RTSconcallmin2011 01 04
RTSconcallmin2011 01 04
RTSconcallmin2011 01 04
EMC Service Recommendation for Mainframe Enabler – General Recommendation - All Solutions
This solution is full of useful information on A customer Disaster Recovery (DR) solutions implemented
with SRDF/A, SRDF/A Multiple Session Control (MSC), and/or SRDF/Symmetrix Triangular
Asynchronous Replication (STAR).
The tables of recommendations listed in the Primus are based on the latest qualified software
maintenance levels and positive field experience. Level Sets1 have been interoperability tested against
all included products, in addition to the individual qualification for each PTF. EMC recommends all
products be upgraded to the Level Set simultaneously to ensure the best performing environment.
Always use the current (highest) GA version recommendations for new implementations. Do
not use older versions. For the minimum Enginuity release level, consult the current target release
information and review it with your Customer Service representative. Customers should always obtain
the latest software maintenance from Powerlink.
Note: To perform the actual Enginuity 5874 to 5875 NDU upgrade, you MUST use the Online Code
Upgrade 5874 -> 5875 Script option, NOT the basic Online Code Load option (this will fail).
This error does not occur when there is a Hot Spare on any of the four first locations for a direct attach
SymmWin Fix 20009351 has been written to allow the Vault volumes to stay where they are if they have
been moved from a Permanent Sparing operation. The fix is released in 5874.229.182. The fix has not
yet been released in Enginuity 5773. The other option would be to reverse the Permanent Sparing
operation as mentioned below.
The link limbo setting is changed automatically during NDU to a value of 128. After the NDU, SymmWin
changes it back to the previous value. At that time, if the other box is already at 5875, one or two random
logical links may drop (047D). Enginuity brings them back without manual intervention. If enough links
bounce, it is possible that SRDF/A, STAR, and GDDR functions may drop or fail over. The chances of
this are considered low.
SymmWin will re-enable the links as part of its recovery. OPT 355861 is open for this issue and a fix is
being written. There is no estimated delivery date available.
All director emulation's have internal Tasks to perform below are the Task descriptions for each director
Products Supported:
• Symmetrix V-Max, DMX-3 & DMX-4, DMX-1 & DMX-2
• Symmetrix 5.x (From Q4’09, limited support. Testing using generic configurations only)
• Refer to emc220438 for full details
F.Y.I - The Symmetrix Configuration Forum can be accessed from the following link:
F.Y.I - For new installs and service processors replacements use the latest version of SP utility at
F.Y.I - Reminder–Please reference the Enginuity Reference Database (NERD) before submitting any
activity to CCA.
F.Y.I - Customer Service Procedures (CSP’s): http://www.cs.isus.emc.com/ and search for Customer
Service Procedures.