Symbolic Reasoning Under Uncertainty

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Symbolic Reasoning Under Uncertainty

Symbolic Reasoning
 The reasoning is the act of deriving a conclusion from certain
properties using a given methodology
 The reasoning is a process of thinking; reasoning is logically
arguing; reasoning isdrawing the inference.

 When a system is required to do something, that it has not

been explicitly told how to do, it must reason. It must figure out
what it needs to know from what it already knows.
 Many types of Reasoning have been identified and recognized,
but many questions
regarding their logical and computational properties still remain
Logical Reasoning
 Logic is a language for reasoning. It is a collection of rules
called Logic arguments, weuse when doing logical reasoning.
 The logic reasoning is the process of drawing conclusions
from premises using rules of inference.
 The study of logic divided into formal and informal logic. The
formal logic is sometimes called symbolic logic.
 Symbolic logic is the study of symbolic abstractions
(construct) that capture the formal features of logical inference
by a formal system.
 The formal system consists of two components, a formal
language plus a set of inference rules.
 The formal system has axioms. Axiom is a sentence that is
always true within the system.
 Sentence derived using the system’s axioms and rules of
derivation called theorems.
Symbolic Reasoning
 The basis for intelligent mathematical software is the
integration of the “power ofsymbolic mathematical tools” with
the suitable “proof technology”.

 Mathematical reasoning enjoys a property called monotonicity,

that says, “If a conclusion follows from given premises A, B, C…
then it also follows from any larger set of premises, as long as the
original premises A, B, C.. included.”

 Moreover, Human reasoning is not monotonic.

 People arrive at conclusions only tentatively; based on partial
or incomplete information reserve the right to retract those
conclusions while they learn new facts. Such reasoning non-
monotonic, precisely because the set of accepted conclusions have
become smaller when the set of premises expanded.
Formal Logic

Moreover, The Formal logic is the study of inference with purely

formal content, i.e. where content made explicit.
Examples – Propositional logic and Predicate logic.

 Here the logical arguments are a set of rules for manipulating

symbols. The rules are of two types,

1. Syntax rules: say how to build meaningful expressions.

2. Inference rules: say how to obtain true formulas from other true

 Moreover, Logic also needs semantics, which says how to assign

meaning to expressions.
Uncertainty in Reasoning
 The world is an uncertain place; often the Knowledge is imperfect
which causes uncertainty.
 So, Therefore reasoning must be able to operate under
 Also, AI systems must have the ability to reason under conditions
of uncertainty rule.
Monotonic Reasoning
 A reasoning process that moves in one direction only.
 Moreover, The number of facts in the knowledge base is always
 The conclusions derived are valid deductions and they remain so.
A monotonic logic cannot handle
1. Reasoning by default: because consequences may derive only
because of lack of evidenceto the contrary.
2. Abductive reasoning: because consequences only deduced as most
likely explanations.
3. Belief revision: because new knowledge may contradict old
Non-monotonic Reasoning
A logic is non-monotonic if some conclusions can be invalidated
by adding more knowledge. The logic of definite clauses with
negation as failure is non-monotonic. Non-monotonic reasoning
is useful for representing defaults. A default is a rule that can be
used unless it overridden by an exception.
For example, to say that b is normally true if c is true, a
knowledge base designer can write a rule of the form
b ←c ∧ ∼ aba.
where aba is an atom that means abnormal with respect to some
aspect a. Given c, the agent can infer b unless it is told aba.
Adding aba to the knowledge base can prevent the conclusion of
b. Rules that imply aba can be used to prevent the default under
the conditions of the body of the rule

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