Statistical Mechanics
Statistical Mechanics
Statistical Mechanics
Dr.Abhilash K P
• Phase space, probability, principle of equal A priori probability,
macrostate and microstate, entropy and thermodynamic probability,
fundamental postulates of statistical mechanics, kinds of ensembles,
Maxwell-Boltzmann law - distribution of velocity - quantum statistics
– Fermi-Dirac distribution law, electron gas, Bose-Einstein distribution
law - photon gas - comparison of three statistics.
Role of statistical mechanics
• If a system containing large number of molecules, ordinary laws of mechanics
is impossible to apply. Here we relay on the laws of statistical mechanics.
• Probability
• The probability of an event may be defined as the ratio of the number of
cases in which the event occurs to the total number of cases;
• Probability of an event=
• Suppose an event can happen ‘a’ ways and will not happen over ‘b’ ways;
• Then the probability of occurrence of the event =
• The probability of failing the event =
• The sum of this two probability will always be 1;
• The probability of a ‘sure’ event is always 1; and that of an impossible event
is always’0’.
Probability: Real life examples
• 1) Throwing a coin:
• Suppose we toss a coin; The probability to come head up is always :
• The probability to come tail up is always :
• 1) Throwing a die: The die is a regular cube with 6 faces. Out of 6
possible faces only one face will come up at a time. Then the probability
of occurrence of each face is:
• The probability of occurrence of face noted with even numbers : =
• The probability of occurrence of face noted with odd numbers : =
• The probability of occurrence of face noted with any number less than 6
• The probability of occurrence of face noted with number 7:0
• This is known as zero probability
Probability and frequency
• Suppose we toss a coin, say N times and we find that Head appears M times.
Then the frequency of occurrence of an event is given by:
• If a coin tossed 50 times in which 10 of them the coin shows head , then
frequency of occurrence of head is given by : = 0.2;
• But from the classical definition of probability: The probability of occurrence
of head(or tail) is ½ or 0.5. But in actual case it is 0.2. Hence the frequency of
the event and probability are different event.
• If the number of trials N increases to
• P=
Basic rules of probability
∆𝑉 1
1 0 1 2 3 4
2 4 3 2 1 0
Microcanonical ensemble
Canonical ensemble
• The canonical ensemble is a collection of essentially independent systems,
having the same temperature (T), volume V and number of identical
particles N. This is achieved by bringing all the systems in thermal contact
with a large heat reservoir at constant temperature T or simply bringing all
of the system in thermal contact with each other.
• The individual systems of the canonical ensemble are separated by rigid,
impermeable, but diathermic walls. Diathermic means the conducting walls.
As the separating walls are conducting, heat can be exchanged between
the systems, till they reach a common temperature T.
• In canonical ensemble system can exchange energy but not matter or
• Probability distribution function is not a constant and is equal to ρ(E)=A
Canonical and grand canonical ensembles
• =0 i.e. =0 i.e maximum value occurs when Vx= 0; So Pmax= So Pmax increases
asm increases and decreases as T decreases;
• 3) As the temperature increases the peak of Vx =0 lowers down with the wider
spread in the distribution curve; since the area under the curve is always same
as unity.
-Vx +Vx
Minimum cell size in classical statistics and in quantum statistics
• The meaning of a single point distributed in minimum volume in phase space
can be understood by Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
• If dx is the size of the interval on the x axis and dPx is the momentum
coordinate, the area dx. dPx=h0 may be infinitesimally small as much as
possible in the case of classical statistics. This h0 can be expressed in
h0=length*momentum = (Length*Newton.sec)= Joule.sec.
• In quantum statistics, according to uncertainty principle the uncertainity in
position and momentum is not less than h. where h = 6.625*10-34 J.sec.
• So the minimum volume in quantum space = ( = d>h3.
• The unit of (J.s)3
• Bose –Einstein statistics
• Fermi-Dirac statistics
The quantum statistical theory consist of systems containing large numbers of identical
and indistinguishable particles represented by wave function for many body sate; 𝚿(, , ,
……….); where (, , , ……….) are the position vectors of first second, third particles.
Symmetric wave function: If on interchanging any pair of identical particles there is no
change in the sign of the wave function, they are symmetric
𝚿(, , , ……….) = 𝚿(, , , ……….) for symmetric; Their particles have spin angular momentum
zero or integral multiple of ℏ. Such particles are indistinguishable and is known as Bosons;
Bosons did not agree Pauli’s exclusion principle; So there is no upper limit for the number of
mesons in a cell; The bosons obeys Bose- Einstein statistics; Example: Photon, deuterons
mesons, etc.
Antisymmetric wave function: If on interchanging any pair of identical particles there is
change in the sign of the wave function, they are antisymmetric
𝚿(, , , ……….) = -𝚿(, , , ……….) for symmetric; They have spin angular momentum odd half
integral multiple of ℏ. i.e. (n+) ℏ; Such particles are called fermions; Fermions obeys Pauli’s
exclusion principle. So there is only one fermion in a given quantum state; Example: Electron,
positrons, neutrons;
Bose-Einstein Distribution law
The most probable distribution of the The most probable distribution of the particles
among the energy states in equilibrium is that
particles among the energy states in the probability of occurrence is maximum.
equilibrium is that the probability of When W is at maxima,
occurrence is maximum. When W is at
B-E statistics F-D statistics
• ln (ni+gi) + (ni+gi) * - ln ni – ni* =0
• -ln ni + (gi-ni) * +ln (gi – ni) =0
• ln (ni+gi) - ln ni =0
• =0
• =0 • =0
• -=0 • -=0
• Or =0 (6) • Or =0 (6)
• From conservation of particles: =N • From conservation of particles: =N and
and =0 (7) =0 (7)
• Similarly from the conservation of • Similarly from the conservation of
energy : energy :
• =U and =0 (8) • =U and =0 (8)
• Now multiplying eq.No.7 by • Now multiplying eq.No.7 by
(8) by and adding with equation 6 we by and adding with equation 6 we get:
B-E statistics F-D statistics
• + =0 • + =0
• ln • ln
• ln = -( (9) • ln= -( (9)
• ln = -( • = or
• = or • =
• = • =
• 1+ = • =
• = • ni= (10)
• ni= (10)
B-E statistics B-E statistics