Lecture 01
Lecture 01
Lecture 01
The purpose of this course is to present detailed fundamental information on a global positioning system (GPS) receiver. Although GPS receivers are popularly used in every-day life, their operation principles cannot be easily found in one book. In a GPS receiver, the signal is processed to obtain the required information, which in turn is used to calculate the user position.
Most other types of receivers process the input signals to obtain the necessary information easily, such as in amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM) radios.
At least two areas of discipline, receiver technology and navigation scheme, are employed in a GPS receiver. This course covers both areas.
In the case of GPS signals, there are two sets of information: the civilian code, referred to as the coarse/acquisition (C/A) code, and the classified military code, referred to as the P(Y) code. This course concentrates only on the C/A code. The material in this course is presented from the software receiver point of view.
It is likely that narrow band receivers, such as the GPS receiver, will be implemented in software in the future. A software receiver approach may explain the operation better.
Aim: To introduce the principles of the operation of the GPS system and its applications There is flexibility in the exact content of the course depending on student interests Generic topics include standalone, millimeter accuracy positioning and kinematic GPS Emphasis is on fundamental principles and limitations
Topics to be Covered
Coordinate and time systems:
When working at the millimeter level globally, how do you define a coordinate system What does latitude, longitude, and height really mean at this accuracy Light propagates 30 cm in 1 nano-second, how is time defined
Satellite motions
How are satellite orbits described and how do the satellites move What forces effect the motions of satellites What do GPS satellite motions look like and what are the main perturbations to the orbits Where do you obtain GPS satellite orbits
GPS observables Satellite motions
GPS signal structure and its uniqueness Code Phase measurements Carrier phase measurements Initial phase ambiguities Effects of GPS security: Selective availability (SA) and antispoofing (AS) Data formats (RINEX)
Estimation Procedure
Simple weighted-least-squares estimation Stochastic descriptions of random variables and parameters Kalman filtering Statistics in estimation procedures Propagation of variance-covariance information
Propagation medium
Neutral atmosphere delay Hydrostatic and water vapor contributions Ionospheric delay (dispersive) Multipath
Mathematic models in GPS positioning
Basic theory of contributions that need be to included for millimeter level global positioning Use of differenced data Combinations of observables for different purpose
Methods of processing GPS data
Available software Available data (International GPS service, IGS; University consortium Cycle slip detection and repair Relationship between satellite based and conventional geodetic systems (revisit since this is an important topic)
Applications and examples from GPS
Tectonic motions and continuous time series Earth rotation variations; measurement and origin Kinematic GPS; aircraft and moving vehicles Atmospheric delay studies
Kayton & Fried, Avionics Navigation Systems, Second Edition, Wiley Interscience. E. D. Kaplan, Understanding GPS: Principles and Applications, Artech House. Global Positioning System: Theory and Applications, 2 Volumes, edited by B. Parkinson, J. Spilker, P. Axelrad, and P. Enge, AIAA, http://www.aiaa.org, 1996
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Introduction GPS: An Overview GPS Coordinate Frames, Time References, and Orbits GPS Measurements and Error Sources PVT Estimation Precise Positioning with Carrier Phase GPS Signals Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Ranging Precision GPS Receivers
Navigation Terminology
Answer to the question Where am I? Implies the use of some agreed upon coordinate system. Coordinates systems will be the subject of future lectures.
Related Terminology
Guidance: Deciding what to do with your navigation information Control: Orienting yourself/vehicle/weapon to follow out the guidance decision
Range: 180 East longitude is + West longitude is -
Normally Upward is +
In a North East Down (NED) coordinate system up is -
Latitude (Paralles) are formed by the intersection of the surface of the earth with a plane parallel to the equatorial plane
Longitude or Meridians are formed by the intersection of the surface of the earth with a plane containing the earths axis. 19
Actual location of Polaris is 89o05 The Sky Above Stanford on Jan 6, 2002
Instruments of Navigation
An Astrolabe
A Sextant
Longitude Determination
Longitude Determination Methods
Methods based on time
Compare the time between a clocks at the current location and some other reference point. Requires Stable Clocks
Celestial Methods
Eclipses of Jupiters Moons Lunar Distance Method
Stability of Clocks
A $20 wrist watch has an oscillator stable enough to meet the accuracy requirements of the longitude prize. The size and cost of the super-stable clocks makes them unsuitable for use in mass produced device.
Fundamentals Radionavigation
Radio Frequency (RF) signals emanating from a source or sources. The generators of the RF signal are at known locations RF signals are used to determine range or bearing to the known location
VHF (VOR, ILS Localizer) and UHF (ILS Glide Slope, TACAN/DME) are line of sight systems.
Limited Coverage area Large coverage area In the case of Omega, coverage was global
Frequency band in which GPS operates makes it a line of sight system. However, because of the location of the satellites, it is able to cover a large geographic area.
* INS is not a radionavigation system but is normally used in conjunction with such systems
Phases of Flight
The required navigation accuracy and reliability (i.e., integrity, continuity and availability) depend on the phase of flight Currently, as well as in the past, this meant that an aircraft had to be equipped with various navigation systems.
Used extensively during approach and landing to provides vertical and lateral guidance Principle of Operation
Lateral guidance provided by a signal called the Localizer (108-112 MHz) Vertical guidance provided by another signal called the Glide Slope (329-335 MHz) 34
Distance along the approach path provided by marker beacons (75 MHz)
Software Approach
This course uses the concept of software radio to present the subject. The software radio idea is to use an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to change the input signal into digital data at the earliest possible stage in the receiver.
The input signal is digitized as close to the antenna as possible.
Once the signal is digitized, digital signal processing will be used to obtain the necessary information. The primary goal of the software radio is minimum hardware use in a radio. Conceptually, one can tune the radio through software or even change the function of the radio such as from amplitude modulation (AM) to frequency modulation (FM) by changing the software.
Software Approach
The main purpose of using the software radio concept to present this subject is to illustrate the idea of signal acquisition and tracking. A software approach should provide a better understanding of the receiver function because some of the calculations can be illustrated with programs. Once the software concept is well understood, the readers should be able to introduce new solutions to problem such as various acquisition and tracking methods to improve efficiency and performance.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Introduction GPS: An Overview GPS Coordinate Frames, Time References, and Orbits GPS Measurements and Error Sources PVT Estimation Precise Positioning with Carrier Phase GPS Signals Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Ranging Precision GPS Receivers
GPS: An Overview
GPS: An Overview
Objectives, Status, and Policies System Architecture Signals Receivers and Measurements Augmentation System and Differential GPS (DGPS) Civil Applications Modernization Plans Summary
The U.S. DoD decreed that the civil users of GPS would be provided with a reasonable accuracy consistent with the national security considerations.
Standard Position Service (SPS) for peaceful civil use Precise Positioning Service (PPS) for the DoD-authorized users
Access to the full capability of the system (i.e., PPS) is restricted by cryptographic techniques
Anti-Spoofing (AS)
SPS signals were degraded throughout the 1990s by introducing controlled errors to reduce their precision
Selective Availability Deactivated by a Presidential Order on 2 May 2000
Applied Physics Laboratorys TRANSIT: Navy Navigation Satellite System
Doppler Shift Broadcast Satellite Ephemeris (Satellite prediction algorithm) Limitation: Velocity Sensitivity, Mutual Interference Provide very precise time and time transfer between various points on the Earth Navigation Information: Side-tone ranging Satellite-ranging signal based on pseudorandom noise (PRN) All satellites could broadcast on the same nominal frequency Anti-jamming capability Slow communication link (50bps) NAVSTAR (Navigation System with Time and Ranging) GPS
Carrier frequency
L-band offering line-of-sight with minimal atmospheric attenuation
Enabling Technology
Stable space platforms in predictable orbits Ultra-stable clocks Spread spectrum modulation/signaling Integrated circuits
Galileo is expected to be EU offering for satellite navigation in 2005 Beidou ( ) experimental satellite navigation system is Chinas developing testbed.
System Architecture
Space Segment Control Segment User Segment
Space Segment
Constellation Number of Satellites Number of Orbital Planes Number of Satellites Per Orbit Orbital Inclination Orbital Radius Period Ground Track Repeat 24 6 4 550 26560km 11h57m57.26s Sidereal Day
Control Segment
User Segment
Signal Structure Anti-Spoofing (AS) and Selective Availability (SA) Signal Power
Currently, each GPS satellite transmits continuously using two frequencies in the L-band referred to as Link 1 (L1) and Link 2 (L2)
L-band covers frequencies between 1GHz and 2 GHz
Subset of the ultra-high frequency (UHF)
Two signals are transmitted on L1, one for civil users, and the other for DoD-authorized users. The lone signal on L2 is intended for the DoDauthorized users only.
Signal Structure
Carrier: RF sinusoidal signal with frequency fL1 or fL2. Ranging Code: a unique sequence of 0s and 1s assigned to each satellite which allows the receiver to determine the signal transit time instantaneously.
PRN (Pseudo-random noise) codes allow all satellites to transmit at the same frequency without interfering with each other Each satellite transmit two different codes
Coarse/Acquisition (C/A) code Precision (Encrypted) [P(Y)] code
Signal Structure
Navigation Data: a binary-coded message consisting of data on the satellite health status, ephemeris (satellite position and velocity), clock bias parameters, and an almanac giving reduced-precision ephemeris data on all satellite in the constellation
data rate: 50 bits per second (bps) bit duration: 20 ms 12.5 minutes for the entire message to be received
Signal Structure
The three components of a signal are derived coherently from one of the atomic standard aboard the satellite.
10.23 MHz fL1 = 1575.42 MHz = 27710.23 MHz fL2 = 1575.42 MHz = 26010.23 MHz
The specific form of modulation used is called binary phase shift keying (BPSK)
Signal Structure
Signal Structure
s ( k ) (t ) ! 2 x ( k ) (t ) D ( k ) (t ) sin( 2Tf L1t U L1 ) 2 C
Y ,L 2
y ( k ) (t ) D ( k ) (t ) cos(2Tf L1t U L1 ) Y , L1
(k )
(t ) D
(k )
(t ) cos(2Tf L 2t U L 2 )
where PC is the signal power of C/A-code, PY,L1, and PY,L2 are the signal powers of P(Y)-code on L1 and L2, respectively; x(k)(t) = 1 and y(k)(t) = 1 represent the C/Acode and P(Y)-code sequences, respectively, assigned to satellite number k; D(k)(t) = 1 denotes the navigation data bit stream; fL1 and fL2 are the carrier frequencies corresponding to L1 and L2, respectively; UL1 and UL2 are the initial phase offsets. Note: In order to express the BPSK signals as (1), we have switched the binary values of the codes and navigation data to 1. From our old notation, a bit 0 maps into 1; and a bit 1 map into -1.
P(Y)-Code Encrypted U.S.military use P(Y)-Code Encrypted U.S.military use C/A-Code Degraded Civil use
GPS signals. Currently, each GPS satellite transmits three signals, two on L1 and one on L2 frequency. The BPSK-modulated signals are shown. The signal carrying C/A-code on L1 was degraded purposely throughout the 1990s, but this practice has now ended. Access to P(Y)-code is limited to the DoD-authorized users via encryption.
Spread Spectrum
The modulation of a carrier by a binary code spreads the signal energy, initially concentrated at a single frequency, over a wide frequency band: over 2 MHz for the C/A-code and about 20 MHz for the P(Y)-code, centered at the carrier frequency. While the signal power is unchanged, this step reduces the power spectral density below that for the background RF radiation Such signals, referred to as spread spectrum signals, have many properties which make them attractive for use in communication and navigation.
Spread Spectrum
Power Spectra
x (k ) (i) x (l ) (i n) } 0,
The left hand side of (2) defines the cross-correlation function of the two sequences for shift n. A PRN sequence is nearly uncorrelated with itself, except for zero shift. For a C/A-code
1022 i !0
x ( k ) (i) x (k ) (i n) } 0,
for all n u 1.
The left hand side of (3) defines the auto-correlation function of a sequence for shift n. The auto-correlation function of a PRN is nearly zero except for zero shift where it has a sharp peak.
SPS limits civil users to the C/A-coded signal on L1 but dualfrequency measurements are essential for precise positioning.
Receiver manufacturers have devised proprietary techniques to gain access to measurements on both L1 and L2. The same P(Y)-code is being transmitted by a satellite on both frequencies. The L2 measurements are more fragile and noisier than they would be if the codes were known.
Signal Power
The GPS signals received on the earth are extremely weak.
RF power at the antenna input port of a satellite is about 50 watts Half is allocated to the C/A-code
In order to deal simply with a wide range of power levels, electrical engineers express power ratios on a logarithmic scale in units of decibel (dB), defined as
P1 P 0
P ! 10 log10 1 P dB 0
Absolute values of power can be expressed similarly in relation to 1 watt or 1 milliwatt in units of dBW or dBm, respectively. Consider a signal with power (P1) of 0.1 watt. This power level can also be represented as -10dBW or 20dBm. A second signal, with a power (P2) of 100 watt is 30dB more powerful than the first signal. A third signal, with 200-watt power (P3), is 3dB stronger than the second signal. We can capture these relationships as follows.
P1 ! 10dBW ,
P2 P ! 30dB, 2 ! 3dB P1 P3
Signal Power
P L1 L2 -133 dBm -136 dBm C/A -130 dBm -136 dBm*
Comparable Power
Tracking -130dBm is roughly equivalent to listening to a 500 mW baby monitor a thousand miles away.
0.5 W 1,000 miles
27 W 16,000 miles
This is the digital data that results from the GPS analog front end ASIC. Important parameters: sampling frequency=5.0425MHz, IF=1.25MHz
This is the frequency domain representation of the digital data that results from the GPS analog front end ASIC. Important parameters: sampling frequency=5.0425MHz, IF=1.25MHz 77
x1 xu
y1 yu
z1 zu
2 2 2 2
x2 xu y2 yu z2 zu x3 xu y3 yu z3 zu
Nonlinear Equations: Difficult to Solve Relatively Easily Solved with Linearization and Iterative Approach
Measurement of Pseudorange
Every satellite sends a signal at a certain time tsi. The receiver will receive the signal at a later time tu. ViT= c(tu tsi) ---- true value of pseudorange or geometric range From a practical point of view it is difficult to obtain the correct time from the satellite or the user. The actual satellite clock time and actual user clock time are related to the true time as
' t si ! t si (bi ' tu ! tu but
x1 xu
y1 yu
z1 zu
2 2 2 2
x2 xu
y2 yu
z 2 zu
x3 xu
y3 yu
z3 zu
2 2
bu bu bu
x4 xu y4 yu z 4 zu
Complete Receivers
Handheld receivers for hikers, backpackers and sailors. $100 - $300 Small in size with lat-lon displays or simple maps In-car navigation systems. Detailed street maps and turn-by-turn directions Marine navigation. Fixed mount large screens with electronic charts Aviation. FAA certified, panel mounted, with maps Survey and mapping. Often tripod mounted, exclusively Differential GPS, one meter to centimeter accuracy $400 - $2000 $400 - $3000
$3000 - $15,000
$3500 - $30,000
Plug-in modules. Integrated receiver and antenna, used for tracking and monitoring OEM boards. Receiver circuitry for customer integration $100 - $300
$60 - $100
Chip sets
$10 - $30
Differential GPS
Civil Applications
High-precision (millimeter-to-centimeter level) positioning Specialized applications such as aviation and space navigation Land transportation and maritime uses Consumer products
Modernization Plans
L5 1176.45 MHz
Civil signal (starting 2005)
L1 1575.42 MHz
L2 1227.6 MHz
P(Y)-Code Encrypted M-code (starting 2003) C/A-Code (starting 2003) P(Y)-Code Encrypted M-code (starting 2003)
Basic Description
Space-based radionavigation system broadcasting synchronized timing signals to provide estimates of position, velocity, and time based on passive, one-way ranging to satellites.
1973: Architecture approved 1978: First satellite launched 1995: System declared operational 2000: Purposeful degradation of the civil signal stopped
Satellite Constellation
Twenty-four satellites in six orbital planes inclined at 55o; near-circular orbits with radius 26,560 km; orbital period: 11h 58m; ground track repeats each sidereal day
Reference Standards
Coordinate frame: WGS 84 Time: UTC (USNO)
Carrier Frequency (Wavelength)
L1: 1575.42 MHz (0.19029 m) L2: 1227.60 MHz (0.24421 m)
PRN Codes
C/A-code on L1 P(Y)-code on L1 and L2
Performance Achievable
Real time: Typically, absolute positioning error of several meters with a single receiver, decimeters in differential mode Batch processing: millimeter-level relative positioning