The Human Person As An Embodied Spirit
The Human Person As An Embodied Spirit
The Human Person As An Embodied Spirit
1. In your own words what is the difference between inductive and
deductive reasoning.
2. Analyze and tell whether the sentences is inductive or deductive
• All truth-seekers are prudent. Buddha is a truth-seeker. Therefore,
Buddha is prudent.
• The new plant I bought is a cactus. It didn’t thrive when I watered
it a lot. Therefore, cactuses shouldn’t be watered too much.
Five-item Multiple Choice
1. This term refers to man as species and distinguishes man from other animals.
A. Human B. Self C. Person
2.This refers to the totality of an individual who possesses awareness, self-determination, and the
capacity to interact with others.
B. Human B. Self C. Person
3. This is the capability of persons to make choices and decisions based on their own preferences.
C. Free will B. Dignity C. Self- determination
4. This enables the person to act whenever he or she wants to makes self-determination possible.
D. Free will B. Dignity C. Self- determination
5. This is the inherent value of a person which cannot be expressed in quantifiable terms.
E. Free will B. Dignity C. Self-determination
How do we know that we are human person? Let us
compare ourselves to the following pictures:
Do you have eyes?
Do you have ears?
Do you have nose?
Do you have a body?
Can you breath?
Characteristics/Traits of a Human
Characteristics/Traits of a Human
Self-awareness – refers to the person having a clear
perception of oneself, including his or her thoughts,
emotions, identity, and actions.
The human person is defined by a deeper awareness which is
driven by rationality or human thought.
A person knows that he or she is a living experience and an
active participant in this experience.
Try saying these words aloud:
• I am a person.
• I am alive.
• I exist.
• I am here. I am present
• I am living at this very moment.
Were you able to do it? Who makes you raise your hand?
Example :
Recall an instance in class when your teacher asked
those who knew the answer to a question to raise their
hands. You only raised your hand if you knew the answer
to the question. Alternatively, you may have known the
answer to the question but refused to said your hand.
Our free will enable us to do actions whenever we
want to and makes self-determination possible.
Example: Carlo is playing the living room while his
mother is in the kitchen. Suddenly, the boy accidentally
bumps into a table, causing the vase to fall. Upon hearing
the sound of something crashing to the floor, Carlo’s
mother immediately goes into the living room and sees
him standing near the broken vase. Carlo’s mother asks
him, “ “Did you break the vase?”
What do you think his answer will be?
Carlo exercises self-determination in determining
which response to give. He can choose to admit
breaking the vase, or he can choose to deny it.
Consequence is the result or effect of an action
or condition.
As a person, we are aware that each action we
perform has a consequence
What do you think will happen if Carlo admits
breaking the vase?
What if he denies it? what will happen then?
Morality refers to the goodness or badness of
an act
Human action is such an important aspect of that
person that many philosophers consider human action
as a way to reveal a person’s true nature.
Human acts completes the person, as it is through his
or her actions that his of her inner self is revealed to
others, and it is through action that a person is able to
explore and fulfill his or her potential
Now, let us try to say these statements aloud:
I am a person.
My actions are my own and are made freely.
I know that I am the cause of my actions.
I know that my actions have consequences.
Characteristics/Traits of Human
Externality – is the capability to reach out and interact with others and the
The realization that we are not alone and there are other persons around us
enable us to reach out and establish a meaningful relationships with others.
Philosophers consider man as a social being, and that person never exist in
Man has a natural tendency to seek out fellow human beings, and the
relationship established by this interaction is a vital component for survival.
Let us try to say these statements:
I am a person.
I value others.
I interact with others in meaningful ways.
I value my relationships with others.
Characteristics/Traits of the Human
Dignity – refers to the innate right to be valued and respected.
The human person has dignity because of the fact that he or
she is a human.
Human dignity also drives us to seek what is good.
Doing good actions promotes dignity of the human person.
Try to say these statements:
I am a person
I am a person with dignity.
I recognize that others have dignity as well.
I must uphold human dignity in my thoughts and actions.