Allergy Diagnostics and Treatment 2022
Allergy Diagnostics and Treatment 2022
Allergy Diagnostics and Treatment 2022
Medical Faculty
Clinical Immunology
Topic: Allergy diagnostic and treatment
Prof. Nana Shavlakadze
Allergy –
Allergy Tests
• There are three
forms of conducting
this tests:
• Blood test
• Skin prick test
• Diet changes
Diagnostic Tools
• Blood tests
Eosinophilia /Bazophilia
IgE - total
IgE – specific
IgG - specific
• Allergy Skin test
Prick test
Patch test
PK procedure
Allergy Immune Cells
Eosinophilia Basophilia
• Is a higher than normal
level of eosinophils. • Basophilic disorder, is when
Eosinophils are a type of your body produces too
disease-fighting white blood many basophils. Basophils
cell. This condition most are a white blood cell type
often indicates a parasitic that protects your body
infection, an allergic from infections. Basophilia
reaction or cancer. may be a sign you have an
Mast cells infection, or it may be a sign
Are immune cells of the myeloid of serious medical
lineage and are present in
conditions like leukemia or
connective tissues throughout the
body. The activation and autoimmune disease.
degranulation of mast cells
We count eosinophils &
significantly modulates many aspects
Basophils in the blood
of physiological and pathological
conditions in various settings
What Is An IgE?
• IgE or Immunoglobulin E
is an antibody that acts
as a defence mechanism
against parasitic
• Another key role is that
they help in very early
recognition of foreign
material or a general
potentiation of the
immune system response
by improved antigen
What Does The IgE Allergy Test
• The Serum IgE test measures the level
of IgE antibody in the blood.
• These antibodies are present in small amount.
• When body overreacts to allergens, then
presence of these antibodies increase.
• This test helps in identification of allergic
disease, primary immunodeficiencies,
infections, malignancies, or other
inflammatory diseases.
When To Get Tested?
• A person should get the IgE test as soon as
they observe the following symptoms-
• Periodic or persistent itching
• Hives
• Itchy eyes
• Eczema
• Nausea
• vomiting
• persistent diarrhoea
• Sneezing
• coughing
• congestion
• wheezing
• breathlessness
Procedure And Time Taken To Conduct
The Test
• This test involves a blood test.
A professional collects the blood
• In this test, a part of your skin near
arms is cleaned thoroughly.
• An elastic band is then put so that
the vein swell with blood.
• A needle is inserted in that vein
and the blood sample is pulled in a
• This test does not require much
time. It gets done as soon as the
blood sample is collected. Time
taken ranges from 4-5 mins or
even less because it is a simple
What Is IgG?
• IgG or Immunoglobulin G is
another type of antibody in
our body. They often persist
in life and are present in
large amount in our body.
• Also, they control infection of
body tissues. By binding to
many kinds of pathogens
such as viruses, bacteria, and
fungi, IgG protects the body
from infection.
IgG Allergy Test
When To Get Tested?
What Does This Allergy Test
Measures? • One should opt for this test as
• The IgG test checks for the and when the following
symptoms arises-
amount of IgG antibodies in • bloating
the blood stream. This • fullness
test diagnoses • belly pain
food sensitivities and is • gas
commonly available. • diarrhoea
• Feeling of uneasiness after eating
some kind of food is clear
indication to opt for an IgG allergy
test. In this case there are clear
symptoms of food intolerance
from a substance that you often
consume in your everyday life.
Phadiatop Allergy Test
• What Is It?
• The Phadiatop test is an allergy
screening test with excellent sensitivity
and specificity for inhalant allergy. It
uses an ImmunoCAP with a balanced
mixture of representative allergens,
including grasses, trees, weeds, cat,
dog, and mites.
Phadiatop Allergy Test
• What Does It Measure?
• The test measures IgE antibodies to a
well-balanced mixture of common
When To Get Tested?
inhalant allergens and helps rule in or
Allergic asthma or rhinitis
out atopic allergy, a tendency to
are major symptoms that
produce IgE mediated response to
indicate the need of this test.
protein(s) in the environment.
This test especially detects
• It also helps to identify patients who lung disease-related allergy.
need specific IgE testing with whole Phadiatop test efficiently
allergens to help identify the symptom- detect sensitization to
provoking allergens and determine common aeroallergen mixes.
appropriate patient.
Procedure And Result Of The Test
• Phadiatop test is a combination of results of SPT or Skin Prick
Test and allergen-specific IgE test.
Treatment of
Anaphylactic Shock
15 sec. delay
• H1 / H2 antagonists
• Corticosteroids
The form of medication depends on the type of