Stat Mech Lect1
Stat Mech Lect1
Stat Mech Lect1
Lecture 1
1. Basic Goal of Statistical Mechanics:
• To describe macroscopic properties of matter from the consideration of
the behaviour of its constituent particles at the microscopic scale.
• To establish macro-behaviour ↔ micro-behaviour connection, let us
1. macrostate,
2. microstate.
⇒ To specify the thermodynamic state or the macroscopic state (macrostate,
in short) of such a system, we need to specify all the necessary macro-
scopic variables, e.g. E, along with N and V !
A Macrostate refers to a thermodynamic state specified by a
complete set of macroscopic variables, e.g. N, E, V etc.
⇒ How to ‘specify’ a microstate of a many particle system?
• At the microscopic level, particles in a system of many particles really obey
the laws of quantum mechanics.
⇒ The microscopic state of a system can be completely specified at any
time t by the wave function
ψ (q1 , q2 , ..., qf ; t),
where, qi ’s (i = 1, ..., f ) are the possible coordinates including spin (f :
degrees of freedom)!
ψ(t) = ψe−iEt/h̄ .
• Example 1. N non-interacting spins on a lattice: Consider spin- 12
magnetic moments sitting on a lattice in the presence of a magnetic field B.
⇒ Each moment can either “point up” or “point down” (i.e. the projection
~ chosen as z-axis, is either h̄/2 or −h̄/2).
of spin, sz , along the direction of B,
• Orientation of the i-th moment can be specified by the quantum number
σi = ±1 (measuring sz in units of h̄/2)!
⇒ N spins: set of quantum no.s {σ1 , σ2 , ...σN } would specify a microstate.
Consider N = 3:
Microstate r σ1 σ2 σ3 Moment M Energy E
1 +1 +1 +1 3µ0 −3µ0 B
2 +1 +1 −1 µ0 −µ0 B
3 +1 −1 +1 µ0 −µ0 B
4 −1 +1 +1 µ0 −µ0 B
5 −1 −1 +1 −µ0 µ0 B
6 −1 +1 −1 −µ0 µ0 B
7 +1 −1 −1 −µ0 µ0 B
8 −1 −1 −1 −3µ0 3µ0 B
nπx n2 π 2h̄2
ψn (x) = A sin ; En = , n = 1, 2, 3, ...
L 2mL2
• The quantum state is specified by the Quantum No. n!
Prob. 1.2: Solve the Schrödinger equation under the specified boundary conditions to
verify expressions for ψn (x) and En .
Prob. 1.3: Generalize the case of Prob. 1.2 to 3-d. Write down the boundary conditions
explicitly. Hence solve the Schrödinger equation to verify eqn.s (1) and (2). Find the no. of
accessible microstates for E = 25π 2 h̄2 /2L2 m.
• Why do we bother about enumeration of the microstates?
⇒ Thermodynamics of a system in a given macrostate can be ob-
tained from the number of corresponding accessible microstates.
4.1. Average statistical behaviour − a familiar example:
• Take an unbiased (flawless) coin. Toss it up! What is the outcome?
Figure 1: You are not sure of the outcome! It is either head (H) or tail (T).
• Now toss twice: may have 2 H / 2 T / 1 H & 1 T! Still indecisive!
• Repeat the same experiment for, say, 1000 times! Again, not sure about
the fate of a specific toss!
⇒ An arbitrary sequence emerges, as in Fig. 2, or some other!
• A contrived way of doing the same! Instead of tossing, say, for 10000
times, one can construct 10000 identical replica (all external parameters to
be identical!) of the unbiased coin (if money permits...): an ensemble.
• Flip them simultaneously... see the wonder: the same result!
• Some microstates are more frequently visited; some are less likely!
⇒ Example: In the previous example (as in fig. 3), those microstates are
more likely to occur in which particles are nearly uniformly distributed
over the whole volume (fig. 4)!
Figure 4: Concentration of molecules n/N in the left half changes frame by frame (in the
simulation) : plotted against frame counter j! [ Courtesy: Kittel, Berkeley Physics, v 5]
• Larger fluctuations are less likely to occur (at least for large N )!
• In an experiment, with a system at equilibrium, we measure some prop-
erty (e.g. pressure of a gas or magnetization of a paramagnet) over a macro-
scopic time scale T >> τ , the time scale of molecular motion!
• Within that time the system actually passes through a succession of a very
large no. of accessible microstates (think of the movie generated out of
frames in fig. 3).
⇒ What we measure experimentally is a mere (time) average: really an
weighted average over the microstates visited over time T .
⇒ Theoretically, we can estimate the value by computing a weighted
average over the the set of all the accessible microstates visited by the
system within time T (>> τ ).
4.3. Averaging over the microstates:
• Need for a Statistical Postulate: To calculate thermodynamic proper-
ties, we need to calculate the weighted average of the relevant variable over
the accessible microstates.
⇒ Need to know the relative probability of occurrence of a particular
⇒ To ascertain the relative probability we need to employ a rule in the
form of a statistical postulate: for an isolated system in equilibrium use
the Postulate of equal a priori probability