát járja be egyik végpontjától a
to the other connecting transcendence and másikig, összekötve önmagában a
immanence within himself. transzcendenciát és az immanenciát.

542. That which is beautiful is similar to its own 542 Š Ami szép, az hasonlít önnön lényegéhez:
essence, to its own Ding an sich nature. önnön Ding an sich voltához.

543. It is as if the man of today were as hamed of

uttering the word »beautiful«. Be it a poem, a
musical composition, a painting or a sculpture, a
work of art is almost never considered to be
»beautiful«, it can only be »pretty«. Not even a
woman has the right to be called »beautiful«, she
is not more than »pretty« or »good« - in which
case »good«, obviously, does not refer to her
behaviour but rat her to her sex appeal, which
clearly shows that even »good« has already lost
its meaning. However, once the following was
said even about God: Pulchritudo Dei infinita est
- »The beauty of God is infinite«.

544. He who wants to be »richer« in infernal

artistic experienc es does not have to search for a
long time.

545. In some sense, every picture is a self-



546. The scientific worldview qua worldview is 546 A természettudományos világkép mint
fundamentally a heresy- not only from the világk ép fundamentális eretnekség – nemcsak a
viewpoint of Catholicism, but also of all possible katolicizmus szempontjából, hanem minden
religions. lehetséges vallás szempontjából.

547. Mechanical and dialectic materialism did not

specifically have to penetrate the scientific
worldview, for the latter had developed in such a
way that the several variations of materialism
could immediately adopt and present it.

548. E very physical and chemical poison is the 548 Minden fizikai-kémiai méreg egy szellemi
material representation of a spiritual poison. méreg materiális reprez entációja.

549. The gaseous state is superior to the liquid

state, and the liquid state is usually superior to
the solid state, except when the solid state bears
the stamp of a crystal structure (and not an
amorphous one), in which case it is superior to
the liquid state.

550. It is in vain for a psychologist to be versed in

psychology if he is not an expert in the psyche.


551. Those who know all about, say, Buddhism

but nothing about Being and Consciousness,
actually, do not understand Buddhism either.

552. Religion includes such an endeavour whic h 552 A vallás egy olyan törek vést foglal
aims at shattering the framework of immanence magában, amely a földi ért elemben vett
in the terrestrial sense. immanens keretek széttörésére irányul.
553. Though religion has developed in the period 553 Š A vallás a kali-yugában bontakozott ki – de
of Kali-yuga, it cannot be considered as the nem az elsötétedési foly amat produktumaként,
product of a dark ening process, but rather as the hanem éppen annak ellenhatás aként. Mert a kali-
reaction to it. Since prior to Kali-yuga man had yugát megelőzően az ember annyira
lived in a circum-spiritual state, there was no szellemközeli állapotban élt, hogy külön vallás ra
necessity for a particular religion or rite. és vallási aktusokra még nem volt szüksége.

554. There are religious formations that having 554 Š Vannak vallási formációk, amelyek
lost their purport necessarily cease to exist, just tartalmukat vesztve és kiüresedve
like Shamanism. However, there are also szükségképpen elenyésznek és megszűnnek;
religious formations that having lost their ilyen például a sámánizmus. És vannak olyan
essential doctrines are still able to exist, vallási formációk is, amelyek tartalmukat vesztve
especially like Christianity. és kiüresedve is képesek tovább egzisztálni;
ilyen kiváltképpen a kereszténység.
555. Christianity can more or less function with 555 Š Címzetes püspökökkel még többé-
titular bishops, contrary to Shamanism, which is kevésbé működőképes lehet a kereszténység, de
not likely to operate with titular shamans. címzetes sámánokkal már aligha lehet
sámánizmust csinálni.
556. Totemism does not mean that a given
people consider themselves to have originated
from a concrete animal ancestor, but that the
derivation in question has been created by a will
that is analogous to the will that has created the
divine/demoniac spirit of a kind of species of

557. Religions today do not represent the

metaphysical traditions any longer. What is more,
the time has arrived when we can safely declare
that religions do not represent and mediat e even
religion, but some raggle-taggled relics of
customs and some shreds of lifeless doctrines. It
also seems now as if religions were eager to
lower and then annihilate themselves; and, in
fact, they will do so.

558. If there were a certain being who could fulfil

every sincere desire, that is, a being who could
behave in the way a significant number of
religious people would like to see God, this being
would be merely a saŠs÷rian being with a wide
range of power but with a relatively inferio r

559. A prayer can reach only that height at which

it has been uttered. Furthermore, as a
wors hipper cannot pray - even in his most
exceptional moments - in a position higher than
his own guardian angel’s, his prayer cannot
reach that level either. Only that request can
reach God which I start from a divine position.

560. The criterion for the fulfilment of a prayer is 560 Š Az imádság teljesülésének felt étele nem a
not the sincerity of our desire, but a firm belief mélyből fakadó kívánság, hanem a kérés
that our request will certainly be realized. teljesülésére vonatkozó rendíthetetlen
561. Faith, after all, is always a faith in myself. 561 Š A hit végső soron mindig önmagamba
vetett hit.
562. Expressions like »Dialogue bet ween God
and me« and »God is addressable and he can
also address me« are but mawkish sentiments
wrapped up in the language of theology.

563. In the state of grac e a power is donat ed and

received, during which the receiver can
experience that he is the recipient of the donation
but cannot experience that he is the donor of the
grace. Only after an inner restoration and
integration will it come to light that grace can
solely be donated and received by myself.

564. Logos is the primordial unity of mental


565. Theology is not in every way religious, just

as religion is not always theological.

566. Satan also believes that God exists; indeed,

he even knows it - in spite of this, he is not a
believer but an atheist.

567. The under-valuation of any religion entails 567 Š Bármely vallás aláértékelése minden
the undermining of all religions including one’s vallás – és ezen belül a saját vallás –
own. aláásását vonja maga után

568. Those who strive for metaphysical and

supra-life self-realisation must leave the sphere
of religion behind, attach themselves to the
supra-religious state of forms and reach for the
state of Being beyond forms. For, in this dark age
of today, forms that are still related to religion can
easily lead the person who joins them on a path
that is completely opposite to the original
tendency and aim of religion.


569. The most significant feature of the modern 569 Š A modern teológiai felfogás egyik legfőbb
theological standpoint is its overt or covert anti- jellemzője a burk olt vagy ny ílt egyházellenesség.

570. Less and less can we speak about the 570 Š Ma már egy re kevésbé lehet beszélni az
confront ation, but the more so about the egyház és a modern világ konfrontációjáról –
adaptation - in terms of an essential assimilation ellenben annál inkább a lény egig hatoló
- of the Church to the modern world today. The hasonulás ért elmében való alkalmazkodásról. Az
Church is no longer the opponent of the modern egyház immár nem ellenfele, hanem része a
world but a part of it. modern világnak.

571. The gradual loss of tradition of the Church,

unfort unately, has reached the point where the
Church not only openly stands out against
metaphysical traditionality, provided it is familiar
with it at all; also it has become, although n ot
explicitly, the opponent of its own tradition.

572. Christianity ab ovo included all the heresies

which otherwise could not have come into
existence. Christian Sat anism is really Christian
in the sense that it is an antithetical religion that
operates with Christian terms. If the worship of
Mara had been developed in Buddhism, it would
have been completely different from Christian
Satanism, indeed, it would have specifically been
a Buddhist Satanism.

[Mara denot es Satan in Buddhism.]

573. Though the idea, according to which »To

repent of one’s sin is much more essential than
not to commit it«, has never been formulat ed
explicitly by the main doctrines of Christianity, it
has always been present in them, even if only

[The idea that repenting of one’s sin is more

important than not committing it at all has even
explicitly been taught by certain Russian sects.]

574. The reason that the early missionaries in

America could not boast about great
achievements lay in the fact that, though the
Amerindians considered almost all Christian
teachings quite appealing to them, they could not
come to terms with the idea of their being
sinners. And there was certainly an attitude in
Christianity, according to which the less one
found oneself to be sinful, the more sinful one

575. If we would like to get to the core of the

matter, we might rather call reformation
»deformation« instead.

576. Christianity which has incorporated tradition

is reconcilable with tradition, but Christianity
without this incorporation is not.


577. Philosophy is not a path, it is only

propedeutics to philosophia perennis.

578. Today it is not he who is occupied in 578 Ma nem az számít komoly filozófusnak, aki
philosophy that counts as a significant a filozófiával foglalkozik, hanem az, aki
philosopher, but the one who deals with a certain valamilyen filozófussal foglalkozik; de még
philosopher; he is regarded more important if he komolyabbnak számít az, aki nem köz vetlenül
specializes not only in a particular philosopher, egy filozófussal foglalkozik, hanem azokkal, akik
but in all those who have ever dealt wit h him. az adott filozófussal foglalkoztak. Ha pedig valaki
And if someone is employed producing literat ure egy filozófussal foglalkozó irodal ommal
about the literature dealing with some foglalkozó irodalommal foglalkozik, az már
philosopher, then he certainly studies philosophy rendkívül tudományos szinten műveli a filozófiát.
at an exceptionally high scientific level.

579. E very philosopher if »only« a philosopher

commits sin, first of all, against himself. As soon
as he starts to expound his thoughts, he
immediat ely commits sin against his fellow
creatures as well.

580. Whereas the armat ure of rationalism bears

rational characteristics, its intention to create and
sustain rationalism derives from sub-rational


581. The two poles of duality are never 581 Š A dualitás két pólusa sohasem teljesen
completely equivalent. It cannot be declared that egyenértékű. Nem lehet azt mondani, hogy a
the dark, as half of the unity, is worth the same sötétség mint az egység egyik fele ugy anolyan
as the other half represented by the light, értéket képvisel, mint a másik fél, a fény. Mert az
because unity can only be realize d from the egység a kettősségnek csupán a fény-oldaláról
position of the light side of duality. Unity cannot valós íthat ó meg. A sötétségből nem lehet az
be restored from the dark. Indeed, the unity of egységet restaurálni. A sötétség és a fény
dark and light can only be restored from the light. egységét csak a fényből lehet helyreállítani.

582. There is no need for moral rules for that

person who possesses a kind of inner light, and
for whom res ponsibility is based upon the
principle coinciding with the totality of existence,
since something either serves as a means for
absolution, and then it has to be done, or
impedes absolution, in whic h case it has to be
avoided. These morals, undoubtedly, are
pragmatic; however, they are Self-realisation-
oriented pragmatic morals.

583. For a superior type of man a moral

commandment is only a sign, a warning.
Nevertheless, the more inferior a man is, the
more imperative and compelling the
commandment must be, even at the cost of
physical enforcement in the last res ort. To a
superior type of man there are no prohibitions or
demands, only signs.

584. To an inferior type of man every moral rule

is a commandment; and the more inferior the
man is, the more severe the commandment must

585. The higher hierarchical levels are injured,

the more far-reaching the consequences will be.
Therefore, from the traditional point of view,
doing harm to a child is not as grave an injury as
harming a human being at the zenit h of his life.

586. Sin is a consequence. 586 Š A bűn – következmény.

587. What is prohibited to some people might as

well be compulsory to others in certain

588. If somet hing is considered »solely

symbolic«, it is not symbolic at all.

[As the thing to be symbolized does not exist any

longer, thus the symbol in question does not
symbolize anything at all.]

589. A picture qua picture, does not express

truth, becaus e in this sense it is simply one
manifestation. It undoubt edly exists, but it does
not convey truth in itself. At the same time, every
picture is also a sign, because it indicates the
existence of a higher reality, and in this sense it
does convey truth.

590. E very man is a significant symbol for all of

his fellow-creatures in a sense, and the more
intimate the acquaint ance is between them, the
more they are a symbol to one another.

591. The fact that the earth revolves is a symbol

of saŠs÷rian existence.

592. The Buddha in human form belongs to the

samsara, while as a part of the samsara it
symbolizes Nirvana.



593. The reason that metaphysical traditionality 593 A metafizikai tradicionalitás nem azért
refuses the theory of evolution is not because it utasítja el az evolúciót, mert helyteleníti, hanem
disagrees with it, but because it does not azért, mert nem tapasztalja.
experience it.

594. E volutionary theories are dangerous

superstitions bec ause not only do they trace the
superior back to the inferior, but also they treat
progress as a necessary or inevitable fact.

[See later aphorism 746]

595. E very kind of animal species re presents a 595 Minden egyes állati faj a hüperkozmikus
cul-de-sac on the cosmic path of the cosmic Man eredetű kozmikus Ember kozmoszbeli útjának
of hyper-cosmic origin - a dead end which is egy-egy zsákutcája – egy olyan zsákutca,
denied, but, at the same time, is also begotten by amelyet az Egyetemes Ember megtagad, de
the Universal Man, who first projects it as his own egyszersmind meg is teremt, önmaga gondolati,
mental, imaginative and volitional product, and imaginatív és akarati produktumak ént kivet ít,
then gradually turns it to materialization. végül pedig a fokozatos mat erializálódás útjára
596. »E very animal is an obsession« (Heinrich
Steffels). It is not the obsession of present-day 596 »Minden állat egy rögeszme« (Heinrich
man. It is the obsession of man. Steffens). Nem a jelenlegi ember rögeszméje. Az
ember rögeszméje.
597. All species of animals are the projections 597 Š Az állatfajok emberi tudatformák projekciói
and mat erialization of human forms of és materializációi.

598. Theories of descent not only declare that 598 A leszármazási elméletek nemcsak azt
man originates from the animals, but also that mondják ki, hogy az ember az állatoktól
man is an animal. származik, hanem azt is, hogy az ember – állat.
[Kiválóan példázza ezt a neves evolucionista,
[This is highly exemplified by the titles of two Desmond Morris két köny vének címe: A csupasz
books by Desmond Morris, a famous evolutionist: majom, illet ve Az emberállat. A magunk részéről
The Naked Ape and The Human Animal. As far e két »megtisztelő« titulust visszautasítjuk, ám
as we are concerned, we must reject these two Desmond Morris vonatkozásában nem emelünk
flattering titles; nevertheless, we have no ellene kifogást.]
objections to them regarding Mr. Morris.]

599. The relationship between languages is a

coup de grâc e for every type of evolutionism,
because archaic languages were far more
complex and superior to those following them.

600. It is trivially evident that the superiority of an

era is not det ermined by the standard of
technology, but, putting it in an exoteric way, by
the degree of closeness to God, or from an
esoteric point of view, by the degree of closeness
to Myself.

601. We could only speak about progress if we

could speak about man’s gradual trans formation
into a superior type of man. However, we can
attribute several kinds of qualities to modern
man, but not superiority.

602. It is doubtless that the 20th century can

claim to have achieved far great er success with
regard to technology than the last ten thousand
years. Nonetheless, this is also true when
considering man’s separation from the spirit.

603. Eclipse ? Separation ? Breaking ?

Disintegration: these are the grades of the
descent of the world.


604. We must be able to see the woman in

Sophia as well as Sophia in the woman.

[Sophia is the most superior archetype of woman

and womanhood.]

605. A woman can get to the nigredo if she

follows the instructions of a man; a woman can
get to the albedo if she advances toget her with a
man; and a woman can reach the rubedo if she
becomes one wit h a man.

[The nigredo (black, blackness), the albedo

(whit e, whiteness), and the rubedo (red, redness)
are the three ascending hierarchical grades of

606. Where is marriage established? At as many

levels as we distinguish in man according to the
traditional point of view. If we distinguish
physical, psychical, and spiritual levels in man,
marriage, likewise, has to be established at
physical, psychical and spiritual levels. And if we
decide on five, seven or nine levels, marriage
has to take place at five, seven or nine levels

607. If marriages are established in »heaven«, - 607 Ha egyszer a házasságok »az égben
as Christian and, particularly, Catholic tradition köttetnek« – mint ahogyan azt a keresztény,
claims-, then how can anybody interpret marriage különösen pedig a katolikus tradíció vallja –,
from such a materialistic point of view and have akkor hogyan lehet anynyira materialisztikusan
only eart hly aspects of marriage in sight, és kizárólag földi vetületeiben értelmezni a
according to which a widow is set free from the házasságot, hogy az egyik fél halálával a másik,
matrimonial bonds and can freely marry öz vegyen maradt fél felszabadul a házasság
someone else again? köteléke alól, és szabadon újraházasodhat ?

608. Polygamy can only be perfect when the

number of wives is a prime number minus one, in
which case the number one - despite the fact that
it is not a prime number - must be considered as
prime. Accordingly, the number of wives can only
be zero, one, two, four but by no means three!

[The reason why the number of wives is ideally a

prime number minus one is that in this way the
number of wives is completed by the husband, -
which is always one -, so the number of
participants in a marriage will always be a prime
number. It is well -known that prime numbers -
including the number one - can only be divided
by one and by themselves. Thus, every prime
number is such an ideal, stable, closed and
perfect formula disintegrating and being
disintegrated with difficulty, which, on the one
hand, is characterized by harmony, and on the
other hand, is characterized by autonomy (it also
refers to the 0+ 1 formula, in which zero
represents the number of wives, while the
number one represents the number of »the
husband«.). Odd numbers, to a limited extent,
bare similar qualities [to prime numbers], while
even numbers - except for the number two - are
imperfect, though closed.]

609. This century there have also been efforts to

legalize polygamy, although the number of wives,
diabolically, is supposed to be a maximum of

610. Whereas parents are considerably

responsible for their children, it does not mean
that they must entirely devote their lives to their
children. E veryone has to do their duty, first of all,
strictly towards themselves.



611. Though in the number two, that is, in the 611 A kettőben, vagyis a teremtésbe merül ő és
number of the world immersed and manifested in megnyilvánult világ számában megjelenik az
creation there appears a refusal of the unity, it egység tagadása, de megjelenik az egység
also, at the same time, affirms the restoration of helyreállít ásának igenlés e is.
the unity.

612. The phenomenon of sex and sexuality is,

first of all, not a psychological but an ontological
reality, which is much more essential and
superior to the psychological one.

613. Bipolar tensions possess a power sustaining 613 Š A bipoláris feszültségek tudat- és
consciousness and existence. E verything that létfenntartó erővel rendelkeznek. Mindazt, ami
moves is, in fact, moved by sex. mozgásban van, tulajdonképpen a szexus
[»In Tibetan Tantric Buddhism the Wheel of [»A tibeti tantrikus buddhizmusban a létesülési
Becoming (S anskrit bh÷vacakra) is described as kereket (szanszkrit bhāvacakra) ált alában úgy
a dragon (representing the principle of man) ábrázolják, mint ami mögött egy férfi princ ípiumot
standing behind the wheel is holding a tiger képviselő sárkány látható, ölében a szexuális
(representing the principle of woman) in his lap. egyesülés helyzetében egy női princ ípiumot
This sexual union moves the whole Wheel of kifejező tigrissel. Ez a szexuális egyesülés
Becoming, or in other words, this keeps in motion mozgatja a létes ülés teljes kerekét, vagyis ez
Being and Consciousness.« (András László)] tartja mozgásban a létet és a tudatot.« (László
614. As the archaic state of being bore the stamp
of androgynity, the entire unity of man and
woman, - not in the physiological sense of course
but in the sense that the principle of the
androgyne was awaken -; and as historicity is
characterized by dyogeneity, that is, bisexuality;
thus sub-historicity will be characterised by
gynandromorphism, the confusion of half-man
and half-woman - again not in terms of

615. Sexuality leads the state-of-being-bisected

and duality, the consequenc e of it, into the One.

616. The essence of sexuality is the restoration 616 Š A szexualitás lényege a lét egységének
of the unity of Being. Sexuality exists because helyreállít ása. Azért van szexualitás, mert a lét
the broken, severed and divided state of being megtört, elmetszett, szétvágott állapotban van
(cf. Latin secare: »to severe«) strives to find its (vö. latin secare,»elmetszeni«), és ez a
unity again. szétvágottság újból meg akarja találni az
617. The role of reproduction is, in fact, only of 617 A szaporodás tulajdonképpen csak
secondary importance when considering sex, not másodlagosan tartozik a szexushoz. Nem mintha
as it belonges to something else, but because bármi máshoz jobban tartoznék, hanem mert a
reproduction is not the actual aim of sexuality. szexualitásnak nem a szaporodás a voltaképpeni
The aim of sexuality is the restoration of unity. célja. A szexualitás célja az egység
helyreállít ása.
618. Inwardly and in itself, the divine man is an
androgyne; out wardly, a man.
619. The divine man, considering his descent
inwardly and in itself, is a hyper-androgyne, in his
background-reality is an androgyne; and in his
foreground-reality is a man. Since one who
represents the spirit at the level of an avat÷r in
the world, is eo ipso a man in his appearance in
the world.

620. Virginity, originally, did not have the 620 A szüzesség eredetileg nem
meaning of »sexlessness«, but of refraining from szexustalanságot jelentett, hanem a
multiplication. It did not mean keeping the hymen szaporodástól való tartózkodást; nem a hymen, a
intact either, but that one possessing it had szűzhártya épségének megőrzését jelentette,
detached herself from the sphere of terrestrial hanem azt, hogy aki ezt birtokolja, az önmagát a
becoming and had risen above the level of földi létesülés köréből kivonta, és az emberi élet
passing on human life. Virginitas and sexualitas továbbadásánál magasabb szintre emelkedett. A
are, genuinely, not conflicting but the most virginitas és a sexualitas eredetileg nem
closely related realities. egymásnak ellentmondó, hanem a
legszoros abban összefüggő valóságok.
621. With regard to sexuality, the main question
is whether sexuality has one under control o r one
has control over it. While in the former case
sexuality is unambiguously on the negative side,
in the latter it is not; what is more, under certain
circumstances it might be considered as being
definitely positive.

622. Instincts are not to be eliminated but to be 622 Š Az ösztönöket nem kiküszöbölni kell,
transformed into volitional forms. Analogously, hanem autonóm akarati formákká transzmutálni.
the instinctus sexualis, the sex instinct, is not to Az instinctus sexualist, vagyis a szexuális ösztönt
be eliminated eit her but to be transformed into nem felszámolni kell, hanem voluntas
voluntas redunificationis, that is, into the will for redunificationis-szá, az újraegy esítés akaratává
re-unification. kell alakítani.

623. The mission of a man is to be entirely a

man, and the duty of a woman is to be totally a
woman, inside and outside alike - at least, if their
aims grow beyond themselves. But if they do not
have such aims, it does not matter what they do
at all.

624. The yogi who proceeds upon the path of 624 A tantra-jóga útján haladó jógi aszkéta –
Tantra-yoga is an ascetic - even if he performs akkor is, ha közben szexuális gyakorlatokat
sexual exercises in the course of it. végez.

625. If one hears of Tantra-yoga today while 625 Aki ma hall valamit a tantra-jógáról, és
engaging in a sexual life, one is inclined to think történetesen nemi életet él, úgy véli, attól kezdve
that from now on one follows the path of the ő már a tant ra útját járja. Addig nem, csak attól
Tantra. Not until now, just from now on… kezdve...

626. At the general level of life, sexuality is a 626 Š A szexualitás az élet általános síkján egy
failed experiment aiming at restoration, for either kisiklott restaurációs kísérlet, mert vagy nem
nothing derives from it, or it results in an offspring származik belőle semmi, vagy származik valaki –
who will not be an androgyne but a man or a az utód –, aki úgyszintén nem lesz androgünosz,
woman. hanem vagy férfi lesz, vagy nő.

627. It seems to be obvious that from the union 627 Š Kézenfek vő lenne arra gondolni, hogy egy
of a man and a woman an androgy ne will be férfi és egy nő kapcsolatából androgünosz
born. However, experience convinces us rather születik. A tapasztalat azonban nem erről győz
of the opposite, though, as the saying goes, meg – pedig, mint ahogy mondani szokták,
everybody comes from a mixed marriage. mindenki vegyes házasságból származik...
628. At the instant of orgasm every man 628 Š Az orgazmus pillanatában minden férfi egy
becomes a woman for a moment. pillanatra nővé válik.

629. The difference bet ween man and woman is

not a superficial phenomenon. Their real
presence in the terrestrial-human world means
that this fact is also significant in the world
beyond the world.

630. If the difference bet ween the sexes were 630 Š Ha a nemek közötti különbség
insignificant, there would not be sexes at all. jelentéktelen lenne, akkor nem lennének nemek.

631. If there were no sexes at all, life would be

much more practical and considerably simpler. In
other words, it would be much easier if only one
sex existed whose members would in a certain
period of their lives bring one, two or three, at
most four and, exceptionally, no offspring to the
world. Accordingly, it would also be easier if life
manifested itself in its simplest form. However, it
would be even simpler if life did not appea r in the
sphere of organic substance at all, or even
better, if there were no organic substance only
substance. But the easiest would be if not hing
existed at all. These are the anti -hierarchies of
the downward tendency of simplicity.


632. Man must fight against darkness by the side 632 Az embernek azért kell mindig a fény
of light, since being in alliance with light is being oldalán harcolnia a sötétség ellenében, mert ha a
in alliance with Himself. fénnyel van szövetségben, Önmagával van
633. The fight against darkness manifesting in 633 A világban megnyilvánuló sötétség elleni
the world is essential. But my foremost duty is küzdelem esszenciális fontosságú. De
the battle against the darkness in my very own legeslegelsősorban az önnön lelkemben lévő
soul. sötétség ellen kell felvennem a harcot.

634. The battle against darkness must be 634 Š A sötétség ellen omnidimenzionális
omnidimensional. küzdelmet kell folytatni.

635. All things that are light-like are in solidarity

with one another.

636. In the highest sense of actionality, action

and inaction, doing and non-doing (Chinese wei
wu wei) coincide with one another: this is when
non-doing becomes an act, and doing takes its
place in the calm manner of non-doing.

637. (Mors triumphalis) Triumphal deat h on the 637 Š (Mors triumphalis) Harcban diadalmasan
battlefield means victory over death, for though I meghalni azt jelenti, hogy legyőzni a halált. Az
could not conquer the enemy, I triumphed over ellenséget nem tudtam legy őzni, de a halált igen
death - externally I went under deat h, internally – külsőleg elbuk va a halálban, bensőleg azonban
however I won and ascended triumphally. győztesen és diadalmas an felemelkedve.
638. From a traditional pers pective, offensive war
is considered to be more appropriate than
defensive war, viz. the latter acts under coercion.

639. Each heroic ally orient ated man is ab ovo

pacific (but not a paci fist): he is not only inclined
to establish peac e, but has the capability to
accomplish it - and he does so.


640. Thought is important; thinking is more

important; but the most import ant is the thinker.

641. Associative automatism, a kind of non- 641 Az asszociatív aut omatizmus, az akaratlan
volitional and unc onscious ment al vortex, is és öntudatlan mentális kavargás alattomossága
treacherous becaus e, though it is not tiring, it is abban nyilatkozik meg, hogy nem fárasztó, csak
simply and solely destructive. However, study pusztító. De a meggyőz ődés és érdeklődés
without conviction and interest, which can hardly nélküli, értelminek alig nevezhet ő tanulás is csak
be called int ellectual at all, is only slightly better egy fokkal jobb ennél: mert noha hasonlóképpen
than that, because though it is similarly károsító, de legalább fárasztó.
destructive, it is also tiring at least. [Azért jobb ez utóbbi, mert fárasztó volta nem
engedi meg, hogy az ember ébrenléti állapotát
[The latter is better than the former becaus e its folyamatosan át hassa.]
tiring nat ure prevents man from keeping awake

642. Problem -solving thinking is not real thinking, 642 Nem a feladatmegoldó gondolkozás az igazi
but only the intense degradation of thinking. The gondolkozás, mert az a gondolkozás intenz ív
real thinking is creative thinking which means lefokozottságát jelenti. Az igazi gondolkozás a
thinking at high intensity. teremtő gondolkozás: a gondolk ozás
magasrendű intenzitása.
643. Reflection on problems is often a very
concentrated thinking - save that the real subject
of thinking is not »me«, rather it seems as if a
heteron power focussed my attention to the topic.
Whereas it is essential that a power should be
present in my mind, it is also necessary that this
power should be mine.

644. Thinking imbued with emotionality, which 644 Š Az az emocionalitás által keresztül-kasul
drifts toward a problem, is undoubtedly a kind of áthatott gondolkozás, amely valamilyen gondra
concentration: although not I am who irányul, kétségtelenül egyfajta koncent ráció:
concentrates, rather I am concentrated on. csakhogy nem én koncentrálok, hanem engem
645. Thematic thinking is the path from swirling
thoughts to hyper-thematic thinking.

646. It is myself I always understa nd / perc eive

within intuition.

647. The essence of intuition always refers to

myself. What is understood / perceived in the
flash of intuition is always secondary, when
compared to the inexpressible part of intuition
that refers to myself.
648. The supreme clear intuition has no object at 648 Š A legmagas abb rendű, tiszta intuíciónak
all. Within this intuition man does not become már nincsen tárgya. Ebben az intuícióban az
conscious of somet hing, he simply becomes ember már nem rádöbben valamire, hanem
conscious. egyszerűen csak rádöbben.

649. The completeness of the sensus implies the

completeness of a Janus-face: one half of it is
understanding and the other half is feeling in its
non-emotional form.

[The Latin word sensus means both

»understanding« and »feeling« at the same

650. The original unity of understanding and 650 Š Az igazi intuícióban az értés és az érzés
feeling is recovered for a moment in the true eredeti egysége egy pillanat ra
intuition. helyreáll.


651. Sensus, the archaic unity of understanding

and feeling - similarly to the original androgyne-
state of man that has been bisected int o man and
woman - has broken up int o a degraded
understanding and feeling, the latter of which has
been trans ferred into emotionality by being swept
along by a heteron power.

652. Dukkha strictly related to the soul is nothing 652 A szorosan a lélekre vonatkoztatott dukkha
other than emotionality, i.e. a degenerat ed life nem más, mint az emocionalitás, vagyis a
and world of sensations. degenerálódott érzésélet és érzés világ.
[A páli dukkha (szanszkrit duhkha) a buddhizmus
[The Pali word dukkha (Sanskrit: du¥kha) is one egyik alapfogalma; szokásos fordítása a
of the fundament al concepts of Buddhism. Its »szenvedés«, de valójában sokkal többet jelent a
most common translation is »suffering«, but in hétköznapi értelemben vett szenvedésnél:
fact dukkha means much more than suffering in »megrázkódt atottság«, »nyugtalanság« – vagyis
its most common sense, it rather means egy olyan állapot, amely ben az ember
»concussion«, »discompos ure«, »restlessness« - esszenciális értelemben kívülről valamit
i.e. it is a state in which man endures something elszenved. Az emóció, amely etimológiai
from the outside. Emotion, the etymological jelentése szerint »kimozdít ottság«, ugyanezt
meaning of which is »displacedness«, means the jelenti a lélek síkján.]
same at the level of soul.]

653. Emotion is feeling become sick. 653 Š Az emóció megbet egedett érzés.
[Az érzésben ugyanis eredendően nincs benne a
[scil. feeling is originally not a displaced state, kimozdítottság, vagyis az érzésnek az ember
because man is not the object of feeling, like that nem tárgya, mint az emóciónak, hanem alany a.]
of emotion, but he is its subject.]

654. Each emotional state is a kind of obsession. 654 Minden emocionális állapot a
megszállottság egy neme.
655. The hyper-emotionality of feeling is only
restored in the exceptional moments of intuition,
for intuition is always the combination of a bright
and lucid comprehension and a feeling of hyper -
emotional nat ure. And this gives the autonomous
certainty of intuition.
[This does not imply automatically the
»objective« nature of the content of int uition.]


656. That which Preceeds E verything cannot be

recognised, not because it is unachievable, but
because the realisation of it is beyond cognition.

657. The Absolute cannot be cognized, not even

with the most transcendent cognition.

658. What do I know? In fact, all I can know is 658 Mit tudok? Valójában csak önmagamat
myself. There is nothing to know where myself is tudhat om. Amiben nem önmagamat tudom,
not known. abban nincs mit tudni.

659. True cognition is always self-cognition, and

the cognition of something else is also self-
cognition if it is true cognition.


660. There is no hierarchy in the Cent re and from 660 A Centrumban és a Centrumból nincs
the Centre; but this is much more the case with hierarchia; de a Centrum elérésének
the realisation of the Centre. vonatkozásában annál inkább van.

661. The grades in the sphere of beings are the 661 Š A létezők körében megnyilvánuló
grades of the withdrawal from the cent re of being fokozatok a lét középpontjától való eltávolodás
and the grades of the returning to the centre of és a lét középpontjához való visszatalálás
being. fokozatai.

662. Being superior is being more archaic, i.e.

being closer to the arkhé.

663. Superiority means being close to the spirit;

being close to the spirit means being close to
myself, and »being close« means that forces
arising from the direct contact with myself
pervade states and proc esses of consciousness
just as they pervade the context of being - the
being itself - emerging from the states and
processes of consciousness.

664. E very hierarchy is gradual, but not every

graduation is hierarchical, since only those
grades can be considered hierarchical which, on
the one hand, are stages on the path leading
from the general forms of existence and
consciousness toward transcendence, and, on
the other hand, which are stages on the path of
becoming leading from transcendence toward the
world in esse.

665. The superior precedes the inferior bot h in

essence and in time, but not especially in
essence and not especially in time, because
»temporalness« is only a projection of

666. Superior things never originate from the

inferior. E verything that came into existence is
manifested by the descent of the superior.

667. The hierarc hy of castes: the ativar¬a

br÷hma¬a is both polar and solar; the br÷hma¬a
is polar and lunar; the k?atriya is solar; the vaisya
is lunar; the ½dra is terrestrial; the pañcaka is
subterrestrial; and the avar¬a is subterrestrial
and infernal.

[The ativar¬a br÷hma¬a is the proto-c aste above

all the castes, where the br÷hma¬a and the
k?atriya compos e an integral union. The
br÷hma¬a is the sacerdotal, the k?at riya is the
noble, the vaisya is the craftsman-merchant, and
the ½dra is the work ers’ caste. The pañcaka
(»the fift h«) is the collec tive name for the
subcastes below the casts. The avar¬a is the
extra-casteness in the sense of subcastesness.
Polarity is the manifestation of the celestial and
extra-samsarian origin, while solarity represents
the regal and ruling power over the conscious

668. The advancement of a technical civilisation

does not assess superiority. Superiority can only
be meas ured by the relation to the origin, beyond
the origin to the beginning, and beyond this to the

669. Each stage of existence has its level of 669 Š Minden létátélési szinthez adott
truth. igazságszint tartozik.

670. The hierarc hy of existence corresponds to

that of conscious ness.


671. No method of approach declares the

insignificance of quality; but there are many of
them that emphatically state that quantity is
which really counts and which is determinant.

672. The quantitative approach will emerge and

gain importance as soon as the capability for
considering the essence of things declines and
ceases in man.

673. Quantitative aspects have no value at all, 673 Semmilyen k vantitatív szempontnak nincs
because value is, essentially, attached to quality. értéke, mert az érték lényege szerint k valitáshoz
674. The potentia passiva pura is neither
quantity, nor quality - but actuality that trans fers
to the pure passive potentiality by the
abandonment of its actuality in quality.
675. Each loss of quality drifts towards the
»nothing«, because the pure quantity, that is, the
potentia passiva pura, the prima materia, or the
nirgu¬a m½la prak?ti is considered »nothing«
from the side of actuality.

676. Quantity is by the side of chaos. 676 A mennyiség a káosz oldalán van.

677. In the cosmos - right because it is cosmos - 677 A kozmoszban – éppen mert kozmosz – a
quantity cannot gain full cont rol. mennyiség teljes uralomát vétele nem
következhet be.
678. (René Guénon) If there were absolut ely no
qualitative difference between t wo beings, there
would be no quantitative difference between
them either, i.e. the two beings would be one.


679. Spiritus est regulat or. Anima est mediatrix 679 Š Spiritus est regulator. Anima est mediatrix
regulationis. Corpus est regulatum. regulationis. Corpus est regulatum.
[Latin. »A szellem az uralkodó. A lélek az uralom
[Latin: »Spirit is the ruler. Soul is the mediator in közvetítője. A test az uralt.«]
the rule. Body is under rule. «]

680. Spirit is not an entity, and even less is it a 680 Š A szellem nem entitás, még kevésbé
substantial entity. Spirit: subiectum in actu - is the szubsztanciális entitás. A szellem: subiectum in
self-postulating Subject in action. actu – az aktusban lévő és önmagát tételező
681. Spirit is the light of Consciousness. 681 Š A szellem a Tudat fénye.

682. Spirit is subiectum in actu, i.e. subject in

action. The more it is subiectum, the more it is in,
and the more it is actu, the more it is spirit. Spirit
is untouchable not because it is so fine and
subtle that one cannot touch it anymore, but
because it cannot be mentally perc eived either,
viz. there is nothing palpable in it. The spirit is a
relation in fact; moreover it is the most internal
relation. The spirit is the central relation of being.

683. The true understanding in understanding is

the direct presence of the spirit.

684. Spirit qua spirit cannot fall sick, but the

relation of spirit and soul can become sick, which
is called pneumatosis.

685. There are many people who are almost

completely healthy bodily and psychically, but
who suffer from an advanced phase of
pneumatosis at the same time.

686. The idea of »spiritual soul« means that the 686 Š A »szellemi lélek« fogalma azt jelenti,
spirit controls the soul. The spirit that works as a hogy a lélekben a szellem uralk odik. A szellem
»council of state«, a parliament or a central által a lélek azonban nem uralható úgy, mintha a
committee cannot rule the soul. Spirit can only szellem egy államtanács, egy parlament vagy
function monarchicly towards the soul, just like a egy központi bizottság mintájára működnék. A
king. The person who cannot realise the szellem a lélek irány ában csak monarc hikusan
monarchic rule of the spirit in his soul by rights működhet, úgy, ahogy egy király. Aki lelkében a
cannot be considered a man. He seems to be szellemnek ezt a monarchikus uralmát nem
one, but he is not a man at all. realizálja, az voltaképpen nem tekinthető
embernek. Emlékeztet rá, de mégsem az.
687. Man is conscious in his soul, but he is 687 Š Az ember lelkében tudatos, de lelkében a
conscious by virtue of the spirit. szellem által tudatos.

688. Soul is my soul, but I am not identical with 688 A lélek az én lelkem, de én nem vagyok
my soul. Soul is an environment; moreover it is azonos a lelkemmel. A lélek egy környezet,
the closest environment of my self-postulation, méghozzá önmagam tételezésének, vagyis a
i.e. that of the spirit. My balance, my self-c ontrol szellemnek a legszorosabb környezete. Az
means that I cannot allow my closest önmagamra vonatkoztatott egyensúly, az
environment to become disharmonious with önuralom azt jelenti, hogy nem enged em meg,
myself. This can be realised in one way only: hogy legszorosabb környezetem önmagammal
when my closest environment and circumstances diszharmonikus viszonyba kerüljön. Ezt pedig
do not govern me, but I cont rol them. csak egyetlen módon érhet em el: ha nem
legszűkebb környezetem, legszorosabb
689. Inner life or the state of mind is one of the körülményeim uralkodnak felettem, hanem én
strongest ant agonists of the spirit that manifests uralkodom felettük.
in the realm of soul. Inner life is nothing other
than spirit in the state of subjection by psychic
activities. The self that manifests in the soul is
not the subject, but the endurer of emotions.

690. Body in its deepest sense is not a figural 690 Š A test legmélyebb értelme szerint nem egy
reality, but a state of mind, viz. such a state of figurális valóság, hanem egy tudatállapot –
mind that limits and exterminates all the ot her méghozzá olyan tudatállapot, amely a többi
states of mind. Body is an internal wall. tudatállapotot lehatárolja és kioltja. A test egy
benső fal.
691. Body is the denial of the spirit.
691 Š A test a szellem megtagadása.
692. Body is where the spirit as spirit gradually

693. Among body, soul and spirit, body has fallen

from the highest to the lowest.

694. When body becomes unlimited, i.e. fully 694 Š Ha a test határtalanná válik, vagyis ha
pervaded by the spirit up to a stage where it turns teljesen tudattól áthatottá válik, egészen addig,
into consciousness, this is called the hogy tudattá alakul: ez az, amit a különféle
»resurrection of body« in various traditions. The tradíciók »a test feltámadás ának« neveznek. A
resurrection of body as body is the conquest of feltámadás a testnek mint testnek, a testnek mint
the body as a border. határnak a legyőzése.

695. The resurrection of body is but the re- 695 Š A test feltámadása nem más, mint a test
placement of the body onto a grade in the visszahelyezése az eredeti rangjának megfelelő
hierarchy, which is appropriate to its original hierarchikus fokozatba.

696. When man turns more and more to the 696 Š Amikor az ember nem önmaga felé fordul,
quantitative world rat her than himself, then he hanem egyre inkább a k vantitatív világ felé, akkor
practically turns to nothing. By losing spirit man voltaképpen a semmi felé fordul. Mert ahogy az
kept his soul, which still had some spiritual ember a szellemet elveszít ve a lelket tartotta
properties. After this he kept only the body, which meg, amelynek még voltak bizonyos szellemi
still has some pneumatic properties; and slowly tulajdonságai, majd csak a testet tartotta meg,
he will come to the nothing, which will only have amelynek vannak még bizonyos lelki
some somatic properties. tulajdonságai, lassan eljut a semmihez, aminek
lesznek még bizony os testi tulajdonságai.

697. Only in his exceptionally intense moments

can man realise that - putting it in the first person
singular - »I will indeed die«.

698. The angel of death is depicted as a 698 A halál angy alát nem azért ábrázolják
skeleton, not because this is what remains the csont vázként, mert a testből az marad meg a
longest from the body, but because this is the legtovább, hanem azért, mert a testnek a
most petrified and fossilized part of the body leginkább megkövesedett és elás ványosodott,
which has become mostly body: bone represents leginkább testté vált része: a csont reprezentálja
the fact that the body’s destiny is death. Man dies azt, hogy a test sorsa a halál. Az ember az ért hal
because he has got body. meg, mert van teste.

699. One cannot meet the angel of deat h 699 A halál angy alával azért nem lehet
because everyone carries it within his body in the találkozni, mert azt mindenki magában hordja
form of his skeleton. saját csontvázának formájában.

700. The relation of man living in an advanced

phase of the dark ages to death is one of the
most obverted: on the one hand he does not
believe in his after-death subsistence. On the
other hand, he lives - one could say he lives so
carelessly - as if his mundane and deeply
temporal existence would never end. On the
contrary of this, spiritual man lives his life by
supposing, knowing and experiencing his own
eternity both pre-existentially and post-
existentially, moreover he considers each and
every day and moment of his mundane existence
as the last one.

701. Nothing exemplifies better the tragic 701 A modern ember tragikus helyzetét mi sem
situation of modern man than the fact that he jellemzi jobban, mint az, hogy miközben önmagát
considers himself completely mortal, and still a maga teljességében halandónak tartja, mégis
lives his life as if he were completely immortal. úgy él, mintha a maga teljességében halhatatlan
702. In most cases man lives his life as if his
bodily existence were eternal.

703. While the fact that he himself will die reveals 703 Miközben egy rövid lefutású halálos
itself to man in its full dramatic sense during a betegség hat ására az ember előtt a maga drámai
short-term fatal disease, he does not perceive a voltában tárul fel az, hogy meg fog halni, egy
much more assured fundamental situation: that ennél hasonlíthatatlanul biztosabb alapszituációt
he has to die at all. egyszerűen nem fog fel: azt, hogy neki
egyáltalán meg kell halnia.
704. Only conscious ness that has already
dramatised death adequately can de-dramatise it

705. Each spiritual school of high order with no

exception has this fundamental tenet without any
pessimistic overtone: »consider each day of your
life as if it were the last«.

706. Our whole life is necessary in preparation 706 Š A halál pillanatára való felkészüléshez az
for the moment of death. élet egészére van szükség.
707. Death inevit ably pertains to life as its 707 Š Az élethez mint olyanhoz
complement. Man experiences death to the komplemenciaként elkerülhetetlenül
degree he indulges himself in life, because life hozzátartozik a halál, és amilyen mért ékben
contains death. belemerül az ember az életbe, olyan mértékben
lesz része a halálban – mert az élet a halált
708. When life is lacking what is beyond life then magában hordozza.
death, the complement of life, overcomes life. 708 Ha az életfeletti hiányzik az életből, akkor az
élet komplemense, a halál le fogja győzni az
709. The aft er-death dissolution of életet.
consciousness is an individualisational
annihilation, i.e. in concreto the annihilation of an
identification. The annihilation of an identification
is the annihilation of the one who identified
himself with it.

710. While salvation and damnation provide the

biggest polar tension related to dying on the
religious level, from the met aphysical point of
view the tension bet ween absolution and
annihilation is the great est.

711. Immort ality is neither a faculty nor a gift, but

a task to be accomplished.

712. According to the general understanding of

immortality, it is the extension of a cut-off,
particular and isolated experience of being into
the endless.

713. After the collapse of mundane vehicles, the

conditions of individual consciousness can
further exist. These conditions should be
gathered in the nigredo; conditions of the relative
immortality, i.e. the conditions of cum tempore
genesis and that of cum tempore termination
should be collected in the albedo, while the
rubedo is the attainment of abs olute immortality.

[See the notes after aphorism 605.]

714. I-myself (Sanskrit aham ÷tm÷) as I myself

am immortal. I myself am mortal only to the
extent that I am not myself.

715. I myself - as fully myself - am immort al. But

as a person, or as a being connected to the
physical or other more subtle bodies, I am mortal.

716. I am immortal as much as I am myself. 716 Š Annyira vagyok halhatatlan, amennyire

önmagam vagyok.
717. If my identification tends toward the 717 Š Ha identifikációm arra irányul, ami a
engendered world, I will pass away with the keletkezettség világában van, akkor a
engendered world. keletkezettség világával egy ütt el is fogok múlni.
718 Š Az ember azért halandó, mert a
718. Man is mortal because besides »I am-ness« »vagyokság«-on (szanszkrit asmitā) kívül
(Sanskrit asmit÷) he also carries »it is-ness« »vanság«-ot (szanszkrit astitā) is hordoz
(Sanskrit astit÷). magában.
[Ugyanis az asmitā, vagyis a »vanság« révén az
[Otherness is present in man through astit÷. The emberben jelen van a másság is. Minél kevésbé
less asmit÷ is contaminated by astit÷, the less szennyezett »vansággal« a »vagyokság«, annál
man is mortal, and the more he is he-hims elf.] inkább halhatatlan az ember, mert annál inkább
719. Only the uncreated is immort al. All that is 719 Csak az lehet halhatatlan, ami soha nem is
created will pass away. jött létre. Ami keletkezett, az el is fog múlni.

720. To avoid having an end I should relocate 720 Ahhoz, hogy ne legyen végem, olyan
myself into the position where I never had a pozícióba kell helyez nem magamat, amelyben
beginning. kezdetem sem volt.

721. Pers onality has a beginning, and so it has

an end too; personality is not eternal. The subject
- »the beyond-being centre of being« - is eternal.

722. Only man who realises the state of 722 Az abszolút halhatatlanságot csak az
beginningless-ness can realise absolut e valós íthatja meg, aki a kezdettelenség állapot át
immortality. Only one who has no beginning can is megvalósítja. Mert csak az lehet végtelen, aki
become endless. kezdettelen.


723. Man does not get into any state as an award

or penalty aft er his death. He does not receive
what he deserves, but receives what most
corresponds to his state.

724. The orientation of the whole existence, i.e.

the aggregate of all the mental, volitional and
affective orientations and counter-orientations
assign man to the state he can attain after his

725. The one who choos es light is not awarded,

and the one who turns to darkness is not
penalised, but they will arrive at the after-dying
state they having been prepared themselves for
during their lifetime.

726. The other-world is not latent, but potential, it

becomes through my realisation. Not to say, that
the everyday world also exists in the same way…


727. »Centrality« and »axiality« are essential

expressions of the in se inexpressible reality,
which is connected to the metaphysical origin, to
the beginning that precedes this origin, and to the
beginningless that is the very root of beginning.

728. The beginningless and the endless

containing the beginning and the end are
consciousness in its most universal sense.

729. Subiectum is the Alpha and the Ómega. It

can be the Alpha and the Ómega because it
precedes Alpha and it is beyond Ómega.
730. Beginning is the imprint of the beginningless 730 A kezdet a kezdettelen lenyomata a
in the world. világban.

731. Adam Qadmon, »the man of beginning« is

not only the Man who is manifested in the
beginning, but also who is the beginning of every

732. (Alét heia) To live under the aegis of truth 732 (Alét heia) Az igazság jegyében élni annyi,
means to live under the aegis of being aware of mint a kezdet tudatának jegyében élni.
the beginning. [Az »igazság« jelentésű görög alétheia
etimológiai értelme szerint azt jelenti, hogy
[The etymological meaning of the Greek word »nem-feledés« (Léthé a feledés alvilági folyója a
alétheia, which means truth, is »non-forgetting«. görög mitológiában).]
(Léthé is the river of oblivion in Hades - the
underworld - of Greek mythology.)]

733. What should one not forget about in the 733 Š Mi az, amiről az alétheia értelmében nem
sense of alétheia? It is the origin, the beginning, szabad megfeledkezni? Az eredetről, a kezdetről
and the beginningless, i.e. Myself. és a kezdettelenről – vagyis Önmagamról.

734. Origin and the recovery of origin - 734 Š Az eredet illet ve az eredettudat
consciousness is not simply an ontological megtalálása nem egyszerűen egy metafizikai
remembrance in the sense of metaphysics, but értelemben vett ontikus emlékezés, hanem
the return to the non-oblivion. visszatalálás a nem -felejtés hez.

735. Beginning and domination are inseparable. 735 A kezdet és az uralom principiálisan
Only the dominator can be in the beginning, and elválaszthatatlanok. Csak az lehet kezdetben, aki
the dominator is always in the beginning: he uralomban van, és aki uralomban van, az mindig
always commences. The dominator never kezdetben van: mindig kezd. Az uralkodó sosem
continues: he is in the state of always-beginning. folytat: örök kezdésben van.
[A görög arkhé és a latin principium egyszerre
[The Greek arkhé and the Latin principium jelenti azt, hogy »kezdet « és »uralom«.]
means both »beginning« and »dominion« at the
same time.]

736. Someone who has just started to really

study something could experience a deep and
germinal understanding within hims elf at the
beginning. This understanding is much more
powerful than the understanding gained by
intense, many-y ear-long study. He may have
been studying the topic for a long time, he knows
its many details but still something is missing:
what he had right at the beginning. He knew only
a little about it, but he understood it somehow
more deeply… This is why the study of spiritual
thematics and meta-thematics should be a
process of permanent commencement.
Ordinarily, man can only continue what he has
started, however, the archaic understanding
disappears in the process of continuation.
Archaic understanding is the same as
understanding something in the sense of the
beginning. So the real challenge is not the
continuation as continuation but the continuation
as a constant commencement, since the lack of
this implies the attenuation and loss of the state
of domination, which characterises beginning.
737. When I say that I do something in the sense
of beginning, I could also say that I do it in a
lively manner, or I could say that I myself do it.

738. Each world that has lost its origin- 738 Minden olyan világ, amely eredettudatát
awareness is characterized by annihilation. elvesz ítette, önnön megsemmisülésének
jegyében áll.
739. An extraneous force dominates all that has 739 Aminek kezdet e van, afölött egy idegen er ő
a beginning. uralkodik.

740. The loss of beginning is the loss of 740 Š A kezdet elveszítése az uralom
dominion, the loss of dominion is the loss of the elvesz ítése, az uralom elveszítése pedig a
consciousness of beginning and that of origin, i.e. kezdet tudatának és az eredet tudat ának az
the loss of my ultimate reality as a elvesz ítése – vagyis önnön végső valómnak mint
consciousness. tudatiságnak az elveszítése.

741. E verything that has beginning passes away.

[According to the often-quoted words of Buddha

by Dr. András László: »What has beginning, also
has an end.«]



742. Metaphysical traditionality does not

definitively reject anything in the world: no
attributions, no affinities, no repulsion. It only
rejects one thing: to let anything get out of

743. To be superior means to be freer, to be

more complete, and to be more controlled, self-
controlled; it means to be volitional with full

744. The form of being that has lost sovereignty

is heading for annihilation.

745. The more I loose myself, the more I am 745 Š Minél inkább elveszítem önmagamat,
heading for annihilation. annál inkább a megs emmisülés felé fordulok.

746. In the long-run, all the contingencies,

necessities and regularities can only expect
lowering. This is so because all that is
contingent, necessary and regular is neither
voluntary, nor conscious and nor free.

747. The essence of cyclicity is not the

alternation of descent and ascension as one
would think of it. The question of sinking and
rising is not an issue regarding cyclicity in itself.
What is fundamental in cyclicity is whether I am
subjected to it, or I dominat e it; whether I am
moved, or I am a mover. From a metaphysical
point of view it does not make any difference
whet her a movement is heading upward or
748. The cakravarti is not only the one »who sets
the wheel rolling« but he is himself the wheel

[The word cakravarti literally means »he who sets

rolling the wheel«.]

749. In most cases the common expression: »I

do what I want« shows only that this situation is
far from true. Men should rather say »I do what
an opaque power in me, which can be
experienced only via its marks but is
undetectable in itself, wants me to do.«

750. It is the nature of every being to rebel 750 Š Minden lény természetéhez hozzátartozik,
against its ruler if the latter is weak. Lion counters hogy fellázad ura ellen, ha az gyenge: az
its tamer if he is afraid of it, just as the demon oroszlán éppúgy szembeszáll szelídítőjével, ha
counteracts the magus if the latter is weak er than az fél tőle, mint ahogy a démon is a mágussal,
the former. ha az gyengébb, mint ő.

751. Originally, it was volition that is now instinct

in man.

752. All that is not in my power works against


[In the short run, this effect is not always obvious,

but in the long run sooner or later it reveals itself
inevit ably.]

753. The loss of power ent ails the loss of



754. The »past ? present ? future« direction is

the course of missed opportunities and not the
direction of the proc ess of neglecting, which is
»future ? present ? past«.

755. The past has the strongest connection with 755 A múlt a legszorosabb kapcsolatban van az
neglecting. There is past because man elmulasztottsággal: azért van múlt, mert az
continuously misses opportunities, he fails to ember folytonosan elmulaszt valamit –
collect and hold together the totality of being. elmulasztja a lét teljességének egy begyűjt ését és
egybentartás át.
756. There is past because the presence of man 756 Š A múlt azért van, mert az ember nincsen
in the present is not sufficient. eléggé jelen a jelenben.

757. We have temporality because our 757 Š Azért van időbeliség, mert a jelenlét
experience of the present is not intense enough. átélése nem eléggé intenzív. Ha a jelen átélése
If it were completely intense, there would be no teljesen intenzív lenne, akkor az időbeli jelen
temporality, the temporal present would absorb mintegy felszívná magába a múltat és a jövőt, és
both past and future, and Time itself too. velük együtt maga is eltűnnék.

758. Future is some sort of potentiality: things

arrive from the future, then they become present,
and turn into past when man fails to reunite the
fragmented existence.

759. There are three fundamental ways to 759 Š Az időnek háromféle alapvető szemléletét
observe time: the linear view in a horizontal kell megkülönböztetni: a horizontális értelemben
sense, the cyclic view and the linear view in a vett lineáris időszemléletet; a ciklikus
vertical sense. The latter could also be called szemléletet; valamint a vertikális értelemben vett
radical, since it is the conception of the outbreak lineáris szemléletet – ami egyúttal radiálisnak is
from the cycle, and that of entering int o the nevezhet ő, hiszen ez utóbbi a ciklusból való
timeless and motionless centre. kitörés és az időtlen és mozdulatlan középpontba
való behatolás időszemlélete.
[Contemporary study of religions perceives only [A mai vallástudomány e három közül csupán két
two of the above: the linear view in the horizontal időszemlélet et ismer: a horizontális értelemben
sense, and the cyclic view.] vett lineáris időszemléletet és a ciklikus
időszemlélet et.]
760. »The birth of the gods« and the »t wilight of
the gods« is a cum tempore beginning and a cum
tempore end: they do not happen in time, but
with the time.

761. (The hierarchical grades of infinite time)

Aeternitas: is a timeless, and super-temporal,
absolute and endless time. Aeviternitas: is the
endless time manifesting toget her with time
watched from the side of timelessness, while
sempiternitas: is the endless time manifesting
together with time watched from the side of time.
Perpetualitas: is considered to be an endless
duration; while diuturnitas: is a finite but very long
duration. Perennitas - that is eternally valid - is
the light and imprint of aeternitas on time.

762. Perennitas is the manifestation of the 762 Š A perennitas a teljesen időfölötti időtlen
absolutely hyper-temporal, timeless and endless örökkévalóság megnyilatkozása, az aeternitas
time. It is the shining of aeternitas in time, the felfénylése az időben, a romolhatatlanság
manifestation of the incorruptible in the megnyilvánulása a romlandóság világában. A
perishable world. Perennitas is the eternal- perennitas örökérvényűség: a mulandóság
validity, which enters and exists in the perishable világában megjelenő és fennálló, az abszolút
world, and which represents the absolute endless örökkévalót reprezentáló örökérvényűség.
time. [A perennitas – mint ahogy a következő aforizma
magyarázza – megjelenhet mint traditio perennis,
[As the aphorism suggests it below perennitas religio perennis, sophia perennis vagy
may appear as traditio perennis, religio perennis, philosophia perennis stb. – vagyis mint
sophia perennis or philosophia perennis etc., i.e. örökérvényű hagyomány, örökérvényű vallás,
the eternally valid tradition, the eternally valid örökérvényű bölcsesség, örökérvényű bölcselet.]
religion, the eternally valid wisdom, and the
eternally valid philos ophy.]

763. Sophia perennis, religio perennis, and 763 Š A sophia perennis, religio perennis,
philosophia perennis i.e. the perennial wisdom, philosophia perennis, vagyis az örök bölcsesség,
perennial religion and the perennial philosophy örök vallás és örök filozófia nem abban az
are perennial not in the sense of being abs olutely értelemben örök, hogy teljesen időtlen, és még
timeless or becoming and ceasing together with csak nem is abban az értelemben, hogy az idővel
time, but in the sense that they appear in time, in együtt jön létre és az idővel együtt szűnik meg –
the perishable world, and they represent a hanem abban az értelemben, hogy az időben, a
timeless eternity in this perishable world. mulandóság körében jelenik meg, de a
mulandóság körében az időtlen örökkévalóságot
764. From the spiritual point of view reprezentálja.
perpetualitas, i.e. the tendency towards the
realisation of infinity in finiteness, has only the
slightest importance and validity. This is the
Hegelian schlechte Unendlichkeit, the »bad
infinity«, the inadequate effort to realise infinity,
apart from the fact of whether it is possible or not.

[cp. perpetuum mobile]

765. The timeless eternal is the centre and ruler 765 Š Az időtlen örökkévaló az időbeli világ
of the temporal world. középpontja és uralkodója.

766. Timeless eternity (aet ernit as) is the hyper - 766 Š Az időtlen örökkévalós ág (aeternitas)
temporal condensation of all temporal beings. egyúttal az összes időbeli létező időfeletti
The hyper-temporal contains everything: not only kondenzációja is. Az időfelettiben minden
past, but future as well. megvan: nemcsak az, ami volt, hanem az is, ami
767. The one who could grasp the point-like
nature of the present would directly step on the
path of leaving temporality, since the basis of
leaving time behind is the transcending
intensification of the present.

768. Pres ent is the gate of eternity. 768 A jelen az örökkévalós ág kapuja.


769. Autonomy is not the free motion of individual 769 Az autonómia nem az individuális
instincts, rather it is the self-defined canonical ösztönvilág szabad mozgása, hanem a
order of the awakening spirit. felébredő szellem önmaga által meghatározott
770. Something organic is obviously well -
ordered, but it exceeds the level of sheer
systems, because it is not only a system, but it is
a lively and spiritually coherent too.

771. Each internal and external order has an

organic and organically hierarchical nature.
Something lacking this nature is not order, but
something heading towards chaos.

772. (Circum -centro-complexity) The really 772 Š (Cirkumcentrok omplicitás) Ami igazán
complex things are always complex by settling komplex, az mindig egy centrum köré
around a centre. rendeződve komplex.

773. Since the return to the origin is only possible 773 Š Mivel az eredet hez való visszatérés csak
from well-ordered states, anti-traditional forces rendezett állapotokból lehetséges, az
and powers primarily attack the internal and antitradicionális erők és hatalmak elsőrendűen az
external order of man. This way they creat e such ember külső és belső rendezettségét támadják
counter-conditions from which the return to the meg, hogy ennek révén olyan
origin becomes impossible, or almost impossible. ellenkondicionalitásokat teremtsenek,
amelyekből az eredethez való visszatérés
lehetetlenné vagy csaknem lehetetlenné válik.


774. Not only the active exertion of power of the

heteron, but also its sheer pres ence limits and
contaminates freedom. If there is something that
is not myself, then I cannot be absolutely free.
The dominion over others is not yet a perfect
dominion. Complete dominion means complete

775. I-myself am free as much as I-myself am I- 775 Én-önmagam éppen annyira vagyok
myself. szabad, amennyire én-önmagam vagyok.

776. Freedom means not only the freedom of 776 A szabadság nemcsak azt jelenti, hogy
choice, but it also means that I can freely carry szabadon tudok dönteni, hanem azt is, hogy
out my decision. szabadon meg is tudom tenni azt, ami mellett
777. Freedom postulates the absolute knowledge
of everything (omniscientia absoluta), the
absolute omnipresence (omnipresentia abs oluta)
and the absolute almightiness (omnipot entia
absoluta). Freedom without them is not freedom.
Though freedom aris es from the freedom of
choice, to reduce freedom to this means the
principal non-understanding of freedom.

778. The question is not whether there is 778 A kérdés tulajdonképpen nem az, hogy van-
predestination or not, but whether predestination e predesztináció, vagy nincs, hanem hogy a
is auto-predestination or hetero-predestination. predesztináció autopredesztináció-e vagy
779. Freedom is not indetermination, i.e. it is not 779 A szabadság nem indet ermináció, vagyis
an avoluntary or anti-voluntary state. Freedom is nem avoluntarisztikus és antivoluntarisztikus
auto-determination: it is the state where I myself állapot. A szabadság aut odetermináció: az az
completely determine myself. The goal is not to állapot, amelyben önmagamat teljesen önmagam
become undetermined, but that I myself should határozom meg. Mert nem az a cél, hogy ne
determine myself. legyek meghatározott, hanem az a cél, hogy
önmagamat önmagam határozzam meg.


780. »I am that I am« (Exodus 3,14). In ot her 780 »Vagyok, aki vagyok« (Exodus 3,14).
words: I was that I was, I was that I am, I was Vagyis: Voltam, aki voltam, voltam, aki vagyok,
that I will be; I am that I was, I am that I am, I am voltam, aki leszek; vagyok, aki voltam, vagyok,
that I will be; I will be that I was; I will be that I aki vagyok, vagyok, aki leszek; leszek, aki
am; I will be that I will be - complet ely and voltam, leszek aki vagy ok, leszek, aki leszek –
infinit ely. teljesen önmagam, végtelenül.

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