How Can We Improve Personality?: What Is Personality & Its Meaning
How Can We Improve Personality?: What Is Personality & Its Meaning
How Can We Improve Personality?: What Is Personality & Its Meaning
Definition of Personality:
Macionis define as “It is the constant pattern of thinking, feeling and acting.”
Ogburn and Nimkoff define it as the totality of sentiments, attitudes, idea, habits, skills and behaviors of
an individual.”
Types of Personality:
Following are the three types of personality
1. Extrovert Personality
This type has the tendency to live mostly outside the like to live with others. Those individuals are highly
socialized and have contact with outside people in the society. They want to join other groups who are
more in number. These types of people are drivers, excessive drinkers, smokers, robbers, thieves,
wicked persons etc.
2. Introvert Personality
Introvert is opposite to extrovert. Those people are always live alone in their rooms and do not want to
go outside. They have their own imaginary world. They are teachers, scientists, thinkers and
3. Ambivert Personality
Between extrovert and introvert personalities there is a third one type called ambivert. People
belonging to this type enjoy both the groups and attend them. They have middle mind and want to live
in both parties. Sometimes they join outside people but sometimes they live in their own rooms.
Personality Traits:
There are five traits of personality.
1. Openness to experience
2. Conscientiousness
3. Extraversion
4. Agreeableness
5. Neuroticism
It is the ability to put oneself into another person’s situation and treat people the way you
would like to be treated if you were them and more over it creates understanding.
To be successful in life, some decisions had to be taken logically and reasonably to win in life.
Perception is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order
to represent and understand the presented information, or the environment.
Motivation has been derived from the Latin word movere, which means to move.
"The first step towards change is to recognize what you want to change. This requires self-
knowledge. Next, you have to decide what you want the outcome to be, and then what the
steps are that are the bridge between who you are or how you behave and who you want to be
and how you want to behave," according to Masini.
We know ourselves better than anyone else. If we take note of the qualities we wish to change
or what we'd like to see more of in self-improvement, we can more efficiently work towards
adding or lessening those qualities to be who we want to be. Desire is step one; evaluation is
step two; introspection and action follow.
People in search of self-improvement tend to focus too much on what they don't have and
what they want, according to Dr. Arn, who says,
"Focus on the best parts of yourself. Identify what you have to offer. Stop comparing yourself to
others and focus on embracing the differences." No one person in the world is exactly like
another; every person has something unique to offer.
Where comparing yourself to others will lead you down a dark path, there is room to recognize
how to positively implement change in addition to everything you already have, not what
you're lacking.
"Self-esteem is the key to being at peace with oneself - whether you’re introverted,
extroverted, short, tall or round! When people overcome their sense of being less than what
they want, it’s because over time they realize their value given who and what they are and who
or what they’ve become."
Each personality type has strengths and weaknesses. Introverts are great listeners, kind, self-
sacrificing, analytical. Extroverts are communicative, fun, engaging, relationship-driven.
Your personality makes you who you are, and as individuals, we should each own that. Don't
seek to become something or someone you're not, but rather, improve upon the great qualities
you have to offer in relationships. Accept you for everything you are, rather than allowing self-
criticism and deprecation to become common place.
Be supportive of others:
Being supportive is probably the most endearing quality you can integrate into your
personality. Just as you yourself welcome it, be the support for others when they need it. We all
love a cheerleader in our corner; someone who is encouraging, believes in us and helps pick us
up when we're down.
Accept Mistakes:
We all are humans, and humans do commit mistakes. Accept the fact that no person is perfect,
including you. Accepting one’s mistake is indeed a great step towards improving one’s
personality. Trying to be a perfectionist would have negative impact not only on you, but also
on others.
The next very important point that should be kept in mind, during the personality development
is to be original. It is the very famous saying that an original is always worth more than a copy,
hence, one should always be what he or she is, rather than pretending what they are not. Each
and every individual person on this earth is blessed with a unique property, and hence it is the
duty of that particular individual to maintain or enhance that property. An individual should
never try to copy or steal other’s personality. Also, it is very important that one should always
try to adopt only the good habits from others. The pointers mentioned above are easy and
simple yet you need to have the confidence that you can do it and you should not be in fake
notion that they are simple so why to give time towards them. In both the thought processes
you will fail in your ambition. Therefore, follow the mantra of slow and steady wins the race .
Every minute counts in life, likewise every deed also counts. When you spend time on
something that is of quality both for you and others, you could tell others about your success
stories and this would gradually develop your confidence. Stop worrying about failure. Only
with failures do you really understand how you could get better.
Don’t distract yourself with the television or game that do no good to you, but instead just
makes you feel lethargic and drains your energy. When you start stepping up and live life in a
conscious manner, you start attracting adventures on a continuous basis.
Observe Others
There is no other better way of understanding, than observing. Every person has good and bad
in them. When you are attracted or attached to a person, find out what qualities made you get
close to him, what are his positive qualities, how is he liked or admired by others. These things
would enable you to find the good qualities in a person that you meet and you could also
implement those good qualities in you. The more good qualities in you, the better personality
you acquire.
To get the best in you, always question yourself as to where you are today. If you feel that you
are not able to get a justifiable answer, and then analyze where you have gone wrong or what
prevented you from getting what you actually wanted. We all develop a comfort zone, whether
at home or at work and then stick to it. Try breaking that zone. Step out; explore the
adventures life has in store for you. It is fun and exciting to do what you really crave for, rather
than being engulfed by shield that has restricted you to be what you are. Meet people, do
adventurous works and be firm in what you do. Take your time, but do it, that is what counts.
Always make an effort to meet new people. Engaging with people provides you with a lot of
experience, and you can learn so much from different people. Meeting new people can expose
you to new cultures, ideas, opinions and it expands your mind. Meeting new people makes you
more tolerant towards other people. It can broaden your horizons.
Every individual has a personality of his own. People usually say when they speak of personality
of different personalities. He has handsome personality 'He has a wonderful personality 'such
statements reflects only the outer features of a person indication handsomeness, good look,
calmness etc. but not the real distinctive character.
There are no short cuts to personality development. You know Rome is not built in a day.
Likewise personality cannot be achieved overnight .Can electricity be produced just by allowing
water to flow from a height or producing steam? There are different stages. Water has to be
stored and then it is made to flow under pressure through the turbines (steam also).
A generator coupled to the turbine rotates as turbine rotates.
The generator produces electricity due to electromagnetic induction. The personality
development is similar. It has to be acquired in stages. Action plan for the same has to be
changed out.
Be motivated
Be dynamic
Don't have fear of failing or fear of rejection. Be able to use your talent Be on improvement
side. Evaluate your achievements now and then. Achieve your set goals. Have a plan to
Good communication skill, self-discipline, Analytic mind, Interpersonal skills, Integrity and
honesty, sharp and quick flexibility, able to cope with deadlines and stress all these lead to
personality development. You have to be good, loyal, innovative to become a winner. The
winner always has a programmed.