Practical Tasks #1 1.1 Analyse Originals and Their Translations and Identify Grammatical Transformations. Suggest Your Translations

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Grammatical transformations
Practical tasks
1.1 Analyse originals and their translations and identify grammatical transformations. Suggest
your translations.
1. The holiday itself was rather an anticlimax after 1. Після всієї цієї радісної метушні напередодні
all the excitement of planning it. сама відпустка дещо розчарувала.

2. Representatives of British, Belgian and 2. Представники медичних благодійних

American international charity organizations організацій Великобританії, Бельгії та США, які
working in our country beat an alarm. працюють в нашій країні, дуже занепокоєні.

3. Recommendations made by the world health 3. Існують рекомендації Всесвітньої організації

Organization provide for the appropriate methods охорони здоров’я про те, як слід боротися з
of TB treatment. туберкульозом.

1.2. Translate the sentences applying grammatical transformations.

a) Rearrangement (Partition. Integration. Transposition)
1. He had only one thing to do and that was what he should think about and he must think it out clearly and take
everything as it came along, and not worry.
2. “I am an old man who is afraid of no one” – Anselmo told him.
3. He is an old man who is nothing but a messenger and a guide for foreigners.
4. He would have to find out what became of him and whether he ever cleared up and was fit for soldiering
5. It is better that we should all go together.
6. That is just what happens. That is exactly what happens.
7. There is a wind that blows through battle but that was a hot wind; hot and dry as your mouth.
8. It was Pablo who had seen instantly all that was wrong with the orders for the destruction of the bridge.
9. There was a way that they could do it all right.
10. What is gone is of small importance.
11. It was what was to be done.
12. That’s not what you have to do now.
13. What an animal a man is in a rage.
14. It was Pablo who threw them.
15. It was for that reason that I always shaved myself.

б) Substitution (parts of a sentence)

1. That I am a foreigner is not my fault.
2. You are an old man who will make himself trouble with his mouth.
3. Am I the only one who sees the seriousness of this.
4. And since we must win to survive ultimately, it is necessary that the bridges must be blown.
5. The sight of the lines had taken away his type and his style and he came out now with Pablo behind him as
though Pablo were cleaning a street and Don Faustino was what he was pushing ahead of him.
6. What an illusion is the snow.

c) Substitution (parts of speech)

1. His voice was hoarse from shouting in the assault and from the smoke of the barracks.
2. It is not the top of the pass where we attack.
3. Let us now have a drink.
4. So much talking makes me thirsty.
5. Also you need a haircut.

d) Addition
1. I am so serious that is why I can joke.
2. That American who comes here sometimes is over there.
3. It is that you can’t accept it.

d) Omission
1. It seemed early to think about shutting up then. However, with the sun still in the heavens, we settled to push
straight on to Runnymede.
2. A solemn peacefulness seemed to reign in that lobby.

Find the ways of translating:

• the Tense System
• the Category of Aspect;
• the Category of Voice;
• the Category of Modality
• of Verbals (Translation of Complexes with Verbals (Complex Object, Complex Subject, For-To-
Infinitive construction, Absolute Constructions, Predicative Constructions with the Gerund).

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