JP Pe Syllabus
JP Pe Syllabus
JP Pe Syllabus
Grades 3, 4 & 5
Standards Based
Grades 3, 4 & 5
Standards Based
First Edition
ISBN 978-9980-86-569-4
Physical Education Syllabus
Secretary’s Message.............................................................................. iv
Introduction............................................................................................ 1
Rationale................................................................................................ 2
Aims........................................................................................................ 3
National Benchmarks............................................................................. 4
Curriculum Principles….......................................................................... 7
Content Overview................................................................................... 15
Content Standards ................................................................................ 17
Content Expansion................................................................................. 19
Secretary’s Message
The development of the Primary Physical Education Syllabus is a direct
response to the government’s directive through the Outcomes Based
Education (OBE) exit report, (Czuba 2013). The report recommended for
the phasing out of Outcomes Based Curriculum (OBC) and the
introduction of Standards Based Curriculum (SBC) to raise standards in
teaching and learning at all levels of schooling. The designing of courses
in the curriculum have been done through reviewing, aligning, re-aligning
and repositioning of the existing content in order to cater for the shift in
the pedagogy.
Teachers are encouraged to use the guided lessons in the teacher guides
and other relevant resources to generate creative teaching and learning
activities to deliver the Physical Education content to the students.
I commend and approve this Physical Education Syllabus for grades 3, 4 &
5 to be used in all Primary Schools throughout Papua New Guinea.
Secretary for Education
Physical Education Syllabus
The Ministry of Education approved the introduction of Standard Based
Curriculum (SBC) in 2013 to improve the standards in education in Papua
New Guinea in all aspects of education, including curriculum development,
teacher training, student and teacher performance, school management,
educational leadership and monitoring.
The time allocation for Physical Education is 120 minutes per week for
Grades 3, 4 and 5.
Physical Education is an integral part of the education system. It plays an
important role in the integral human development of students. This means
that the students’ cultural, social, spiritual, physical, intellectual and
emotional developments are enhanced through participation in a range of
physical activities promoting healthy well being.
The basic learning goals of Physical Education at this level are sports
development. Sports in itself is an industry. It brings and unites nations
and communities together as one, through structured competitions,
tournaments and events.
All students, despite their race, class, gender and religion are entitled to a
high level physical education program. Their participation in a wide range
of physical activities is important for fitness development and physical
wellbeing and health.
The students are also given opportunities to take part in team and
individual sports to practice appropriate behaviour and promote respect
and safe practices in sports.
Physical Education Syllabus
Physical Education is a practical subject which involves body movements
in a variety of physical activities. These physical body movements enable
students to develop knowledge, skills and competencies to live a healthy
lifestyle. The physical activities also enable students to develop
confidence and competencies of becoming good sportsmen and women
with good moral values.
• p
romote physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of a
• p
romote knowledge and understanding of various movement and
techniques in games and sports,
• e
xperience different forms of physical activities that are culturally
relevant to Papua New Guinean society,
• d
evelop positive and responsible personal and social behaviour in
physical activity settting,
• d
evelop an appreciation of movement and the use of the body as an
instrument of expression and creativity,
National Benchmarks
The National Benchmarks are points of references used for measuring the
targeted standards of achievement at each grade level. These points of
references indicate signs of progression in a subject across all grades. The
purposes of these benchmarks are to clarify what the learners need to
know and how they will progress onto the next grade level. They also
provide guidance for teachers to make their final judgments through
Schools, clusters, districts and provinces are encouraged to set their own
benchmarks and monitor these in order to work towards achieving the
National Benchmarks.
Grade 3
Physical Education Syllabus
Grade 4
Grade 5
• develop basic safety action plans and apply them in various physical
• apply basic first aid skills and procedures
• apply problem solving skills in games and sports
• demonstrate the 12 fundamental movement skills with confidence
• apply rules with confidence in modified bat and racket, atheltics and
water sports
• understand the benefits of fitness exercises, leisure and recreational
activities and
• demonstrate good moral values in games and sports as participants
and spectators.
Primary benchmarks
Strand Benchmarks
Safety • T
ake responsibility and apply safety rules, practices, protocols and procedures
in all physical activities and usage of equipment and facilities.
Physical Activity • Use skills, knowledge, interest and desire to maintain an independent active
• S
eek and select variety of movement forms based on interest and fulfillment or
type of physical acitivity.
• D
emonstrate skills, knowledge and desire to monitor and adjust activity levels
to meet individual fitness needs.
Physical Education Syllabus
Curriculum Principles
Curriculum Principles identify, describe and focus attention on the
important concerns that must be addressed when developing the
curriculum at all levels of schooling. They are based on significant
cultural, social and educational values and beliefs.
The principles of the Standards Based Curriculum (SBC) include the
• a clear focus on the exit of learning attainment of the national
benchmarks after each grade level,
• a clear, understandable, consistent and progressive learning
• c omplements the National Education Standards that are aligned to
career pathways and lifelong living after school and
• b uilt upon the strengths and weaknesses of the Outcomes Based
Curriculum learning outcomes.
Cultural relevance
• d
emonstrate , understand and practice the values, beliefs, customs,
and traditions of Papua New Guinea,
• d emonstrate, understand and apply the unique Papua New Guinean
communication systems,
• d emonstrate and recognise the relationship between Papua New
Guineans and the global communities,
• r ecognise, accept and practice Papua New Guinean arts as forms of
cultural expression,
• g ive examples of the diversity and functioning of the social
economic, and political systems of Papua New Guineans in traditional
and contemporary societies; and
• d escribe the evolution of human rights and freedoms as they relate to
the people of Papua New Guinea.
The expectation for all students set forth through the National Curriculum
Standard Framework strongly emphasise intellectual discipline and high
standard attainments through relevant curriculum content. The Standards
Based curriculum intends for a different approach to teaching and
learning for all students. This approach emphasises the connections
between subject areas and the skills to be acquired and used overtime.
The students should develop the ability to reason, solve problems, apply
knowledge, and communicate effectively.
Physical Education Syllabus
Many students have special needs. These special needs may include
students who are gifted or disadvantaged physically, emotionally,
intellectually. Students may display combination of any of these needs.
The national curriculum will ensure that all are provided with the
opportunity to excel and achieve their full potentials regardless of their
Inclusive curriculum
The national curriculum is inclusive and designed to meet the needs of all
students irrespective of their abilities, gender, geographic locations,
cultural and language backgrounds, or their socio-economic backgrounds.
The national curriculum must be implemented by teachers in ways that
are inclusive of all students at all levels of schooling.
To be inclusive teachers will need to ensure that all girls and boys have the
opportunity to participate. Teaching practices, including classroom
organisation and management, should ensure that girls and boys are able
to participate fully in all learning activities.Through participation, individual
creativity can be recognized and encouraged as contributing to social and
national development without losing sight of the principle of communal
sharing. Participation is the key to social interaction and can lead to social
mobility. It can also help to conserve and generate knowledge and
cultural values for future generations.
Physical Education Syllabus
Student-centered learning
The national curriculum describes the learning outcomes for all subjects.
A student-centered approach allows teachers to be flexible in
determining effective ways to help all students achieve the learning
Lifelong learning
Physical Education Syllabus
Cultural heritage
Students not only learn to stay fit and healthy but also keep their minds
and morals healthy. They learn about safe practices and its consequences
to prevent the risk of accident and injury in games or physical activities.
Students also develop positive self-esteem and a sense of achievement
through the appreciation and enjoyment of various physical activities.
Taking part in physical activities such as games, sports and fitness
programs is an important part of Physical Education that promotes and
contributes to healthy living.
Physical Education Syllabus
Content Overview
The content overview is the description of what students will learn for
each grade prescribed in the Syllabus content. The Physical Education
course is organized into three strands and has six units within the strand
consistent across the grades from grades 3, 4 & 5. These Strands are
broad concepts which have been identified as basic elements of
progressive learning from one grade to the next level.
Strand 1: Safety
Safety is concerned with the prevention of injuries in physical activity and
describes behaviour that promotes safety at school and in the community.
The strand content gives students opportunities to gain basic safety
procedures to promote safe play and to deal with emergency situations
during games and sports. Students understand the rules of safe play and
their roles and responsibilities associated with different physical activities.
The important concept is to encourage safe play, positive attitudes and
acceptable behaviour that promote safe practices in physical activities in
the school and the community.
Strand 2: Movement
Movement in physical activities requires students to understand and apply
arrange of movement skills in different contexts. A strong foundation in
fundamental movement skills and patterns forms the basis for building
unspecialised and specialised skills related to particular sports, games and
other physical activities. This strand focuses on students exploring,
developing and demonstrating basic movement skills using different
patterns and sequences. Students use controlled and coordinated body
movements with or without equipment. It is important to develop
competency in these skills to encourage lifelong involvement in physical
Table of strands, units and concepts
The table below outlines the strands, units and concepts for the
Primary Physical Education subject. The concepts show the physical
education content progression from grades 3 - 5. These help teachers
understand how to deal with them when they are expanded into content
standards, performance standards and assessment tasks.
Physical Education Syllabus
Content Standards
The Content Standards are broad statements of what students need to
know, understand and be able to do as intended by the Syllabus. These
Content Standards create a clear outline of the essential knowledge, skills
and understanding that students need to master in a given subject
content. They define the breadth and depth of knowledge, skills,
processes, attitudes and values that are to be taught in the strand. They
are student-centered and are written in terms that would enable them to be
demonstrated, assessed, measured and monitored to show progression
from one grade to the next.
A numerical code has been applied to each of the content standards. This
does not indicate any intended sequence or hierarchy of the content
standards. Rather, it is a classification system to facilitate simplicity of
reference. Each content standard is numbered with three digits, such as
4.3.2. This refers to a content standard from Grade 4, strand number 3 and
content standard number 2.
Physical Education Syllabus
Content Expansion
This section contains the expansion of Content Standards into
Performance Standards and Assesment Tasks. The Content Expansion is
organised by grades.
Performance Standards
Assessment Tasks
Grade 3
Strand 1 : Safety
Performance a. Identify common characters of fair play and how to use and promote them.
b. Identify and describe good behaviours practised in various physical activities such as
Standards respect cooperation and follow rules.
c. Discuss the benefits of safe behavioural conducts during various physical activities
such as ground and water activities.
Assessment Task 1. N
ame one good or safe behaviour that players and spectators must display during
Strand 2 : Movement
Physical Education Syllabus
Grade 4
Strand 1 : Safety
Performance a. D escribe and identify acceptable and unacceptable behaviours players display in
field and goal sports.
Standards b. Describe of the benefits of acceptable behaviours in water sports, fitness activities
and games and water sports.
c. D
escribe the consequences of unacceptable behaviours and in water sports, fitness
activities and games and leisure or recreational activities.
d. Describe types of acceptable and unacceptable behaviours in leisure and recreation
e. Discuss the behaviours of spectators and the roles of team captains and players on
how or what can be done when their team wins or loses.
Assessment Tasks 1. L ist two acceptable benefits individuals must gain when practising acceptable
2. List two consequences that individuals can encounter when they engage in
unacceptable behaviours during play or other physical activities.
Strand 2 : Movement
Physical Education Syllabus
Grade 5
Strand 1 : Safety
Performance a. O bserve and identify safety procedures practiced in offensive play situationsin field
and goal and net and court.
Standards b. Observe and identify safety procedures in defensive play situations ball and bat, and
bat and racket.
c. Perform safety procedures in offensive and defensive play situations.
d. Identify, discuss and make responsible decisions to an extent according to the rules
associated with competition play.
Assessment Tasks 1. List and describe three offensive and three defensive play in a field or goal sport.
2. Conduct a survey on offensive and defensive plays in a game, and report findings of
their observations to class or others.
Strand 2 : Movement
Assessment Tasks 1. D emonstrate hand and leg eye coordination movement skill example, dribbling and
2. Do freestyle, breast stroke, back stroke and butterfly swims competently by using
3. Demonstrate a squat position ready to perform a forward roll.
Physical Education Syllabus
Purpose of Assessment
Types of Assessment
• Assessment as or in
• Assessment for and
• Assessment of
Physical Education Syllabus
Assessment as or in Learning
Methods of Assessment
Keeping a records of
practical work
Ongoing Records
• Models
• Student profile Questionnaires
• Work samples
• Checklist
• Class and group projects • Oral
• Running record sheets
• Written
• Student folders
Student records
• Student profile
• Practical
Some ways of • Student journal
• Written assessing • Working in progress folders
• Diaries
Physical Education Syllabus
Teachers will use assessment information to make judgments about the
effectiveness of their teaching, learning and assessment programs. This
will enable them to make improvements to their teaching practice in order
to improve students’ learning.
Words Definitions
Assessment Activities teachers use to help students learn and to monitor their progress.
Assessment Different styles and ways of assessing students work.
Assessment For A common form of assessment. It is an ongoing process that arises out of the
Learning interaction between teaching and learning. Also referred to as formative assessment.
Assessment As/In Is a design to inform students what they will do well and what they need to improve
Learning on daily/weekly bases as an integral part of everyday teaching and learning such as
exercise, activities or experiments students do or practice in each lesson.
Assessment Of Provides a summary of students learning over a set period of time and is generally
Learning carried out at the end of a course or project. Sometimes it is referred to as summative
assessment and are evaluative.
Assessment Tasks On-going test of knowledge, skills and attitudes/values gained throughout the
particular unit or topic.
Benchmark A benchmark is a required standard or yardstick in which something is measured
against. In the national curriculum, it is set to evaluate and validate the standard of
curriculum as well as the effectiveness of teaching and learning at the end of each
level of schooling. In PNG, Benchmarking is referred to as assessment of content
standards at the end of each level of schooling such as Elementary 2, Grade 5 and
Grade 8.
Content Standard A broad statement of what students need to know, understand, and be able to do as
intended by the syllabus. They define the breadth and depth of knowledge, skills and
processes and attitudes and values that are to be taught in the strand, unit or topic.
Performance A descriptive statement of the knowledge and skills that students may display as they
Standards work towards the achievement of the content standard. The performance standards
are examples only. Performance standards make content standards operational.
Fundamental Building blocks of movements that other movements for specific purposes are build
movements or developed from.
Locomotor movement Movement skills that require moving from one place to another.
Manipulative Coordinated and controlled body movements and can be performed with objects.
Equipment and partners.
Modified sports Simplified versions of standard sports designed for children. They have simplified
skills, rules, equipment, facilities, behaviors and codes.
Movement concepts How movements are performed, they are speed, effort, levels and relations to an
object or partner.
Non- locomotor Movement skills that are performed by the whole body in a marked space such as
movement bend and twist rise and sit etc.
Standards Based Is an academic program in which clearly defined academic content, performance
Education standards are aligned. It spells out what schools and communities need to do to
ensure achievement of expectations
It is a philosophical concept that is centered on the process of planning, developing,
delivering, monitoring and improving education programs.
Standard Based Is a cumulative body of knowledge and set of competencies that form the basis for a
Curriculum quality education.
Standard A standard is a level of quality or achievement, especially a level that is thought to
be acceptable. It is something used to measure or estimate the quality or degree of
something, for example, how good a piece of work is.
Standards Based Is a learning system and is a systematic and ongoing process of collecting and
Education interpreting information about students achievements.
Physical Education Syllabus
National Department of Education (2000). Education for All, National
Department of Education, Waigani
National Strategic Plan taskforce (2009). Papua New Guinea Vision 2050.
Port Moresby, GoPNG.