CH 16 Sense Organs Spring 2024
CH 16 Sense Organs Spring 2024
CH 16 Sense Organs Spring 2024
Sense Organs
– Define receptor and sense organ.
– List the four kinds of information obtained from sensory receptors, and describe how the
nervous system encodes each type.
– Explain the mechanisms of pain and the spinal blocking of pain signals.
General Senses
Unencapsulated Nerve Endings
– Tactile discs
• For light touch and texture
– Hair receptors
• Wrap around base hair follicle
• Monitor movement of hair
General Senses
Thermoreceptors and Nociceptors
(Temperature and Pain)
(Limb Position)
Transduction - Conversion of stimulus energy (light, heat, touch, sound, etc.) into nerve signals.
Classification of Receptors
• By modality
– Thermoreceptors, photoreceptors, nociceptors, chemoreceptors (pH), and
mechanoreceptors (blood pressure)
• By origin of stimuli
– Exteroceptors: detect external stimuli
– Interoceptors: detect internal stimuli
– Proprioceptors: sense body position and limb movement
• By distribution
– General (somesthetic) senses: widely distributed
– Special senses: limited to head
• Vision, hearing, equilibrium, taste, and smell
Sensory Information
Sensory receptors transmit four kinds of information:
Modality: Type of stimuli (vision, hearing and taste)
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General Properties of Receptors
Sensory adaptation: if stimulus is prolonged, the firing of the neuron gets slower over time, and we
become less aware of the stimulus
– Phasic receptor: generate a burst of action potentials when first stimulated, then quickly adapt and
sharply reduce or stop signaling even though the stimulus continues.
• Smell, hair movement, and cutaneous pressure
• Can you feel your socks? your rings?
Somatosensory Projection Pathways
From receptor to final destination in the brain, most somesthetic signals travel by way of
three neurons
• First-order neuron (afferent neuron)
– From body, via spinal nerves
– From head, enter pons and medulla via cranial nerve
• Second-order neuron
– Decussation to opposite side in spinal cord,
medulla, or pons
– End in thalamus, except for proprioception, which ends in cerebellum
• Third-order neuron
– Thalamus to primary somesthetic cortex of cerebrum
• Pain—discomfort caused by tissue injury or noxious stimulation, and typically leading to evasive action
Referred pain
• Referred pain—Pain from an organ often mistakenly thought to come from the skin
or other superficial site
– Results from convergence of neural pathways in CNS
– Heart pain felt in shoulder or arm because both send pain input to spinal cord segments T1 to T5
Central Nervous System: Pain Modulation
Analgesic (pain-relieving) mechanisms of CNS just beginning to be understood
• Endogenous opioids: internally produced opium-like substances:
– Secreted by the CNS, pituitary gland, digestive tract, and other organs
– Spinal gating –stops pain at the posterior horn of the spinal cord.
• Ex. Rubbing or Massaging an injury is a form of spinal gating.
• Rubbing stimulates spinal interneurons to secrete enkephalins
that inhibit second-order pain neurons
Special Senses:
Expected Learning Outcomes
– Explain how taste receptors are stimulated.
Special Senses - Gustation
Gustation (taste)—sensation that results from action of chemicals (tastants) on taste buds
Supporting cells
• Resemble taste cells without taste hairs
Basal cells
• Stem cells that replace taste cells every 7 to 10 days
Taste – Vallate Papilla
Taste buds
Vallate papilla
Taste cells
Supporting cells
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• Five primary sensations: Important for your survival!
– Sweet: associated with carbohydrates and other foods of high caloric value. Sugars, saccharin, alcohol
and some amino acids – regulate blood sugar.
– Bitter: associated with spoiled foods and alkaloids such as nicotine, caffeine, quinine, and morphine.
– Umami: “meaty” taste of the amino acids (aspartic acid & glutamic acid) in chicken or beef
• Taste is influenced by food texture, aroma (taste is 80% smell) temperature, and appearance.
Gustatory Pathway
Three cranial nerves carry impulses from taste buds to the solitary nucleus in medulla oblongata:
– Facial nerve (CNVII) collects sensory information from taste buds over anterior two-thirds of tongue
– Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) from posterior one-third of tongue
– Vagus nerve (X) from taste buds of palate, pharynx, and epiglottis
Projection Pathway of Taste
From there, signals sent to two destinations
– Hypothalamus and amygdala control autonomic reflexes: salivation, gagging, and vomiting.
– Thalamus relays signals to primary gustatory cortex of cerebrum for conscious sense of
Special Senses:
Expected Learning Outcomes
– Explain how smell receptors are stimulated.
– Describe the receptors and projection pathways for smell.
• Olfaction—sense of smell, action of odorants on
Olfactory Mucosa
• Olfactory cells
– Only neurons in the body directly exposed to the external environment
– Have a lifespan of only 60 days
• Supporting cells
• Basal cells
– Divide and differentiate to replace olfactory cells
Ethmoid Bone and Olfaction
Olfactory bulb
Olfactory nerve
1. Reach primary olfactory cortex in the inferior surface of the temporal lobe
• signals can reach the cerebral cortex without passing first through the thalamus
Olfactory Physiology
• Humans have a poorer sense of smell than most other mammals.
– Humans have only about 350 kinds of olfactory receptors.
– Women more sensitive to odors than men; especially to certain odors at time they are ovulating.
• Pheromones are chemicals (odors) that exerts subtle affects on the behavior and physiology of other people.
• Ovulating women’s vaginal secretions contain pheromones called copulins, that have been shown to raise
men’s testosterone level.
Special Senses:
Hearing and Equilibrium
Expected Learning Outcomes
– Identify the properties of sound waves that account for pitch and loudness.
– Explain how the ear converts vibrations to nerve signals and discriminates
between sounds of different intensity and pitch.
– Explain how the vestibular apparatus enables the brain to interpret the body’s
position and movements.
– Describe the pathways taken by auditory and vestibular signals to the brain.
Special Senses -Hearing and Equilibrium
• Hearing—a response to vibrating air molecules
• Equilibrium—the sense of motion, body orientation, and balance
– Both senses reside in the inner ear, a maze of fluid-filled passages and sensory cells
– Fluid is set in motion and the sensory cells (mechanoreceptors) convert this motion into an informative pattern of
action potentials.
• Hearing—a response to vibrating air molecules
• A vibrating object pushes on air molecules- a mechanical wave.
• In turn push on other air molecules
• Air molecules hitting eardrum cause it to vibrate
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Cochlear nerve
Auricle Cochlea
Round window
Auditory Tympanic cavity
Tensor tympani
Auditory tube
Figure 16.11
Outer ear Middle ear Inner ear
Pitch & Loudness
• Pitch—our sense of whether a sound is “high” or “low”
– Frequency: cycles per second, or hertz (Hz)
– Human hearing range is 20 to 20,000 Hz, speech is 1,500 to 5,000 Hz, where hearing is most sensitive
– Hearing loss with age is 250 to 2,050 Hz
Anatomy of the Ear
Outer (external) Ear
Outer ear—a funnel for conducting vibrations to the tympanic membrane (eardrum)
Middle Ear
Tympanic membrane (eardrum) closes the inner end of the auditory canal, separates it from the middle ear.
• Physiology: Vibrates freely in response to sound, transfers sound energy to the bones (ossicles) of the middle ear.
The Auditory Tube of an
Infant and Adult
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Tympanic Membrane with Otitis media
Otoscopic Photograph: Lateral
Wall of
Normal external
tympanic acoustic
membrane meatus
– Scala vestibuli: superior chamber Begins at oval window and spirals to apex. Filled with perilymph
– Scala media (cochlear duct): triangular middle chamber
• Filled with endolymph
• Contains spiral organ—Organ of Corti : acoustic organ that converts vibrations into nerve impulses
– Scala tympani: inferior chamber
• Filled with perilymph
• Begins at apex and ends at round window
Hearing: Inner Ear
Endolymph (similar to intracellular fluid) and perilymph (similar to cerebrospinal fluid)
Potassium Channels of the Cochlear Hair Cells
Sensorineural (nerve) deafness: death of cochlear hair cells or any nervous system elements concerned with
• Factory workers, musicians, construction workers
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Basilar Membrane Frequency Response
Cochlea Modiolus
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Basilar Vestibular
membrane Cochlea
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Scala tympani Scala vestibuli Spiral ganglion Spiral ligament Spiral organ
of cochlea
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Spiral Organ
Inner Outer
phalangeal hair
cells cells
Auditory Pathway
Auricle → external auditory meatus (canal) → tympanic membrane → malleus →incus →stapes→ oval window →auditory
hair cells (in spiral organ of Corti in cochlea)→ cochlear nerve → medulla →inferior colliculus (auditory reflex center in
midbrain) → thalamus (sensory integration center) →primary auditory cortex (temporal lobe)
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Vestibular apparatus (inner ear)—contains mechanoreceptors for equilibrium in the semicircular canals and vestibule.
– Three semicircular ducts
• Detect only angular or rotational acceleration (dynamic equilibrium) – change in rate of rotation: car turns a corner,
spinning in chair .
Special Senses - Equilibrium
The Saccule and Utricle
• Macula—a 2 by 3 mm patch of hair cells and supporting cells in the saccule and utricle.
• Each hair cell has 40 to 70 stereocilia embedded in a gelatinous otolithic membrane.
The Semicircular Ducts
Rotary movements (dynamic angular acceleration) detected by the three semicircular ducts
(spinning in a chair)
Vestibular Projection Pathways
Figure 16.22
• Tinnitus: ringing or clicking sounds in the ears in the absence of auditory stimuli, due to cochlear
nerve degeneration; side effects of aspirin, inflammation of middle or inner ear.
• Meniere’s syndrome: disorder that affects the cochlea an semicircular canals. Causes vertigo,
nausea, and vomiting.
Special Senses:
Expected Learning Outcomes
– Describe the anatomy of the eye and its accessory structures.
– Discuss the structure of the retina and its receptor cells.
– Explain how the optical system of the eye creates an image on the retina.
– Discuss how the retina converts this image to nerve signals.
– Describe the mechanism of color vision.
– Trace the visual projection pathways in the brain
Accessory Structures of the Eye
• Eyebrows provide facial expression
– Protect eyes from glare and perspiration
• Eyelids (palpebrae)
– Block foreign objects, help with sleep,
blink to moisten
– Meet at corners (lateral and medial commissures)
Accessory Structures of the Eye
Figure 16.25c
Accessory Structures of the Eye: Lacrimal
• Lacrimal secretions (tears), a dilute saline solution containing mucus, are produced by the lacrimal gland, flow across
eyeball to help wash away foreign particles, deliver O2 and nutrients, and prevent infection with a bactericidal lysozyme and
antibody A.
• Tears flow through lacrimal punctum (opening on edge of each eyelid) via the lacrimal canal to the lacrimal sac, then
into the nasolacrimal duct emptying into nasal cavity 16-70
Anatomy of the Eye
. Ora serrata
Ciliary body
Central artery
and vein
of retina Anterior
Hyaloid canal
Vitreous body
The Optical Components
• Cornea: transparent anterior cover.
Anterior chamber
Scleral Iris
venous sinus
Ciliary body: Posterior
Ciliary chamber
Ciliary Vitreous
muscle body
Figure 16.26
The Neural Components
• Optic nerve (optic disc)
• Retina
– Attached to the rest of the eye only at optic disc (posterior) and at ora serrata (anterior)
• Optic Disc (blind spot) site where the optic nerve leaves the eye and there are not photoreceptor cells.
The Fundus (Rear) of the Eye
Ophthalmoscopic Photograph - Anterior
Cone cells (color, photopic, or day vision) Bright light, high acuity, central
– Three types of cones:
• Long-wave lengths cones (red) respond to low frequency (vibration)
Wavelength = frequency (vibrations)
• Medium-wave lengths cones (green)
• Short-wave lengths cones (blue) respond to high frequency (vibration)
Rod cells (night, or scotopic, vision or monochromatic vision) Dim light, peripheral vision
– Provide indistinct, fuzzy, non-color peripheral vision
– Perceived input is in gray tones only – black/white
Visual Pigments
Visual Pigments
Visual Pigments
The Visual Projection Pathway
Cornea → aqueous humor of anterior segment → lens → vitreous humor of posterior segment → retina
(photoreceptors → bipolar cells → ganglion cells) → optic nerve → optic chiasm → optic tract → thalamus
(sensory integration center) → primary visual cortex (occipital lobe) 16-84
The Near Response
– Convergence of eyes
• Eyes orient their visual axis toward object
– Constriction of pupil
• Blocks peripheral light rays and reduces spherical
aberration (blurry edges)
– Accommodation of lens
• Ciliary muscle contracts, lens takes convex shape
• Light refracted more strongly and focused onto retina
Cataracts and Glaucoma
• Cataract
– Induced by diabetes, smoking, drugs,
ultraviolet radiation, and certain viruses
– Lens fibers darken with age, fluid-filled
bubbles and clefts filled with debris appear
between the fibers —clouding of lens
– Replace natural lens with plastic one