CV - D Patrick Allen - Nov 2013

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Patrick Allen
Mailing Address: Department of Linguistics 383 Gordy Hall Ohio University Athens, OH 4 !"# U$A Email: da%4#%#"&ohio'edu (hone) *3"4+ ,4,-8 8, Department) !4"- .3-4 ,4 Office) /oom 344 Gordy Hall 0e1site) http)22dpatric3allen'4ee1ly'com

Degrees and Certifications:

5'A' in Applied Linguistics, Ohio University, 5ay %"#4 *e6pected+' 789L :ertificate, :ALL :ertificate ;'A' <nternational Affairs, 5arshall University, 5ay %"",'

Teaching Experience:
Assistant 8$L <nstructor, 8ast 8lementary $chool, $ept %"#% = (resent Graduate Assistant for Linguistics #"#"2 "#", Department of Linguistics, Ohio University, Oct' %"#3 = (resent Graduate 0riting 7utor, 8nglish Language <mprovement (rogram *8L<(+, Department of Linguistics, Ohio University, >an' %"#3 = (resent 8$L <nstructor, 8nglish 9or All *89A+, Department of Linguistics, Ohio University, 5ay %"#3 = >uly %"#3 7eaching Assistant, Discussion $ection Leader, Department of History, Ohio University, $ept' %"#" = >une %"#% $u1stitute 7eacher, Green1rier :ounty $chools, 0est ?irginia, >an' %"#" = >une %"#" 89L <nstructor, G8O$ @a4achinagano, G8O$ Language :orporation, >apan, Aug %"", = >une %"".

Related Experience:
Developed and 5oderate 8L<( 0riting :enter 7utor 7raining 5odule, 5ay %"#3 = (resent 9acilitator, History %4, *Online $ection+, Department of History, Ohio University, >une %"## = 5arch %"#% Area Leader for $outhern Osa3a, 0a3ayama and Aara, G8O$ Language :orporation, >apan, April %""! = 5ay %""8

5ore than five years of 89L28$L teaching e6perience' 7aught >apanese 89L learners of various ages and 1ac3grounds Aative $pea3er of American 8nglish $pea3er of >apanese *Advanced+

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