Biosphere Vector Control Bahan Kuliah Onlnine
Biosphere Vector Control Bahan Kuliah Onlnine
Biosphere Vector Control Bahan Kuliah Onlnine
What is vector ?
Living organisms that can transmit infectious diseases between humans
or from animals to humans.
Mosquitoes are the best known disease vector. Others include ticks, flies,
sandflies, fleas, triatomine bugs and some freshwater aquatic snails.
Vector-borne Disease
may be parasitic, bacterial or viral, distinguished by their mode of transmission
• Mosquitos:
• Sandflies: leishmaniasis
• Ticks:Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever, Lyme disease, Relapsing fever (borreliosis),
tick-borne encephalitis
• Triatomine bugs: Chagas diseases (American trypanosomiasis)
• Fleas: Plague, Rickettsiosis
• Black Flies: Onchocerciasis (river blindness)
• Aquatic snails: Schistosomiasis
Vector Borne Disease
Disease Agent Vector
Malaria Plasmodium malariae Anopheles sundaicus
Dengue haemorhagic Virus DHF Aedes aegypti
Filariasis F. bancrofti Culex pipiens, C.
Cholera Vibrio cholerae Musca domestica
Dysentri S. Shigae Musca domestica
Typhus S. typhii Musca domestica
Toxoplasmosis Toxoplasma Ctenocephalides felis
Tape worm (dog Dipylidium caninum Ctenocephalides
disease) canis
• Malaria • Japanese
• Chikungunya
Example :
Open channel management: flushing and cleaning the water
Change the water salinity to kill mosquitos larvae
Change dam water level, etc
Change the surface water tension
Environmental Modification:
• Example: :
Build drainage system
Arrange the ground level
Construct a building
Biological control (using insect predator)
Using a pathogenic bacteria to arthropod
- Bacillus thuringiensis
- Bacillus sphaericus
• Toxorhynchites mosquitos:
• The larvae attack Aedes aegypti larvae in the breeding place holes
• The mature mosquitos did not bite hunab
Other predators
• Poecilia reticulata survive in dirty water and control L. quinquesfasciatus